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Ultimate TABS S1 : The Ultimate TABS is BEYONCE (Touch It)


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Oh wig ok

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  • Yvess


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@Yvess please stop hiring these uncultured judges :biblio: to come on this panel like @kipperskipper


  1. not conforming to accepted standards of morality.


I can't be blamed for the fact that you aren't well informed when it comes to pop culture but this rolling stone cover is among the top 10 most controversial covers that the magazine has ever done. I could've chosen the word risque or provocateur but it's boring and unlike my competitors i put more thought into what this concept was serving you and what the photoshoot meant to the people at that time during the era. Immoral absolutely does work and if you don't see that then we can only blame the education you received growing up. When this photoshoot came out parents across the world thought Britney was trying to corrupt their children because she was serving a very sexy look in a bed holding a teletubby at the young age of 17. To them Britney was sending a message that was going against their beliefs of what should be seen by these young girls who looked up and aspired to be just like her. I embraced my era this challenge giving you the fierceness of the photos and also showing you the impact it was having on the culture at the time. Some girls just gave you a getty image with a "She's serving you cutesey tootsey".


Your artist needs tabs to win this but you as the competitor also need TABS and have a mind to serve concepts.


Let me tag the rest of the judges incase anyone else is writing up some BULL**** like that as well.


@Element @Sabbath @Speezy 

@Pressure ? @gotintoririfever1 @Bey_Rihstan





Edited by Boys
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7 minutes ago, PinkBox said:

Ok we stan Ms kipper 

how r u mama... did u see my entry in TCG? hope u love it! :heart2: 

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9 minutes ago, PinkBox said:

Ok we stan Ms kipper 

I expect no less from your messy ass

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8 minutes ago, Yvess said:

how r u mama... did u see my entry in TCG? hope u love it! :heart2: 

don't think the judges have seen it yet

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42 minutes ago, Yvess said:

how r u mama... did u see my entry in TCG? hope u love it! :heart2: 

Nope, can't wait to tank it :heart2:

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40 minutes ago, thecptz said:

don't think the judges have seen it yet

oooh i feel bad for them.. they need to see great photos like mine xoxo

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21 minutes ago, PinkBox said:

Nope, can't wait to tank it :heart2:

im calling the cyber police


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3 hours ago, Boys said:

@Yvess please stop hiring these uncultured judges :biblio: to come on this panel like @kipperskipper


  1. not conforming to accepted standards of morality.


I can't be blamed for the fact that you aren't well informed when it comes to pop culture but this rolling stone cover is among the top 10 most controversial covers that the magazine has ever done. I could've chosen the word risque or provocateur but it's boring and unlike my competitors i put more thought into what this concept was serving you and what the photoshoot meant to the people at that time during the era. Immoral absolutely does work and if you don't see that then we can only blame the education you received growing up. When this photoshoot came out parents across the world thought Britney was trying to corrupt their children because she was serving a very sexy look in a bed holding a teletubby at the young age of 17. To them Britney was sending a message that was going against their beliefs of what should be seen by these young girls who looked up and aspired to be just like her. I embraced my era this challenge giving you the fierceness of the photos and also showing you the impact it was having on the culture at the time. Some girls just gave you a getty image with a "She's serving you cutesey tootsey".


Your artist needs tabs to win this but you as the competitor also need TABS and have a mind to serve concepts.


Let me tag the rest of the judges incase anyone else is writing up some BULL**** like that as well.


@Element @Sabbath @Speezy 

@Pressure ? @gotintoririfever1 @Bey_Rihstan







xoxo mwah

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wow is this is how the contestants feel? Maybe I shouldve included the LQ photo of her getting out the pool :fish2:


My critics should be in some time tonight

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5 hours ago, Speezy said:

wow is this is how the contestants feel? Maybe I shouldve included the LQ photo of her getting out the pool :fish2:


My critics should be in some time tonight

Ty legend :-*

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  • ATRL Moderator

what's tea

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Omg mess I forgot guys sorry 


My Grandma went to the hospital and I got sidetracked. I’ll also send tonight 

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2 hours ago, Bey_Rihstan said:

Omg mess I forgot guys sorry 


My Grandma went to the hospital and I got sidetracked. I’ll also send tonight 

Oooh its okay sis. Understood! We'll wait ty xoxo

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@Sabbath's CRITIQUES



Mentor: @Speezy

Members: @Loyalty@Touch It @Boys @Queen Conchita



BATTLE 1Any Era of your Choice

Queen Conchita - Conchita Wurst




Sabbath: Queen Conchita - Conchita Wurst -

I definitely see the “experimental” side on this as it’s not the typical photoshoot. I like this quite a lot actually and it’s a side of Conchita we haven’t seen before so props to that! My only complaint would be the description since it’s not “radically new or innovative”.

BATTLE 2: Debut Era/Second Era/Third Era

Boys - Britney Spears




Sabbath: Boys - Britney Spears

Perfect. For the time the photoshoot was released this truly was provocative considering her image and audience, like you said. She looks gorgeous and the title definitely reflects what some conservative family’s probably thought of her. I remember reading or hearing somewhere that the first photo with the pink background was her idea, ugh her MIND. Could’ve done without the last pic as it’s so aesthetically different but since it keeps selling the concept strongly, I'm not that bothered.


BATTLE 3: Second Era/Third Era/Fourth Era

Touch It - Beyonce

Image result for beyonce bday photoshoot

B'Day: Country Realness


Sabbath: Touch It - Beyoncé (Country)

Eh. I mean I see where you’re coming from but this is not very interesting and to me it feels like just a “first thought”. I think it’s too glamorous to be country realness. Still looks gorgeous obviously.



BATTLE 4: Third Era/Fourth Era/Fifth Era

Loyalty - Christina Aguilera




 Sabbath: Loyalty - Christina Aguilera

The concept is sooooooo basic that it would need the pictures to be  INCREDIBLE to actually sell it correctly. Unfortunately, I feel like this shoot falls short on that aspect. She looks nice but the buzzword is the most boring thing you could’ve called it.

BATTLE 5: Any Era of your Choice

Touch It - Beyonce


Goddess of Maternity


 Sabbath: Touch It - Beyoncé (Maternity)

- I like your description a lot ‘cause it makes sense the fact that she’s going after all of those figures for inspiration. However, I wish you stuck to one of the two visuals as they look like completely different shoots, and the explanation for either would’ve still worked. I think it’s a very cool and different concept and you can recognise it in the photos right away.


BATTLE 6: Any Era of your Choice

Speezy - Jordin Sparks


Right Here, Right Now


 Sabbath: Speezy - Jordin Sparks

first of all, whale.  I love the third photo ‘cause it looks so natural, I can feel the happiness thru my screen. The story you added as description is nice and interesting and inspirational but I can’t see how it relates to the pics kii, like yea you said head above water and there’s a pic of THAT but the rest, idk ma’am. They’re nice photos but I’m confused.


Edited by Yvess
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  • ATRL Moderator

we need dylan again

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@Sabbath's CRITIQUES



Mentor: @Element

Members: @Solarie @Not Like The Movies @kiiwii @Guero 



BATTLE 1: Any Era of your Choice

Solarie - Avril Lavigne


Head Above Water


Sabbath: Solarie - Avril Lavigne

scrihming at the buzzword/title being “head above water” and her head being UNDER water in all of the pics except one kiiiiiiiii. I think the description helps a lot here because _now_ I see the metaphor  of “sinking” (so maybe that would’ve been a better buzzword?). The photoshoot is very beautiful and I really love the colors.



BATTLE 2: Debut Era/Second Era/Third Era

kiiwii - Katy Perry



Sabbath: kiiwii - Katy Perry

my first thought when I saw this was the title “Girl Next Door” so I laughed a bit when I read that those were the first words you wrote for your description lmao. I think the photoshoot and buzzword match really nicely and she looks fun and quirky and classic Katy. One thing I’ve always hated about this shoot is the lighting tho, it’s so ugly sksksks. 


BATTLE 3:  Second Era/Third Era/Fourth Era

Not Like The Movies - Janelle Monae


Tribute to a Rock Legend


Sabbath: Not Like the Movies - Janelle Monae (Bowie)

girl, how is she tributing him? She’s just wearing a forever 21 shirt. Nahhhhhhh. She looks cute ‘cause she’s cute but the photos aren’t all that even. 


BATTLE 4:  Third Era/Fourth Era/Fifth Era 

Not Like The Movies - Janelle Monae




 Sabbath: Not Like the Movies - Janelle Monae (Mystery)

Now THAT’S what I like to see. The concept is so unique and interesting and the photos and styling are so well done, whewwwwww. I think the photo with just the gray suit and the two below it weren’t necessary and that take away a little of the “mystery” tho


BATTLE 5: Any Era of your Choice

Guero - Ariana Grande




Sabbath: Guero - Ariana Grande

Yup (yuh?), I immediately got that storyline before reading the description. This is simple done right. 

BATTLE 6: Any Era of your Choice
Element - Ellie Goulding




 Sabbath: Element - Ellie Goulding

first of all, fat. second of all, this shoot is really really pretty, but it doesn’t give me melancholia vibes, except maybe the first picture. Coincidentally, I also feel like the first picture doesn’t matches at all with the rest, and I think that taking it away and staying with the veil closeups and a different buzzword could’ve been really really great. 



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