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2024 US Election Megathread ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore.ย 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone.ย 

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2 hours ago, Thuggin said:

Elon is so ****ing lame with his shameless pandering to the far right and elementary school playground bully antics. It always comes across so tryhard when these public figures suddenly try to imitate Trump with the whole โ€œIโ€™m an unapologetic mean-spirited ******* but I own itโ€ schtick, like at least Trump was original. :rip:ย Elon is late to the game, and even Kari Lake, JD Vance, Ron DeSantis, etc. only somewhat recently adopted those personas despite the fact it seems to be leading to diminishing returns in terms of public approval.

Hmm. I agree with the spirit of your message concerning all of the Trump-lite clone politicians. But Elon has always been a dick. Many people donโ€™t know that he was basically ejected as CEO of his first startup Zip2 and mutinied out of his role as CEO of PayPal cause he was that annoying. PayPal even preferred Peter Thiel, whoโ€™s awful in his own right, over Elon. So you know heโ€™s insufferable. And then you look at the bad terms he left his relationship with original Tesla founder onโ€ฆย 



In June 2009,ย Eberhard brought a lawsuit against Elon Musk for libel, slander, and breach of contract, alleging that Musk pushed him out of the company, publicly disparaged him, and compromised Tesla's financial health.ย 

โ€ฆ.and it all makes sense.

Elon is actually much worse than Trump in that he truly believes heโ€™s a stable genius AND the entire media and tech establishment back him on it. Like, Robert Downey Jr even had dinners with Elon to get inspiration for Tony Stark. So I imagine he sees himself as that (main) character reflected back to him when he watches those Marvel films. But hopefully that begins to change soon as he does his dirt with Twitter out in the open for everyone to see.

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Kari Lake-Petty is mad! Seethe!ย :ahh:

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3 hours ago, La Reina said:



Queen of losing to a candidate that's "hiding in her basement"ย :dies:

They said the same thing about Joe Biden on Fox news. Actually they still say that about Biden. :ahh:ย Also her saying when you walk into planned parenthood you are only given ONE choice. :deadbanana2:ย God she's annoying.

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57 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Hmm. I agree with the spirit of your message concerning all of the Trump-lite clone politicians. But Elon has always been a dick. Many people donโ€™t know that he was basically ejected as CEO of his first startup Zip2 and mutinied out of his role as CEO of PayPal cause he was that annoying. PayPal even preferred Peter Thiel, whoโ€™s awful in his own right, over Elon. So you know heโ€™s insufferable. And then you look at the bad terms he left his relationship with original Tesla founder onโ€ฆย 


โ€ฆ.and it all makes sense.

Elon is actually much worse than Trump in that he truly believes heโ€™s a stable genius AND the entire media and tech establishment back him on it. Like, Robert Downey Jr even had dinners with Elon to get inspiration for Tony Stark. So I imagine he sees himself as that (main) character reflected back to him when he watches those Marvel films. But hopefully that begins to change soon as he does his dirt with Twitter out in the open for everyone to see.

Oh I agree, he's always been a horrible person. The whole defamation of that diver guy should have sealed the deal for even his most loyal of tech bro sycophants. Thank God he wasn't born in the US or I do think his constantly fed ego would lead him to make a run for President. It's just astounding how he has so many people (and not just MAGAs either) duped that he's some genius innovator.



But the media is so uncharitable to poor Elon.ย :cries:ย They basically portray him as some pioneering inventor when he hasn't actually invented ****. He's a raging man-toddler with a checkbook who buys his way into the accomplishments of actual talented minds, only to spit in those same people's faces and take all the credit. I find it impossible to hate Trump as a public persona as much as Elon because Trump at least came from entertainment and comes across so over the top when he's spouting off his delusional, narcissistic takes that I have to believe it's at least in part tongue-and-cheek and self-aware. I get no sense of that from the lizard devoid of charisma that is Elon on his power trips.

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Katie Hobbs feat. Kari Lake Petty - The Light is Coming (Katie's Version)



Ayo, trophy wife, out you won me
Until you had to find out it ain't one me
N-n-now I'm benched, aw, my bum knee
Now I'm the bad guy, call me election deniarrr


- Kari Lake Petty


The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole
The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole
The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole
The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole

What did she say? What did he say?
You don't listen 'cause you know everything, yeah
You don't even need dreams
Tellin' everybody, "Stay woke, don't sleep"

- Katie Hobbs




Democracy won in Arizonaย :clap3:

Edited by Mellark
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5 hours ago, Thuggin said:

Just openly lambasting her own state which up until a week ago couldnโ€™t even be reasonably labeled a blue state :deadbanana2:

Her name sounds like a reindeer, is this a suicide post:redface::deadbanana4:

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5 hours ago, Thuggin said:

Elon is so ****ing lame with his shameless pandering to the far right and elementary school playground bully antics. It always comes across so tryhard when these public figures suddenly try to imitate Trump with the whole โ€œIโ€™m an unapologetic mean-spirited ******* but I own itโ€ schtick, like at least Trump was original. :rip:ย Elon is late to the game, and even Kari Lake, JD Vance, Ron DeSantis, etc. only somewhat recently adopted those personas despite the fact it seems to be leading to diminishing returns in terms of public approval.

Republicans don't seem to be able to figure out that Trump's behaviour was never politically popular outside of his base. Dislike and distrust of Hillary had far more to do with this 2016 victory than anything he did.

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Take me to the lake where fat flop Kari went to die


base talk] Katy Perry sits down with Drew Barrymore; confirms new album and  world tour - Page 2 - Base - ATRL



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24 minutes ago, Wonderland said:

Take me to the lake where fat flop Kari went to die


base talk] Katy Perry sits down with Drew Barrymore; confirms new album and  world tour - Page 2 - Base - ATRL



Where election denying don't belong, and my beloved, neither does Kari Lake Petty

base talk] Katy Perry sits down with Drew Barrymore; confirms new album and  world tour - Page 2 - Base - ATRL

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1 minute ago, Espresso said:


LOL , i love it

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4 minutes ago, Espresso said:


I don't know if I can deal with the mess another 2 years here :deadbanana:ย My crazy neighbor put out his Trump 2024 and confederateย flags out this weekend :deadbanana:

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