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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 12) | WINNER REVEALED!


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that was strange... RIP page 54

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@Kayseri Mantisi

Average Ranking: 13.59
High: 7 / Low: 20


rl231: I do think that you're a pretty good person, but you were NOT for this game lol. You were entirely trusting of so many of your "friends" when you had no reason to, and I wish you saw yourself out of that. Only trust yourself always!!


Element: Kayseri, your early season energy was so fun!! I loved the sneaky vibes that you had. You were figuring out the game and making some crazy decisions. The way you shared your idol with everyone right after finding it was WILD. I was cackling all night tbh. You were chaotic and disrupted others' plans on the Glacier. We love a wildcard. I do think you started losing some interest later on, but I know with the time zone it was hard. The fact that you never went to a tribal council pre-merge was pretty cool. Not many have done that. Ultimately, loose lips sink ships, and your public prizes caught up to you!

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 12.06
High: 5 / Low: 20


rl231: No more brunch or shenanigans for you!! I did appreciate you in the game, but I really wanted you to succeed this time. I think your game kinda just caught up to you, and you ultimately got outplayed, which is sad. I hope you did learn from your mistakes in the game, and maybe there's a future for you.


Element: UGHHH what is with your Survivor curse?? The last pre-juror two seasons in a row. Literally so devo. You were like always on the edge of elimination at many tribal councils you attended, and it finally caught up to you after like 4 lucky rounds. I really appreciate you staying around to comment in the pre-jury channel as the game went on! You are always great to host, so thank you! And I hope that your ATRL Survivor moment to shine will be coming one day <3

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 11.35
High: 3 / Low: 23


rl231: You are one of the most dynamic players we had this season. I loved having you here, and you did so well too! I do think that your game caught up to you, and you getting caught out by Acetone really sunk you. I do think that if you made inroads with the other non-Baltoro players during the merge, then I think you would've had a better shot. I think the way you acted in the end, combined with jury, did screw you of a higher placement, but maybe there's next time!


Element: The gurls tried to tank you but you're still pretty high up on this ranking! Obviously, your approach and perspective in the jury was not very well received, which caused you to fall down a lot of rankings. I would say that prior to the jury, you would have probably finished around #5 or #6 in this poll. You were a very steadfast presence that was doing SUPER well. Great leadership, solid social game/strategic game, consistent confessionals... I really thought you were going all the way. Your #1 mistake was not letting Acetone in on your plans to vote RL out at Final 8, because I do think he wanted to work with you until he was basically forced not to. I am an OG Acetone/Khalyan duo stan and I hope you guys can kiss and make up one day xx. Regardless, it was very exciting to have you play, as this was your first ATRL Game in many years! Thanks for your dedication and many contributions to the season. You left your mark as an unforgettable player in ATRL Survivor history. Hope that you enjoyed the experience, as a fan of the show!

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 10.94
High: 3 / Low: 21


rl231: Ahhhh Anvarie, you were fascinatingly weird. But also infuriating. I think you were a few things: 1) wrong in your assessment with Acetone, 2) did not have good reads, and 3) really good at the pre-jury challenges. I do wish you actually looked into what you signed up, but I'm glad that you caught onto it.


Element: You are such an enigma... unlike any contestant that we've had in this game. For like 75% of the season, you had amazing challenge scores yet seemed to have no idea what was going on with the social/strategic game. I think you definitely caught on more during the last 25% of the game and you started to fight a bit more -- plus you correctly held onto the Katara idol and played it at the right time! That takes some skill. Overall, you were a unique and fun presence who obviously has many fans in the viewers chat. I'm glad we got to see your quirky sense of humor shine through in the merge. You should be very proud of your fourth place finish in the game!

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@Golden Hour

Average Ranking: 10.47
High: 4 / Low: 19


rl231: You were very nice!! I believe that you could've gone a little further, had you put in more time in the social and strategic side of things. That being said, you were a good person, and I'm happy you got to be around here.


Element: Your attitude and approach to this game was very ~true neutral~ and refreshing! I enjoyed your confessionals quite a bit, and you were an excellent, objective juror. I know your activity was sidelined by COVID and your job at various points, but I think you definitely have the skills and personality to slay another Survivor game!! I feel like it's a badge of honor being the merge boot (and blindsided too), so you can wear that as one!

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 10.35
High: 3 / Low: 17


rl231: I was so excited to have you back! Your elimination was the most heartbreaking, and almost every viewer was sad. Obviously, if Acetone didn't win, I think the game would've been massively different, and BLAD would've left. Unfortunately, you misplayed your vote doubler AND DID NOT PLAY THE IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alas, it didn't happen, but I'm glad that you did pretty well.


Element: AWFUL ELIMINATION. I can not believe how all that went down. Literally every viewer was so sad, especially when there were so many other options we'd rather have seen go home at that point. You were doing everything right in this game, and it took the strangest, most specific series of events to knock you out at your first tribal. I think in like 99 out of 100 simulations, you don't go home when you did. Absolutely crazy and sad. You are a very strong and skilled player and I think you could have given Rotunda a run for his money had you made the merge. Maybe fate had to knock you out when it did so Rotunda could win... who knows. Regardless, you were king of Ponderosa and I hope you enjoyed that experience!! Thank you for your confessionals and enthusiasm as always.

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marvin king

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 8.94
High: 4 / Low: 17


rl231: You were the definition of chaos. Never in my life has anyone messaged me the most random things, combined with two or three word responses consistently haha. I loved having you here, even though you did annoy me like a little brother would. I hope that you grow up and develop into a great person and better Survivor player since you're still very very young. Also, I'm still annoyed with you that you inexplicably didn't play your idol!!


Element: MOOOOO! You have a sparkling enthusiasm and energy for life that is unparalelled! You're a huge Survivor fan, and ORG player too... so I was very excited to see what you would bring to the table. It's clear that you were very well integrated socially. People loved you and trusted you in the pre-merge quite a lot. I think you could have been an end-gamer if your alliance had secured majority at merge... plus those prizes would have helped a lot. I am so sorry the prize viewer snatched you! And of course, Dealer-gate was definitely an unforgettable moment! You have one of the all-time lowest scores for that song and I think that is a very impressive feat!!

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 7.35
High: 2 / Low: 15


rl231: Ampers - you're such a good person. Also, you were THIRSTY, my friend. Like damn, it's like you were in a desert. Game-wise, I think you played, but you didn't have the killer instinct and didn't try to make waves for yourself. Your complacency really got the best of you, and I wanted you to get out of that!


Element: I love your creative spirit and genuine nature! You were such a breath of fresh air in a game like this. I really enjoyed listening to your music and so did the viewers (alongside experiencing many other sides of you... yup!). I think your social personality could thrive if you played Survivor in real life tbh but I know the lying and conniving is not your thing. There are many other fun games on ATRL that you might enjoy for the musical aspect, such as Diversity, Vanishing Letters, ATRL Song Contest, and the songwriting games too! I hope that you stick around and try some of those. Keep on singing and slaying! Wishing you the best in your career and endeavors.

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 5.65
High: 1 / Low: 13


rl231: I think none of the viewers thought much of you initially because you weren't out there in your confessionals. However, I always had faith in you to make it really far in the game because you had a knack for the game with impeccable reads. I think you could've had a strong chance of winning if you were a little more cunning and a little more daring in your plays, but I'm very glad that you took a chance and joined this game!


Element: FAIS SUPREMACY!!! I'm a big fan. You were so astute, strategic, and advanced as a player. Great reads and conscientous decision making. I absolutely loved your consistent and succinct confessionals. You gave us great content and it was always complex and interesting info for us to digest as viewers. You had an open mind in the game and in the jury, and for that, I am very appreciative. I'd have been very curious to see how you would have done on a diff starting tribe. I think you might have done well with Glazov tbh. Very very happy that the other viewers loved you as well! I know you played ORGs many years ago, so I hope that you enjoyed this revival!

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@Red Light

Average Ranking: 5.00
High: 1 / Low: 9


rl231: Red Light - you were a lot of things. Chaotic. Thirsty (weirdly for me, which is a no go, sorry). Entertaining. Crass. Just many things. I think you had a lot going on, but I appreciated how you really bared all in the beginning...for better or worse. I think your game just lost steam from the beginning, but I can't deny that you took us on a journey!


Element: What a ******* fantastic character. From the SECOND you hit the virtual beach, your confessional was bursting with content and personality. I feel as if we learned the complete in and out of your mind and soul these last few months. You bared it all -- every thought, every drag, every dramatic delusion -- with a chaotically engaging brush stroke. I think you are a lot better at this game than you were giving yourself credit for throughout the season. You made final 3 in a TWENTY. FOUR. person season. That is soooo hard to do. You played an idol successfully, you were very strategic, and I think people recognized your strengths 100%. Please be proud of yourself for this journey. You did great and I hope that you learned a lot about yourself and what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. Also, side note: I loved that your mom was so engaged in the season too and stanned Rotunda like a queen. Tell her the hosts say hello and thank you for raising a Survivor star and for following along xx

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 4.24
High: 2 / Low: 10


rl231: Opulent! You were great at challenges, had quality content, and really cared. I think that you could've definitely took this whole thing, but you got bested out. My one comment is that I wanted your strategy to be a little more cohesive because I feel like you coudl've been DANGEROUS if you had the strategy down pat. That being said, you killed it and did so well!


Element: You really dominated the challenges this season OMG. So impressive! I had a bad feeling as you kept winning that you'd be setting yourself up for a late juror position, and sadly that was the case. I loved your strategic relationship with Acetone. The two of you were so intelligent and level-headed!! Really well suited for this game. Your confessionals, like fais, were always very consistent, easy to follow, and had a lot of great insight for us. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them and getting to know you! Definitely one of the breakout stars of this season, and if you were to play again and worked on your social game/conversation skills, I think you could go all the way!! Can't wait for you to try your hand at Let's Spoon because you will slay there tbh. Congrats on top 3 in this poll!

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 3.12
High: 1 / Low: 19


rl231: I was super proud of you. You truly EARNED your win. I think that your moves were knowably chaotic, but I appreciated the chaos too because you really shook things up, and yes, you definitely pandered to us as viewers since you knew that we're fans and we want some drama to happen! I'm super glad you came back too since you got taken out last season (and you were my winner's pick too last season), so this was truly redemption. It was crazy too to see how people would continue to bring you further and further, knowing how threatening you were! Like people - he's right there! That being said, I get the reasoning why you were kept around and why people actually WANTED to keep you. A job well done, my friend! Can't wait to see you judge in the future.


Element: CONGRATULATIONS once again on your massive win! I honestly did not think these people would let you go far as a returning player, but you absolutely took the reigns and steamrolled yourself into a huge victory. Your gameplay was so impressive, bold, brash, and unrelenting. I haven't seen many champions play like you did -- it takes a high skill level and great understanding of the power dynamics. The viewers were praying for the downfall of Baltoro and you practically spoonfed us like babies. Helping all of our faves make the endgame... it was a extremely iconic. All in all, you are an excellent players in all facets: socially dynamic and engaging, strategically strong, and fantastic in challenges. Your confessionals served legendary status all season long. I admire your confidence and drive a ton, and I hope that you are so proud of this win! It was really an exquisite performance!! Hope you get on the real show one day bc you'd kill it.

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opulent legend

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rotunda legend! my #1!! 


but Ace was #2 so both of yall ate! 

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The road to 56

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