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  1. her joining the Marvel Studios Family for an upcoming film is being finalized. The Song bird character is a speculation. The character she will play is still unknown as of July 2022. We should be getting new updates as soon as September D23 event to confirm the recent rumor
  2. and woke up 9 hours later. it's now 2 am. all i could do was laugh has this ever happened to you?
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/27/monkeypox-who-recommends-gay-bisexual-men-limit-sexual-partners-to-reduce-spread.html
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-27/gta-6-news-video-game-to-feature-playable-female-main-character
  5. I'm visiting some friends in Boston and I was shocked nobody used Whatsapp for their everyday messaging? I haven't sent an SMS since 2010. I mean I would understand if they used Kik, Snapchat, Messenger instead or iMessage (exclusive for apple gang), but not even.
  6. I just finished watching Kingdom and thought Nick Jonas did a great job in that show. I also remember that he played a much different character in Scream Queens and was entertaining in that. He's had supporting roles in #1 films such as the Jumanji franchise and Midway. He's already racked up more #1s than fellow former Disney star/boybander Justin Timberlake, who gets lead roles left, right, and center. However, Nick's never been the main star in any of his films that were given a wide release in theaters. Do you think he could star as the main lead in a box office hit? His upcoming films are the Amazon Studios buddy comedy Foreign Relations (which might go straight to Prime Video) with his former Scream Queens costar Glen Powell and Jersey Boys Live! (which might just air on TV like Hairspray Live! and Grease Live!)
  7. Fed up of the summer heat in your area? These are the cities to head for, and which ones to avoid. Or maybe you like it hot. These are the world's major cities (750,000+ urban area population) ranked by the mean temperature of the hottest month. I'll be posting a few cities at the time so that the list isn't overwhelmingly long and to make it fun trying to guess what cities are next. Cities by region Northern America: 62 Latin America: 94 Europe: 75 Africa: 92 West Asia: 53 (includes Iran & Caucasus) Central & North Asia: 19 (includes Afghanistan and Asian Russia) South Asia: 97 Southeast Asia: 42 East Asia: 155 Oceania: 6 Anyone think they know the coolest city? I'll post the first few after lunch.
  8. So, I know I’m way behind with the times, but I just binged watched the first 2 seasons of Stranger Things (3 episodes into season 3) and I need some people to discuss the show with me (don’t spoil the rest for me, please, I beg). My thoughts: Season 1: Amazing. Spectacular. The writing, the acting, the suspense, the General feeling of dread>>>>literally I texted some of my friends (many who’ve seen it already) and said “wow, I haven’t been this blown away by a show since Breaking Bad”. An A+ season, and I don’t give those out often. I was HOOKED. Season 2: A solid/good season, but a significant step down. Sloppier writing, characters acting dumber than the season before (especially for some who just went through something so traumatic so recent, but still acting dumb), a BOTTLE episode that disrupted the pace when the season was reaching its peak, and said episode felt a bit unnecessary. Having said that, I never once lost interest, the characters all had good development, characters I could not STAND in season 1 significantly grew on me (Steve), and some overall great cinematography. A solid “B/B+” season. Season 3: I have a long way to go to finish the season but so far it is a MESS. I’ll wait till the end to grade said season, but from what I’ve watched so far, I’d get no higher than a “C-“ and that’s being generous Now, from what everyone (and I mean everyone) has told me: Season 4 is THE season to look forward to, so (without spoiling) I’d like to discuss the show with y’all as much as you can!
  9. If you know what Roblox is, chances are you know exactly what sound this is . This has caused quite a stir among the Roblox community, with many players expressing their disappointment at the news. What do you think about Roblox removing the sound effect? Do you think it's a big deal, or not really?
  10. For context, she’s at an event for disability rights and is describing herself for the benefit of people who are blind/visually-impaired.
  11. They always ruin everything Update: not him being useless and basically proving they don't really care about the feedback from users
  12. LoveInStereo

    Stanning versus music

    I've witnessed this phenomenon for years and it's especially apparent in the aftermath of covid as the cost of albums & tours continues to rise. I know firsthand many who, despite claiming 'music is their life', have never played any musical instruments. I say the barrier to entry in a post internet world is marginal & 1 can get a $100 MIDI keyboard and learn everything you need to know online (taught myself the modal system solely on Wikipedia). Considering genres like bluegrass, folk, blues & rock were pioneered by people in poverty, is money a valid excuse for a lack of creative ambition? This reality is always met with indignant denials and refusals. The justification they always give for having no drive to acquire musical skills is lack of opportunity. How does one spend thousands of dollars on accommodations, flights, merch & tickets to stalk celebrities only to claim that learning an instrument is implausible? We just had interminable lockdowns, there was no shortage of free-time. If you have no interest, just say that, because the excuses are transparent. Anybody else find it comical how the vast majority of self-proclaimed music fans making music their entire identity have 0 theoretical or practical knowledge & no motivation to change that? There's nothing wrong with being a pop culture savant, following the world of entertainment is a compelling past-time. But some of us need to give up the pretentiousness. If you're on a soapbox preaching that your fav is the most virtuosic songwriter of this century yet you can't find the notes to a Cmaj chord on a piano.. you look childish. It's 1 thing to say subjectively that they're your favourite pop songwriter but where do some of you get the audacity to lecture like some authority on music when you're literally musically illiterate? If this is you, focus more on enjoying things and stop posturing like you're some expert on music. Thoughts? Anyone else tired of being told how to feel about music from fans whose engagement with music stops at screenprints on Gildan t-shirts, unplayed vinyl records and Twitter mutuals?
  13. Jonathan Cohen was the director of the Open Society Public Health Program. Open Society is founded by George Soros (a billionaire). ------------ -I got monkeypox and it’s been a total nightmare. -I had sex with several guys over the weekend during NY Pride. Then a week later, on 1 July, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a: -high fever with chills and muscle aches, -lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat. -Two days later: the rash started as anorectal lesions – painful sores on my anus and rectum. Initially it was a stinging, itchy feeling. -After I went home, the rash started spreading, -over 50 lesions developed literally everywhere causing intense pain, they started out looking like mosquito bites before developing into pimply blisters that would eventually pop, then finally scab before leaving a scar. (On my skull, on my face, my arms, my legs, my feet, my hands, my torso, my back, and five just on my right elbow. None on *****) -The next day I got my STI results: positive for gonorrhoea. -Developed hives everywhere on my body from my neck down, as well as a headache, arthritis pain in my fingers and shoulders and a strange pain in my shin bone that got so painful that I couldn’t stand up. -At night : wake up going crazy with both pain and itching from the lesions and hives, just sitting up in bed and scratching myself. -anorectal lesions turned into open wounds. It felt like I had three fissures right next to each other, and it was absolutely excruciating. I would literally scream out loud when I went to the bathroom. Even keeping the area clean, like washing myself, was extremely painful. It was a two hour process each time. -Treament: You have to take three pills every 12 hours, with a high fat diet. I’m eating a lot of bacon and whipped cream, which is the second best thing about this treatment. The lesions started drying out very quickly and I’m now down to just three tiny little scabs left. Only in the last couple of days have I been able to go to the bathroom without pain https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/23/i-literally-screamed-out-loud-in-pain-my-two-weeks-of-monkeypox-hell
  14. I've gained some weight during the first lockdown and I lost most of what I gained since then, but my belly fat will simply not go away My arms and legs are skinny so the body proportions look way off. I've tried dieting/working out, but I get bored with both after circa 6 months I take a 2-3 months break and then go back to it, but I feel like it's helping my mental health more than it's helping the annoying belly fat. Due to everything mentioned, I've been thinking about getting a lipo and I'd love to hear if any of you have any advice. Is it worth it?
  15. Title is self-explanatory... 1. What's your major? 2. Why did you choose it? 3. Is the job prospects good for your career? 4. Is your job now related to your major? 5. What department and what industry do you work in currently? I chose accounting & finance and the reason I did was because of my parents' advice. It wasn't the major that I initially wanted but seeing as the prospects seem good, I grew to enjoy it. It's currently related to my job too (accountant for insurance company). Hbu girls?
  16. It's supposedly going to be done this year. Are you going to a trip on it?
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