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2024 US Election Megathread 🇺🇸🏛️

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It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore. 

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Our country is a joke.


If Biden picked Doug Jones for attorney general as was widely rumored instead of Federalist Society member Merrick Garland out of a guilt trip for Mitch's ****ery we very likely wouldn't even be having this conversation.


What is even the point of this reporting? To emphasize the cases are gone once he's in? Motivate more fear in the base for this admin's mistakes? Until inauguration - yes, no **** Sherlock.




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9 minutes ago, Living To Tell said:


Oh god this woman. Last I heard from her she was defending the rights of companies making faulty lumbersaws cutting off worker's hands.


She's not taking any brave stance in WA-3 which has always been an R+5 district. She doesn't have a choice, really, to say this, but I've always been so sick of her BS so she's not getting my kudos.

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44 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Speaking of Tapper 💀

As always the goal posts keep moving 🥅 

The media is for sure to me now suspicious. Every post just being an entire fear mongering false piece. I was JUST saying how this year has been tamer than normal even as early as it is for an election year. But I see we are in full annoying swing as always if not worse 💀

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44 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Speaking of Tapper 💀

As always the goal posts keep moving 🥅 

The media is for sure to me now suspicious. Every post just being an entire fear mongering false piece. I was JUST saying how this year has been tamer than normal even as early as it is for an election year. But I see we are in full annoying swing as always if not worse 💀

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44 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Speaking of Tapper 💀

As always the goal posts keep moving 🥅 

The media is for sure to me now suspicious. Every post just being an entire fear mongering false piece. I was JUST saying how this year has been tamer than normal even as early as it is for an election year. But I see we are in full annoying swing as always if not worse 💀

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39 minutes ago, Living To Tell said:


These nasty degenerate right wing blue dogs get away with saying this but Dems are taking out people like Cori Bush for not supporting Israel slaughtering children lol

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20 minutes ago, Communion said:

These nasty degenerate right wing blue dogs get away with saying this but Dems are taking out people like Cori Bush for not supporting Israel slaughtering children lol

Very telling. 

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41 minutes ago, Espresso said:



Not Zogby. The man's had a anti Biden hard on for years 💀

at least we know who the "source in the DNC"  is now 

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1 minute ago, GhostBox said:

Not Zogby. The man's had a anti Biden hard on for years 💀

at least we know who the "source in DNC"  is now 

Never been a fan for his anti abortion stance. And yes, he's a likely source.

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43 minutes ago, Espresso said:



On one hand this is funny. But on the other this is a very likely scenario. I brought it up a few pages ago but another user laughed it off 🤷

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5 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:



Yup. This is a real thing that is going to happen. 

which is why Biden will be the nominee. 

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he wasn't even that bad at the debate! he got better at the end! he wasn't prepped well! actually, he was just overprepped! it was just an off night! and even if it wasn't and even if the president is senile its not even a big deal! the lying media is lying again! they hate democrats! they love trump! they need ratings! you didn't see biden being demented! you're exaggerating! its jake tapper's fault! its fine that its been days and days and biden has yet to do a thing to assuage concerns! the polls are lying! he's only down by 5 points! the polls always wrong! the leaks are false! his enemies are the leakers!


the way these people are no less insane than MAGA :skull: 

Edited by teresaguidice
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31 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:



So... the architects of Project 2025 want Biden to be their opponent. :lakitu:

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11 minutes ago, teresaguidice said:

the way these people are no less insane than MAGA :skull: 

Yeah it's absolutely wild to me that centrist Dems are pulling the EXACT same "don't believe what you can literally see with your own eyes" gaslighting nonsense that MAGAts try to pull when they make their half-assed pitches about how January 6 was just a cute peaceful stroll through the Capitol.


The reason why that characterization of January 6 has never resonated with people outside of the core MAGA base is because there was live footage of January 6 that millions of people directly watched. We saw first-hand that windows were smashed, police officers were attacked, barricades were pushed over and walls were scaled. Your story is never going to sell among those who aren't in a cult when it directly contradicts people's personal firsthand accounts.


And yet... now the Democrats are trying the exact same thing but with Biden's age and senility :deadbanana2: The word salad excuses and desperate justifications for why Biden's age isn't a problem are never going to resonate with people because they contradict what people are seeing first hand. You can't use middle school debate club tactics to persuade someone that they're wrong to be concerned about Biden's age when they've personally witnessed Biden fail to get through basic sentences, constantly appear as though he's lost his train of thought, and stare blankly as if he doesn't know where he is. 


That's why I roll my eyes every time a #Resist lib melts down over Biden's age being a "fabricated media story" or whatever. It's a real concern that real people have based on what they're personally observing with their senses. You can scream "but Trump's technically only 3 years younger!!!" into the void as much as you want. It doesn't matter. People know that, but they've seen how Trump delivers basic oral remarks and they've seen how Biden delivers basic oral remarks and there's a glaring difference to anyone with eyes and ears. It's insulting to suggest otherwise.


I can't remember who it was, but one of the main electoral politics pundits on Twitter said that campaigns can't campaign based on where they want voters to be - they have to campaign where voters currently are. And polls have shown that voters have repeatedly expressed for years now that they view Biden's age and cognitive abilities as a serious concern. That's the reality of the race, and the Dems either have to adequately respond to that reality or ignore it and lose.

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5 minutes ago, Asscatchem said:

wait so is biden actually going to be replaced? what's the sentiment there? 


we need kamala.



As of now? No. He's still going to be the nominee 

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