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After how long did your relationship start to have problems?


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4 hours ago, Allday said:

I have bpd so problems always happen once I start to fall so normally 3 months in. But it's there in the wrong too since they sorta treated me like crap from the start aswell.


Im 31 single and will never be happily married because of bpd. Really is no cure. :gaycat7:

Don’t let a disorder dictate your desires and destiny—whilst there is no cure for bpd, there is medication and psychotherapy. Don’t give up on yourself so easily :heart: 

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I can't really pinpoint a specific time, but if you want to be in a long lasting relationship, one of the main things you need to understand is that it won't be sunshine and rainbows every single day. Sometimes one side of the relationship is dealing with their own demons that make it hard for them to love as much as they usually do. What's important is ensuring that the love is still there, and that both parties are happy in their relationship. If not, then obviously it's best to go different paths and find your happiness elsewhere.


I've been with my boyfriend for over 4 years now and I can say that we've had times where it's been hard, but at the same time, those hard times helped us grow and understand each other better than ever before.

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After 5 months, I think, although knowing myself, I'm sure something happened even before. :rip: 


Honeymoon phase can only last so long...

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