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Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread


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Just now, State of Grace. said:

Sure, she was a victim and the experience was undoubtedly traumatizing. It goes without saying.


However, I am allowed to not feel any sympathy for this evil girl who is weaponizing her trauma to say ****** up **** like "children are evil" and "there are no innocent civilians in Gaza".


Israel strips their people of their civilian status by making the IDF service mandatory for all. I didn't make that up.

The children of Gaza/Palestine are undoubtedly victims in this situation, too. I would never argue against that.


I don’t agree with her saying children are evil and there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, but this is one of the same women Hamas sympathizers online paraded around upon release as “proof” of being treated nicely and humanely. When the reality was, she was kidnapped by a Hamas militant and held hostage by his family, operated on without anesthesia after being shot at, and mentally/emotionally abused. Maybe if she wasn’t used as a misinformation propaganda piece by people supporting the ones who did this to her, she wouldn’t have to make egregious statements like this to get her point across.


Either way, things will be done to paint her as the aggressor in this situation by Hamas sympathizers.

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10 minutes ago, N.M.K. said:

So for the millions of Jews in Israel who have no where else to go and have compulsory military service – the options are what exactly? Sorry you deserve to die now? Jesus Christ...

then they should revolt against their own government (like they excellently did last year for other reasons) for forcing them to serve in dangerous illegally occupied Palestinian territories that they have no right to occupy. They proved they can mobilize huge protests when they want to. Let’s hope in the future they will do that to end the unjust violent occupation. 

Edited by Jjang
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With those busted ass lips she should be out denouncing who ever gave her those injections and calling them true evil. 

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21 minutes ago, futurenostalgic said:

lol zivert on a 10 minute break from sucking off nazis in ukraine 



The percentage of people supporting Nazis in Ukraine is negligible. 

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16 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The way NONE of your ”exposes” are true, and NONE of those words ever from my account.  :ahh: 


But what IS true is that when you’re not writing essays in support of authoritarian/theocratic regimes on ATRL, you’re doing so on other pop forums under different usernames. So either you are being paid to disseminate propaganda on clueless Western gays, or just chronically online and VERY unemployed. It’s giving VERY weird behavior :skull: 

What expose? You yourself have posted you're posting from America (or have since moved to - what was it - Germany?). You are living in a privileged Western country. You mean you can use the term Westplaining but dont like when it can also apply to you? :smiley: Which is important to note to understand why it is insidious for you to argue Palestinian children are evil. You're asking people to consider this woman's "trauma response" yet are arguing and defending the notion from some place safe where a bomb won't ever fall on *your* head that a child who didn't want to share their candy isn't just a child doing things all children do but can be PATHOLOGIZED as WICKED. :redface:


It's even worse that this racial pathology is being done not just to encourage anti-Palestinian racism but to justify ongoing genocide and a carpet bombing campaign. 


Am I meant to be upset that you're condemning me for...being consistent in my view that Israel is committing genocide, whether I express such on here or on PopJustice (?? Sis, both my accounts are linked?!) while you're consistently APOLOGETIC for Israel's genocide?


Sis, you know who is actually jobless? The innocent child who the woman you're defending wants to be bombed? :redface:

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Chronically online Westerners with an activist complex buying into whatever propaganda they see so they can finger wag to their online followers, color me shocked.

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1 hour ago, dumbsparce said:

The fact that it's become completely acceptable that innocent civilians are being held hostage that now the only concern is whether they got raped or not is some next level stupidity. And yes, that child is evil for toying with her like that.

It’s a ******* child, he probably thinks it’s evil seeing his friends and family bombed every day

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1 minute ago, Redstreak said:

It’s a ******* child, he probably thinks it’s evil seeing his friends and family bombed every day

Both can be true. Evil brings evil. Why is that hard to come around to?

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And by the way, just rewatched the video. She never even said “emotional rape.”  That is literally a made up translation via Twitter. Embarrassing @Delirious

Edited by N.M.K.
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NATO Liberals when Ukrainians end up resenting Russians due to Russia's crimes and vocalizing violent thoughts against Russian citizens: "Stop Westplaining! Russia is a colonizer! These people rightfully resent their oppressors!!!! Sorry you've never known what a war is like! War ain't pretty!"


NATO Liberals when a child acts like a child and doesn't want to share their candy with a stranger because they're a child and nothing to do with the ongoing genocide of his people by Israel: "HOW DARE HE? THIS IS WHY THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE BRUTALIZED. THEY ARE ROTTEN FROM THE WOMB. HE CAN EAT HIS CANDY IN THE SINAI!!"


It's beyond parody at this point. 

Edited by Communion
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Just now, Communion said:

What expose? You yourself have posted you're posting from America (or have since moved to - what was it - Germany?). You are living in a privileged Western country. You mean you can use the term Westplaining but dont like when it can also apply to you? :smiley: Which is important to note to understand why it is insidious for you to argue Palestinian children are evil. You're asking people to consider this woman's "trauma response" yet are arguing and defending the notion from some place safe where a bomb won't ever fall on *your* head that a child who didn't want to share their candy isn't just a child doing things all children do but can be PATHOLOGIZED as WICKED. :redface:


It's even worse that this racial pathology is being done not just to encourage anti-Palestinian racism but to justify ongoing genocide and a carpet bombing campaign. 


Am I meant to be upset that you're condemning me for...being consistent in my view that Israel is committing genocide, whether I express such on here or on PopJustice (?? Sis, both my accounts are linked?!) while you're consistently APOLOGETIC for Israel's genocide?


Sis, you know who is actually jobless? The innocent child who the woman you're defending wants to be bombed? :redface:

Yes, I was privileged enough to leave Ukraine for America in 2022 as it was being bombed by the same regimes you apologize for up and down the internet. You, a self-professed American communist living in New Jersey, descendant of Hungarians that escaped authoritarianism and communism, want to lecture to me about Westplaining and being out of touch.

You are known on this forum for concocting narratives about internet strangers in your head, and acting them out publicly as if the rest of us live in the same plane of reality as you. Who knows about your reputation on all the other forums you try to tone police and spread misinformation on, but this post here is perfect evidence of what a delusional lunatic you are. You run out of talking points for the topic at hand, and revert to try and shame users into silence. Trying to “expose” me when you don’t even have all of the facts (despite the deep dive you’ve done on my post history in between pop forum theses) shows how desperate you are for validation and attention.


When I write my autobiography, I’ll be sure to send you an advanced copy so you can take better notes :wink:

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There’s no innocent civilians in Palestine because a child didn’t give her candy. Colonial psychopath logic as usual 

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**** this lady, **** Israel and **** any one on this website who sympathises and/or supports them. You all make me sick. 

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8 minutes ago, Communion said:

NATO Liberals when Ukrainians end up resenting Russians due to Russia's crimes and vocalizing violent thoughts against Russian citizens: "Stop Westplaining! Russia is a colonizer! These people rightfully resent their oppressors!!!! Sorry you've never known what a war is like! War ain't pretty!"


NATO Liberals when a child acts like a child and doesn't want to share their candy with a stranger because they're a child and nothing to do with the ongoing genocide of his people by Israel: "HOW DARE HE? THIS IS WHY THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE BRUTALIZED. THEY ARE ROTTEN FROM THE WOMB. HE CAN EAT HIS CANDY IN THE SINAI!!"


It's beyond parody at this point. 

Yes this is merely just a child not wanting to share his candy. The mental gymnastics to justify the unjustifiable is just sad. It’s okay to recognize that holding a young woman hostage is not OK without sacrificing your stance on bringing justice and dignity to Palestinians. 

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14 minutes ago, dumbsparce said:

Both can be true. Evil brings evil. Why is that hard to come around to?

Because you’re taking about a child, who has probably known nothing but Israeli violence since his birth, not giving away some candy

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34 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The children of Gaza/Palestine are undoubtedly victims in this situation, too. I would never argue against that.


I don’t agree with her saying children are evil and there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, but this is one of the same women Hamas sympathizers online paraded around upon release as “proof” of being treated nicely and humanely. When the reality was, she was kidnapped by a Hamas militant and held hostage by his family, operated on without anesthesia after being shot at, and mentally/emotionally abused. Maybe if she wasn’t used as a misinformation propaganda piece by people supporting the ones who did this to her, she wouldn’t have to make egregious statements like this to get her point across.


Either way, things will be done to paint her as the aggressor in this situation by Hamas sympathizers.

Okay and for every 1 Israeli who has to go through this there are about 100 Palestinians who have dealt with much worse. Why is her life/experience more important or valid than that of a Palestinian? Is it because she’s an ‘innocent white lady’ and the other victims are brown?

Edited by CroNich
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2 minutes ago, N.M.K. said:

Yes this is merely just a child not wanting to share his candy. 

Literally, unironically, yes. And the average person thinks you're insinuations otherwise are insane. You're literally that far gone if this is where you find yourself as an Israeli. 

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Just now, CroNich said:

Okay and for every 1 Israeli who has to go through this there are about 100 Palestinians who have dealt with much worse. Why is her life/experience more important or valid than that of a Palestinian? Is it because she’s an ‘innocent white lady’

Did I say anywhere in my post that her life/experience was more important or valid than that of a Palestinian? Nowhere in my post did I say she had it any better or worse than the average Palestinian in Gaza, don’t project your own thoughts and feelings onto me.

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13 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

Yes, I was privileged enough to leave Ukraine for America in 2022 as it was being bombed

Which is why most users find it unhinged that you're siding with Israel now bombing Palestine. What's not clicking?? :redface:

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8 minutes ago, CroNich said:

**** this lady, **** Israel and **** any one on this website who sympathises and/or supports them. You all make me sick. 

Sad that your blind hatred has justified saying “****” someone holding empathy to a literal hostage. I pray you or your family is never put in a comprable situation. Taking for the sake of argument that Israel merely are colonizers on Palestinian land (ignoring Arab colonization of the area and Jewish ties to the land for millennia) and a Native American tribe took 1400 American civilian hostages including your friends family and neighbors. This would be your reaction?

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1 minute ago, Communion said:

Which is why most users find it unhinged that you're siding with Israel now bombing Palestine. What's not clicking?? :redface:

Why don’t you Westplain the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Palestine conflict to me some more? Maybe then I’ll get it :cm:

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Just now, ZIVERT said:

Why don’t you Westplain the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Palestine conflict to me some more? Maybe then I’ll get it :cm:

I don't have to when you're Westsplaining to Palestinian users why Mia Schem is justified in saying "no child is innocent" when her country is currently doing this to their country:




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This lady deadass said there are no innocent Gazans? Because a child didn’t give her candy :rip: Wonder what she has to say about what the IDF has been doing to the people of Gaza for years 

Edited by Bhabylon
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9 minutes ago, N.M.K. said:

Yes this is merely just a child not wanting to share his candy. The mental gymnastics to justify the unjustifiable is just sad. It’s okay to recognize that holding a young woman hostage is not OK without sacrificing your stance on bringing justice and dignity to Palestinians. 

18 year olds in Gaza today have lived their entire lives criminally confined in an illegal siege imposed on them by Israel. Their hate towards Israel is their trauma response. It’s absolutely sinister that you’d expect them to love Israelis. 

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So no rape happened!

He raped her through his eyes?!?! Wtf is that? So he looked at her from distance and she felt that was rape?!?! What's next? "He raped me in his mind" will be next? 


And who the stupid and ignorant one thinking a child not giving you candy makes them evil? Wtf is this??


I've seen it all from these idiot Israelis and their supporters.

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