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Survivor: ATRL Edition - Fans vs. Favorites (Season 13) | FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

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  • ATRL Moderator

bowdown - Shawn Mendes

brycehooha - Drake

Delirious - Zayn

fais_2311 - Sam Smith

kittenish - BTS

Stevie - Frank Ocean

Taeyeon - Kai

wish - Lil Nas X

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  • wish


  • bowdown


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  • ATRL Moderator

Entries have been sent to the judges! Hoping for results around lunchtime EDT on Saturday!




@bowdown @brycehooha @Delirious @fais_2311 @kittenish @Stevie @Taeyeon @wish


Welcome castaways to your 13th results show! We will reveal the rankings for each part of Musical Chairs one by one. The person with the worst average after each round will be eliminated until only one person is left, making them the winner of this immunity challenge.     


Your placement in the challenge will be converted to a score for your average based on the following rating scale:  


    1st Place: 10

2nd Place: 9.5

    3rd Place: 9

    4rd Place: 8.5

    5th Place: 8

    6th Place: 7.5

    7th Place: 7

    8th Place: 6


lets go drake!!!


Part One: Best Album Cover

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!




1. Zayn - Cute

2. Drake - It’s okay

3. Lil Nas X - Eh I guess

4. Sam Smith - Not a fan

5. Shawn Mendes - He tried

6. Kai - Erm

7. BTS  - Looks like an ad for a carnival

8. Frank Ocean - Awful tbh



1. Frank Ocean - Fantastic.

2. Lil Nas X - Tacky tacky tacky.

3. Kai - The text ruins it, but it’s okay.

4. Sam Smith - Meh. Miley had already done it with the “Malibu” cover.

5. Drake - Why? Take Care was right there.

6. Zayn - Hideous and cheap looking.

7. Shawn Mendes - Hideous, but you definitely didn’t have any other choices.

8. BTS - Wow.



1 Lil Nas X - This is leagues above the others. He ate. 

2. Frank Ocean - I love it. Rotunda is weird. 

3. Sam Smith - They look beautiful, love the lighting and colours. 

4. Drake - Cute. He had better though. 

5. Zayn - Cute

6. BTS - Basic but alright. 

7. Shawn Mendes - This is awful and makes me uncomfortable. That latest album cover is better imo. 

8. Kai - This is confusing to me, not a fan. 



1. Shawn Mendes- This looks very nice and very artsy. I could see this being cool on vinyl 

2. Drake - Good 

3. Zayn - Lil Wayne dupe 

4. Lil Nas X - I feel like it’s a bit over the top for me, but it at least tries to be something 

5. Frank Ocean - This is very regular degular to me, like anyone could have done this, but I like the colors 

6. BTS - It’s clean at least,  but boring 

7.  Sam Smith - There’s nothing super enticing or inviting about this aside from the lighting 

8.  Kai - I just find this super annoying for some reason, ngl 


Average Rank



And kittenish is the first one out!


Part 2 incoming...




Clue calling baby Zayn "hideous" :cries: 


Part Two: Best Look

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!


Username Artist P2: Best Look
bowdown Shawn Mendes https://www.billboard.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Shawn-Mendes-met-gala-2022-billboard-1240.jpg
bryce Drake https://imgur.com/a/5bup0BB
Delirious Zayn 2014 AMAS: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/american-music-awards-zayn-2014.html?sortBy=relevant
fais_2311 Sam Smith https://ibb.co/3pgb6Fm
kittenish BTS https://imgur.com/a/RH4Tkd5
Stevie Frank Ocean https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/597febe6725e2529bad5fc50/1520017051220-SK7Y4JEH44PGT7QAQGVG/488344027.jpg
Taeyeon Kai https://media.allure.com/photos/5b1028fb64c04e0d8f74ed99/master/pass/EXO%20Kai%20Gucci%20Cruise%202019.jpg
wish Lil Nas X https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbSUhDXaIAAC8iZ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096





1. Zayn - Cute

2. Drake - It’s okay

3. Lil Nas X - Eh I guess

4. Sam Smith - Not a fan

5. Shawn Mendes - He tried

6. Kai - Erm

7. BTS  - Looks like an ad for a carnival

8. Frank Ocean - Awful tbh



1. Lil Nas X - I’ve never really loved this look. He’s had way better.

2. Shawn Mendes - Dracula <3.

3. Kai - Finally some kind of flavor. I don’t like how long the tops are but w.e.

4. BTS - LV has styled them better than this before.

5. Frank Ocean - Can y’all be forreal? Jesus.

6. Zayn - Could you get more boring? Why didn’t you send his bionic arm Met Gala look?

7. Sam Smith - Boring.

8. Drake -



1. Lil Nas X - Again, he’s league above the others. He has many serves to choose from and this is sublime. 

2. Shawn Mendes - This is one of his better looks from his many basic suits. 

3. Kai - Fine. 

4. Frank Ocean - Elegant but safe. I know he doesn’t go out much, doesn’t have much options. 

5. Sam - Has better options! 

6. BTS - They look fine but ive seen them dressed better! 

7. Zayn - A snooze, he also has better! Except for LNX and maybe Shawn, all of y’all dropped the ball 

8. Drake - Bestie you so unserious with this pic. He has much better.



1. Lil Nas X- A serve

2. Shawn Mendes - A cute Dr. Strange moment 

3. Sam Smith - Sure

4. BTS- None of these are that interesting, but also not that offensive 

5. Frank Ocean - Boring

6. Kai- This just isn’t to my liking

7. Zayn - Those shoes? Those pants? Absolutely not

8. Drake - You’re obviously throwing this challenge, so glad I could give you what you’re asking for


Average Rank



brycehooha is next out!


Part 3 incoming...


ty boys i love u we get it





Part Three: Funniest GIF

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!


Username Artist P3: Funniest GIF
bowdown Shawn Mendes https://imgur.com/a/5hx8uPq
bryce Drake https://media.tenor.com/o_JeuRwDAxQAAAAM/herpovs-drake.gif
Delirious Zayn https://media.tenor.com/It9fRruDnZQAAAAM/one-direction-1d.gif
fais_2311 Sam Smith https://imgur.com/O6BPLvR
kittenish BTS https://gifs.com/gif/bts-funny-moments-Dk2ygk
Stevie Frank Ocean https://media3.giphy.com/media/euZGuGUM7UBA4/giphy.gif
Taeyeon Kai https://tenor.com/view/kai-exo-jongin-exo-kai-exo-jongin-gif-20062966
wish Lil Nas X https://gfycat.com/deadlyfainteeve




1. Shawn Mendes - No contest

2. Lil Nas X - didn’t laugh

3. Frank Ocean - didn’t laugh

4. Sam Smith - didn’t laugh

5. Drake - didn’t laugh

6. Zayn - didn’t laugh

7. Kai - didn’t laugh

8. BTS - didn’t laugh



1. Lil Nas X - Sure.

2. Shawn Mendes - Sure.

3. Sam Smith - Served.

4. Kai - The resolution is funny.

5. BTS - 

6. Zayn - 

7. Frank Ocean - 

8. Drake - 



1. Lil Nas X - cleared 

2. Shawn Mendes - Yas 

3. Sam - ok ok 

4. Kai - ok? 

5. BTS - ok? 

6. Frank Ocean - He literally has that gif holding that green thing from the MET, bffr! 

7. Zayn - No

8. Drake - No



1. Zayn- I cracked a slight smile

2. Shawn Mendes- [insert slur here]

3. Lil Nas X- Something was attempted

4. Sam Smith- Funny in an “I can see this spammed on ATRL kind of way”

5. BTS- ?

6. Kai- ?

7. Drake - ?

8. Frank Ocean- What am I supposed to be laughing at 


Average Rank



And Stevie is the third one out!


Part 4 incoming...

Posted (edited)

Part Four: Worst Music Video

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!


Username Artist P4: Worst Music Video
bowdown Shawn Mendes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mytLRy32Viw&ab_channel=ShawnMendesVEVO
bryce Drake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJTRVX9R5EA&list=PLEAyrPGatmi6N5fmy0IftsAg70qn_Pgk7&index=6&ab_channel=DrakeVEVO
Delirious Zayn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHOrHGpL4u0
fais_2311 Sam Smith https://youtu.be/hYjHhqLSiN4
kittenish BTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8MfJg68oCs&ab_channel=1theK%28%EC%9B%90%EB%8D%94%EC%BC%80%EC%9D%B4%29
Stevie Frank Ocean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtyX_Ec5MZw&ab_channel=HaranBanjo
Taeyeon Kai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc-fa6cAe2c
wish Lil Nas X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyN_7Y-qRFM&ab_channel=LilNasXVEVO




1. Frank Ocean - He filmed this on tinychat

2. Shawn Mendes - Definitely a contender

3. Zayn - Mess

4. BTS - Terrible

5. Drake - Another mess

6. Lil Nas X - a mess

7. Kai - Eh

8. Sam Smith - Awful video that I’d never watch again but in terms of videos its the ebay one of the bunch



1. Frank Ocean - He had a Starbucks gift card with $.89 on it.

2. Shawn Mendes - Horrid. Good job.

3. Lil Nas X - Good choice.

4. BTS - They’ve been at it for 9 years?

5. Zayn - Same vibe as the Drake vid.

6. Drake - This is cute. He absolutely has worse.

7. Kai - This is good.

8. Sam Smith - This is great.



1. Frank Ocean - Correct choice! Very cheap, there was no budget! 

2. Shawn Mendes - Looks like a high school project, good job. 

3. BTS - Yes awful 

4. Lil Nas X - Definitely his worst video, a hot mess! 

5. Drake - This is alright 

6. Zayn- This is alright [2]

7. Kai - This is objectively a very good video, all those effects? Be serious. 

8. Sam Smith - Did you misread this as best? This video is a SERVE. 



1. Shawn Mendes - Suburban Core

2. Lil Nas X - Yeah it’s kinda annoying 

3. Frank - *shrug*

4. BTS - It’s whatever 

5. Zayn - Lower production value than Drake’s but still fine 

6. Drake - This is fine(?)

7. Kai - The production value is too high for this to rank low

8. Sam Smith- Best video here 


Average Rank



And fais_2311 is the next out!


Edited by rl231
Posted (edited)

Part Five: Worst Lyric

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!



Username Artist P5: Worst Lyric
bowdown Shawn Mendes You ain't the ruler of no country (you ain't the ruler of no country, babe) // Who made you the queen? (Ooh, ah-ah, ah-ah) // Who made you the queen? (Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah) // Yeah, you think you're too cool, nah (ah-ah, ah, ah-ah)
bryce Drake Promise s** is gettin' outta line like when you make a stencil Or gettin' outta line like when you break a pencil
Delirious Zayn Not tryna be indie, Not tryna be cool
fais_2311 Sam Smith Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doing something unholy He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it Yeah, she put it down slowly
kittenish BTS I think you’d look good in black stockings. Even without them baby you’re my star king. Girl, don’t flirt around other people. You’re mine. You know you my own world, ***** (from trouble by jimin and rm)
Stevie Frank Ocean We'll get pebbles maybe a couple bam bams Bam bam, bang bang, girl my heart Goes bam and bang, feel my heart go, go, go
Taeyeon Kai Fleeting moments turn into strong attraction Thirsty, like rain that the dry ground has been waiting for
wish Lil Nas X "I'm at Met Gala in Versace and it's fitted / Farted on these ni**as (Pfft), oops, I think I shitted"





1. BTS - you’re my star king

2. Drake - As a rapper you wrote this? 

3. Frank Ocean - Glad I’ve avoided his music like the plague

4. Shawn Mendes - I can get flop from this

5. Sam Smith -  No Comment

6. Lil Nas X - I gagged

7. Kai - Not the worst

8. Zayn - Erm



1. BTS - Screaming.

2. Frank Ocean - Screaming. [2]

3. Zayn - Period.

4. Drake - “Toosie Slide” was in a meeting and couldn’t make it?

5. Shawn Mendes - Sure.

6. Lil Nas X - Slayed.

7. Kai - Ok.

8. Sam Smith - You wish.



1. Frank Ocean - Good pick, a mess. 

2. BTS - Good pick, a mess [2]

3. Drake - He has worst but I get the choice, it’s bad enough to work! 

4. Zayn - I get it 

5. Shawn Mendes - I see the vision 

6. Lil Nas X - This is a very fun line, not bad. Fits his personality. 

7. Sam Smith - meh

8. Kai - This isn’t bad at all. 



1. BTS - Yikes

2. Drake - Yeah isn’t a stencil supposed to keep you in line?

3. Frank - Here by default tbh 

4.  Shawn Mendes - This is more meh than anything 

5. Sam Smith - I mean it’s kinda creative actually  

6. Lil Nas X - It works for him 

7. Zayn - This is barely a lyric

8. Kai - Nothing wrong with this 


Results below...







And Taeyeon is the next one out!




Part 6 incoming...

Edited by rl231
Posted (edited)

Part Six: Catchiest Single Chorus

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!



Username Artist P6: Catchiest Single Chorus
bowdown Shawn Mendes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPR_0Ba2Jqo&ab_channel=ArianaGrandeVocals // I love it when you call me señorita // I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya // But every touch is ooh, la-la-la // It's true, la-la-la // Ooh, I should be running // Ooh, you keep me coming for ya
bryce Drake That's why I need a one dance Got a Hennessy in my hand One more time 'fore I go Higher powers taking a hold on me I need a one dance Got a Hennessy in my hand One more time 'fore I go Higher powers taking a hold on me
Delirious Zayn Dusk Till Dawn
fais_2311 Sam Smith https://youtu.be/av5JD1dfj_c 1:08 - 1:33 Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger Dancing with a stranger
kittenish BTS https://youtu.be/2WBwJD6hldA?t=57 (timestamped at chorus) song- run
Stevie Frank Ocean "Or do you not think so far ahead? 'Cause I been thinkin' bout forever, ooh Or do you not think so far ahead? 'Cause I been thinkin' bout forever, ooh" / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JHu3b-pbh8&ab_channel=FrankOcean-Topic
Taeyeon Kai https://youtu.be/Fc-fa6cAe2c?t=119 (Mm-mhm) 숨을 내쉬고 뱉어 like (Mm-mhm) 경계를 넘어서 like (Mm-mhm) 내 품에 널 안아 like (Mm-mhm) 다른 생각은 하지마
wish Lil Nas X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdTN0k1i14E 1:43 to 2:05, "Call me when you want, call me when you need / Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way / Call me when you want, call me when you need / Call me out by your name, I'll be on the way like / Call me by your name, tell me you love me in private / Call me by your name, I do not care if you're lyin'"



1. Sam Smith - Yup

2. Lil Nas X - I can see it

3. Shawn Mendes - Hate Camila

4. Drake - Alright I suppose

5. BTS - Meh

6. Kai - No

7. Frank Ocean - No

8. Zayn - Don’t bet your life on it



1. Shawn Mendes - Yes.

2. BTS - Annoying and catchy.

3. Lil Nas X - Should’ve sent “Industry Baby”.

4. Frank Ocean - I would’ve gone with “Pink + White”, probably, but sure.

5. Sam Smith - Yes.

6. Drake - Had better choices for sure.

7. Kai - Sure.

8. Zayn - Nope.



1. Lil Nas X - Slayed! 

2. Sam Smith - Yess! 

3. Drake - Very strong! 

4. Frank Ocean - Amazing song, catchy hit! 

5. BTS - Terribly catchy 

6. Shawn Mendes - Terribly catchy 

7. Kai - It’s catchy yeah

8. Zayn - Confused, he has much more catchy options. My choice would have been that taylor collab. 



1. Shawn Mendes - True

2. Lil Nas X - True to a lesser extent 

3. Frank Ocean - I actually despise this song but the chorus always get stuck in my head

4. Sam Smith - Sure

5. BTS - Sure ig 

6. Drake - I probably l would have gone w/ Nice For What 

7. Zayn - I like this chorus, idk if I’d call it super catchy compared to some of these 

8. Kai - Meh


Results below...







And Delirious is in 3rd place!





Edited by rl231

And kittenish is the first one out!

Just now, brycehooha said:

And kittenish is the first one out!




And kittenish is the first one out!

Just now, Staryu said:

And kittenish is the first one out!

and what's it to u huh

Posted (edited)

Part Seven: Best Live Performance

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!



Username Artist P7: Best Live Performance
bowdown Shawn Mendes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfmtqgjJQg4&ab_channel=ShawnMendes
bryce Drake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge1LbBT0HrU&ab_channel=FluffyKing
Delirious Zayn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyWeTRiHWkU
fais_2311 Sam Smith https://youtu.be/Wrwx9aJQNFA
kittenish BTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbkBVxU5K5A&ab_channel=BANGTANTV
Stevie Frank Ocean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWUWC21_HE8&ab_channel=Iambaldsowhat%3F
Taeyeon Kai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF-9ra5nd34
wish Lil Nas X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfJicS3txO4



1.  Lil Nas X - I was soooo bored with so many of these and at least he put on a show

2. Shawn Mendes - At least he tried something different

3. Zayn - Too bad he gets stage fright hes a good vocalist

4. BTS - Not bad

5. Kai - He at least was giving some choreo

6. Sam Smith - Meh

7. Frank Ocean - No

8. Drake - These male artists get away with the barest of bare minimums huh?



1. Sam Smith - Great.

2. Frank Ocean - Sure.

3. BTS - V, please carry my baby.

4. Lil Nas X - Okay.

5. Kai - Fine.

6. Zayn - Boring, but good, I guess.

7. Shawn Mendes - Boring.

8. Drake - He’s not even doing anything…



1. Frank Ocean - Hands down the best performance here, VOCALLY . 

2. Sam Smith - Excellent performance. 

3. BTS - Their best award show performance. 

4. Lil Nas X - His best award show performance. 

5. Kai - He’s a good performer, I enjoyed this. 

6. Zayn - He’s a pretty good vocalist. Just needed a bit more but this was good. 




7. Shawn Mendes - Why is he so bland kii, literally gives white bread. FLAT vocals. 

8. Drake - Come on now. Be serious. 



1. Frank Ocean - This is good 

2. Shawn Mendes - Sorry I really liked this

3. Sam Smith - This is good, though shaky at points

4. Lil Nas X - Good production value 

5. Zayn - A good minimalist performance 

6. Kai - Good dancing

7. BTS - Their voices are kinda atrocious ngl 

8. Drake - Zzzzzzzzzz


FINAL results below between @bowdown and @wish...







































@wish is the WINNER and safe at this Tribal Council!




Tribal Council is DUE at 4:45 PM EST! You may not vote for wish.

Edited by rl231

And kittenish is the first one IN!!! 


Omg congrats @kittenish you slayed


interesting final 3






I'm yelling the judges have every guy a really low score for every round :bibliahh::rip:

  • ATRL Moderator





R11 Rankings

1. wish - 10

2. bowdown - 9.5

3. Delirious - 9.0

4. Taeyeon - 8.5

5. fais_2311 - 8.0

6. Stevie - 7.5

7. brycehooha - 7.0

8. kittenish - 6.5



Overall Rankings

1. brycehooha - 8.54

2. Delirious - 8.22

3. Stevie - 8.05

4. bowdown - 7.94

5. wish - 7.89

6. Taeyeon - 7.73

7. fais_2311 - 7.31

8. kittenish - 6.96



@brycehooha @Taeyeon @Delirious @Stevie

@bowdown @wish @fais_2311 @kittenish

  • ATRL Moderator

Welcome to Tribal Council! Your answer and vote are due by 4:45 PM EDT on Sunday, March 26th. Because I posted these questions so late, they will be optional this time but heavily encouraged for the ~immersion~.


Please cast your vote in the DM with the hosts using the parchment below. Remember you must include the name of the contestant you are voting for on the parchment!




Let us also bring in the members of our jury...

@touya kinomoto @Guero @Luckitty @Kylie Verzosa @TruGemini



@brycehooha @Stevie - Last round, both of you played hidden immunity idols that did not negate (m)any votes. Do you believe that playing these idols has changed your standing in the game? Do you have any regrets?


@bowdown - What are these merge votes like?? Now that you've gotten a few under your belt, do you have a better sense of how to manage them?


@Delirious - We saw two prizes last tribal council. Do you believe there are others out there?


@fais_2311 - Do you believe that people are being voted out due to their own mistakes or the mistakes of others?


@kittenish - We almost saw you heading to the jury last round. Why do you think the target ended up on you?


@Taeyeon - Do you think there is a line drawn in the sand after last round's vote?


@wish - Congratulations on immunity! How does winning immunity impact your approach/decision tonight?

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