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France proposes 2 year prison sentences for those who criticize Israel & Zionism


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Well to be fair the anti-Semitism is getting very very bad everywhere like a few days ago when 150 homes had the stickers.


But just inciting hatred against Israel shouldn't be serious so France is wrong for that

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What the ****? I understand for anti-Semitism but the Israel part confuses me. So simply condemning Israel for committing genocide would be enough? It seems intentionally vague.

Edited by mystery
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Electric guillotine


Imagine making the fair criticism of Zionism and the terror state of Israel a punishable offence

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So they want to eliminate free speech? This is why I stan for Irish politicians unilaterally supporting Palestine. 

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4 minutes ago, mystery said:

What the ****? I understand for anti-Semitism but the Israel part confuses me. So simply condemning Israel for committing genocide would be enough? It seems intentionally vague.

Zionists have done a very effective job of conflating anti-Semitism (a horrible and hateful ideology that is a very real concern around the world) with anti-Zionism (which is legitimate criticism of Israel, the IDF, and their treatment of Palestinian people). Only the former should be taken seriously and anyone who perpetuates hate crimes against Jewish people should be punished legally. But valid criticism of Israel should not be criminalized at all. 

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Good. If the protests of the last few weeks have taught us anything, it's that the the "Free Palestine" crowd is seemingly unable to constructively criticise Israel's political decisions without resorting to blatant antisemitism and calling for the complete elimination of Israel "from the river to the sea", creating a dangerous situation where Jewish people all over Europe are once again scared to be recognised as Jews in the streets and Jewish institutions are attacked like we're in the middle of the 1930s.


If this proposed law leads to people at least having to think about what exactly they are demonstrating for (and alongside whom they are marching), then I'm all for it. 

Edited by SlowGinFizzzz
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2 minutes ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

Good. If the protests of the last few weeks have taught us anything, it's that the the "Free Palestine" crowd is seemingly unable to constructively criticise Israel's political decisions without resorting to blatant antisemitism and calling for the complete elimination of Israel "from the river to the sea", creating a dangerous situation where Jewish people all over Europe are once again scared to be recognised as Jews in the streets and Jewish institutions are attacked like we're in the middle of the 1930s.


If this proposed law leads to people at least having to think about what exactly they are demonstrating for (and alongside whom they are marching), then I'm all for it. 

Found the Zionist who is a White Supremacist.

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Oh my god. Absolutely terrible that a developed country like France is not allowing basic free speech. The way people link anti-Zionism with anti-semitism is gross.

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Europe is completely lost. No longer so-called democratic champions as these states have pretended to be for decades.


France and Germany, UK... freedom of speech and citizen's rights are being lost left right and centre... for far-right ideologies and militarization. For shame, for shame!

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All of this just so Israel can mass-murder Palestinians at their will. No longer can France, UK and Germany call themselves democracies or champions of civility. Not that they ever were, but the facade is truly and deeply broken.

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& the neoliberals strike again.


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Israel, the most fascist state in the Middle East, helping to unmask the West’s fascism.   

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this would set a dangerous and unacceptable precedent 

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1 hour ago, Aston Martin said:

Zionists have done a very effective job of conflating anti-Semitism (a horrible and hateful ideology that is a very real concern around the world) with anti-Zionism (which is legitimate criticism of Israel, the IDF, and their treatment of Palestinian people). Only the former should be taken seriously and anyone who perpetuates hate crimes against Jewish people should be punished legally. But valid criticism of Israel should not be criminalized at all. 

The zionists have redefined anti-semitism to mean "against genocide" or "not in favor of killing children". Because of this, they have subsequently created millions of new anti-semites over the past two weeks. It is clear zionists are the greatest threat to the Jewish faith and its people since 1940.

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Sounds about right for a country that was a loyal supporter of similar apartheid states in Africa.

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For criticizing it??? No ma’am. I get that anti-semitism has been getting bad and something does need to be done about that but for simply criticizing a country who has in recent times NOT been on the right side of history? That’s… wow. 

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3 minutes ago, ugo said:

just don't go to france then….

What about the millions of pro-palestinian people living in France already? Did you think this through?

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Thread title: "criticizing" Israel or Zionism will carry a 2 year prison sentence


Actual reality: The proposed law is an amendment to article 23 of a law from 1881, protecting various groups of people from violent consequences of hate speech, and would simply add Anti-Zionism and Anti-Israel statement to the long existing law which is worded as such:


"Those who, either by speeches, shouts or threats uttered in public places or gatherings, or by writings, printed matter, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images or any other written, spoken or pictorial material sold or distributed, offered for sale or exhibited in public places or meetings, or by placards or posters exposed to public view, or by any means of communication to the public by electronic means, will have directly provoked the perpetrator or perpetrators to commit one of these actions:


1° Intentional attacks on life, intentional attacks on the integrity of the person and sexual assaults, as defined in Book II of the Penal Code;

2° Theft, extortion and wilful destruction, damage or deterioration dangerous to persons, as defined in Book III of the French Penal Code."



In short, it will be punished if someone calls for action in such a way that directly causes intentional attacks on life or destruction of property of Jewish people. There are absolutely 0 words in this proposed law about consequences for "criticizing" Israel or Zionists. 



Who knew that sometimes it pays off to do research and not simply believe the first convenient Twitter account you find. I'm "sure" that mods will change the misleading title soon

Edited by Dephira
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One thing is being hateful towards a nationality and other is being critic of Israel killing innocent Palestinians. 


Here in Brazil we have hate crime laws, it started many decades ago as an antiracism law. So if, lets say, a black person is mistread at a shop, with racial slurs, the person can go to jail and usually goes, now the sentence is low and many times converted into community work that in this case I think it appropriately. 


Then this law was expanded and you are not allowed to mistreat a person base on the religion (we are a christian country, usually afro religions are the ones mistreated). 


You cant be a nazi in Brazil, you cant be openly racist.


Lastly the expanded this law to protect LGBTQ+. So if someone at work makes fun of u being gay, u can send them to jail. If a trans person is prohibited of using a bathroom, they can also call the police.


Does this end racism? NO! Does this end trans/homophobia? NO!


But it changes the social dynamic, the really nasty people become afraid of consequences, because the worst its not going to jail/community work, is being exposed on the internet. I feel like gay people feel much more safe to be open about their life, back some years people always led a sort of double life where they acted almost asexual on their social life. 


I dont think it depleads freedom. We are allowed to talk. A conservative can say he doesnt agree with man having sex with man, this wont put him in jail. At least not yet. If you talk something loke that about black people u will probably lost ur job, but this is what most of society agrees it should happen if u are racist.

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8 minutes ago, Dephira said:

Thread title: "criticizing" Israel or Zionism will carry a 2 year prison sentence


Actual reality: The proposed law is an amendment to article 23 of a law from 1881, protecting various groups of people from violent consequences of hate speech, and would simply add Anti-Zionism and Anti-Israel statement to the long existing law which is worded as such:


"Those who, either by speeches, shouts or threats uttered in public places or gatherings, or by writings, printed matter, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images or any other written, spoken or pictorial material sold or distributed, offered for sale or exhibited in public places or meetings, or by placards or posters exposed to public view, or by any means of communication to the public by electronic means, will have directly provoked the perpetrator or perpetrators to commit one of these actions:


1° Intentional attacks on life, intentional attacks on the integrity of the person and sexual assaults, as defined in Book II of the Penal Code;

2° Theft, extortion and wilful destruction, damage or deterioration dangerous to persons, as defined in Book III of the French Penal Code."



In short, it will be punished if someone calls for action in such a way that directly causes intentional attacks on life or destruction of property of Jewish people. There are absolutely 0 words in this proposed law about consequences for "criticizing" Israel or Zionists. 



Who knew that sometimes it pays off to do research and not simply believe the first convenient Twitter account you find. I'm "sure" that mods will change the misleading title soon

wait. this is actually good :clap3:

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