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  1. From More About Advertising: So, ATRL, will you be applying to work at IKEA now?
  2. Magic_boXX

    Congress grilled Dr. Fauci

    My goodness they are really putting him in the hot seat Thoughts? Full video
  3. I'm in my late 20s and my teeth have been always been ever so slightly misaligned for as long as I remember. It never bothered me as my smile was still straight for the most part but in recent times I've become more self conscious about it and decided to get braces. I've heard good stories from all my friends who have had braces, even as adults and so I went ahead and saw an orthodontist. She said it's nothing too bad and I will have to wear braces for a year up to a year and a half, but that I will have to remove my wisdom teeth for it to allow my other teeth to move, to which I agreed not knowing better. I've had all 4 of them removed, despite never having any issues with any of them. It's been 4 months since then and 3 with the braces and just recently I realized that my face has changed for the worst and my facial structure has basically been destroyed permanently. My jawlines is nowhere as pronounced, I lost volume in the mid and lower face making it appear longer, and my cheeks have sunken. I have an oval face shape now compared to the more square, defined and masculine head I had prior to that. From the research that I've done this past week it seems like this is quite common and the damage is irreversible. My only option is to either get jaw surgery or get fillers for the rest of my life. I have so much regret that i ever agreed to have my teeth taken out now and that I didn't do more research before doing this whole thing, and it's causing me a lot of issues with my self confidence. Has this happened to anybody else as well? How did you deal with it, what were the options that were given to you?
  4. Very often in the streets I can hear voices say 'Cate Blanchett still has a chance to end up with more oscars than Meryl Streep" but do you think that's true?
  5. White Rabbit

    Do I let this man go?

    Hi everyone, I recently hooked up with this guy and I think I sipped a bit too much of his me espresso I was mainly just looking to be f*** buddies but he ended up being really warm, sweet, obviously very smart (and cute of course) after we met up in person. I felt the s** itself was a little more intimate than I expected but that might just be me. Anyways afterwards, he insisted on dropping me home since I took the bus and on the car ride it was nice. The conversation felt really natural and we talked about each other's jobs and random tidbits. He complimented me and told me that I was handsome (if that even really means anything these days ) and that he wanted to see me again. He asked for my socials and we ended up exchanging Snaps and phone numbers and then I kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye. We added each other that night and I told him to let me know when he was free next. This was all like 5 days ago. Radio silence on both ends afterwards. Personally I didn't mind since I thought it would be better this way so I wouldn't get too attached. I got real with myself yesterday and told myself that I probably did have a crush on him/feelings for him and so I was gonna just tell him that we probably shouldn't meet again because I see myself catching feelings for him and then just end it there. My friends thought it was giving self-sabotage so I sent a message being straight up that I thought he was really warm, sweet and smart and that I was wondering if he wanted to hang out as friends as well because I'd love to get to know him better. He responded saying he'd be down for that and that he's glad he came off that way (ddd ) and asked me how my week was going. Also said that he's really sorry because he sucks at responding back and that he doesn't check Snap often. I was like okay no worries, would texting be better? And that is where we are at now. I kinda regret sending that message because now I feel like I put myself in a really weird situation/dynamic where it makes it impossible to be f*** buddies or friends in any capacity. In any case I feel like just ghosting/blocking and moving on but is that coming from my toxic self? Namely,
  6. The company behind last year's outrageous South Park AI episode generator is launching its own creation platform today, allowing users to make their own TV shows with AI. The Simulation (formerly Fable Studio) announced 10 TV shows (web series) made with Showrunner, the company's text-to-episode system, each in different styles, from anime to Pixar-style, to the cutout style of South Park. "It's the Netflix of AI," founder and CEO Edward Saatchi told me. "Watch an episode, or make an episode." With a prompt of 10 to 15 words, users can generate scenes and episodes of ranging from two to 16 minutes, all with AI dialogue, voice, editing, different shot types, consistent characters and story development. Those who want to dive deeper can edit their episodes' scripts, shots, voices and remake episodes, but Showrunner is targeted at non-technical, non-professional users. "Generating a new TV show should be as easy as browsing Netflix for a show," says Philipp Maas, co-creator of Showrunner. https://www.forbes.com/sites/charliefink/2024/05/30/meet-showrunner-the-netflix-of-ai/?sh=6cd5093c1851
  7. What are some places to buy the best quality wigs? I'm currently wearing one of my mom's Amazon return wigs and it has too many knots. 🪢 I'm open to suggestions.
  8. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-05-30/disney-s-inside-out-2-could-hold-key-to-pixar-restoring-movie-magic?srnd=businessweek-v2&sref=BvMchGq4 They will also stop producing personal stories and focus in "concepts with mass appeal". Thoughts?
  9. On 12th July 1979 at the end of a Baseball game in Chicago, a box containing disco records was blown up on the pitch to a crowd of 50,000 people. The White Sox pulled the stunt in an attempt to attract more people to the game and partnered with anti-disco campaigner, DJ Steve Dahl, to pull of the stunt. Attendees were offered discounted tickets if they brought along a disco record to be destroyed as part of the event. This was the culmination of a wider backlash against Disco music in the United Sates, especially by Rock music fans. In the following years the genre declined in popularity and many artists started instead referring to their music as "Dance" music. Arguably the impact is still felt in the US music scene to this day.
  10. He's right and he should say it.
  11. This can be a feature or duet of a Tinashe album track, non-album single, or DJ collab where she takes lead vocals. My favorite right now is Play Fight that she did with THEY. Love the guitar and early 2000s R&B production and melodies. She always know how to set a proper vibe. Other favorites at the moment: Save Room for Us (MAKJ) Need to add that this is genuinely one of the best songs of the 2010s. I can write a thesis on this one. Way too short for its own good. HMU for a Good Time (Channel Tres) + all the 333 collabs Her voice was made for house music. Love the way the song feels unstructured, just takes its own direction. Really wish BB/ANG3L had picked up where this song left off. Bet (Devonté Hynes) You know Dev will bring an entrancing and heavenly guitar solo to a song and it will always devour. Vulnerable (Travis Scott) One of my favorites off Black Water. Her early alt-trap tracks are excellent. Savannah Sunset (Made in Tokyo) Criminally underrated collab. Lots of atmosphere, reverb, and sultriness on her vocals. Might Die Young (Bobby Brackins and Olivia O'Brien) The distorted electric guitar with the trap drums work really well. Wish it would have been a Tinashe feature only. Her vocals sound amazing.
  12. Give me a more iconic interview than this one… I'll wait
  13. At the moment, I'm thinking of spending either Christmas, NYE or both in a country in Europe but I'm still not quite sure where to go. I'm not the kind of person who hops from country to country after a day or two so I'm looking for a 7-10 day affair somewhere. My current options are Portugal (Madame X), Spain (fluent in Spanish), Poland (architecture and culture in general), Czechia (bestie lives there, in love with Prague), Alsace region in France (semi fluent in French, fairy tale like), any recommendations?
  14. I was in la and I bumped into Monica Tilly at a Victoria's Secret. And last year I had dinner with Loretta Jones. Have you met any celebs recently?
  15. I didn't get the promotion I was hoping for, and honestly, I feel pretty unmotivated and sad. I've been hitting all my targets and getting great feedback from clients, so this was a real blow. Working in the tech industry is tough right now, and with the job market as tight as it is, I can't just leave, even though I've thought about threatening to quit. To make things more complicated, I kinda have a crush on my boss. He's always been a mentor to me and promised he'd vouch for me, which makes it hard to walk away. I feel like it's time to step up and not rely on him to make my case anymore. The worst part is, he's straight, so this crush is unrealistic, to say the least. I know I need to focus on my career and not let my feelings get in the way, but it's easier said than done. I feel stuck and don't know how to move forward. What would you do in my situation? And seriously, how do you stop having a crush on your boss?
  16. After years of finally wanting to go, I finally get to eat at Joanne Trattoria this weekend, famously known as the restaurant owned by Gaga's parents. For those of you who have dined there, do you have any recommendations? I'm planning to get an appetizer and dessert along with the main course.
  17. When you're drinking liquor do you prefer it White or Brown Liquor?
  18. Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries Newsweek / Marni Rose McFall / May 31, 2024 Source
  19. For me it's "Grass is always greener on the other side", especially now with social media, where I have constantly run into people who show a "reality" very different from the one they really have most recent example was a not-so-close friend who always brags about her job on ig (daily stories) and then when I met her, she told me she's currently with a two-week medical leave because of stress So now I just focus on what I have and try to be grateful everyday
  20. I've been doing a bit of research recently and was surprised to see just how many countries still require their citizens to join the army. It got me thinking, there's probably some ATRLers who live in these nations and had to serve for their country. So ATRL, do you live in a country that enforces national service and if so did you join up or did you get out of it somehow? I need a soldier that ain't scared to stand up for me Known to carry big things if you know what I mean
  21. I believe everyone is beautiful, and that we shouldn't be using filters to hide our true selves. By using filters we promote an unrealistic version of ourselves, and that can really mess with your self esteem. I think it's best to 100% be yourself, and to embrace your imperfections. No one is perfect! The best version of yourself is the real you.
  22. Coming next Wednesday June 5, so mysterious! Literally can't wait for whatever he's premiering
  23. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886921007686
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