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2024 US Election Megathread ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore.ย 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone.ย 

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2 hours ago, Kassi said:

Twice in three monthsย 











This is what leftist say they want right? To hold litmus votes that puts everyone on the record? Show the American people who opposes their rights?ย 


So without voting in more Democrat Senators, wtf is the end game? More failed votes? Cause it's working so well you, someone who follows politics more than the average person, didn't even know these votes had occured.

But I thought AOC said there was a pro-choice majority which you also co-signed. So which is it?

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30 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

But I thought AOC said there was a pro-choice majority which you also co-signed. So which is it?

Majority =/= supermajority. Keep up!ย :chick2:

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3 hours ago, Kassi said:

So without voting in more Democrat Senators

We will be:






Thank god we stopped you centrists from destroying his campaign with smears and lies to uplift a robot centrist who lost in every single county of the great state of Pennsylvania. Centrism lost. Populism won.ย 


Centrists hate Fetterman and refuse to acknowledge that he's the future of the Democratic Party because they resent that he's someone like them - born to fairly affluent parents - yet rejects the social cues and signifiers and who simply wants to make people's lives better.ย 


That's why they loved a suit like Lamb while thinking voters would be angry about how Fetterman dressed or look down at John for ditching working in insurance in favor of helping teach kids short-changed by society. They literally mocked him for running after-school programs.


And then there's the good sis Giselle. She is what the actual Democratic base is - a working class Latina and Dreamer who wants progressive policies. Smarter than many robots centrists push for actual elected office yet who personally has little interest in the corrupt halls of Congress herself, serving as John's moral anchor for why he'll even be there in the first place. :clap3:

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53 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Majority =/= supermajority. Keep up!ย :chick2:

Yawn. I don't know why I even bothered interacting with you. The excuses you make. Bush did not have a supermajority when he made his tax cuts but you best believe it was passed.

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Not democrats winning by 8% the popular vote but losing by 27 seats the majority in Wisconsin. These kind of things is what makes people disinteresred in voting. Like what is the point?

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12 hours ago, Communion said:





i didn't know his wife was serving this hardย :jonny5:

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8 minutes ago, Thickorita said:


i didn't know his wife was serving this hardย :jonny5:

She's an icon.


TPWD42XJV5C4HBAL6XG7NP4LXA.jpgย pennsylvania-gisele-fetterman-racial-slur-pf.jpg


fetterman-4.jpgย gisele1.jpg


She serves big "finding out Fran Drescher is anti-capitalist" energy.



"Politics has to be used for good and we see situations where it's not and we have to make sure we change that. I think lot of the non-profits I started were to fit a need that policy could solve, and I'd love to see policy fill that need so this other [non-profit] side doesn't have to exist." She gets it.ย :heart:

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14 hours ago, Mean Trees said:

Yawn. I don't know why I even bothered interacting with you. The excuses you make. Bush did not have a supermajority when he made his tax cuts but you best believe it was passed.

Yes. Would prefer you donโ€™t interact with me if you havenโ€™t learned the differences between reconciliation bills (50 vote threshold) and regular order (60 vote threshold).


Get back to me once you learn how your own government works. ย :cm:

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15 hours ago, Communion said:

We will be:






Thank god we stopped you centrists from destroying his campaign with smears and lies to uplift a robot centrist who lost in every single county of the great state of Pennsylvania. Centrism lost. Populism won.ย 


Centrists hate Fetterman and refuse to acknowledge that he's the future of the Democratic Party because they resent that he's someone like them - born to fairly affluent parents - yet rejects the social cues and signifiers and who simply wants to make people's lives better.ย 


That's why they loved a suit like Lamb while thinking voters would be angry about how Fetterman dressed or look down at John for ditching working in insurance in favor of helping teach kids short-changed by society. They literally mocked him for running after-school programs.


And then there's the good sis Giselle. She is what the actual Democratic base is - a working class Latina and Dreamer who wants progressive policies. Smarter than many robots centrists push for actual elected office yet who personally has little interest in the corrupt halls of Congress herself, serving as John's moral anchor for why he'll even be there in the first place. :clap3:

Love Fetterman!ย :heart2:ย Hope he can go into the Senate and show us how determined progressives can truly advance legislation.ย 

He doesnโ€™t seem like the type to fall into the social media AOC/Bernie self-aggrandizing trap while delivering nothing trap.ย 

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1 minute ago, Kassi said:

Love Fetterman!ย 

"Love Fetterman!!!! No, I was not attacking him and defending Lamb months ago!!!"



The girls at the high-end brunches were probably fuming worse than when McAuliffe lostย :deadbanana4:

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Leftists are so weird.ย :bibliahh:

Literally no one cares and weโ€™ve all moved on.ย 




Frankly, not all politics are as caustic and self-serving as leftist politics.

But yeah seeing how the Nina Turner/Shontel Brown and Jessica Cisneros/Henry Cuellar discourse played out I can see why yโ€™all would expect everyone else to be petty, irresponsible, and irrational.ย :doc:

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2 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Literally no one cares and weโ€™ve all moved on.ย 

You can move on by making a donation to Fetterman equivalent to 5% of your yearly income.

Please post the donation receipt when sent.


Thank you!ย :heart:

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15 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Jessica Cisneros/Henry Cuellar discourse played out

Also because your presence was missed during this race, I have to remind everyone that you are horrifically referencing - for some reason - rhetoric largely by Cuellar's supporters mocking Cisneros for being a victim of child rape as a teenager and groomed by her teacher who preyed on her as a minor, and are trying to... attack Cisneros for this?


Though it's not shocking though then that affluent elites (you are a Texan "engaging" in "local" politics lol!) would side with a corrupt affluent embezzler indebted to foreign governments like Cuellar over a working class Latina in Texas. Maybe Daddy Cuellar is who is providing bottle service at the affluent Sunday brunches!


Poor Texans don't need M4A If Azerbaijan is paying for the bar tab!

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1 hour ago, Kassi said:

Yes. Would prefer you donโ€™t interact with me if you havenโ€™t learned the differences between reconciliation bills (50 vote threshold) and regular order (60 vote threshold).


Get back to me once you learn how your own government works. ย :cm:

And how do bills get to reconciliation? Go away.ย 


And the anti-Democrats are at it again






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So glad both of my parents are firmly pro-choice. I would be so disappointed if they felt differently.ย :jonny2:

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Reminder that Joe Biden has historically been a pro-life Catholic, and that knowledge will inform why he has repeatedly refused to take up any possible measure that would protect a womanโ€™s right to choose. He has said no to court packing (knowing the conservative majority will hold for a good 40 years long after heโ€™s dead), filibuster reform (knowing Dems have no path to 60 Senate votes), and everything else that doesnโ€™t consist of text banking poor people for small dollar donations knowing theyโ€™re absolutely guaranteed to lose the House in November.



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It's amazing at how the anti-Dems' fundraising seemingly comes from tragedy. Look at them fundraising of this decision? It's disgusting when they've had opportunity to get a bill done in the past.

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5 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

It's amazing at how the anti-Dems' fundraising seemingly comes from tragedy. Look at them fundraising of this decision? It's disgusting when they've had opportunity to get a bill done in the past.

Realistically no. The last time they had a supermajority was when the Democrats had more of a big tent approach to allowing people with different views into the party. If anything had 60 votes in 2009, it would have been a bipartisan abortion ban at the federal level.


Itโ€™s nice to meme on them for it, but there are more states where abortion is illegal or heavily restricted than where it is permitted for a reason.

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22 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Realistically no. The last time they had a supermajority was when the Democrats had more of a big tent approach to allowing people with different views into the party. If anything had 60 votes in 2009, it would have been a bipartisan abortion ban at the federal level.


Itโ€™s nice to meme on them for it, but there are more states where abortion is illegal or heavily restricted than where it is permitted for a reason.

I actually take it back. You're right. Look at the amount of social conservatives the Dems have hosted amongst their ranks but people are supposed to vote for in good confidence.

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16 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

I actually take it back. You're right. Look at the amount of social conservatives the Dems have hosted amongst their ranks but people are supposed to vote for in good confidence.

Theyโ€™ll never reckon with this simple fact: The reason theyโ€™ve lost so many seats is because the social conservative Dems have mostly moved to the Republican Party, and theyโ€™ve been replaced by social liberals who are just as economically conservative. Itโ€™s such a small constituency that finds it appealing, but it has enormous power over policy direction due to it being embraced wholeheartedly by the professional managerial class.


Weโ€™re stuck in this hell :skull:ย 

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3 hours ago, Communion said:

Also because your presence was missed during this race, I have to remind everyone that you are horrifically referencing - for some reason - rhetoric largely by Cuellar's supporters mocking Cisneros for being a victim of child rape as a teenager and groomed by her teacher who preyed on her as a minor, and are trying to... attack Cisneros for this?


Though it's not shocking though then that affluent elites (you are a Texan "engaging" in "local" politics lol!) would side with a corrupt affluent embezzler indebted to foreign governments like Cuellar over a working class Latina in Texas. Maybe Daddy Cuellar is who is providing bottle service at the affluent Sunday brunches!


Poor Texans don't need M4A If Azerbaijan is paying for the bar tab!

What are you going on about?ย :bibliahh:

Girl, I donโ€™t care about Cisneros one way or another. She lost. Sheโ€™s irrelevant. Like Nina Turner and Conor Lamb. The difference is that rather than accepting election results, the left develops hate boners and peddles in conspiracies whenever their chosen candidates lose.ย 




Such stupid, childish, ungracious sore losers.ย 

Maybe one day theyโ€™ll be able to connect their โ€œvoting doesnโ€™t workโ€ rhetoric to their own losses. ย :cm:

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9 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Girl, I donโ€™t care about Cisneros one way or another.

We can tell, given that you downplay and try to avoid recognizing that Cuellar and his supporters actively mocked her as being a victim of child molestation and then used her experience being molested to claim she lacked moral character and lured her grown adult teacher into sexually molesting her, a minor.ย 


But I guess when money and affluence is the only thing of value in the lives of centrist, they see no issue in an anti-abortion mafia man like Cuellar attacking a young woman for her sexual trauma and pain to win an election.ย :skull:


"Look at these BIG losers" is serving big MAGA energy to mock people upset over centrists Democrats actively attacking women for their trauma, lives and utilizing right-wing dark money. Kii at you not being brave enough to include the Muslim candidate that "JusticeDemWatch" posted about who was reasonably upset at pro-Israel PACs quite literally describing her as a terrorist. Smart move!

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1 minute ago, Kassi said:

"Donโ€™t care"

- Democrats when their constituents beg them to actually do something to save women's lives.

And then acting shocked when they see themselves down -30 amongst their own voters.ย :skull:


I don't know who I feel worse for - you for being so out of your depth from time leaving you and your worldview behind, or all of us sane ones who are stuck with centrists like you being the ones with disproportional power despite no one actually agreeing with you or supporting your ideas and views.ย :deadbanana4:


"Yes, we bought billboards calling her a ***** to mock her being molested, but why couldn't she overcome THAT??"



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