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Taylor vs Rihanna which life would you have?

Trent W

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i'm not sure, taylor's life seems way more fulfilling artistically and that's something i'd want but it's a nightmare in all other aspects and idk if that'd be worth it in the end. rihanna is basically just a retired billionaire, it can't get better than that.

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It seems super stressful being Taylor. Having to worry about other artists success juxtaposed to yours constantly while in your mid-30sand deeply insecure, despite all the success and fame, doesn't sound pleasant. Having kids with the kind of resources Rih has doesn't sound so bad but still those levels of scrutiny and fame sound horrible, but I'd rather take that than Taylor's life. That whiny inner voice I bet she has alone, no ma'am 



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Taylor right now because I don't want to have kids AT ALL.

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taylor because it looks like a lot less work :relax:

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I hate working. I would like to be wealthy, retired, do nothing, and travel the world in luxury. I'll divorce her man and give him sole custody of the children. I don't want them near me.

Taylor works too hard for my liking. I can't imagine performing 3.5 hour shows multiple nights a week for 2 years straight... 

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Cause I have people to write songs for me, sing demos for me and Work hard to sell the makeup products for me 


All I have to do is show up sexy when im going outside and have sex with my the HOT husband to pump out the babies 

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Being a billionaire actually sound horrible.


Like realistically it's an over surplus of wealth and borderline greed. A couple hundred million is beyond enough to live extravagantly and set up generational wealth. But like imagine having everything you want multiple that by 10 and you still have an over abundance of money. Like you could finance a literal country and several companies and still be set for live. :deadbanana: I know it might sound crazy, but at that point I would feel obligated to invest in society or humanity in some way. Cuz just having a Billion seems ridiculous. I don't think the average person realizes just how much money that is for one individual. Yeah I know these artist don't actually have that much cash, it's credit based and property, and liquid assets. But still you get my point. 

As for the question idk if I would want to be either. Fans are annoying as hell and the general public would have so much expectations from you. I don't even like people so I'd be a horrible celebrity 

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Rihanna. Unlimited money without having to work. 


Taylor's life seems stressful. Always calculating my next steps and constantly trying to find ways to scam my fans sounds exhausting.

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Rihanna. Being a workaholic terrifies me tbh.

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Rihanna's work/life balance >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Taylor is pushing 40 and she's STILL the same person she was at 20 years old with all the insecurities and obsession with the limelight, that type of mentality is beyond poisonous.

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she's rich gorgeous white woman who also happens to be the current biggest artist in the world 


imagine the privileges 

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I choose Rihanna , her life is beautiful.

Taylor has dated too many guys and will never find a true love.



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Taylor obviously works super hard but I think people are severely underestimating how fun it would be to be the biggest musical phenomenon since The Beatles. 

It's probably the reason she's able to work so hard. Performing the Eras Tour to 90,000 sobbing people night after night who know every lyric you've ever written, have traveled thousands of miles, spent thousands of dollars, and who literally sob with devotion? Sign me up for that, please lol


Not to mention that she'll finish her career as the most successful act in Billboard history. She has the acclaim, the success, the beauty, the power. 

I do think the kids thing would be a trade off. If I had Taylor's life I'd feel guilty having children because of the level of fame. 


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10 minutes ago, DevilsRollTheDice said:

Taylor obviously works super hard but I think people are severely underestimating how fun it would be to be the biggest musical phenomenon since The Beatles. 

It's probably the reason she's able to work so hard. Performing the Eras Tour to 90,000 sobbing people night after night who know every lyric you've ever written, have traveled thousands of miles, spent thousands of dollars, and who literally sob with devotion? Sign me up for that, please lol

Literally sounds nightmarish and I'm not even saying that as a "drag". To have created an army of parasocial fans whose entire lives literally revolve around you and think they're your actual best friend? I would be terrified.


Much prefer the Madonna approach of telling her fans to **** off and create their own accomplishments. Much healthier.

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Rihanna lol. Being rich without any special talent or hard work, just a pretty face. That's the goal. 

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I'm a Rihanna stan so Taylor tbh

Some of you don't know how hard is grow up in a very poor third world country. 

Taylor just walked into her daddy's room and said I want to be a singer. 

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1 hour ago, Badgalbriel said:

Rihanna lol. Being rich without any special talent or hard work, just a pretty face. That's the goal. 

If you think Rihanna didn't work hard to get to the level of success she is and wasn't working 24/7 for years, you have no idea what it takes to sustain a career at that level. She was completely burned out when she was at her peak to the point of crying from exhaustion. Also, if you think the multiple business ventures she has run themselves without any guidance from her even though they bear her name, you have no idea how these operations run.


How about not degrading another hardworking Black artist and entepreneur. How about that challenge.

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26 minutes ago, Jay07 said:

If you think Rihanna didn't work hard to get to the level of success she is and wasn't working 24/7 for years, you have no idea what it takes to sustain a career at that level. She was completely burned out when she was at her peak to the point of crying from exhaustion. Also, if you think the multiple business ventures she has run themselves without any guidance from her even though they bear her name, you have no idea how these operations run.


How about not degrading another hardworking Black artist and entepreneur. How about that challenge.

I don't get it, your entire existence here is degrading Taylor. Why would Rihanna not be allowed to be degraded as well? 

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if i ever had to perform something on the same magnitude as the eras tour then go back to writing albums and re-recordings in my free time i'd genuinely commit.


not to mention rihanna gets far less hate and ridicule by the general public which is a + the only downside is having kids 

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35 minutes ago, Badgalbriel said:

I don't get it, your entire existence here is degrading Taylor. Why would Rihanna not be allowed to be degraded as well? 

What are you saying? Rihanna, unlike Taylor, never had her daddy buying stock in her label to ensure all the resources went to her. In fact, for years she funded her own music videos, tours, etc while Taylor got pretty much everything handed to her. You can't "degrade" Rihanna in that way, certainly not while stanning Taylor at least, Badgalbriel



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2 hours ago, Badgalbriel said:

Rihanna lol. Being rich without any special talent or hard work, just a pretty face. That's the goal. 

You're so bitter 😭

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