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Jayden Federline defends Jamie & Kevin in interview; Britney issues response


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Y'all need to leave these kids alone. If Jamie Spears could do what he did to Britney, what makes you think he couldn't manipulate and brainwash her underage children? They are teenagers.

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What is this mess of interviewing him? Who allowed this? I really despise when a parent uses their kid as a weapon against the other one, which is obviously happening here. That family is broken and I can only hope for Britney her sons will distance themselves from their father soon.

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2 minutes ago, ShouldersSideways said:

Y'all need to leave these kids alone. If Jamie Spears could do what he did to Britney, what makes you think he couldn't manipulate and brainwash her underage children? They are teenagers.

Exactly, this is all sad. 

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This whole ordeal is disgusting. How it's about "caring for Britney" and "wanting what's best for her", but Kevin posted private videos with the clear intent to break and hurt her.



This is what happens when an entire family, or two when we think of the Spears and Federlines are reliant exclusively on the money and work of a single member. 


The interviewer keeps talking about K-fad and his wife being great role models, aren't they both unemployed living off Britney's paycheck? What kind of good role models are that? 

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They'll come running back to mom once the child support stops coming in and they realize dad squandered the money. :mandown:

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Jamie and Kevin probably are in some type of partnership now that they can’t het coin from her.


Those kids are being used to paint her in a bad light.


Sadly this poor woman will have a very complicated relationship with them now.


I hope she can have more children with Sam and get away for ever from the rest of her former family.

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For some reason they lack to understand that a family member could be completely different behind closed doors. The grandparents and uncle they know may be sweet to them, but they weren't to Britney. I'm sure Jamie always made sure the boys weren't around when ordering their mother around like a dog. 


Britney LOVED her family, she gave them money, homes, and kept their lives afloat. Early in her career she would have done absolutely anything for them. They took that love and loyalty, turned on her, shunned her, and locked her away. How exactly is she supposed to act towards them? "She should come to the realization of whatever it is that stops her loving her family" is such a disgustingly ignorant statement.  Like locking her away in a mental health facility because she said no to a DANCE move? Or perhaps telling her she could no longer get married, have kids, or drive her own car for the rest of her life? Maybe forcing her on medication against her will and then making her work for years only to take all the money she earned? 


Until they grow up a bit, actually put themselves in her shoes for a minute, and take time to listen to what she's been saying for years...then I don't care to hear their opinion on the situation. 


Does Britney need years of healing and therapy? Absolutely. But at the same time the boys can mature and learn some f*cking perspective. 

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I’m not surprised by the interview and I feel sad that Britney’s family as well as her ex-husband has managed to turn her children against her as well. Britney’s whole life basically showed people that you can never trust your family to look out for you.

Your parents can be selfish individuals and not have your best interests at heart. If you have a parent that has hurt you or cut themselves out of your life, please cut them off and not let them have a chance to hurt you again. You do not have to forgive anyone, not even your parents, if they have wronged you.


Also girls, please choose your boyfriends and partners carefully. If you see red flags, please dump them with quickness. You can never save or change another person. If a person needs changing, they are honestly not worth the effort and you can find someone better. If you like some who is toxic but you find really hot, look at Kevin Federline and realise that looks do not last.

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16 minutes ago, The Slayer said:


MTE. Like…how contradictory is this. The kids are clearly being brainwashed/fed lines.

21 minutes ago, XoutrageousX said:



YOU DID NOT! :dies: 

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13 minutes ago, ShouldersSideways said:

Y'all need to leave these kids alone. If Jamie Spears could do what he did to Britney, what makes you think he couldn't manipulate and brainwash her underage children? They are teenagers.

He is old enough to know better. Absolutely disgusting but what can you expect when your dad is Kevin Federline. 

As for Britney, I still think she is a mess. It’s hard to defend some of her actions BUT to disown your mother instead of trying to work on things. TRASH, every one of them. 


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The nerve of him accusing her of wanting attention when he has said he would tell her mother's story in exchange of followers.



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Everything surrounding this story is so ****ed :deadbanana4:


These people will stop at nothing to control Britney, it's incredibly sad. K-Fed and Jaime need to take a one way flight to the barren lands of the Sahara Desert and live like camels. Twisted people, manipulating your ex-wife and daughter's sons to turn on her like this. 

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He said on Insta live that Jamie is a "d*ck" and is "gay" and now suddenly he loves him with all his heart? :lmao:

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Truly Kevin Federline's son.


Anyway, I would have had a few choice words for my parents too as a teenager that I would never say now and would have regretted -so I think airing this interview is yuck and low. That being said, he's allowed to say what he wants, but I fear he's only ever known his mum to have been controlled and with his grandfather in charge, so he's really only ever known one side of the story.

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6 minutes ago, Proseductice said:

For some reason they lack to understand that a family member could be completely different behind closed doors. The grandparents and uncle they know may be sweet to them, but they weren't to Britney. I'm sure Jamie always made sure the boys weren't around when ordering their mother around like a dog. 


Kevin and his sons had a restraining order against Jamie put in place 3 years ago because he allegedly broke a door down and shook one of the kids


They know damn well who he is

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30 minutes ago, Communion said:

Why is a British tabloid interviewing a literal 15-year-old? :deadbanana4: 

And are we meant to believe a 15-year-old articulated these defenses of a conservatorship? :skull:

This. He's literally a kid and has a very limited understanding of the situation. How shameful of The Sun.


Maybe if she had custody the kids wouldn't be talking to some shitrag gossip magazine. Kevin clearly allowed this.

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They've obviously been brainwashed by their father who most likely orchestrated this interview in another attempt to drum up support for him since the Britney child support is about to Xpire and he needs some goodwill from the public for whatever Oprah interview or self help book or whatever he plans to do next to put food on his table.


If Britney has a baby with Sam, these kids' financial futures are in TROUBLE. Especially if she gets a daughter like she always wanted. Cutting off your kids is harsh but others have done it for much less.

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Imagine using a 15 year old to support your deluded narrative :rip: K-Fed is scum for allowing this, but we are not surprised! Gotta get as much money as he can before the child support stops! :sadviolin:

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Conflicting feelings. On the one hand, Team Con is disgusting for involving the children and the children are clearly being used and manipulated by Team Con.


On the other hand:





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5 minutes ago, Shelter said:

He is old enough to know better. Absolutely disgusting but what can you expect when your dad is Kevin Federline. 

As for Britney, I still think she is a mess. It’s hard to defend some of her actions BUT to disown your mother instead of trying to work on things. TRASH, every one of them. 


No, he literally isn't. As a kid your brain is literally not developed enough to be able to fully comprehend a situation like this from all angles. You don't understand the complexities of life.


I thought my mom was crazy at that age until I realized all the **** my "cool dad" put her through. He has a very one sided perspective.

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33 minutes ago, Communion said:

Why is a British tabloid interviewing a literal 15-year-old? :deadbanana4: 

And are we meant to believe a 15-year-old articulated these defenses of a conservatorship? :skull:

Exactly and if Kevin cared about him like he said he does he would never allow his kid to be interviewed because he knew damn well this would result in him getting hate. 


I wonder how much The Sun paid them

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