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  1. The Top 2 most good-looking WWE fighters right now. Who’s hotter?
  2. I use to be obsessed with this as a kid growing up. Don’t know if anyone remembers it. But this book was huge in the early to mid 2000’s. The writer is writing and heading the series on Disney +
  3. Indigenous groups in Canada asked Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth to apologize for the treatment of Indigenous people in Canada. Months ago, the Pope received Indigenous leaders at the Vatican, and now he is Canada to personally apologize for the church’s involvement in their suffering. Meanwhile the Queen remains silent… why?
  4. tili33

    Will Beyoncé hit number 1?

    Will BREAK MY SOUL hit the top spot during album week? its 4th on the radio chart, what do you think?
  5. I feel that I want to. Having lost my mum going on nearly 5 years, I feel the grief has made me truly WANT there to be something more. I’ve always been open minded to it but I feel such a pivotal moment of my life really expanded my thoughts on such a subject. Anyway, this isn’t intended to be a sad thread… I just wondered what is everyone else’s thoughts on an afterlife or something along those lines? Do you believe? Want to believe? Not believe?
  6. I just learned that the monkeypox doesn't even come from monkeys so why do we even call it monkeypox? why not humanpox or some other name? humans can't take responsibility for anything... we will never progress as humans if we keep shifting the blame
  7. Cuba's parliament has announced a new family law which will be put to a referendum on September 25. It would legalize same-sex marriage and civil unions, as well as allow same-sex couples to adopt children. Cuba's parliament announced on Friday that the country will hold a referendum on the legalization of same-sex marriage and surrogate parenthood. The referendum on the new family law is scheduled to be held on September 25. Decision 'left in the hands of the people' "The final decision will be left in the hands of the people," the National Assembly's secretary said. "We are convinced that in due time, the majority of the Cuban people will endorse this revolutionary, inclusive and democratic code." The new family code was debated on in community meetings earlier this year. Organizers said 62% of participants expressed support. When Cuba's constitution was revised in 2019, LGBTQ activists pushed to include same-sex marriage in the new version of the document. This was ultimately withdrawn due to opposition from conservative and religious groups. In Latin America, seven countries currently allow same-sex marriage: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay and Chile. Chile legalized same-sex marriage in March of this year. What do we know about the law? The new law would also offer increased protections for children, the elderly and other family members as well as greater women's rights. Furthermore, it would allow prenuptial agreements, adoption of children by same-sex couples and surrogate pregnancies, though not for profit. It will promote the equal sharing of domestic responsibilities. According to the new family code, parents will have "responsibility" rather than "custody" of children. They will also be required to be "respectful of the dignity and physical and mental integrity of children and adolescents." https://www.dw.com/en/cuba-announces-same-sex-marriage-referendum/a-62571109
  8. China on Monday gave conditional approval to domestic firm Genuine Biotech's Azvudine pill to treat certain adult patients with COVID-19. China approved the Azvudine tablet in July last year to treat certain HIV-1 virus infections. It has been given a conditional green light to treat adult patients with "normal type" COVID (coronavirus infections where there are signs of pneumonia, but the patients haven't reached a severe stage.) - 40.4% of patients taking Azvudine showed improvement in symptoms seven days after first taking the drug, compared with 10.9% in the control group Genuine Biotech said in a statement earlier this month, without providing detailed readings Other options in China: -Pfizer's oral treatment Paxlovid - Lianhuaqingwen capsules(a traditional Chinese medicine-style formula) https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-allow-use-genuine-biotechs-hiv-drug-covid-patients-2022-07-25/
  9. Like say you are on a cruise ship would being in the middle of the ocean scare you?
  10. Since my teen years and now in my 20s I noticed I get way more attention from men 40+ than guys my own age. They are more forward and have no shame. Is it just me or are they like that with everyone ? I'm kind of annoyed by it idk
  11. I think some gays really don't realise how extreme the sex lives of gay men are compared to straight people... Imagine engaging in orgies where you drink the urine of a dozen complete strangers and then go on to say it's "reductive" for others to suggest you shouldn't do that to prevent the spread of an infectious disease.
  12. Tbh I asked myself this when I met this guy, he was really great and we had amazing chemistry but he is overweight (a lot) and I was doubting seeing him again but I had to CHECK myself and think about it… that’s kinda fatphobic isn’t it? But then again I’m not sexually attracted to him. Wanted to ask yall…
  13. Both the movies gave similar vibes in the trailer with the plot seemingly focussed on water and tribal rituals surrounding it. They're also releasing a month apart this year. Which movie do you think will win - at box office and at awards?
  14. https://nypost.com/2022/07/18/monkeys-in-india-toss-boy-off-rooftop-killing-him-reports/ In India, a troop of wild monkeys killed a 4-month-old boy by tossing him from a rooftop. The infant’s father had been trying to run away from the monkeys when they snatched the boy and threw him to his death. This incident comes just a month after a similar attack by monkeys on a 1-month-old baby in Tanzania. What do you think could be done to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future?
  15. https://twitter.com/discussingfilm/status/1551009773893689345?s=21&t=n0P6Q6Zn79E8S_RfXp4ezQ
  16. https://news.yahoo.com/mississippi-police-chief-fired-leaked-225026653.html Repulsive. Yet Biden is advocating for increasing these pigs' funding? I guess birds of a feather stick together
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