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UFOs/UAPs Base Thread | April Updates


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1 hour ago, Magic_boXX said:

We are going to hear a lot of UFO's activity this year. Esp now congress is more involved, but are they going to give us answers?

I think we're bound to get answered eventually from the U.S front but who knows if it'll be aliens. The more they dig for the truth the more bits and pieces are bound to come out I think. Like hopefully at some they can stop digging and someone higher just says everything the U.S knows in simple terms, but until then it's hints. Sounds like the government is reverse engineering "interdimensional tech, or beings" of some sort, to paint it broadly. I think if they confirmed that to Congress in the SCIF like they've heavily hinted, it'll hopefully get messy and momentum grows this year until Biden has to make a speech, there's a war with lawmakers vs state and it becomes a constitutional issue. If it becomes a presidential debate issue, any or all of those would make it crack I think. :bird:

It'll all lead to somewhere shocking on the U.S front but idk if it will for sure be aliens right now it's sounding like interdimensional jellyfish, am not phased...




Edited by HungryByTheBuffet
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We may have lost interest but the U.S (etc) governments are still at it everyday, copy pasting news from the last month cause I am gonna keep this thread going till this reaches an actual conclusion or truly dies down...


This past month in Disclosure:
Mar 1st:

Mona Nemer, the Canadian government's top scientific advisor, says her office will release a public UFO report by early fall:

"I think our report is going to be quite fascinating on the historic front, so stay tuned"


Mar 1st:

Speaking to Project Unity in a YouTube interview, Rep. Ogles speculated on the technological capabilities displayed by certain UAP incidents, and questioned what impact this may have on the global economy/energy sector.

"They seem to have some sort of propulsion technology that's unknown to man as we understand it. What does that do to the energy sector?"

Apr 16 – AARO publishes declassified records related to a proposed UAP program designated as "KONA BLUE"

According to an explanatory document published by AARO, KONA BLUE was identified as:

"a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sensitive compartment established to protect the retrieval and exploitation of 'non-human biologics.' AARO researched the information provided by the interviewees and learned KONA BLUE was a Prospective Special Access Program (PSAP) that had been proposed to DHS leadership but was never approved or formally established."

The original proposal (and other associated documents) were also published.


Apr 17 – Steven Spielberg is allegedly working on an original UFO-related movie

According to Variety, Steven Speilberg's next film will be a UFO-oriented movie with an original screenplay written by David Koepp.


Apr 17 – the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) launches its UAP integration and outreach committee with a new website

According to the new website and launch release, this initiative assembles subject matter experts and publishes thought leadership articles to help improve aerospace safety by enhancing scientific knowledge of, and mitigating barriers to the study of, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.


Apr 17 – "We saw recently a very disturbing trend at Langley AFB, where because of a large number of UASs that were in that airspace, Langley had to close down." - Rep. Wittman

During a hearing before the US House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Rob Wittman revealed:

"We saw recently a very disturbing trend at Langley AFB, where because of a large number of UASs that were in that airspace, Langley had to close down [to defend the safety & operations of the base]."


Apr 17 – AARO holds a classified briefing with Members of Congress on the UAP topic

Following the AARO briefing, several Reps. (namely Burchett, Luna, and Ogles) were generally unimpressed – describing the session as a 'nothingburger'.

Rep. Garcia seemed pleased with some of the answers to his questions, although he reiterated the need for further investigation:

"I had one major question, which was answered to my satisfaction. But, I still think — I'll just reiterate my position — that we need more public hearings at the Oversight [Committee] level. We need to bring in more witnesses and have them testify. It's not like anything's resolved. [...] I'm glad there's bipartisan support and there's bipartisan lawmakers looking at this issue. And, I just want to remind people that it's a serious issue. It's not a joke."

Rep. Burlison left the session with his skepticism bolstered (i.e., that the UAP issue can be explained prosaically):

"My worldview has been very skeptical that this is extraterrestrial and that remains. There's nothing that I learned today that — in fact, probably had more validated today but, my worldview's probably more validated today." 

All sourced via AskaPol.


Apr 18 – FOIA documents reveal the extent of communications between David Grusch and AARO

In a FOIA release triggered by the BlackVault, more context has been provided on the extent of communications between AARO (i.e. Dr. Kirkpatrick) and UAP whistleblower David Grusch.

According to coverage from the Liberation Times:

"The documents affirmed that David Grusch, a former senior intelligence officer and whistleblower on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), deliberated on presenting testimony and evidence concerning purported U.S. government activities in the retrieval and reverse engineering of non-human materials to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the DoD's UAP office. 

Concerns about AARO, as a third party, being exposed to information provided securely and legally by Grusch to the Intelligence Community's Inspector General and Congress, while there is an ongoing DoD IG Whistleblower Reprisal Investigation, led to his decision not to provide evidence and testimony."

While some have interpreted the documents as proof that Grusch was evading AARO's desire to hear him out, others cite it as evidence that AARO was unable to adequately address Grusch's concerns for secure transmission of UAP-related information.


Apr 19 – Rep. Ogles reiterates the need for a Select Committee to investigate the UAP issue

In a follow-up conversation with AskaPol, Rep. Ogles counters Rep. Burlison's skepticism by underscoring the fact that investigating alleged programs that may be nestled within Special Access Programs (SAPs) can be particularly difficult.

"That's the issue with SAPs, they are so compartmentalized that if you ask about a particular SAP, not only do you have to find the right one but you have to ask the right question. So you could literally find a bed of rocks that has the jewel that you're looking for, but if you don't turn over the right rock...the jewel's right there in front of you. And so that would be my pushback. And I think we need more digging, more investigation. [...] I think there should be a Select Committee."


Things to look out for in the near future:


  • According to Senator Gillibrand – a public hearing in line with AARO's latest report can be expected soon, saying –"I'll probably have another hearing aligned with that public report."

Beyond/currently unknown

  • Following the UAP hearing on the 26th of July, Members of Congress have called for a select committee with subpoena authority, to "go about the task of collecting information from the Pentagon and elsewhere" on unidentified flying objects. There have been conflicting messages from various Members of Congress on whether this is likely to happen anytime soon.
    Note – a select subcommittee was formally requested on March 13th.

  • Reps. Moskowitz, Luna, and Burchett have repeatedly stated their intent to hold field hearings to overcome stonewalling from the Pentagon and military establishment"I think we [Congress] should try to get into one of these places [housing UAP evidence]...and if they won't let us in I think we should have a field hearing right outside the building...and the military will have to explain why that is." – Rep. Moskowitz (D)It is currently unknown when exactly we might expect that to occur, however as of Jan 12 – Rep. Luna confirmed:"I feel confident that we have enough evidence to move forward with our first field hearing. u/mattgaetz u/JaredEMoskowitz u/timburchett . We will be announcing details soon."

  • Several journalists have indicated that first-hand witnesses of the alleged UAP legacy programs are in the process of providing testimony/evidence to the relevant authorities (e.g. the IC IG) and/or are on the verge of making public statements in the near future (Example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4)

  • David Grusch has received additional clearances through DOPSR to discuss some of his (alleged) first-hand knowledge of Legacy programs. He has mentioned he may be covering more of this information in an upcoming Op-Ed

  • Some commentators have speculated that the architects of the UAPDA (e.g. Sens. Schumer/Rounds et al) are working diligently behind the scenes to continue furthering serious legislative UAP transparency efforts

Mainstream media:

On the tonight show starting at 13:13


A guardian article reporting the segment




SETI denying




If updates become more common again and are newsworthy, I'll make sure to keep updating, otherwise there might be silence for another few months again.

Even though it's kinda boring getting no real answers after all this time, the fact this is still being talked about a year later, it's pretty telling that this is eventually going somewhere.


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This is on the front page of Dailymail




UFO mystery may be result of advanced 'stealth civilization' living on Earth among us, say Harvard scientists - as they reveal where their secret bases could be located


PUBLISHED: 19:06 EDT, 11 June 2024 | UPDATED: 20:28 EDT, 11 June 2024



Skeptics have long questioned why UFOs, if they are alien craft, would visit Earth so often.

But two Harvard scientists suspect the beings may have been here all along.

In a new research paper, they estimate there is a one in 10 chance the true solution to the UFO mystery could be 'cryptoterrestrial' — meaning they belong to an advanced species hiding on Earth.

'While this notion may sound unlikely on first hearing, many observers are persuaded that it is at least conceivable,' the team wrote in their new study, 'not least because whole swathes of our planet remain virtually unexplored and uncharted.'

With 80 percent of our oceans unmapped, and still revealing ancient mysteries like Yonaguni Jima, the 'Japanese Atlantis,' not to mention unexplored caves and the dark side of the moon, they argue there's plenty of space for a 'stealth' civilization.



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More and more are being revealed 




EXCLUSIVEPentagon official reveals tantalizing seven-minute encounter with glowing blue UFO - which emitted enough energy to 'power a small city'


A US Department of Defense contractor's tantalizing encounter with a giant, glowing UFO has sparked 10 years of research and two patents inspired by his encounter.

Three witnesses, including that Pentagon engineer, report that they captured electronic evidence of a 'barbell' UFO, half the length of a football field, that glowed an eerie 'indigo' blue.

The craft, they said, flew silently over an old logging road in southwestern Ontario, Canada, on August 28, 2013, near where the trio had camped for a hunting trip. 

DailyMail.com spoke with the case's first investigators, who shared electronic data from the contractor's attempt to film the object — showing 'white noise' pulses in the video that recur in one-second loops identical to strobing light from the UFO itself.




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