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Jayden Federline defends Jamie & Kevin in interview; Britney issues response


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You know what I am not going to defend Jayden like the rest of y'all. 15 is old enough to know what is right and what is wrong.


If he is cut off from Britney's assets he is going to become a leech and live off all tell interviews like his father. Preston is the one who I have a little more faith in

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did this kiddo just defend someone who put his hands on him/his brother and isn't legally allowed anywhere near them over his own mother who's been feeding his entire bloodline, or am i just nightmaring

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Well if a 15 year old says it then it must be legit.



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1 minute ago, TasteOfYourLips said:

You know what I am not going to defend Jayden like the rest of y'all. 15 is old enough to know what is right and what is wrong.


15 is a child. This isn't 1605.

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Spoiled brat. He is so brainwashed

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along with brother & father, he should find a real job


42 minutes ago, XoutrageousX said:




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Listen, I get that there's OBHs shading Britney at any cost but HIDING BEHIND a 15 year old and pretending a teenager has the logic to understand what is going on instead of clocking the obvious patriarchal mental manipulation in place. 


A new low.


This kid is saying what he was paid to say. I wonder who's money is funding his allowance boost but that doesn't mean people have to hide behind JAYDEN FEDERLINE all to shade Britney.


The bar just can't be in Hell. It just can't be:lakitu:

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Hopefully one day when he has a fully devolved brain and is away from Kevin and the rest of the family he will see what his mom has actually gone through. So sad…. Britney did everything for them. 

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2 minutes ago, Joyride said:

no words.


they've lived their whole lives in this narrative, kids can be evil. we all know that.

oh **** i just realized this. they have actually never witnessed a free and confident mother in their lives up until now. this "interview" makes sense now

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42 minutes ago, TheBoss said:

"She should've taken a break." :deadbanana4: Let me keep it cute just because he's a child

I 1000% believe they KNOW the GP is not dumb enough to believe this is from Jayden's 15 year old heart.


They added obvious quotes to make it clear he was coached to say these things.


I think they are high key trolling to hurt her.

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Jamie always scared Britney with her kids. You want to see your kids? You have to be in the conservatorship. She’s now out of the conservatorship and her kids have been taken away from her. So sad. Britney loves her sons and she did everything for them, and in the end this is how they repay her? 

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Sam give the queen a baby because I know seeing her kids resort to the tabloids that attacked her for years is probably crushing her right now.

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Christ. Two more vampires worried their cash cow is fleeting. Disown these brats. 

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you people are brainwashed.  britney could go out and murder and you would defend her. these are her innocent children. they have a voice that deserves to be heard. imagine how embarrassing this is for them. calling her kids names and wishing bad upon them?! crazy! britney spears is NOT perfect! neither is her family, but she is mentally ill, it’s very obvious and if anyone denies it they’re being delusional. 

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Literally a child who’s lived nearly his entire life under the abusive construct of the conservatorship and who lives with a father whose primary (only?) source of income is the significant amount of money he receives from Britney, and who we already know from recent posts coached this child and his brother to disrespect their mother and then record her reactions. I’m certainly not going to say anything rude about a child, but this doesn’t strike me as a reliable or valuable opinion - except maybe to the adults in his life who allowed (and perhaps encouraged) him to share any perspective that would continue to hurt his mother. His comments read exactly like a child’s analysis of a situation about which they are frustrated but not fully and accurately informed.

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Well, the sons got to see how their father can just do nothing and get all those money by just being a leech, bet it would be attractive for them too. 


I really hope Sam could give Britney a daughter, and see how lovable she'd be once she grows up without all her toxic families around her. 

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7 minutes ago, hahayo said:

you people are brainwashed.  britney could go out and murder and you would defend her. these are her innocent children. they have a voice that deserves to be heard. sungai be how embarrassing this is for them. britney spears is NOT perfect! neither is her family, but she is mentally ill, it’s very obvious and if anyone denies it they’re being delusional. 

It's scary how people are attacking her sons. These are the same people that say she's a present mother, yet when these kids talk about their living experiences with her they claim she was kept away from her kids and that's why they're saying this. Pick a defense.


As for these kids, it's very obvious that they're being manipulated to some degree by their father/grandfather. At the same time I'm sure having Britney Spears as your mom as a teenager would be difficult given how erratic and bizarre she can be. Give these kids a break. They're KIDS. One day they'll figure out that there's two sides and the side they're on with their father (their main provider/caretaker) is biased, and will be able to see their mom's side of things once their older and meet those two truths in the middle to make their own judgements on the situation. But for right now it's absolutely ridiculous to expect 15 year olds to critically think about all of this. As a child of divorce, I wasn't able to see both sides of my parents disputes until I was 20 and only then was I able to see both sides. Sometimes it can take even longer. Anybody attacking these kids are unwell and need to keep their parasocial relationship with a popstar they DO NOT KNOW to the side.


If anybody should be ashamed of themselves and deserves backlash it's their father. What kind of parent puts their children in the middle of a dispute like this publicly. Shameless and borderline abusive. 

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I’m not about to judge a child, let alone believe they’re actually his words from anything related to this family or that tabloid, but if these are actually his sentiments, wow. Their evil really knows no limit. They did not teach this boy an ounce of respect for his mother, empathy, or compassion for mental health. 

Simply the fact they green-lit this conversation is disturbing enough. 

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It's really sad to see Jayden defending Jamie now especially considering he was dragging him on instagram just a few years ago and it was Kevin who filed the restraining order to keep the kids away from him. Disgusting that they're so quick to turn against Britney to make a quick buck.

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It's going to be really hard for Britney to recover from all the trauma she has. It keeps adding up. It must be horrible. Like will it ever stop?

I hope she can find happiness somehow.

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2 minutes ago, Legacy said:

It's going to be really hard for Britney to recover from all the trauma she has. It keeps adding up. It must be horrible. Like will it ever stop?

I hope she can find happiness somehow.

I honestly hope she drops her book, wraps up these court matters & just checks out of online spaces & the industry, and just enjoys her newly realised life with her husband and a baby, the way she never got a chance to. This is way too much for a mothers soul to bare. They really know how to tactically break this woman’s spirit. Don’t give them the power or response any longer Brit. 

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