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Poll: China ranked #1 positive foreign influence in Africa by youth; US drops.


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7 hours ago, Communion said:



The way most of the girls fuming are from Eastern European or South Asian countries. :deadbanana4:

The way someone even wrote "my African friend". :deadbanana4:

No one wrote that in this thread but since this is obviously directed at me, I’m Black not Eastern European or South Asian.


The way your privileged white ass  continues to talk down to people while not giving a **** about the racism Africans experience in China and their own damn countries because of this colonialism and propaganda that you keep trying to spin as a positive is just :deadbanana4: 


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43 minutes ago, CaptainMusic said:

continues to talk down to people 

The only ones talking down to people are those denying those polled the right to express their views without claims of some conspiracy. I imagine that's why you chopped off the rest of the post you quoted that pointed out the poll itself quite literally asked the young people interviewed how they felt about exploitation of Africa for minerals, that a majority of them worried about Africa being exploited, and yet still found Chinese financial investment into their countries to be an overall positive influence. Why do their experiences and views anger you?


Let alone, instead of even acknowledging said nuance, you called it propaganda and even I a pusher of propaganda. Sis, I don't work for the Ichikowitz Family Foundation. :deadbanana4: Let alone the Ichikowitz Family Foundation apparently gets most of its funding from South African weapons companies who work with mainly American companies. :skull: If this is propaganda (aka purposefully curated), who is it meant to benefit in your conspiracy theory?


So instead of acknowledging how Chinese investments could (in your view you're entitled to, wrongfully) be seen as positive, you instead 1) defer to people you claim to know as more trust-worthy, 2) attack the person who posted the thread and 3) rely on ad hominem. You can lash out and get out all your pent up anger at America's eclipsing situation out at me, but sis, that's not going to change the facts of what was found. :deadbanana4: This is like the 8th time you've lashed out over others resorting to ad hominem attacks and getting what they served back. Why?


I'm not going to push back on anyone's right to have a view about any geopolitical situation. But what I will pushback on in someone posting the insanity that they believe that a poll they don't know much about is some seedy form of propaganda and accuse the person sharing it a propagandist just because they don't like or agree with its findings. :skull: Go take a flight to Rwanda if you don't like people holding positive views over Chinese investments and scold them, sis. Flipping out on me isn't going to change that.

Edited by Communion
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6 hours ago, Taylena said:

You're right that the US stole from Africa by force or through regime change that favored the West more. China knew they couldn't just do what the US did - they had to sell themselves to the African people as the good guy saviors trying to stop American imperialism. That's when they came up with this "new" diplomacy of just bribing corrupt government with big infrastructure projects and investments in their countries.  China will extract every last bit of natural resources that Africa has and leave their continent ever poorer. It's not really any different to what the West been doing but in the surface it looks more humane/less exploitative and at least they're improving African people daily lives. I guess this is what you'd call less sinister?

Less sinister in the fact that they don’t have a long, extensive history looting the land, staring coups and enslaving their people for centuries, I thought that was made clear. China made its move into the region over recent decades and suddenly westerners want to make noise, cry “propaganda” and spout on about how sneaky and exploitive they are for doing so. As if American manufacturing companies didn’t get sent to China/South Asia for cheap labor just to get out of paying THEIR OWN citizens a legal/livable wage, which ultimately destroyed working class America and helped rapidly develop China into a superpower…Debt trap diplomacy is corrupt by default, but they’re just playing the “superpower” game now and Western powers are scrambling knowing full well that Africa is the future. 

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