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Less than half of Amsterdam youth accept homosexuality, according to new study


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3 minutes ago, ForgottenSoul said:

I mean you say that but the far right in Denmark say were protecting LGBTQ rights by hating Islam that is the arguement they use. I dont think many parties run on anti LGBTQ platforms because its not popular at all. 

Oh that's exactly what they're doing here in Holland too, and this is the result 🤡 

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Posted (edited)

Genuinely curious why America seems to be diverging from Europe in this regard. There's of course still deeply queerphobic parts of America - I'm sure parts more dangerous for queer people than any part of most of Europe - yet the general sentiment in the former still shows deep acceptance and support at large. The reactionary strains don't seem to take hold the way they've done in parts of Europe. 

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There was another study I read recently saying that the Gen alpha are going to be some of the most conservative people ever.  Apparently the most liberal will remain the millennials and Gen z 

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3 minutes ago, Cain said:

Oh that's exactly what they're doing here in Holland too, and this is the result 🤡 

I dunno I think its Tate and other people online because if the far right dont really promote anti LGBTQ cant put the full blame on them but yeah its sad either way 


2 minutes ago, Communion said:

Genuinely curious why America seems to be diverging from Europe in this regard. There's of course still deeply queerphobic parts of America - I'm sure parts more dangerous for queer people than any part of most of Europe - yet the general sentiment in the former still shows deep acceptance and support at large. The reactionary strains don't seem to take hold the way they've done in parts of Europe. 

I think America is slowly going in that direction also

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1 minute ago, IBeMe said:

There was another study I read recently saying that the Gen alpha are going to be some of the most conservative people ever.  Apparently the most liberal will remain the millennials and Gen z 

In a couple of years we will be sandwiched between the biggest senior population the world has ever seen and conservative babies from hell 



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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Genuinely curious why America seems to be diverging from Europe in this regard. There's of course still deeply queerphobic parts of America - I'm sure parts more dangerous for queer people than any part of most of Europe - yet the general sentiment in the former still shows deep acceptance and support at large. The reactionary strains don't seem to take hold the way they've done in parts of Europe. 

I'm genuinely curious about this too, the fact the US is starting to feel more save for queer people is very interesting 

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7 minutes ago, IBeMe said:

There was another study I read recently saying that the Gen alpha are going to be some of the most conservative people ever.  Apparently the most liberal will remain the millennials and Gen z 

How is this happening? Also Gen Alpha is only kids born in 2010, how are they already developing hatred of other people :gaycat7:

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, ForgottenSoul said:

I think America is slowly going in that direction also

I get the worry and fear but LGBTQ acceptance in nearly all areas are at record-highs. Even when things like support for marriage equity dipped for the first time in 2019, it rose every year since to now a high of 71%.


LGBTQ identification doubled from 2012 to 2023, with nearly 1 in 10 Americans identifying as some LGBT identity. Gen Z Americans are twice as likely to identify as LGBTQ with 1 in 5 identifying as such. 


There is of course more left to do by the LGBTQ movement can easily consider itself a success within America for establishing wide-reaching acceptance across the country. 


I have some pet theories about how secularism isn't an inherently progressive thing in some of Europe and much of the queer movement in the US has seemingly tried to mesh queerness and religion, not make them at odds, but I think media exposure is probably also a likelier and easier answer. Even low-income families have increased access to the internet and TV in the US. 

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

Genuinely curious why America seems to be diverging from Europe in this regard. There's of course still deeply queerphobic parts of America - I'm sure parts more dangerous for queer people than any part of most of Europe - yet the general sentiment in the former still shows deep acceptance and support at large. The reactionary strains don't seem to take hold the way they've done in parts of Europe. 

I think this study just shows teens (especially boys) being stupid, because how does Netherlands go from first to legalize gay marriage to this? And as an anecdote, if you travel and open Tinder or Grindr or whatever app in Amsterdam there's a huge amount of profiles, so at least in the adult population not much has changed. But it is concerning how social media has been taken over by conservative voices. We need to fight back

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The growth in conservative and alt-right voices have hurt the LGBT community more than ever. Now, the richest man in the world advocate for "free speech" which basically means free hate.

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Posted (edited)

Dutch kids are some of the wealthiest  in the planet.
The gays are very pro-social movements today and very pro-equality and anti-capitalism and also very pro-minorities.
I wonder if thats turnin them off from progresiveness
People hate to lose their privileged lives :giraffe: Just a theory. 
Now they align more with the right wingers cause all of them are protective of their wealth.

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34 minutes ago, Orsay said:

13-16 year olds.. hm. There's such a strong hard right conservative streak among late gen z and gen alpha kids. But 27 year old progressives continue to see moderate liberals as their biggest enemy...


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28 minutes ago, IBeMe said:

There was another study I read recently saying that the Gen alpha are going to be some of the most conservative people ever.  Apparently the most liberal will remain the millennials and Gen z 

They will be the most conservative cause they will lack the most sociable skills and are going to be less educated. 

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The change might be due to religion. 

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drugs in the brain. literally

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, anti-***** said:

I think this study just shows teens (especially boys) being stupid, because how does Netherlands go from first to legalize gay marriage to this? And as an anecdote, if you travel and open Tinder or Grindr or whatever app in Amsterdam there's a huge amount of profiles, so at least in the adult population not much has changed. But it is concerning how social media has been taken over by conservative voices. We need to fight back

Once the pendelum of progress has spun there is turning back. I don't see it reverting back to the 50s. Teenage boys in general are immature and brains underdeveloped. They only understand the binary and tradition. (Unless battling their own issues) so it's not a shocker wit toxic masculinity being the norm that they as adolescence are more openly anti lgbt. Once they mature and reach the real world outside their parents grasp their views change imo. 

not to mention generation alpha took a significant population hit with millennials not having kids like that. Millennials and gen z will outnumber them politically for quite some time. 

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3 minutes ago, Stunnah said:

The change might be due to religion. 

Partly. There are many people who simply dislike gay people regardless of religion. 

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Thesurvey was conducted among young peopleaged 13 to 16.


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Someone sh**t Andrew Tate and CO

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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, IBeMe said:

There was another study I read recently saying that the Gen alpha are going to be some of the most conservative people ever.  Apparently the most liberal will remain the millennials and Gen z 

And that's why we will win. Gen alpha is the smallest generation of the past 100 years. We will outnumber them politically for some time. It's why the conservatives are so anti abortion and contraception. They know the progressives pretty much won over millennials and gen z. So they want to sink their claws in future generations for a return. Their dominance is dying out with the boomers.


gen alpha will suffer same fate as gen x. Gen x was forever outnumbered by Silent generation and boomers. It's why they're the current forgotten generation . 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Stunnah said:

The change might be due to religion. 

I heavily doubt it's religion leading this change, Muslims have existed in Amsterdam for decades and the drop started from 69% two years ago. Two years ago, Andrew Tate started gaining mainstream attention and Elon brought Twitter in October of that year. We've seen an increase in Anti-LGBT since then with the cultural war regarding Pride and other LGBT+ related topics since around then. 

Edited by Gwendolyn
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5 minutes ago, Twixters said:

They will be the most conservative cause they will lack the most sociable skills and are going to be less educated. 

This is a great point. Agree 100%
I have little cousins from the gen alpha-late gen z and these kids seriously dont know how to socialize.
There's no battle or exchange of ideas with people different to them
Sometimes i try to teach them things but is exhausting. Theyre so reclusive in their own little worlds.
They do everything their parents say to them :giraffe: Theyre also in their cellphones their whole day gettin ruined by tiktok conspiracy-indoctrinaction-propagandas
Is also not helpful how one of our biggest social networks (twitter) is now leaded by Elon Musk. He's been such a damagin force to the world
i also feel like China (owners of tiktok) (Very homophobic) They push AntiLGBTi propaganda sometimes with the algorithms
Basically we dont have anyone in our side. 

I think we the milenials. We been able to see all the sides of the prism. The good. the bad. the gay movements and woke takin over :gaycat2: 
This is one of the reasons why we are so critical of everything in this life.  From religious to less religious society. Technology takin over

These new gens dont know. Theyre born in a different world. 
They havent experienced a world without basic gay rights and all the freedom we have. They will find out
Once they start losin rights the pendulum will probably move to the left again or lets see if they end up accepting goin back to the dark ages and handsmaid tale
Katy was really ahead of her time with witness :gaycat3: Ugh her mind. She predicted the future


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1 minute ago, AvadaKedavra said:

This is a great point. Agree 100%
I have little cousins from the gen alpha-late gen z and these kids seriously dont know how to socialize.
There's no battle or exchange of ideas with people different to them
Sometimes i try to teach them things but is exhausting. Theyre so reclusive in their own little worlds.
They do everything their parents say to them :giraffe: Theyre also in their cellphones their whole day gettin ruined by tiktok conspiracy-indoctrinaction-propagandas
Is also not helpful how one of our biggest social networks (twitter) is now leaded by Elon Musk. He's been such a damagin force to the world
i also feel like China (owners of tiktok) (Very homophobic) They push AntiLGBTi propaganda sometimes with the algorithms
Basically we dont have anyone in our side. 

I think we the milenials. We been able to see all the sides of the prism. The good. the bad. the gay movements and woke takin over :gaycat2: 
This is one of the reasons why we are so critical of everything in this life.  From religious to less religious society. Technology takin over

These new gens dont know. Theyre born in a different world. 
They havent experienced a world without basic gay rights and all the freedom we have. They will find out
Once they start losin rights the pendulum will probably move to the left again or lets see if they end up accepting goin back to the dark ages and handsmaid tale
Katy was really ahead of her time with witness :gaycat3: Ugh her mind. She predicted the future


Well like I said earlier millennials and gen z will outnumber gen alpha for quite some time. They are the smallest generation in over 100 years 

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Interesting I always thought the Netherlands was super progressive and accepting. Worrying how backwards we are heading

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