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  1. https://www.ladbible.com/community/russian-blogger-marina-balmasheva-has-second-baby-with-stepson-706910-20230329 Do you approve?
  2. I noticed my first one at 24/25, years later I probably have about 30 in my whole head but they do bother me personally cause they stand out so much. I'm 100% sure it's Genetics for me. My sister had a patch of gray hair by 9 years old and my mom had half her hair going gray by 30.
  3. Okay, so here is the short story version.... We were dating for 2 months but decided to stay as friends rather to persue a relationship. He said to me that we should stay in touch and even went to see Scream 6 in cinema with me afterwords. However after all that, he kinda became cold. I always message first, and he seems to replay back uninteresting to my messages. I know he is about to start a new job, but I honestly want us to be best friends. Does he feel bad because we had our first kiss and were holding hands so he now feels awkward about staying friends? This is so hard for me because I really want us to stay as close friends. I don't want us to be boyfriends since it's not meant to be, as I didn't feel romantically connected to him and it showed, and I would be happy for him if he was seeing someone else. Maybe that's the thing? He is seeing someone else and it feels awkward for him to communicate with me now? Should I move on? Or should I fight for this friendship? What if there's nothing left here to decode?
  4. The iconic science fiction series premiered 10 years ago today, boasting an Emmy-winning performance from Tatiana Maslany as multiple clones. A spin-off starring Krysten Ritter titled Orphan Black: Echoes is set to premiere this year. Who is your favorite clone? What is your favorite storyline? Discuss
  5. Angelo

    Your Karma stories…

    I got involved in a car crash years ago but I wasn’t injured. My Aunt called me after she found out and said “I always pray before driving that’s why the Lord always protects us on the road. You should pray too”. A week later she crashed her car and needed to replace her whole bumper and lights.
  6. With Chatgpt and other New forms of Artificial Intelligence entering the mainstream this year. Nearly 300 Million forms of Employment may be effected by the New Wave of A.I. there is a Series of layoffs in corporations globally that have already begun utilizing this new technology. The labor market may be Significantly disrupted sooner than the working class believes. Full CNN Article: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/29/tech/chatgpt-ai-automation-jobs-impact-intl-hnk/index.html
  7. For the ones who traveled to America and tried overhyped American food items for the first time, what ones were so disgusting and overhyped?
  8. I feel like every time I see something that "surprises" me I just give this weird, shocked look that for some reasons others don't
  9. Which Best Actress win is most forgotten now?
  10. Americans: if Americans crumbles for good, where do you plan on moving to?
  11. Humans aren't made to be monogamous This is a statement made by several straight friends I have in real life. It always shocks me, because the men who believe in this statement all happen to be in a relationship or even engaged Call me oldschool, but my dream is to find a lover who only loves me and doesn't see sex as 'just fuqing', but truly sees it as an act of love that you only share with one person. I want to grow old together and have several children, and then when the time comes he takes care of me or I take care of him when we're older. My straight friends call me naive and delusional, they say that I see life as a fairytale when in reality it's completely different. They claim that it's 'normal' to cheat on your lover when you've been together for +5 years. I've seen/caught A LOT of people who cheat on their lover in my life, which doesn't help. This makes me very insecure. Thoughts? Discuss.
  12. A few months ago my company’s CEO announced that unfortunately we lost millions of dollars in revenue due to underperformance. In my mind I already thought oh sh*t ppl are going to be dropping left and right soon. So on Friday my boss tells our team to join a meeting at 12:30 but sends the invite at 12:29. I was on lunch as was half the team so only half showed up. I return at 1:00 to angry messages from my director screaming at me about job abandonment and how this has been a pattern for me of not responding to messages. In reality, I did the math and it takes me like 5 minutes on average to respond to messages. She also was not happy about how in our last team meeting, I made a comment about how returning to the office is pointless and she went off on me about that. She also started screaming about how I’m not living up to how I presented myself in my interview and how I’m underperforming. We jump onto a call and my manager is there along w the director. The manager doesn’t say anything and just nods. When I try to point out that the invite was sent a minute before the meeting she yells at me for not taking accountability. She said how will we move forward but I’m so shocked I don’t know what to say. I said I will come up w a plan of action to follow up. She scheduled a follow up this Friday at 9AM but I’m afraid I’m gonna open up that zoom and HR will be there too. Im thinking if I quit, then at least I won’t have to explain being fired to new potential employers but then there’s no chance I can get unemployment. If I am fired, I don’t think I can collect unemployment there either bc they will say I committed absenteeism/misconduct and in my state those bar you from collecting unemployment. I can appeal it but even that would be hard bc my company’s email won’t even let me email myself the papertrail of how my manager literally two weeks ago did my yearly performance review and said only positive things. Im ******* scared AF and I don’t know what I should do
  13. I was shunned by my family and long time best friends just because I am no longer a member of the religious organization (cult) they belong in. It's been more than a year now since I've heard from my mom and siblings and sometimes it makes me sad but thankfully I have a partner and a dog who make me happy all the time. But imagine those ex-members who live on their own without any kind of support and communication from their family and friends. Some of these ex-communicated members took their own lives for they can't bear the mental burden they experience from shunning. So, should religion that practice shunning be banned especially in liberal countries? Discuss.
  14. Which software, company, or website did you use? btw the last day to file your taxes is on Tuesday April 18th.
  15. Many of our acclaimed and loved thespians have gone to perform nude or full frontal nude scenes in their films as part of their creative decision to embody and fully live in their characters. By showing skin, they are showing vulnerability as well in their performance. Some of our best actors of our generation like Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep have decided to strip down and show their raw form to really get into the psyche of their character and help them expose their character in more ways than one. Some actors have also gone nude to subconsciously get acclaim ala Michael Fassbender full frontal nude scene in Shame or Ana De Armas almost fully nude performance throughout Blonde. if you were an actor, would you consider performing in a fully nude or explicit sex scene and weaponize your sexuality? For the experience? For the fame? For the acclaim? Why or why not?
  16. smoore95GAGA

    A quick observation

    Just listen to the openings of each: Thoughts?
  17. I’m currently rewatching Making a Murderer and more or less completely forgot about the Steven Avery case over the years. I’ve been looking online and his attorney is still fighting for an evidentiary hearing. imo he didn’t do it. The state owes him a very large amount of money if he ever gets out and have done everything in their power to prevent an hearing where actual evidence is brought forward by a capable lawyer. But what does atrl think?
  18. So theres this girl who become very popular on social media like tiktok and youtube, she is "JustPearlyThings" and her content is hateful against lgbtq people and even women. Heres a few example. Could yall report her 3 channels (JustPearlyThings, JustPearlTalk and Pearl Daily) on Youtube. Honestly her content is so stupid and trash.
  19. Digital blackface involves White people play-acting at being Black, says Lauren Michele Jackson, an author and cultural critic, in an essay for Teen Vogue. Jackson says the Internet thrives on White people laughing at exaggerated displays of Blackness, reflecting a tendency among some to see “Black people as walking hyperbole.” Discuss
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