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  1. I have known them for 14 years now they are and have always been mopey, constantly "woe is me", cutting themselves at times. they are always miserable with everything. when I see her, it's always how how much their life is miserable and how everything is so bad. Girl, you LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS. How are you complaining about being broke? "I have no money ugh. i want to move out ugh" well then girl stop going on trips and going to concerts! stop ordering food. you want to move out yet you spend like its nothing. they constantly are triggered by every little thing. I need to walk on eggshells around them and make sure i dont say anything bad or else they might snap. you had gastric bypass. youve lost 200 pounds. why are you eating chocolate again? why do you keep texting me "ugh i feel like **** today and made bad eating decisions". i ask you to come to the gym, you say "im not mentally readyfor the gym today" GIRL SHUT UP AND JUST COME. you feel non binary. you want to transition. great! yet you dont want to tell the family you live with? You are going to transition with your parents down the hall and not say a word? make it make sense. just because you dont like to confront things. you had a panic attack and cried at a fitness class because you cant handle group activities. my god, get a grip. and you dont even drive. get it together i am exhausted of your ****. 14 years now of the same wa wa wa
  2. We're getting the reveal trailer before the end of the year I fear.
  3. For YouTubers who review your fave's release or just talk about them in general who would you consider the best YouTuber for that asides Ajay?
  4. Brazilian Katycats pray in group for the success of Katy's next album
  5. Not the damn plane could randomly explode mid flight . And Boeing lazy ass leaving it to the airlines to fix. I hate them. https://nypost.com/2024/05/22/us-news/boeing-777-plane-fuel-tanks-could-explode-due-to-electrical-flaw/
  6. What are some of the best places to buy clothes online?
  7. If anyone liked playing Pokemon Go, this app is the music version of that, and I think it's pretty fun so far https://www.soundmap.gg
  8. I used to think life was about going for the hottest person or the one with the nicest ass. (And I kinda still do.) But now I've realizing that some people are annoying or boring to be around and I would not like to spend the rest of my life with their energy / aura. Is personality actually more important than looks? Surprised?
  9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  10. Queen Shonda keeps on winning and we love to see it.
  11. Marvel Studios Returns this Summer with the Highly Anticipated First Rated R MCU movie! Already breaking most viewed Trailer of all time and is breaking Pre-Sale Box office expectations Are you tuning into the Smash of the Summer July 26th?!!
  12. Do you? Or are you a poet trapped inside a finance guy? Discuss without breaching your company policies.
  13. I've been questioning if I should write about this since the concert 10 days ago, but it's been stuck in my mind since. Let's begin this with the fact that I've been a Taylor fan since Fearless and was always trying to be objective on her releases and career choices. Unfortunately, I feel like recently I was overexposed to her music, so I decided to listen to it less frequently, although there hasn't been a week in which I didn't go back to evermore or 1989 for example. I attended The Eras Tour opening days in Europe, Paris, on May 11th. I tried avoiding any info on the TTPD set and setlist stages, although I did watch the Tour Film a long time ago which is important for the letter. I was blown away by the staging, production, crowd energy, fluidity of the entire show, her presence and the setlist in general. I'm a big fan of evermore, so I was a bit bitter that it got mixed with folklore and cut because of TTPD which I'm not a fan of. Speaking of TTPD, the most spectacular parts of the show itself were during reputation and TTPD sets, ironic since those are my two least favorite albums, but her energy and stage presence was at the show's peak. It was both emotional and exciting for me since it was my first time seeing her. Everything felt like a tour movie until it began to bother me. Interaction with the crowd was at it's minimal, her reactions felt ungenuine and identical to the tour meaning they happened at the same show-runtime, even getting out the earplug. She said a few words in French, but that's not how you react to a crowd. I was on a lot of tours, big and small, before and I'm aware this is so huge that there's little space for changes and spontaneousness, but I always felt connected to an artist and left the venue in awe, questioning the artist itself in every way. But after The Eras show ended, it felt like a projector shut down and you should just continue with your day, it seemed like Taylor's everyday grocery shopping that she had do to before going out that night. Overall, I'm grateful to experience history in the making, but it didn't feel like one. It felt like another show run - in the cinema.
  14. You just released the 3rd single off your sophomore album, which has bombed, just like the lead and the previous one. The label you are signed to has sent representatives to "have a talk" with you and your manager who is on vacation in Cancun. They kick your dog and threaten to shelve your next albums and keep you locked up without a key to rot at their one hit wonder prison if you don't stop bombing. Your manager calls up your Nokia 3000 and says: You are left with no choice but to fabricate a controversy that will gain the public's attention back to you. What will you choose?
  15. This week, there has been a viral Twitter exchange where the 'femboy' community was encouraged to post their sensual and revealing selfies online, but then were accused of being 'ugly' by (largely) women in response. This led to a bigger, 'oppression olympics' discussion online where women are being accused of homophobia, while others are saying that this is a non-issue because gay men are still men and will always have more privilege than women. So, I wanted to ask ATRL for opinions on this topic.
  16. suburbannature

    Have you ever heard a fox scream?

    I was sitting on my deck before bed and heard a blood-curdling scream that sounded like a woman or a small animal being murdered. I walked outside and down my driveway, thinking something was going on in the park across the street and fully prepared to save an animal, but noticed a fox in the middle of the road. I previously lived on the top floor of a high rise for several years so I'm fully aware that I sound like a city boy, but I had no idea that foxes could make that terrifying noise. it sounded like this: and yes, I know that I shouldn't be following screaming sounds outside.
  17. To keep this story short...i met this guy online in january. And because i was enjoying talking to him so much, i decided to meet him in person in february. We hit it off and kept talking to the point we were together in march as well and april he came to my city and spent a few days at my house. He knew i was interested in him and he was interested in me (at least a while ago). I felt him growing apart from me recently and tried to talk to him about it when he was with me at my house...but he said it was nothing. So i pretended to believe him. Imagine this...just 24 hours ago i was trying to see if he would be busy to be with me next week, i would meet him in his town again and he said he would tell me something about it later. Just like an hour ago...we were playing an online game and he tells me he's going to spend the next night out. He would be going to a different city. I tried to see what it was all about...and i made a joke about it being a date. He confirmed that it could turn into a date and they would spend the night at a hotel. He tells me that completely serious, 24 hours after i tried to go and meet with him next week and while he knew i was interested in him and everything. Just like that. Like we were bffs and nothing had ever happened before or was happening. The same guy that traveled 4 hours to be with me less than a month ago. Like he was having a talk with ChatGPT or something. After digesting it...what did i do next? Said i needed to go to the bathroom and that i'd be back. Only i didn't go back. I blocked him everywhere and for some reason i now feel better. Didn't ask him why he wasn't honest with me before, why he decided to tell me something like this the way he did...nothing. Just turned him off everywhere. Didn't even try to look for an explanation, no drama. Nothing. I NEVER did this before in my entire life and here i am...i got to be the gay that i always complained about. The one that blocks with no explanation. And the worst? I feel good. This isn't a topic about asking if i'm right or wrong because frankly idgaf. It's just me reflecting for the past hour staring dead serious at a wall on how easy it is to just erase someone from our life nowadays like it is nothing. And scary how easy it is for me to do it now. I used to be the guy that cried when someone did it to me just a decade ago...and today i became the guy i used to loath. Dating just sucks... And if this wasn't enough, i'm about to see Taylor live this friday here in Portugal. I'm about to cry like **** at that show lmao. I can almost bet on that.
  18. Video for illustrative purposes only - we been knew Starbucks is average af coffee. Given that "Espresso" is on everybody's minds right now, the most pertinent question to ask is - how do you take yours? Not to be confused with drip coffee, filter, French press or aeropress, espresso is it's own form of heightened sensory glory. Latte? Flat white? Americano? Cream on the side? Sugar? Caramel shot? Decaf? Short black? The list goes on and on. For me, a simple flat white, double shot. Hard to beat.
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