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ATRL's Drag Race S04 | ALL STARS 2018


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1 hour ago, Aciid said:

She's probably living for this sudden drama.ย 

I did a graduate program visit today and I'm about to see IT with my man. I remain happy and living, y'allย can choke!ย 

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2 minutes ago, Citrus said:

I did a graduate program visit today and I'm about to see IT with my man. I remain happy and living, y'allย can choke!ย 

she stays winningย :clap3:

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4 hours ago, Subomie said:





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7 hours ago, talent said:

im fine tbh, im sad noah didnt slay again and make finals because im sure that was the expectation and part of why i went home (miss things lip sync was also incredible though i aint takin away from that), but this season was just a good like... training round? that isn't really the right phrase i'm lookin for. what i mean though is now that i went through it and realized what i could have done better/what i was doing right, i know how to slay even harder the next time and i hope i can kill my next regular season/all stars

Your aesthetic is down and if you turn out entries like you did your final lip sync than you'll be slaying it.

I think you'll have to pick your poison. All Stars will only have queens from the series thus far with an, allegedly, smaller cast than usual. I know I'd like to see you ASAP on another season but understandably you could wait for S5.

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Oh is the crowning today ?

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WOooooo I'm not readyย 

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Episode 12ย - Top 3

Lunch with Faye Shullย (@True Skarlet)



Well, hi, there Faye! Come take a seat and let's chat.ย 



You said the one thing you wanted to prove this season was that you were actual competition, rather than being written out as filler or dismissed as some did to you on S03. Do you feel you accomplished this?



You see what people don't know is that I applied to Season 3 thinking it would be merelyย something fun to do. I completely forgot it's not just a game butย a competition.

This time I came in with a competitive mindset but also wanting to have fun too.

I've had fun and I've statistically performed the best so mission accomplished.


In both seasons you've participated, your participation in the thread has been... less than recurrent. Do you not have time to make yourself a persistent presence in the thread? Do you not care to?


I address thisย in my final entry but lemme just say this too: I care about this game. I am passionate about this game. Iย post in the thread when I have something to say. That's all there is to it.


Look back through the thread and I always @ย queens after their eliminations to give my own retrospective thoughts on their time in the competition. I make the odd joke or two just like anyone else. I seldom post compared to others, butย that's been me on ATRL in general since I joined in 2011. When it comes to this site, so by extension this game, it's the loudest or shadiest or quirkiest people that stand out for better or worse. I ain't going to bombard this thread for the sake of a 'persistent presence'. I ain't got an obnoxious personality. I merelyย give my two cents when I feel it matters and keep things moving.


Well, Faye, any questions for me?


What has been your favourite entry and runway look from me this season?


I think your Dating Games entry was perhaps the best you've put out this season. The epitome of personal charm mixed with natural comedy while also incorporating your own tangible skills (the pixel art). The use of pixel art is also why I enjoyed your PokรฉBall entry so much, seeing you create these magnificent looks (If you pretend that Trainer look didn't exist) using a skill you never thought you'd get to use. It was in this challenge I saw my favorite look of yours, being your Elite Four. Perfect contrast of shapes and color. A gigantic coat over a bikini; rather basic silhouette, but playing with proportions, knowing a balance of theatrics and realism, dramatics and drag... KILLER. You impressed me all season, though.


You've been one of my biggest supporters throughout the game. When exactly in the competition did you become a fan of Faye Shull?


It may be too clichรฉ to say "I've always been a fan", but I suppose that's the closest there is to the truth. I saw something in you in season 3, even if you say Nina Williams was a poor representation of you, and I wanted you to do better even if it had seemed the dynamics were already set. At the beginning of this season, you immediately wow'd me with your talent show entry, and I knew that you'd be one to keep my eyes on. I've always been here rooting for you because I knew you had what it takes to succeed even if others were too busy focusing on flavors of the week or whoever they wanted to bone the most. You're insanely witty, you know what to and not to change, you know how to fine-tune kinks and manifest energies into productive results that are nuanced and charming and engaging and absolutely delightful to witness.


Besides Tippi, is there any early out you really wanted to see more of?


Prima-****ing-rina. I still maintain the thought that she shouldn't have gone home against that small town nobody, but Citrus "You Didn't Respond to Me Within Fifteen Minutes So I Sent Who I Wanted to Home Without Your Opinion" Fruit decided that Small Town should stay because she might do well in the Beach Ball... Only for her to be a solid SAFE then quit the following week. I give props to Primarina for staying present in the thread without being a burden of a presence like Mystique or a certain foreign mental patient.


Which queen from thisย season do youย absolutely wantย for an All Stars season? And are you excited for All Stars?


The two queens in the top 3 that don't win, absolutely. I also look forward to seeing Melanoma compete again, and I pray that there isn't a repeat of what happened to her this season there. Also Noah, but I hope she chokes on her new boyfriend's dick and dies so I don't actually have to see her there.



In episode 1, I told the other judges that you should've waited until All Stars, but obviously you didn't need another season to marinate. How did you deal with expectations of your work coming in from your stint as Nina Williams?


Well you also vaguebooked about me to other judges in front of my ass, so obviouslyย marinate in something called the art of subtlety.ย 


Girl, who gave a crap about Nina? Look at her strictly on a competitive level and she served an ocean with barely any waves. No one paid me any mind in S3. Do you know how disheartening it was week after week to be told "you're mediocre", "you're filler" or just have no acknowledgementย at all? I felt like sh*t.

S3 did not represent me to the best of my abilities so I wanted to prove to myself, and everyone who looked down on me, with this seasonย that I'm a winner. I did just that.


You had a bit of a dry spell for two weeks, barely avoiding the Bottom 2. Then, you came back at HIGH for the makeovers and won the last two challenges? What happened in those rough two weeks, and what happened that prompted the slayage after?


Again, I talk about this topic a little in my final entry but let me flesh out the story here more.


When it comes to Episode 7 I was shaken up a bit by the betrayalย of Noah and Stone. It was like "Well, I guess everyone just thinks my work has beenย some rigged crap the whole time!". My entry that episode turned out alright enoughย but my motivation was severely lacking.ย A deserved LOW for sure on that one.


Episode 8 was actually a dry spell for me because of personal issues that I am not disclosing here. I referenced my woes in my Makeover entry already.

In fact, I charged my emotional turmoil into my Makeover entryย so, in a sense, I got it out of my system.


The last twoย challenges were all about having fun. All of my entries have been fueled by passion butย I had felt the game had just become more of a catalyst for stress to I wanted to change that.


Well, Faye, any questions for me?


Same first question for you: What has been your favourite entry and runway look from me this season?


My favorite runway of yours is either the slutty nurse couture (though I'm a bit biased :fan:ย ) or your 80s look, probably the latter. It's just such a cute moment of color and couture from an otherwise hideously clashing source. Loved it. Entry would have to be your Dating Game video, as well. I think that was the best example of your humor, editing, and taste skills all in one neat and easily digestable little package. Perfect score all around that week.


It feels like you're the judge that likes me the least in all honesty. Compared to other queens it has felt like you openly talk/praise me the least.ย That's applicable to the thread, dubtrack, snapchat, etc...

Now that the journey is almost over, what are your thoughts on Faye Shull?


To be fair, I don't think I ranked you #1 for a challenge until Dating Games so maybe that's why you felt that way (though you were my #2 for Snatch and #3-6 throughout other weeks).ย But, honestly, neither did a lot of other judges other than Chanel. You didn't have a strong, singular MOMENT like some girls do (Colleen's tumultuous run, Noah's music, etc). You're a jack of all trades so it's a little harder sometimes to stick out in the crowd, I think. Some girls really excel at one thing and that makes me remember them like "Oh, that's Pixel and she's funny and hideous". With you, it's more difficult to quantify because you're consistently good at most things. That's why I paired myself with you in the makeover, because I wanted to get some insight into your thought process and see some of the behind scenes stuff. What I saw really impressed me, and you went straight back to being high. So, my final thoughts on Faye Shull are 1) She should've won the Beach Ball, 2) me being a Faye Shull hater is fake news, and 3) I'm really glad that you came out of the two week low spot with two stellar and well deserved wins.


Any challenges you wanted for this season that you never got to use?


There was a MESSY version of the internet challenge where y'all would be like, furries or some ****. I don't recall. Oh, and I almost made y'all write and design sexual assault awareness programs for college campuses, thank GOD we didn't do that. I DO wish I had asked the "who shouldn't be Top 3" question but I forgot tbh.


Which queen from this season do youย absolutely wantย for an All Stars season?ย And are you excited for All Stars?


Wh&re, because I loved her weird aesthetic and commitment to character. I'd love to see her polish up and figure out how to better present herself.



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I don't think I've seen that tag list ever be that big. :deadbanana:

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2 minutes ago, Rhisiart said:

I don't think I've seen that tag list ever be that big. :deadbanana:

Copied it from the first challenge hihi



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Mess I forgot y'all didn't ask the who doesn't deserve to be top 3 question. Sad.ย 


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Just now, Aciid said:

Mess I forgot y'all didn't ask the who doesn't deserve to be top 3 question. Sad.ย 


Would've ruined this season's best friend race

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