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What Has Helped You With Depression/Anxiety?


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I’m struggling right now. What has helped you?

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Just now, shyboi said:

is therapy an option for you? 

I have used BetterHelp, but I didn’t find it particularly helpful. I might start again but I found it expensive for the results tbqh. 

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I walk to and from work every day (1 hour each way). I initially did it to lose/maintain my weight but it helps clear my mind/anxiety. I also like to immerse myself in podcasts and audiobooks, I find reading to be a quick and easy way of escape.

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Music. I like to find songs that fit my mood, if I'm feeling low I'll listen to sad songs about suicide etc. It sounds dumb but it really helps! There's something in my brain that just clicks into place when I find the right song for my current situation



Also substance abuse but it's a very temporary fix and my issues always come back twice as bad the next day :rip:


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- Therapy

- Medication from the shrink

- Sleep Hygiene (I really recommend you to read something about it)

- Writing, just some thoughts or whatever you want wherever you feel like it, I used a lot the notes app

- Exercise (just the right amount, not something to stress about)


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As you can tell from above, there isn't a one-size fits all solution. Know what you're able to take on, what your personality is, your resources (time, physicality, etc.).



Although definitely yes to sleep. When I took medication, my psychatrist had to add sleeping pills to make sure my brain had enough time to rest and recover, otherwise even the regular pills wouldn't work. 

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Whenever I'm anxious or depressed I give my signed Daisies vinyl a spin.

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2 minutes ago, Lipgloss said:

Nothing helps and nothing will. We will be stuck in this endless loop of suffering.

This is how I’m feeling. Like the issue is either intrinsic to me or just a flaw in society that some people just can’t deal with. 

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Lana Del Rey helps me a lot, I don’t know what I’d do without her music, it’s the only thing that brings me true joy and happiness

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  • ATRL Administrator

A combination of journaling, therapy, drugs and doing things that bring me joy. You also have to learn to accept that some days will be hard and that’s okay. 

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Substance abuse :deadbanana4:


Would not recommend.

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- Therapy 

- Lexapro 

- Aging, after I turned 25 something clicked and most of the time I’m able to think rationally and reason myself out of depression

- Sleeping regularly, really is the biggest one for me. Whenever I’m struggling with depression the first thing I question is the quality of my sleep lately.

- Being a silly clown person. 
- Not engaging with depression content online. If I notice an algorithm pushing that content on me I actively try to stop it.

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I smoke 🌲. Smoking helps me personally but I’ve also learned which strains do help and which ones don’t.


If it’s really bad, I suggest seeing a therapist. There are other things you can do to help alleviate some of the symptoms - exercise, meditation, making sure you’re taking the right vitamins. I personally have a hard time processing vitamin d so I have to take supplements. 

Having a hobby and actively trying every day to do at least 3 “productive things” can help. I keep a notebook where I write down the date and the three things I do. I usually try to do the following:


1 think for the house (cleaning, etc). 1 thing for my bedroom. 1 thing for me personally (it can be as simple as doing a load of laundry or even taking a relaxing bubble bath). 

Forcing yourself to do something productive and “good” can sometimes help out your mind into perspective. Sometimes I write down more than three things but never less. 

Again, if nothing seems to be helping please go see a therapist. Sometimes talking to someone with an outside perspective. Sometimes medications are needed. Some of the above things have helped me and I have a long family history of depression and anxiety (even fibromyalgia) so I do sympathize. Hope some of this helps. 


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listening to new music on nightwalks is literally the most therapeutic thing ever. just completely blocking out the busy feelings of the daytime, and submerging yourself into the night and the stars and the emptiness, and letting the music be your guide on the journey. it's truly magical with some good music


also meditation is super underrated and I think everyone in western societies could benefit from it lol


therapy is great too. if it's not an easy option, see if you can get on medicaid and start looking on zocdoc tbh

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Long walks in nature




Ice cold showers (only like 30 seconds at a time is enough to awaken your parasympathetic nervous system and help ease anxiety).

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I’ve been texting helplines a lot lately. It just feels inescapable and torturous and I hate this. I’ll definitely look into therapy, but nothing seems to provide any relief. 

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4 minutes ago, CandleGuy said:

Ice cold showers (only like 30 seconds at a time is enough to awaken your parasympathetic nervous system and help ease anxiety).

omg YES i always forget about this :jonny5:

I like to turn on the cold water for like 30 seconds when i'm taking a shower in which i wash my hair (I have thick curly hair that has a tendency to be dry so i don't wash it everytime i shower) and use the cold water to rinse the conditioner out, but I always forget that cold water on one's skin can be extremely beneficial for several reasons!

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If I feel like I’m getting overwhelmed, I try to reserve two 15 minute segments per day, and one of them I’ll focus on doing something productive that I know I should do normally avoid (cleaning, exercise, reading to learn, running an errand), and for the other I do something for self care (watching tv, meditating, taking a bath, napping, listening to music).


Actually time yourself doing it and allow yourself to go over but not under that time. I find that it encourages you to take a beat and not be stuck in your own thoughts, and it gives you a small sense of accomplishment.

Edited by stoopidjenna
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As others have said, meds. 

Mindfulness/basic self-care/therapy have their place, but sometimes those things just aren’t enough. Zoloft and Xanax (or Valium) is what allows me to function. The stigma behind getting mental health help and psych meds really needs to end. 

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