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Bigger Classic: Gossip Girl vs. The Vampire Diaries vs. Pretty Little Liars



52 members have voted

  1. 1. Bigger Classic?

    • GG.
    • TVD.
    • PLL.
  2. 2. Aged The Best?

    • GG.
    • TVD.
    • PLL.

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These shows shaped our generation, but which young-adult TV show is the biggest classic among the three, and which aged the best?


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The Vampire Diaries aged the best, but Gossip Girl is the bigger classic. Pretty Little Liars got worse and worse after Mona reveal.

Edited by Gladiator
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Gossip Girl is the biggest classic


TVD is the best one tho, the show just kept an insane longevity and all seasons are memorable, also it had the hottest cast


I didn’t see PLL after season 1, it was definitely good but the show just didn’t click

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I was the biggest PLL stan back in the day but it definitely nose dived in quality once Alison came back from the dead :skull: 


Gossip Girl remained pretty consistent throughout & I never finished TVD

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TVD, for all the Delena break ups and make ups and doppelganger antics in the later seasons, was the best one acting wise hands down. The core cast were serving EXCELLENCE, even with Julie Plec's tired ass writing.


However, I think GG is probably a little more iconic in that it had more of a hold on pop culture.


PLL is by far and away the absolute dead last between the three though. Like, I literally couldn't finish it cause it got dumber and dumber, and


There weren't any hot guys to distract from the horrible acting 

Overall, among teen oriented drama shows during that period, imo: TVD > GG > Teen Wolf (the first three seasons ONLY) > 90210 reboot > those ABC Family/Freeform snoozes > the WB lot garbage bin they throw the old props away in > PLL

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TVD is the best all around show out of the 3 despite having the worst character of all time, Elena Gilbert, in it :pukey:


But PLL changed the game with social media & fan interaction and was a massive phenomenon, so even tho it got messy as hell it's more iconic, imo. GG was great and had pop culture going crazy but fell flat in the end for me.


In the end, PLL ultimately has the best replay value (even tho they ruined Alison in the later seasons)  :gaycat4:

she should have been A gdi 

:clownny: (or at least Aria)

That being said, only the TVD universe seems to be the only one who has a widespread universe and can have successful spinoffs/reboots. Plus, we're supposedly getting more TVD universe shows in the future.

All iconic tho as they gave us these baddies  :loki:









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it's unfortunate, legacy-wise, that all of them lasted way past their quality peak.


i'm sure that's not what their accountants say tho

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Gossip Girl for the first question, TVD for second.

PLL was a disaster by Season 2 and became irredeemable by the series end.

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I have no idea why GG is so loved, I've tried watching it twice and literally can't even make it past the first season it's so mind-numbingly boring :rip: PLL is the best of the three, a mess but an entertaining one

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GG >>>> PLL > TVD



GG is of course much bigger and more iconic compared to the other two, I found TVD extremely boring, dropped it during season 4 and I found it terrible but it was huge back then. PLL was also super big especially on social media, but it was so bad, I loved it and I'm rewatching it as we speak but it's one of those guilty pleasure (so is GG but PLL is much worse quality wise). TVD and PLL are on the same level, both are kind of forgotten, especially TVD.

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Unfortunately it’s GG, but TVD will always remain superior. 

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