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Florida medical board votes to ban gender-affirming care for transgender minors

Horizon Flame

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This is going to get me in trouble but I believe that transitioning should start after 18. Minors should not be able to transitioning.

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2 minutes ago, Zoe_ said:

This is going to get me in trouble but I believe that transitioning should start after 18. Minors should not be able to transitioning.

But there's irreversible changes to the body that happen in puberty. At least you should be allowed hormone blockers earlier.

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3 minutes ago, Zoe_ said:

This is going to get me in trouble but I believe that transitioning should start after 18. Minors should not be able to transitioning.

I’m trans myself and I absolutely agree that minors are not grown enough to decide about surgery. I’m not against puberty blockers since that’s less extreme than the other procedures that are being done to literal kids.

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This is one of those topics that I just like to sit back and read what trans people have to say about it. 

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This is revolting.


No one under 18 is getting gender affirming surgery. This is going to prevent so many trans youths of getting the necessary, life saving care they need — which is usually just puberty blockers and hormones. That's it.


Hopefully every major medical association in the country condemns this fully, and hopefully the federal government steps in and shuts this s*** down!

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15 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

This is revolting.


No one under 18 is getting gender affirming surgery. This is going to prevent so many trans youths of getting the necessary, life saving care they need — which is usually just puberty blockers and hormones. That's it.


Hopefully every major medical association in the country condemns this fully, and hopefully the federal government steps in and shuts this s*** down!

Thank you. 


But let’s hear what right wing cis gays have to say about issues they have zero knowledge on. 

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Can somebody explain to me why Florida is so obsessed with Transgender people? :confused:

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Incoming LGBTQIA youth suicide crisis in Florida. My heart breaks for these literal kids who have the entire Republican party's targets on their backs.


It's sick and messed up the way we harass and vilify our fellow Americans, year after year for the apparent crime of existing.

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6 hours ago, FightForTanas said:

Can somebody explain to me why Florida is so obsessed with Transgender people? :confused:

It directly affects a very low number of voters, so targeting them is an easy way for DeSantis to stay relevant. Other Republican politicians do similar stuff but aren't quite as vocal about it

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8 hours ago, Bicassie said:

I’m trans myself and I absolutely agree that minors are not grown enough to decide about surgery. I’m not against puberty blockers since that’s less extreme than the other procedures that are being done to literal kids.

You mean the puberty blockers they've just banned?

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My understanding is that hormone blockers are not as irreversible as it's critics are making it out to be but I haven't done enough research. 


I suppose any anecdotal youth suicide rise in this community will be twisted as negligible by the Governor and his allies when they combine it with the total for the now solidly red state and everyone will keep it moving politically onto the next issues. Not sure what changes that paradigm culturally except for some high-profile case. 

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4 hours ago, Dephira said:

It directly affects a very low number of voters, so targeting them is an easy way for DeSantis to stay relevant. Other Republican politicians do similar stuff but aren't quite as vocal about it

So basically being bullies? That makes sense.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Reminder: not all gender-affirming care is gender-affirming surgery. A young person simply having a therapist that acknowledges a child expressing feelings of gender dysphoria, doesn't invalidate their feelings, and encourages parents to let their child explore their expression (i.e., the clothes they wear) is a form of gender-affirming care.


So many people have such harsh and inflexible opinions related to trans people when they won't even do the bare minimum of listening to trans people speak on these issues and it shows. 

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