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Vanishing Letters 9 | WINNER REVEALED (p.187)| #WinterComing


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Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know: kind of a surprising choice to go for such a polarising song when you had an entire decade to choose from... huge classic which i do enjoy, not sure if it's a certain crowd pleaser because if we're being honest she sounds a little grating here, the raw vocal style is just a lot but I guess that's the majority of Alanis her material. Having said all this, it's a classic for a reason and the lyricism, instrumentation + sonic development is GIVING. I love the storytelling and portrayal of emotion especially, it really captures an ugly sentiment in a true-to-life but also aesthetically attractive way, which is pretty original!


Avril Lavigne - I'm With You: oh yes, this was on my list to send in the VL8 finale but I sent Complicated instead. Very strong choice and pretty sure this song will take this category. It's delightfully soft but also intense at the same time, often creating these gorgeous moments of impassioned emotional outpouring. I always found this song incredibly empowering and interpreted it as though she is talking to her future self and has chosen life rather than suffering, or worse. It feels like the enlightening moment following a dark period in her life, finally finding solace after searching for meaning and spirituality + basically glimpsing self belief and hope for the first time, essentially leading herself onto the path to overcome depression. Dunno if she intended it as a self help anthem but it helped me when I was an angsty teenager, at least x


Kim Petras - Heart To Break: so you chose to send a Kim Petras song in the VL finale when you had the easiest decade to choose from? Interesting! Perhaps I will let it slide on this occasion because this is definitely a bit of a niche gay classic and something about the melody is simply electrifying? Like one of the catchiest songs of our era for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if TikTok caught onto this one at some point a la Unlock It (if it hasn't already). Having reviewed the final track, it's still the worst song in this category tho, sad to say! Like it feels cheap compared to the other entries


Chloe - Have Mercy: OOOOOHF wow this is an interesting choice, I'm kinda living for such a new song being sent that isnt simply a CPG because I really do think that this legitimately stands up. I still haven't quite determined how I feel about this song. The backing vocals are simply stunning at times, very CXH in style, yet the trap/bounce leaning elements also really differentiate this from the duo's material in an eclectic way. I have to say that the manner in which the song is built around the sample is what I'm most unsure about. The repeated 'work it' refrain definitely lends flavour rhythmically, but it's kind of annoying 





Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean: not obsessed on first listen but this is definitely cute and softly interesting. I'm gonna give this one a few more goes because it's giving me grower. She's kind of giving Rina Sawayama throughout... or rather Rina Sawayama is giving her! I can only assume Rina was heavily influenced by her music because with slightly more updated and heavy production this is essentially a Rina song


CHVRCHES - Warning Call: the two of y'all are going to hell I swear, this is vaguely pleasant but extremely uninspiring for the category


CHVRCHES - Death Stranding: lame and y'all are going to hell [2] even ONE of their songs in the VL finale is one too many but thankfully for you this one is significantly better


Koji Kondo - End Credits: you're the ONLY one who understood the assignment I fear and for that you will be getting my 1 spot. Honestly kinda surprised you chose a 7 minute song with multiple segments which basically feels like a medley when there are plenty of extremely famous and well renowned zelda songs which are in the 3 minute range, and would've probably scored better with some of the non-zelda familiar contestants. I was about to suggest that if you were desperate to go with OOT then gerudo valley would've been a slayful choice, but I can see the letters banned it, so let me just trust you would've sent that. Midna's Lament on the other hand was available... the other girls would've been DONE!






Janet Jackson - If: ummmm you SNATCHED. one of the most intricate productions honestly, the blending of genre feels so innovative, like even if this was released today I'd be incredibly impressed?! It feels heavy yet clean, it's constantly moving and developing in the most fascinating way. It constantly swirls and fuses, one second I'm getting disco and then I tap into the guitar rock elements and it's just simply a wonderful journey from beginning to end


Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody: AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I can't. This track is seriously laced with serotonin and I would go so far as to say it's one of the top 5 defining songs of its decade + since the mid 10s has become Whitney's signature song over IWALY. The way it's overplayed in every venue but doesn't really even suffer from this is a huge credit to its longevity as a track. For three years I regularly frequented this club that was obsessed with a We Found Love / I Wanna Dance... mashup (would play it multiple times a night), and let me tell you I was living every time!


Fergie - Glamorous: I'm a bit shocked to see this here but wow slay I've always been obsessed with this song. It perfectly encapsulates a vibe, like it def transports the listener to a realm of luxury. I actually used to stan this gorgeous tennis player when I was like 15 and made a youtube mashup of pictures of her to this song which got like 2 mil views :rip: It's giving me extremely embarrassing flashbacks of my youtube commenter days actually but the song still goes OFF!


Janet Jackson - All For You: always was iffy about that intro but when the beat kicks in this is simply lovely + glorious. So light and summery, yet intricate all the same. The autotune elements are great. The chorus is so infectious and it does carry through, but I have to say the repetition is a lot in the second half nnn. Unfortunately for you this is a really tough category and this song has the most flaws for me






Tove Lo - hey you got drugs?: smart entry considering the album's cult status on this forum but it's certainly no shedonknowbutsheknows... the verses are kinda sparse, I wish there were more moody drums or something? Her weak vocal is definitely problematic at times, she should learn her limits nn. The chorus is definitely an improvement in terms of energy and the layering in the final third is really nice! In terms of the songwriting I love the sentiment overall however the very unignorable "We don't wanna go home / You're ****ed but, oh, you're so fun" is so cringey that it high key ruins all the other slayful lyricism in the song


Fiona Apple - Hot Knife: :toofunny2: it's kind of good in an amusing way? Like I'm actually laughing out loud at how eclectic she is, idk I hate to say it but I'm kind of living for this one. It's giving jazzfest


Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy: it's really pretty but also pretty boring. No it's nice and I appreciate the sentiment and artistry but I would never listen to this really. Maybe if I took a xanax


Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes: Rihanna's pen >> It's a cute cover but unfortunately for you he failed to capture the Riri magic I fear.. nnn j/k you did that baby. Great choice, the production is Kevin at his best 





May the best *** win and whoever it is, you will def be a worthy recipient of the VL crown, can't wait to pass it to one of you.


Good luck with the remaining critiques and love u all :heart:



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??? ??????? :matty:


Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know

whew okay this track is so real.. i love her bitterness in this song and its just so good like in the context of this song!!!

the chorus is such a classic.. ITS NOT FAIR TO DENY ME! yup that line always gets me.. i think compared to other songs, it might fall a bit short?

but its a good entry and i'm glad to see it being sent hehe.


Avril Lavigne - I'm With You

omg this emotional classic :cries: the bridge in this song is so good and its so emotional just like everything thats going on in our lives!!

yea she really snapped with her classics and its such a great track


Kim Petras - Heart To Break

whew this song is gonna be polarizing bc of kim i fear but tbh... i don't care. i LOVE this song. its my favorite song from her

and like prob one of the bops that i love so much. others would prob say that u could've done other choices but its great for me

and u should only listen to me so yea!!! great track, amazing track, bopping with tears in my eyes sm :jamming:


Chlöe - Have Mercy

so true. i've been feeling it lately so i'm gonna say that u submitted it in the right time for me cause it has grown on me a lot

its really getting better and better with each listen and woah i'm impressed... lorde have mercy prays

?????????? :foxaylove3:


Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean

ooooh i didn't expect much from this cause the length scared me at first but tbh this is a good song and i really liked it!

ur making me feel simple and clean and i'm enjoying myself so much :heart2: and yes i love her voice.. asian legend praises, good choice


CHVRCHES - Warning Call

its cute. nothing's much about it but its very cute yea. i wouldn't go back to listen to it again but at least its not bad

so there's that! i think its just a typical chvrches song tbh. so yea very cute but that's all about the song.


CHVRCHES - Death Stranding

personally, i think this is cuter than warning call but again, there's nothing much to say about it and i wouldn't listen to it again after this


Koji Kondo - End Credits

help not a 7 minutes song with 3 likes and 4 dislikes on the video. idk anything about video games and i don't play video games

so it doesn't have any impact to me. it's just a cute instrumental song which has some fun parts. anyways, sighs. thank you for this tho.

i did listen to all 7 minutes but doesn't make me feel much. it's calming tho. appreciate the risk but it didn't pay off for me.

??? ?????????? :katie2:


Janet Jackson - If

this is actually getting better and better as the song goes on. i liked it a lot. a dance bop classic and actually a good one

yea.. i think this is a good janet choice for this theme and glad it was submitted.


Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody

AHHHHHH PERIOD. the winner of the theme methinks idc what yall say but this is the best song ever :alexz:

congrats on snatching that and hopefully for a win in this theme cause u deserve it. love it. love it so much.


Fergie - Glamorous

i would slow dance and bop my head to it yea but compared to these BIG BOPS, even though i like the song a lot, ur in trouble my love

its cute but like its not that dancey and you have these other songs that everyone would dance their feet off and then this

it will be a nice break i think after the other 3 i think!!


Janet Jackson - All For You

yup ur so real for this one. its a classic and its a smash hit at the dancefloor idk but it should be.

this song just screams fun and its everything. love this, yes, amazing job, period.

??????? :celestial5:


Tove Lo - hey you got drugs?

this song makes me feel so emotional :weeps: this is a smart and amazing choice because its just so amazing. best song from the album.

and idk i just love how this song makes me feel. its heavenly, its sad and its everything. ily.


Fiona Apple - Hot Knife

omg this is good? ngl, i thought it was gonna be bad sdfsdfdsfds but please, it's actually a good song and its for sure an interesting song

it rlly keeps me interested through the whole song, whew. it was a great discovery, thank you.


Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy

its cute but doesn't make me feel anything. yea its pretty but thats all but tbh i can't rlly get into this album so it might be my bad :emofish:

but yea, its only cute and not rlly giving me anything.


Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes

tame is not for me :emofish:



good luck the finalists :heart2: you did well.



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YOU OUGHTA KNOW - great pick! Think it represents the decade very well and it also stands on its own as a good song. Some of the vocal delivery at the beginning is not my cup of tea, but when this song really starts rolling, it gets all the more interesting and captivating. Lovely pick


I'M WITH YOU - also a very nice pick for the corresponding decade! It's very cute


HEART TO BREAK - absolutely terrible pick. You had easily the best decade to choose from considering everything is still so fresh and people might have a lot more memories with it than say 80s songs. How you got to Dr. Luke disciple Kim Petras is beyond me, but besides that it's also a painfully boring pop song with bad vocals. I'm gonna pass on this


HAVE MERCY - interesting! It's a nice pick for the 20s, especially seeing how much she has emerged this decade, rather than picking an artist who has been around for ages. I do like it as a song, but I think it's moreso a nice way of grabbing the GPs attention, than really being on top of her game quality wise with this song. It's cute though

??? ??????????


IF - great song, I love the energy that this has. It's a classic


I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY - just a lot of fun. Easily the most recognizable song here, which might help you, or hinder you with some people. Either way great choice


GLAMOROUS - lots of fun as well x all of the songs in this category are massive classics so who knows how I will rank it


ALL FOR YOU - another classic like damn ma why did none of yall drop the ball in this category :deadbanana: 



SIMPLE AND CLEAN - it has its moments but it falls in repetition so quickly. There's nothing really here to come back to. It's as the title simple and clean, but nothing is interesting


WARNING CALL - both the chvrches senders.. yall bore me. This was such a cool and unusual category, and I get you might flop, but why send music that is even too uninteresting for stores to play. There's nothing memorable about this


DEATH STRANDING - pretty much the same critique as warning call. As far as faceless music goes tho, this one is slightly more enjoyable but let it be known it's still turrible


END CREDITS - easily the best song here, both with and without the theme in mind. It's lovely and atmospheric, and above all memorable. It transports me to another place unlike the others which are plain and boring. I wish I could rank this 1st and the rest all at 4 cause..



HEY YOU GOT DRUGS?  - very nice Tove song. Feel like she's a lot better at just making bops than sad/slow music but this is an absolute exception, and is one of her best. It's such a good and fitting closer to Blue Lips as well. Great pick


HOT KNIFE - completely out there and crazy, and I love it. It's so out there, it's probably the most memorable track here. It constantly builds upon itself to form a great eclectic closer to an album. Works very well!


MALE FANTASY - I don't like this as a choice at all sadly. This is such a bore after HTE, where we see Billie breaking her own boundaries more than ever before. This feels similar to a lot of the pre-release songs, that feel too inoffensive to really stand out.  It doesn't work very well on its own, and even less so as a closer


NEW PERSON, SAME OLD MISTAKES - yes I'm also one of those people that prefers Rihanna's version. It's always kinda awkward to listen to this cover original song, because I'm so used to rihanna. That said, it's fantastic, and works extremely well as a closer to Currents. I feel like sonically you could've picked a lot of other songs as a closer on the album, but this one lyrically also closes it off perfectly. It can also stand on its own as a great song. Very nice pick



good luck to everyone xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


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Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know
I'm old so I love 90s Alanis, but this might be my least favorite of the singles from Jagged?

The rest are all more vibe, but this song is still great/iconic of course. Her raw emotion and vocals, the anger/passion behind the lyrics,

 the guessing game about who the song was really about, it is an iconic song.


Avril Lavigne - I'm With You
One of my go-to sad songs when I'm feeling in that kind of mood, perfect to listen to and soak in your feels.

This is so lovely and relatable and emotional, the bridge is amazing, Avril did that and more. :weeps: 


Kim Petras - Heart To Break
Kim Petras just has a lot of songs that are very "me" vibes and this one is definitely one of them.

It's so cute and airy and upbeat, I love it, it's one of the song where I actually see the color pink when I listen to it, call me Halsey. 


Chloe - Have Mercy 
Booty so big has been stuck in my head for weeks tbh, this song is a big bop and Chloe sounds so good on it,

also side note, lawd have mercy makes me think of Uncle Jesse from Full House.


Video Games


Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean
A classic from a classic gay loved game :cherry: I love Kingdom Hearts so this song has a special place for anyone that's played that series,

so it's a great choice for me :heart2: 


CHVRCHES - Warning Call
It's cute, I like the production, it kinda feels like harmless mall music, at the Limited Too or something


CHVRCHES - Death Stranding
This feels more epic than the other churches chicken song, it has more character I guess.


Koji Kondo - End Credits
These credits are longer than some people's speedruns in this game :deadbanana2: it has nostalgia vibes, but it's so long sis, why you do this to us. 

The Dancefloor

This is the hardest category for me to rank because I honestly love every one of these songs and none of them have flaws to me so ???


Janet Jackson - If 
Janet's attitude/swagger/whatever on this song is in top form, it's such a hot, cool, fun song, one of my faves


Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Fun story, when I was like 12, I was listening to my favorite pop radio station and they had a call in request hour, and I really wanted to hear this song b/c I didn't own the song or album, I actually got thru to the station, the DJ basically called me a *** and didn't play it <3 I love the song otherwise tho


Fergie - Glamorous
This song is amazing because it somehow manages to capture the essence of being glamorous and bottling it up and spraying on anyone who listens,

I actually played this in a limo one time and life never felt so right.


Janet Jackson - All For You
This is just pop perfection I'm sorry to the haters, you will be hearing this as you enter gay heaven.




Tove Lo - hey you got drugs?
This is a very lovely song, Tove sounds so good here and the song works so well as the album closer.

Also Tove/drugs make me think of my valentine @Noahso points for that too :heart2: 


Fiona Apple - Hot Knife
Fiona is such a mess, in a good way though. I love the piano, the constant drums remind me of Jumanji (the 95 movie), the way it's coming for you.

The way it builds up is great too, it's a very interesting/unique song. 


Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy
I never thought this song was great as the closer to HTE, but I do like the song, her vocals are so delicate and vulnerable at times,

the stripped back guitar only vibe is cute. 


Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes

Blah blah Rihanna's version blah blah, I actually really enjoy both versions,

I'm a *** so ofc I listen to Rih's more but this is such a good vibe to me, I really do like it a lot. 


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Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know: WINNER!!!! MEGA classic… she knows how to EMOTE, there’s a reason this was so influential

Avril Lavigne - I'm With You: Probably my least fave song on Let Go but still good. Rihanna has good taste because she sampled the best part! Also YESSSS at Godvril making ANOTHER VL finale, she is just too powerful

Kim Petras - Heart To Break: I mean yeah are there better choices sure but this song is still so great and the second best one here for me, people need to stop dragging you! It has some of you-know-who's best production and builds really nicely

Chloe - Have Mercy: It was highly requested that you send something from Troubled Paradise and you more than failed to deliver. :biblionny:(But fr everything on Ungodly Hour is better than this, except for maybe the title track)



Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean: Why does all of their music feel soooooooo long ksjhdgfgdhsjk this is already five minutes and feels even longer omfg. That being said it's an okay song. Very 2000's which I like!

CHVRCHES - Warning Call: Really cute :smile:

CHVRCHES - Death Stranding: Why is everyone liking this so much more it's kind of a snooze nnnn. And I'm one of the two people in this section who likes them! I guess it escalates a bit in the second half to become better though

Koji Kondo - End Credits: The ratio on the YouTube video lmao. Progressive Ambient masterpiece though I'm thinking



Janet Jackson - If: IF I WAS YOUR F*G ALL THE THINGS I'D DO TO YOU cherryfry.thumb.gif.b6e4353dce43ab34c73684ab5d189668.gifcherryfry.thumb.gif.b6e4353dce43ab34c73684ab5d189668.gif

HER BEST SONG (IT WON THE JANET RATE FOR A REASON!!)!!!! Like this is actually insane, it’s still so fresh and I love the industrial influence

Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody: One of my favorite hits of the 80's probably, obviously super fun and catchy

Fergie - Glamorous: Amazing nostalgia... but you can't still be glamorous if you go to Taco Bell (stream this bop tho), that **** is nasty

Janet Jackson - All For You: Another one of her best songs, definitely an early 2000’s style classic



Tove Lo - hey you got drugs?: she knows how to EMOTE [2] perfect closer

Fiona Apple - Hot Knife: HER BEST SONG!!!! [2] Soooo addictive. The way she wasn’t even gonna make this but didn't want her label to be mad at her for not working hard enough on the album f

Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy: HER BEST SONG!!!! [3] Idc this is the perfect folky ballad and a huge step up from the other songs she has that are in a similar vein. Really love the second verse especially

Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes: Currents is trash, Lonerism outsold, Rihanna did this better and everyone knows it


Don't forget to stream Mercurial World tonight!!!!

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5 minutes ago, Sanguine said:

Don't forget to stream Mercurial World tonight!!!!

spill bestie <3

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Good luck to all finalists and thank you for sticking around <3




Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know: It's doing nothing for me except giving me a headache from the shrieking. I like some of the lyrics, but it's very extra and frankly cringe.


Avril Lavigne - I'm With You: It's a cute song. I'm neither warm nor cold towards it. I can appreciate some of the better crafted aspects of it, though.


Kim Petras - Heart To Break: Pretty much a perfect pop song. Perfectly summarizes both the early 2010s era of unapologetic, straightforward pop and the late decade movement that tried to revive it once other sounds/genres took over the radio waves.


Chloe - Have Mercy: A nice listen but falls flat when in comparison with the previous songs. Lacks punch.



Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean: Very overwhelming song, I'm getting sensory overload. Does not justify it's length at all.


CHVRCHES - Warning Call: Extremely forgettable and grating. Sorry but this isn't a finale song.


CHVRCHES - Death Stranding: I actually really like this. It's very CHRVCHES but with some production choices that sets it apart from their other work. I also really like the lyrics and the whole "hopeful despite the tragedy" sentiment.


Koji Kondo - End Credits: Is this the best Zelda song you could've possibly sent? Most likely no, but it's still a pretty gorgeous one from a legendary series that I hold very close to my heart.



Janet Jackson - If: An absolute masterpiece. Love how she infused a bit of industrial rock and trip hop in this song. It's a genius mishmash of genres that sounds like literally nothing else. It's urgent and sexual; so passionate, you can practically feel her nails clawing your back.


Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody: Very much 80's through and through, it's not unique and anyone could be singing it. Very loud, piercing and plastic synths paired with cheesy love lyrics with a big charismatic voice to carry it. Whitney does carry it beautifully though.


Fergie - Glamorous: Pretty much a bore. Not pulling or compelling in any way. Drags for way too long and she's basically just reciting her shopping list and net worth. It's a no from me.


Janet Jackson - All For You: It's no "If".... it's a competent nu-disco influenced song but fails to compete with the best offerings in the genre, both her contemporaries like Kylie and SEB or the newer releases. The chorus is catchy, I'll give it that.



Tove Lo - hey you got drugs?: Depressive classic. Followed me through many of my manic episodes. Perfectly represents a self destructive person coming to terms with their behavior and allowing themselves to be free from it. This song is like... the perfect release and a bit heavy to listen to.


Fiona Apple - Hot Knife: Don't like her at all. Hope you do though and it wasn't just a pandering attempt.


Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy: Gorgeous song, even if a bit forgettable.


Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes: Just so overdone and tired to me.


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The unwarranted and ugly CHVRCHES hate is not cute. What kinda mall is playing this rock classic? 


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It's been fun being a judge again... until next time!!




Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know

Bit of a classic it's true. One thing I've always found a bit annoying was the pause-and-go delivery that happens at a few times, but its easy to look over that since the verses and the chorus just feel so ... cool? Like its just so unrestrained emotion-wise and that's the HUGE appeal of this. Alanis has been done a disservice with time, being regulated to Shoppers Drug Mart playlists, but when you listen to her songs from this album in isolation you really connect with the rawness and the charm is still there. Solid choice for the '90s decade honestly. Captures that "grungey/alt vibe"


Avril Lavigne - I'm With You

2000s Avril is easily the way to go when you look at her career and pop music in general. She was on top of the world with these incredible anthems that feel like they narrate all the best angsty moments in your life. Her simple songwriting just has such resonance with the listener and draws you in with its slight cinematic feel. Why couldn't this be the perfect coming of age movie moment soundtrack? It's perfect! One thing I've admired about her ballads is that in attempts to show her "softer" side to the pop-punk persona she had you end up with moments that a re a bit more hardened than you'd expect. Think a song like Sk8r Boi and compare it to this, there's a stronger genuineness to "I'm With You" that transcends decades. Truly one of the best songs ever.


Kim Petras - Heart to Break

Actually also weird but I only hear this song when I'm at Shoppers. Anyway this is an unusual offbeat choice to represent the '10s. I like elements of it though and I think it weirdly does encapsulate some of the trends that owned the decade. The synth-pop production is reminiscent of songs like Teenage Dream or Style or Love Me Harder or Love Me Like You Do or whatever we decide are those "perfect pop" songs. I like the way it lifts in the chorus, but she gets a bit shrieky ngl. Still, it's a solid bop but doesn't make me want to ascend.


Chlöe - Have Mercy

Fun song yeah. I think songs like these are really cool bops for a few days but I tend to move on from them quickly. Definitely a case of loving the artist and liking that she tried something kind of different from the usual CxH stuff here but... I prefer the usual CxH stuff. It has more longevity.

will be posting all of the sections separately, and tag in the end.

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Disappointing round. There were a lot of cool choices that could've been sent.

next time don't think of this as "let me use an artist people know who happens to have a song used for a video game".




Utada Hikaru - Simple and Clean

It's definitely all over the place and kind of hard to follow. I like certain parts but yeah idk its a little weird.


CHVRCHES - Warning Call

CHVRCHES song #231, not a finale entry


CHVRCHES - Death Stranding

A bit more cinematic than the last one so I'll rank this higher but still not captivating.


Koji Kondo - End Credits

It's beautiful but awfully long. I wouldn't have sent an end credit type song because typically end credits need the listener to understand the context of the game to really grasp why that musical piece hits the way it does. I think there were better choices but its cool ig.



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Janet Jackson - If

I like the slight chaos of this song and feel like its a great transitionary track from her previous era (Rhythm nation) and the sultriness of her self titled. In a lot of ways it borrows from the industrial influences the former had, but pairs it nicely with a slightly dark, sexy vocal delivery. It's definitely one of her best songs because it captures her strengths in all capacities. Janet has the ability to create worlds with her songs, where each component works together to curate a specific mood or attitude. That attitude she brings to this song is what makes it for me.


Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Obviously a great choice. Pure '80s pop and a fun moment thanks to Whitney's vocal. I'll be wholly honest that this isn't close to being a favourite of mine from hers because its a bit overdone, but at its heart it's pure joy.


Fergie - Glamorous

laksjkfs this song has no business being this melodramatic. Like the pairing of the emotional, heart-tugging strings with a hook of "if you aint got no money take your BROKE ass home". It's definitely a campy moment and that's about where all of its appeal lies. I can see this being a bit on the boring side and kind of fuelled by nostalgia but it's perfectly fine honestly. I think its VERY mid 2000s, but great for a throwback. Will be in the middle for me I think.


Janet Jackson - All For You

This feels a bit more obvious dance/club than "If" at first glance. It definitely captures the transition to bubble gum pop sounds in the early 2000s really well but still has a signature Janet twist that makes it stand out. I like the bits of vocal editing and all that going on but if we lay this next to other Janet HITS, it's like... okay? Enjoyable but basically ends there.


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Tove Lo - Hey, you got drugs?

I truly did not think I'd like this album as much as I did. Something about this song... idek she just has the ability to emote everything at once. Like the bittersweet capabilities of this song are so incredible that its hard to put it into words. The objective rawness of the lyrics feels like it'd be off-putting and yet it all works? She managed to take a slower moment and actually make it significant, that's hard to do, to make a slow introspective pop song that isn't a bore to scroll past.


Fiona Apple - Hot Knife

It's like... quirky. I feel like she had fun with this so that's great.


Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy

Honestly one of the best songs on this album. It captures what she was aiming for with Happier Than Ever well in a more subtle, understated way. THere's a vulnerability, a gentleness, and a reflective approach that contrasts well with the reality of the lyrics. Like the pressures of being a young girl who is criticized for every move she makes. But rather than focus on it as like "people are mean and idk why" she just... takes the opportunity to air it all out. To thoughtfully dissect all of the themes the album before tackled. Brilliant tbh!


Tame Impala - Same Old Person, New Mistakes or w/e

Another classic choice. The best part of this is the instrumental easily and the different avenues it takes. 

@Alena@Element@Kavish@ughgabrieluntil next time!! can't wait to judge everyone again


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thank you judges and contestants for taking the time to listen and rank <3 i will post my reviews right at the deadline to talk a bit about my songs <3

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10 hours ago, ughgabriel said:

thank you judges and contestants for taking the time to listen and rank <3 i will post my reviews right at the deadline to talk a bit about my songs <3

ty for playing <3

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Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know - it's ok

Avril Lavigne - I'm With You - one of her best songs 

Kim Petras - Heart To Break - yes this is a catchy bop  

Chloe - Have Mercy - EXACTLY! ate and left no crumbs! :WAP:



Hikaru Utada - Simple And Clean - she has a great voice but it's alright

CHVRCHES - Warning Call - it's cute 

CHVRCHES - Death Stranding - it's ok, not a fan 

Koji Kondo - End Credits - I like this actually 



Janet Jackson - If - YAAAAAAAASSS!! such an amazing song which blends genres, we love that 

Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody - OMGGG this classic BOPPP

Fergie - Glamorous - such an undeniable fun bop!!!!

Janet Jackson - All For You - AHHHHHH this song gets me so so happy! i really wanted to send it this season before getting eliminated, really happy someone did, I love it so much :heart:



Tove Lo - hey you got drugs?  - it's nice yeah 

Fiona Apple - Hot Knife - there are parts I enjoy but then there are parts I dislike, hm 

Billie Eilish - Male Fantasy - I like this song but I don't go back to it much from that album 

Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes - CLEARED! an amazing song from an amazing album :WAP:

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