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Trump#25: Ban birth control, no-fault divorce, gay marriage; require faith for asylum


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1 hour ago, GhostBox said:

People who think this will be the ones who sit by and let the country be taken over by the likes of Trump and they will start implementing some of these proposals. Even then they will be like “its ok he can’t do that”  while he stacks the courts and congress  with people who will let him do just that. 💀

I mean I guess you are right. I'm not voting for Trump or any republican ever but Biden sucks its a lose-lose but in this case we are better off with 4 more years of Biden. If Trump does manage to get elected hopefully the dem party does everything they can to stop this from happening. 

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Yet his brand of being a ‘Good Christian’ does not involve free healthcare for the citizens of the country he professes to love? and to instead protect the profit revenue of the CEO’s of private healthcare companies?

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This is the court justice for the state that just (technically) banned IVF by the way




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16 minutes ago, Espresso said:

This is the court justice for the state that just (technically) banned IVF by the way




Meanwhile centrist Dema are spending 90% of their time talking about college kids on campus protesting genocide. :redface:

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I will be unfortunately voting for Biden in November but I don’t understand why people want to be intentionally obtuse about what progressives are saying in regards to Biden



Progressives: Trump is a weak candidate this time around, we can push a candidate like Bernie with great ideals, great popularity with independents and push for progress!


Liberals: NO! We can’t risk it. We need a safe candidate like Biden. We’ll push for progressive legislation during his term.



Progressives: Doesn’t look like Biden is going to push through some of his main campaign promises like his student loan forgiveness program. That’s not going to be good for his popularity among young people who helped him win…


Liberals: GEEZ! The man is TRYING! Do you guys even know how government works??? SHUT UP!



Progressives: Okay, we lost out on student loans, but surely Biden can at least condemn a genocide? Backing this and the Ukraine War isn’t going to look to good for his war hawk reputation. Really not going to help with his base in 2024…


Liberals: UMMMM??? Are you REALLY supporting Russia’s invasion AND terrorist organizations???? Leftists just want the world to BURN! 



Progressives: Okay, it’s looking really bad for Biden. We really need to do something quick, Biden’s not going to win and Trump is coming full force with his schemes this time. I’m seriously worried about the future and Biden and the Democratic Party don’t seem to be doing much to stop it… Come on guys we need to do anything to help our chances cause Biden won’t. 


Liberals: REALLY? You just want Trump to win!! You want our rights taken!! We’ll lose again because leftists can’t handle the fact that their candidate LOST FAIR AND SQUARE!!!



*Trump wins*


Like, I hear ya liberal folks out. We disagree on a lot, but we need to wake up and smell the sh*t. We can’t keep putting up weak Democratic candidates. We seriously need a winner, and Biden isn’t it. I know he’s all we have unfortunately right now (due to poor Democratic Party decisions and leadership), but you have to understand where leftists are coming from. You have to want better than this, not just because progressive policy is long overdue, but because.. we really need some solid wins at this crucial time in history. Biden was a bandaid solution in 2020 and we haven’t done anything to treat the festering wound underneath. Leftists really aren’t the bad guys I feel they’re made out to be here.

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and this is why i will always vote D even if the nominee isn't the best. :cm:

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7 hours ago, Relampago. said:

I will be unfortunately voting for Biden in November but I don’t understand why people want to be intentionally obtuse about what progressives are saying in regards to Biden



Progressives: Trump is a weak candidate this time around, we can push a candidate like Bernie with great ideals, great popularity with independents and push for progress!


Liberals: NO! We can’t risk it. We need a safe candidate like Biden. We’ll push for progressive legislation during his term.



Progressives: Doesn’t look like Biden is going to push through some of his main campaign promises like his student loan forgiveness program. That’s not going to be good for his popularity among young people who helped him win…


Liberals: GEEZ! The man is TRYING! Do you guys even know how government works??? SHUT UP!



Progressives: Okay, we lost out on student loans, but surely Biden can at least condemn a genocide? Backing this and the Ukraine War isn’t going to look to good for his war hawk reputation. Really not going to help with his base in 2024…


Liberals: UMMMM??? Are you REALLY supporting Russia’s invasion AND terrorist organizations???? Leftists just want the world to BURN! 



Progressives: Okay, it’s looking really bad for Biden. We really need to do something quick, Biden’s not going to win and Trump is coming full force with his schemes this time. I’m seriously worried about the future and Biden and the Democratic Party don’t seem to be doing much to stop it… Come on guys we need to do anything to help our chances cause Biden won’t. 


Liberals: REALLY? You just want Trump to win!! You want our rights taken!! We’ll lose again because leftists can’t handle the fact that their candidate LOST FAIR AND SQUARE!!!



*Trump wins*


Like, I hear ya liberal folks out. We disagree on a lot, but we need to wake up and smell the sh*t. We can’t keep putting up weak Democratic candidates. We seriously need a winner, and Biden isn’t it. I know he’s all we have unfortunately right now (due to poor Democratic Party decisions and leadership), but you have to understand where leftists are coming from. You have to want better than this, not just because progressive policy is long overdue, but because.. we really need some solid wins at this crucial time in history. Biden was a bandaid solution in 2020 and we haven’t done anything to treat the festering wound underneath. Leftists really aren’t the bad guys I feel they’re made out to be here.

The issue here is that a lot of "leftists" are openly promoting voting apathy and telling people just not to vote. Which is so, so stupid since it's acting like the presidency is the only thing on that ballot.

It's also the chance for people to have a voice to their local politics. Because we all know the left side is just not voting enough and keeps handing controls to the Republicans on a local level. People can just choose to not vote for Biden if they don't want to, but to outright telling people not to vote?! Then they are actively working for the Republicans here, straight fact.


You want better Dem candidate? Then participate in the local politics and support those better candidates. They are out there not getting the supports they need. You think people like AOC just pop out of thin air? Hell no. 

Edited by Rep2000
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1 hour ago, Rep2000 said:

The issue here is that a lot of "leftists" are openly promoting voting apathy and telling people just not to vote.

I think the lackluster candidate is doing a far better job of this than leftists.

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2 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

I think the lackluster candidate is doing a far better job of this than leftists.

Sure. Let's ignore everything else I just said after the 1st sentence. :coffee2:

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14 minutes ago, Rep2000 said:

Sure. Let's ignore everything else I just said after the 1st sentence. :coffee2:

Why isn't Biden strong enough to shore up support from Independents and moderate Republicans if he is so strong? There's a lot of blame for leftists where it doesn't belong.

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4 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Why isn't Biden strong enough to shore up support from Independents and moderate Republicans if he is so strong? There's a lot of blame for leftists where it doesn't belong.

There’s more than enough blame to go around to everyone - it just comes down to percentages. The progressive movement is really in tatters. You can just start with the multiple issues with Pramila Jayapal’s leadership in the progressive caucus. We don’t even need to discuss Bernie or AOC at this point.

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19 hours ago, Communion said:

Meanwhile centrist Dema are spending 90% of their time talking about college kids on campus protesting genocide. :redface:

At least folks are finally making the connections I guess. That it had to be this obvious is endlessly frustrating. 


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Much more on the Christian nationalist seven mountains mandate that’s gotten a lot more attention since the IVF ruling for anyone that’s interested in going down the research rabbit hole - really disturbing, but worth looking looking into given this is what we’re facing in the future.


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This Is Fine GIF

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On 2/20/2024 at 8:23 PM, bad guy said:

I literally said in my post that codification doesn’t mean a permanent solution and that our institutions are not to be trusted. My point is that repealing the codification of gay marriage is just not realistic given who is in Congress. If Trump were to win, it would solely be due to the Electoral College. He has proven to be an ineffective politician when it comes to stacking Congress with his lapdogs. Nearly every person he has backed for Congress loses. Let’s say he does win and Republicans do decide to bend the knee to policy he wants passed. Where will Republicans get their majority? There’s not going to be this massive red wave that’s gonna change the landscape of Congress. It will be an evenly divided Congress at the very least. I suppose there is a threat that if Congress is too tight and it leans on the VP being the tie-breaker that can pose a threat. But just looking at political trends for the last presidential elections, and especially with how the midterms went, the chances of Republicans having any majority in Congress with the way they’ve been losing is not very high. So that alone puts a wrench in whatever plans he wants to pass and offers no path of repealing marriage codification.


We are approaching 4 years under Biden and are our institutions any more trustworthy? Is our world any safer? Is border control even a thing? Trump not being good for this country is a given, but it’s not like we’re in a great situation currently either. Controversial take maybe but I really don’t feel a single difference with Biden as president vs. Trump. The social issues during Trump have persisted under Biden and with Democratic control after his election he could have done a lot to help marginalized communities but chose not to. The political polarization is even worse (though Republicans have their hands in that as well obviously). And the world is on fire. If we can’t even admit there is a problem here, then yes we’re more screwed than we think. Democrats/liberals need to wake up and start holding their party accountable for putting us in a position where Trump being re-elected is even a possibility. The one thing Republican voters have been able to do, for better or worse, is make their voices known loud and clear on elected officials that don’t align with their beliefs. Trust me you will see Republicans losing their seats over this Israel/Ukraine funding bill unlike Democrats. But for some reason Democrats are still stuck in this never-ending cycle of holding nobody accountable and repeatedly voting blue-no-matter-who (with no results to show for it) and then freaking out right before an election about how the US is in danger if we don’t vote for empty platitudes again. Biden was elected off of this strategy and again…what is there to show for it? We’re still in danger.


I’m not arguing that Republicans aren’t dangerous or that Trump isn’t bad for the country. But when the average American looks at the state of the country right now, sees prices for everything increase while wages stagnate, feels more in danger of WW3 than four years prior, sees our institutions pick and choose who to hold accountable, feel the economy working against them, notice green efforts being abandoned, student loan forgiveness being forgotten, etc., how do you look at our President who can’t even construct a sentence anymore as an optimal choice to ensure things will get better? Serious question. How do you convince someone to vote for you when they have not delivered for you? Where is Biden campaigning? Pumping hundreds of millions in TV ads is not enough. If he doesn’t have the vigor to campaign like his life depends on it (since democracy is supposedly on the line) then get the **** out of race and make room for a Democrat that can. Simple as that. 


Running off hyperbolic what-ifs with Trump isn’t going to get Biden re-elected. Delivering promises to the voters that elected you in the first place will though. Too bad Biden and the DNC’s ego is preventing them from facing their voters and ultimately putting the entire country at risk.

 This pretty much sums up my thoughts, thanks!

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these things won’t happen. The courts will stop em 🗣️


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On 2/20/2024 at 5:25 PM, TeemoR said:

Disgusting, he's a monster. But none of these things will happen. He always barks and then does nothing. 

i mean... the reversal of Roe v Wade is his legacy. he appointed 3 judges to the supreme court, which is why it is now stacked with christian fascists 

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7 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

It’s starting folks 


Truthfully I feel that this will backfire on them if they truly intend to make this one of their main campaign points. Maybe the average American doesn’t feel passionately about LGBTQ rights, but if they push too hard to reverse already established rights it might make them a little uncomfortable when they’re looking for answers to things like inflation and immigration, not what Billy and Joe are doing in their own private lives (see: Roe v Wade overturned).


This should obviously be taken 100% seriously and we shouldn’t use this as an excuse to be complacent, but this imaginary culture war is just as tiring for people as the “woke” crowd is. At the end of the day, most people don’t give a **** and if Republicans can’t formulate a clear path forward to solve real issues, then that’s a perfect opportunity for Dems to start pushing policy rather than arguing about this or pointing towards Republicans saying this and going “Look!! The Boogeyman! You don’t want that so you HAVE to vote for us!”


We need some tangible action plans, so I hope Dems remain focused on that and make Republicans trying to scare people with a rainbow flag look like fools.



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1 hour ago, Relampago. said:

Truthfully I feel that this will backfire on them if they truly intend to make this one of their main campaign points. Maybe the average American doesn’t feel passionately about LGBTQ rights, but if they push too hard to reverse already established rights it might make them a little uncomfortable when they’re looking for answers to things like inflation and immigration, not what Billy and Joe are doing in their own private lives (see: Roe v Wade overturned).


This should obviously be taken 100% seriously and we shouldn’t use this as an excuse to be complacent, but this imaginary culture war is just as tiring for people as the “woke” crowd is. At the end of the day, most people don’t give a **** and if Republicans can’t formulate a clear path forward to solve real issues, then that’s a perfect opportunity for Dems to start pushing policy rather than arguing about this or pointing towards Republicans saying this and going “Look!! The Boogeyman! You don’t want that so you HAVE to vote for us!”


We need some tangible action plans, so I hope Dems remain focused on that and make Republicans trying to scare people with a rainbow flag look like fools.



Also two thirds of Americans support gay marriage, so this policy will only energize a few MAGA nuts and not someone undecided.

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4 hours ago, GhostBox said:

these things won’t happen. The courts will stop em 🗣️


I'm sorry but who thought that Alabama, a state where even with Roe as precedent made abortion extremely difficult to access, would not react this way once it fell? It's left up to states now so...everyone knew this would happen.


1 hour ago, GhostBox said:

It’s starting folks 


Not even in a million years will he be VP. Trump goal is to win at the end of the day.

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1 hour ago, Relampago. said:

Dems to start pushing policy rather than arguing about this or pointing towards Republicans saying this and going “Look!! The Boogeyman! You don’t want that so you HAVE to vote for us!”

That's the problem since 2016 though. The "solution" to defeat Trump in 2016 was Hillary because it was not the time for progressive policies with such a maniac on the loose!!! Despite the theme of the 2016 election being populism (both left and right) the DNC went with the opposite and far-right populism won. In 2020 it was the same rhetoric. Now is not the time for progressives because Trump can't get re-elected!!!! So let's combine every moderate to back the losing candidacy of Biden, keep Warren in to hurt Bernie, and push Biden as the solution. Now it's 2024 and remember now is not the time for progressives because Trump could get elected again!! It's almost like moderate politics in a world of populism does not work and only props up the chances of right-wing populism to keep winning.


If only there was the option to deliver basic left-wing populist promises (that Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans agree on) instead of staying stuck in the 1980s where moderate positions worked. Oh wait. That didn't even work then since Reagan and his conservative movement won instead and moved American politics so far to the right that Bill Clinton had to basically become a Republican to get anything done.


I guess Democrats are right. Progressive politics can wait until 2028. Actually, someone far-right is probably gonna run for office then so let's just wait until 2032. The last time any real progressive programs were enacted was the New Deal (1930s) and The Great Society (1960s), so electing a progressive in 2032 to commemorate 100 years since FDR would make the most sense.



The fact that Dems unironically think like this and are serious :rip:

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Welp 🤷



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21 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Welp 🤷




6 hours ago, GhostBox said:

It’s starting folks 


They're not wrong I fear. :ghostface:



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