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The Color Game 12


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  • DevonRoars


  • dweebz


  • Julia Fox


  • Yvess


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Did I just see someone saying Normani’s outfit is “garbage”? Woah, A+ for the constructive criticism and extremely biased opinion with absolutely no substance.

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2 hours ago, Thanatos said:

Fire the judge above!


I am signing that petition too

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T O P 2


apbSZOH.png29.5 points / White

24.5 points / BlackPupOJu2.png

VlQWcmJ.png23.5 points / Black

28 points / WhiteDLKbth9.png







21    Samson 

21    Devin
20.5    Speezy 
20.5    Tsareena
20.5    Thanatos


for exact "safe" placements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13gDF-ibyQCoHF2xrEfrHHwjNzFT_a46szrMdRa6d0eQ/edit#gid=781274074






well.. you're all up for elimination

two will be saved.. eventually :lakitu:







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Just now, DevonRoars said:

@Yvess @TruGeminipost your saves in the thread so @Rotunda and @dweebzcan then decide who to eliminate from their groups. 


Also would you guys like to see the judges individual rankings so far or wait until the end of the season?

Show the individual ranking every 3 rounds or so! 

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Thanks God that I’m safe. I was about to have a meltdown 

Congrats to the winners. 

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4 minutes ago, DevonRoars said:

@Yvess @TruGeminipost your saves in the thread so @Rotunda and @dweebzcan then decide who to eliminate from their groups. 


Also would you guys like to see the judges individual rankings so far or wait until the end of the season?

Yes, I’d like to see who gives me bad scores so that I can start my FIRE JUDGE XX campaign


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thanks judges @Not Like The Movies and @kipperskippero


woah. i am so happy to have the opportunity to send that black look and seems like the color switch that me and @TruGemini did paid off and is the right thing to do :heart:


btw, here's my supposed "white" entry






Edited by Yvess
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I'm saving @sumthintoxic82i


1. I like her look more than the other two. So sorry Igor and Opulent, luv ya babes

2. Also took into consideration the scores from the judges.


 12.5    sumthintoxic82 

10.5    Igor

2    Opulent

im sorry again to Igor and Opulent. :weeps:

sis @dweebzocongrats and do ur thang :kiss:

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1 minute ago, Samsom said:

Jane surviving another round :clap3: love to still have a granny on our competition @sumthintoxic82 we all need a granny near us and you are the cooler one :party:

not u exposing my reason #3 :eli:

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5 minutes ago, dweebz said:

I won :sosad:

Love to poke you sometimes:sistrens: but major congrats, you did that Miley! :clap: Now keep it up and slay the next round as well!



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I just read the worst message that was delivered to my direct message. When I started this game, I wanted to do my best. I wanted to prove my name. But, most of all, I wanted to bond in sisterhood. I wanted to bond as a group of people who share the same ideals. But now, I was tasks with doing the exact opposite from that. My decision on who I chose to eliminate only comes from a place of love. A place that will hold you near and dear for all of eternity. I made that decision with the heaviest of hearts.

XOXO Gossi Miley


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13 hours ago, Not Like The Movies said:


Jane - The look is matronly it makes her older than her actual age. I guess it suits her since she is a mature woman but I really do not like this. It's better than one or two in this group but meh


Older than her actual age  :deadbanana2:do you seriously think she looks older than 77?! (because that's how old she is in the photo) I hope to look that great at 77 ...



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4 hours ago, Thanatos said:

Yes, I’d like to see who gives me bad scores so that I can start my FIRE JUDGE XX campaign


hell hath no fury like a scorned @Thanatos


Image result for toodles gif

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I totally thought I'd be gone again this round


4 hours ago, Yvess said:

I'm saving @sumthintoxic82i


1. I like her look more than the other two. So sorry Igor and Opulent, luv ya babes

2. Also took into consideration the scores from the judges.

im sorry again to Igor and Opulent. :weeps:

sis @dweebzocongrats and do ur thang :kiss:

Thanks for the save luv :hughard: 


3 hours ago, Samsom said:

Jane surviving another round :clap3: love to still have a granny on our competition @sumthintoxic82 we all need a granny near us and you are the cooler one :party:


11 hours ago, kipperskipper said:


Jane - She is trying to be the cool grandma and its not working.



apparently, she is ...


Image result for jane fonda gifs

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Black : Elimination


Dweebz has chosen to eliminate...





2 points





10.5 points









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6 minutes ago, TruGemini said:

Omg I won, ty judges :heart:


I'm choosing to save Pia Mia.

baby, wrong group :skull: check your dms

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8 minutes ago, lgor said:

Ik it’s up to dweebz but I don’t really feel like continuing anyway so Opulent can take my spot if they want :heart:

I appreciate you for competing.. I don't want to take away anyone's power so I will communicate with Dweebz about this.

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