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What Kpop company will have the most successful American group?



18 members have voted

  1. 1. What Kpop company will have the most successful American group?

    • JYP X Republic (A2K)
    • SM/Kakao x Sony
    • YG (Not confirmed)

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Kpop companies seem to be willing to fill the void in that Western Girl Group market, JYP is about to choose the final members of A2K. 



HYBE and Geffen Records is currently documenting the process of their Western Girl Group, Dream Academy which will be cut down to 6 members soon. F6B_YETWYAAHAPb?format=jpg&name=large


And SM and Kakao and Sony is planning to debut an American group in 2024


So ATRL, which group will most likely be the most successful if we base it on their respective companies? I'll start first: 1. HYBE 2. SM and 3. JYP.

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I'm unsure about any of them but probably HYBE x Geffen 

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Any of them, as long as they give them the same amount of promo as their Korean groups. 


Kpop entertainment value is unparalleled,  sometimes it feels like a full-time hobby just keeping up with my faves :smiley: 

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If the korean loving fans won’t support them, i don’t see an international audience being lucrative since there’s no korean girls in the group 

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None of them. K-pop isn't a genre you can extrapolate onto another culture and language, it just doesn't work and we've seen the inevitable outcome that always comes along when they try. 

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If the group succeed I can see the west changing their structure on debuting artist. 

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Kpop already monopolize the pop group market, peepz will always grativate towards a Korean group with token other East Asians/Thais. 



I'm not sure if a multinational and multiracial group would get the same support and hype, look at Black Swan plus pop groups are already long dead in Murika. 

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It’s hard to pick any of them but for now probably HYBE as they’ve had the most success  in the US.


HYBE has more industry connections due to being the home of BTS.

Although they are way too reliant on their brand name. They just expect to see results without any promo (See TXTs recent flops). If they put effort into the promotions it may be successful e.g.  Dynamite promos


JYP has had multiple failed US debuts so I don’t see how this will be any different. But they might have learned from their mistakes. They tend to over work their artists with low-gain gigs. They need to be more selective.

SM are the opposite of HYBE. They are stubborn & overpush their artists and it comes off as try-hard. They’ve have even more failed US debuts than JYP and can’t seem to grasp what the US market wants. Their English singles for Aespa and the SuperM are a perfect example of this. They also fail to grasp opportunities properly. (See RV & EXOs mismanagement) 

 YG - This group will never come to fruition imo. If it does they’ll have the right type of image that would be successful but their music is outdated with current music trends. They have a notorious history of long hiatuses so I don’t see this girlgroup building any type of fandom or public image. They’ll be shelved. 


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Between Hybe and YG for me. Especially if it's gonna be GG

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