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Southwest Airlines is praised for ‘customers of size’ policy


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I really hope they don’t start kicking people put because of this


Flights are often getting overbooked which is already shady, and this on top of that would create a lot of problems and I can see already multiple viral video resurfacing 


If they let they overweight person out go get more seats that’s fair. If not we are having a lor of problems if other airlines do this.


other than that I’m with this because it’s uncomfortable to sot next to someone very overweight since they they really don’t fit in the seats at all.


So it’s the best for everyone if they don’t kick anyone out.


Edited by Trent W
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If I’m kicked off my plane because some whale needs an extra seat and won’t pay I’d be pissed. It’s your choices making you fat, not mine. Kick them off if they can’t buy another seat 

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11 hours ago, Cheers said:

"customer of size" .... we cannot be serious with this term?????


This is ridiculous! We're treating high calorie individuals like they're disabled and in a permanent situation :rip: 

What would they call it? “Obese customer policy” 

Why can’t they just request when purchasing a ticket

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Everyday my acceptance of overweight people grows more slim (unlike them)

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I'm sorry but 'body positivity' is bullshit when you are hundreds of pounds. That is a food addiction. You need to go to rehab. I don't care if it's insensitive to say this. It's absolutely insane that a culture has degenerated to the point where it's normal there are millions of people who can't fit in a seat. The human body is not meant to eat that much food. Think of all the extra energy, fuel, carbon emissions that are being created because millions of people are eating 3x as much as they should be. Americans may be 320 million but they eat the food of 500 million because there are so many morbidly obese.

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22 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

The reality is more and more people are living in larger bodies nowadays. It makes no sense for airlines to not accommodate a huge percentage of their customer base. 

Bullshit. They need to accommodate reality and sanity and put down the Coke can and the donuts. America is ****** up and waaaay too obese. 

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4 hours ago, Psyduck said:

I'm sorry but 'body positivity' is bullshit when you are hundreds of pounds. That is a food addiction. You need to go to rehab. I don't care if it's insensitive to say this. It's absolutely insane that a culture has degenerated to the point where it's normal there are millions of people who can't fit in a seat. The human body is not meant to eat that much food. Think of all the extra energy, fuel, carbon emissions that are being created because millions of people are eating 3x as much as they should be. Americans may be 320 million but they eat the food of 500 million because there are so many morbidly obese.

When I went to rehab for substance abuse a counselor there opened up about how she went to rehab for being anorexic. She was about 300 pounds telling us about how she’s anorexic while we’re coming off booze and drugs.  

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Whew some of y'all have just been itching to be pos, huh? 

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On 12/14/2023 at 3:44 AM, TaggedGalaxy said:


Omg :rip: European airlines don't need any of these policies because you don't see **** like this here :mazen:

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If they can't fit into a plane seat maybe that should tell them it's time to think about their life choices 

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On 12/14/2023 at 11:22 PM, ICLDXU4HS said:

Bring back being embarrassed to be fat. :sorry:

Again. No one cares if a person is fat. But anyone should be embarrassed if they take a seat from another paying customer so they can have two. Period. It’s LITERALLY not difficult to understand.  

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it is only fair because then people of size wouldnt be able to fit into their seat they ordered. so what will they do.

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It's clear that most of the comments in this thread are reactionary and really don't care about what the actual policies in place on the airline are and are just using a headline as an excuse to dunk fat people. This policy doesn't just apply to people who are obese, it applies to ANYBODY who is large to the point of needing two seats. 


Our policy does not focus on weight, and the seatbelt extension is not the determining factor


It plainly states on their website that you can purchase multiple seats ahead of time and Southwest will refund you for doing so. In the case that they somebody is granted an extra seat on a sold-out flight; service agents ask the passengers waiting to board if they'd like to be given money through a travel voucher and immediately book them onto the next flight to their destination. Southwest is easily one of the most budget-friendly airlines too and allow you to check two bags for free and have a carry-on and personal item. They aren't pinching you for pennies and are very accommodating to every customer, regardless of their size.


The needless cruelty from some of the posters on this thread really shows how much basic sympathy is lacking for bigger people. People really don't know the circumstances of somebody's health and writing them all off to "eating fast food" or "eating too much" is a scapegoat to veil your hatred towards them.  Fat people are allowed and have the right to public spaces whether or not you like them. Having policies that allow them to be more comfortable on a plane isn't a bad thing, especially when the policy encourages buying MULTIPLE tickets ahead of time to accommodate them. And this policy extends to anybody that doesn't fit normally in a seat on a Southwest flight (which are very small if you've never been on one). 

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If they are willing to put up with the embarrassment of having two seats they deserve. :clap3:


If I was that big I'd probably avoid air travel at all costs regardless. 

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1 hour ago, lgaga1fan said:

It's clear that most of the comments in this thread are reactionary and really don't care about what the actual policies in place on the airline are and are just using a headline as an excuse to dunk fat people. This policy doesn't just apply to people who are obese, it applies to ANYBODY who is large to the point of needing two seats. 

It plainly states on their website that you can purchase multiple seats ahead of time and Southwest will refund you for doing so. In the case that they somebody is granted an extra seat on a sold-out flight; service agents ask the passengers waiting to board if they'd like to be given money through a travel voucher and immediately book them onto the next flight to their destination. Southwest is easily one of the most budget-friendly airlines too and allow you to check two bags for free and have a carry-on and personal item. They aren't pinching you for pennies and are very accommodating to every customer, regardless of their size.


The needless cruelty from some of the posters on this thread really shows how much basic sympathy is lacking for bigger people. People really don't know the circumstances of somebody's health and writing them all off to "eating fast food" or "eating too much" is a scapegoat to veil your hatred towards them.  Fat people are allowed and have the right to public spaces whether or not you like them. Having policies that allow them to be more comfortable on a plane isn't a bad thing, especially when the policy encourages buying MULTIPLE tickets ahead of time to accommodate them. And this policy extends to anybody that doesn't fit normally in a seat on a Southwest flight (which are very small if you've never been on one). 

Wait. It isn’t just referring to obese people but who other than obese people are requesting two seats?

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But if my bag is .01 lbs over I would get charged like 80 dollars lol


If this was the other way around and thin people were given discounts or free tix the tone of this thread would be completely diff 



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On 12/14/2023 at 4:45 PM, byzantium said:

As a pretty tall person, I would like to be able to kick someone out of the emergency exit rows to accommodate my need for leg room.  

Literally this. My knees RAMMED hard against the back of flight chairs, even when seated as far back as possible, and then they recline and I have to contort myself into weird shapes so as to be able to move. 

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