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Work From Home is being rejected/frowned by corporate and government, why?


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Work From Home is being rejected/frowned by corporate and government, why?


WFH should be mandatory to companies that dont need face to face work, to avoid the following

  1. waste of time in commuting
  2. ridiculous gas prices
  3. clogged heavy traffic
  4. destruction of the planet
  5. unnecessary waste of time, money, clothing, resources


so why is Work From Home is being rejected/frowned by corporate and government?



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Which government? I still work mostly from home despite a full appeal of the COVID-19 mandates.

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I'm in the US and I'm fully remote for as long as/whenever I want...

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Because people are lazy at home and productivity is likely lower.  It is where I work. 

Why is is so hard to go to work for 8 hrs? It is not that serious. People are just getting too lazy and wanting just to do crappy dances for TikTok.

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Work from home sucks. Literally feels like your entire existence is dedicated to making someone else money while you remain a prisoner in your home.


I’ll be going in to work, thank you.

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13 minutes ago, supertiffany said:
  • waste of time in commuting
  • ridiculous gas prices
  • clogged heavy traffic
  • destruction of the planet

Work from home encourages large home buying and sprawl which contributes to this much more. 

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Because humans are social creatures and there is a lot of value in real interactions.  

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This thread is 50 years old and full of managers.


Also is this thread about the US because in my country corporate is happy with savings they have when they don't have to expand their office space (+ water, electricity and office resources)? Almost every company have full wfh option even mid-sized ones.

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18 minutes ago, Tusk said:

Because people are lazy at home and productivity is likely lower.  It is where I work. 

Why is is so hard to go to work for 8 hrs? It is not that serious. People are just getting too lazy and wanting just to do crappy dances for TikTok.

that was proven untrue during the quarantine in early 2020 :ahh:

productivity actually went UP during WFH

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The real answer is because corporations rented/bought areas for large amounts of money and realised that it's there literally for no reason if y'all don't come to work.


Also because trash managers are very very tingly and want to shout at people again and feel respect

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corporates are more than happy to cut the rental expenses tbh (and all the costs for office supplies can be transferred to be borne by employees) :eli: 

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Because managers and executives are sad creatures with no friends and social life



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35 minutes ago, supertiffany said:

so why is Work From Home is being rejected/frowned by corporate and government?

Can't speak for everywhere but here, there seems to be a lot of pressure from the private sector especially those making a lot of money from rent on those big office buildings. That and the fashion industry that is bleeding because if you work from home, you don't need fashion.

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It isn't. A lot of companies are okay with wfh.


But also: companies want to make sure you're actually working. Plus, they invested a lot in offices, of course they want to make use of them. Those costs don't just disappear.

That's why some of those companies don't like work from home.

If you were a boss, you would do it too for a check :sorry:


Why would the government reject it too? I don't know.... maybe because commuting pays tolls, roads that were paid are being used, public transport have more people = more cost efficient, commercial spaces get more business, etc. etc.

It's the reality :sorry:

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24 minutes ago, byzantium said:

Work from home encourages large home buying and sprawl which contributes to this much more. 

Do you have an actual study that backs this up? :celestial5:

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the number of boomers in this thread :skull: WFH is vastly superior and the future, seethe


the government and some corporate shills are upset because big rented offices aren't being used. also WFH means less need for useless middle management, so obviously those people are not happy about it because they are about to lose their bs jobs 

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55 minutes ago, Tusk said:

Because people are lazy at home and productivity is likely lower.  It is where I work. 

Why is is so hard to go to work for 8 hrs? It is not that serious. People are just getting too lazy and wanting just to do crappy dances for TikTok.

the random aside to tiktok :rip: serving boomer

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Because there’s a bunch of LOSERS who cannot make real friends and feel the need to go to the office to socialize and force the others to also do so, my manager is like this. That and egomaniacs who want their workers close to them so they can be more controlling. Thankfully I only go once a week for now. As soon as my company forces us to go back is the day I quit. Imagine having to spend 8 hours every single day with people I have 0 in common with, commuting, thinking of a different outfit everyday.. literally a nightmare 

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I read an article where they deadass said that office air is healthier therefore people should go back to working in office, they're THAT desperate :deadbanana4: The truth is, work from home makes expensive high rise offices obsolete, it also makes a lot of the management people obsolete and the higher ups aren't ready to embrace it. Even Apple is trying to get people back into their hundred billion spaceship that's been sitting half empty.

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Corporate hates it if they own the offices and it’s a waste of money. Also they need people in the office so then the middle managers feel like they have something to do.


Depends on which government you’re talking about. In the UK I feel like they’re against it because a lot of their supports are landlords and rich landlords who own office buildings in the major cities and they don’t want their assets to be worthless.

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21 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

the number of boomers in this thread :skull: WFH is vastly superior and the future, seethe


the government and some corporate shills are upset because big rented offices aren't being used. also WFH means less need for useless middle management, so obviously those people are not happy about it because they are about to lose their bs jobs 

Working from home is just another 21st century social practice to incentivize people to cultivate their worst impulses, just like social media.


Not saying there’s no value in WFH/Hybrid, but watch in 20 years how there are a bunch of studies published that show how people who work from home are more isolated/depressed/disconnected than people were go into work. WFH is the future of a corporatocracy where those who work white collar jobs are stuck in the house all day ordering postmates and watching netflix while their severely underpaid blue collar counterparts are gig workers making starvation pay. It’s absolutely dystopian and this trend of isolation has been happening for 2 decades and WFH is just another stepping stone.

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49 minutes ago, byzantium said:

Work from home encourages large home buying and sprawl which contributes to this much more. 

It would encourage people to move away from the city which would benefit people looking for affordable housing and help battle housing crisis. People would only have to commute to the closest stores rather than plan their route around where their work is. You're making 0 points sweaty

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The f*cking bootlickers in here :toofunny2: Even as someone who is iffy on wfh for myself, it's been good for many, many people. Not managers, not CEOs, normal people with actual lives. The reason companies aren't big on it are for a thousand reasons that have nothing to do with what would actually impact or help the average person.

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57 minutes ago, Tusk said:

Because people are lazy at home and productivity is likely lower.  It is where I work. 

Why is is so hard to go to work for 8 hrs? It is not that serious. People are just getting too lazy and wanting just to do crappy dances for TikTok.

I think the pandemic in general made a lot of people rethink their work/life balance. Particularly for people who have to commute to work, an 8-hour day can easily become 10+ hours. Given the option, why would people willingly extend their day and factor in travel time which eats into their personal/family time, when they can do the job comfortably from home? Having done both, I much prefer working from home. I find it improves my life in many ways as I have more time to cook healthy meals/exercise/ more/socialize more because I no longer have an extra 2 hours a day in travel time. It makes a huge difference. Plus, for some people with additional responsibilities (parents, caregivers etc), working from home is far better for them. 


I agree that some people get lazy working from home, but that doesn't apply to everyone. Many people are just as efficient working from home... if not more so because they feel they have a better balance. I won't even get into the financial benefits. It can't just be boiled down to "getting lazy". 

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22 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

It would encourage people to move away from the city which would benefit people looking for affordable housing and help battle housing crisis. 

then you have the problem of basically gentrifying rural areas

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