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Is the US worse than Israel? Why people doesn't care about the US war crimes?

Space Cowboy

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To go from Worst to Bad,

The U.K (w/ British Empire)





The U.S.A is the imperialist regime that constantly interferes with the politics of foreign countriess , i.e appointing dicators, organising colored projects, training radical militia groups in order to destabilize nations and giving a shelter to foreign war criminals. Israel is American's pride and joy, however the media is meant to make you think Israel is just an ally of the U.S.A.



Read this book to understand the problem with western media




War Crime wise, U.S.A is just the worst, but you will never hear that on western media, from organising the bombing of an airplane(https://gisbarbados.gov.bb/blog/downing-of-cubana-flight-was-caribbeans-9-11/), the C.I.A training the Azoz Battalion and other white nationalist groups around the world (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202203/1254217.shtml) and the worst, assassinating a leader in South America who wanted to bring socialism to the people (https://jacobin.com/2020/09/orlando-letelier-murder-chile-allende-pinochet-washington-dc)

The U.S.A is also loathed due to it's foreign policy and utilizing NATO as an expansionist coalition. 


Sadly you get told that it is because all these crimes were done under the guise to bring  Democracy to a nation, Freeing an oppressed people, bringing Peace to a divided nation or sending relief to suffering whilst all that is sent to those nations are military grade weaponary and freelancers with military training. 

Edited by Phaunzie
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Who would criticize one without criticizing the other?

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