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Where were you when covid hit your country?

Kevin Parker

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I was 500km from home, visiting my great grandparents, having a beautiful holiday. We were about to have some tea when they announced on the news that the first case of covid in my country was confirmed. 

My great grandma said “well, we’re done for sure”, and I was like “chill, this will only last a few weeks” :chick3:


they’re both still alive, well and vaccinated luckily. :heart:

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I was at my parent's house getting ready to move and go to college. Three semesters were online because of Covid :deadbanana4:

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I was at my university and there was a couple of cases with students. My professor had a meeting with our group and said it was likely the University would close and the rest of the country would soon follow-suit. 

We thought it would be a couple of weeks :deadbanana4:

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I was at work and they confirmed first case when I opened up big local news website.


the next day I went to shopping mall to buy some food during my work's lunch break and the mall was EMPTYYY :rip: only workers were there shook and scared


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By the time it really hit my country it was already all over the world so it wasn't as monumental but I remember when they announced masks as mandatory for everyone and how it looked when I entered a grocery store. I think that's when it really hit me, it was so dystopian with all the barriers, checks, gloves and masks :deadbanana2:


Though I grew to really enjoy being able to hide behind the face mask


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At college. Some universities were quick to move to Zoom, but mine took forever and everyone at my school was PISSED since we had to go to presential class when cases were going up at a crazy rate.


When they finally announced classes would be online (March 12), I went back to my parent's house, but, since I thought it would only be a couple of weeks, I left a lot of my clothing and some other stuff at my apartment. The next day, lockdown was announced. :rip: I wouldn't return to pick all my stuff up until July.

Edited by ATWK
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at school

at the last day of studying offline we all went to the theatre

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In my last semester of college. On the bright side, my final capstone research project got cancelled because of it which made the final semester so easy

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I was playing board games with my friends and we were talking about how it was all over the news. One of them was friends with our university's president and had insider info about how classes were going to transition to online due to the pandemic and, lo and behold, a week later, the university released the official announcement and we all had to move out of campus.


I never saw those friends again. :'(

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5 minutes ago, ATWK said:

When they finally announced classes would be online (March 12), I went back to my parent's house, but, since I thought it would only be a couple of weeks, I left a lot of my clothing and some other stuff at my apartment. The next day, lockdown was announced. :rip: I wouldn't return to pick all my stuff up until July.

I remember my friends and I being so happy at first because we thought the online classes wouldn't stay for too long so we saw it as some sort of extended spring break, little did we know it would last all the way until our graduation :rip:

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I don’t remember about the first case since I don’t think it was a huge news story at the time and only really took off after Prince Charles got it. I remember I booked a trip to China in December 2019 to go to Shanghai and Beijing in April 2020 and was also meant to go to Amsterdam in March to see Avril :rip: 


I was already working from home when lockdown hit but we were like the last European country to get hit by Covid so we were all waiting while Boris talked about herd immunity.

Edited by Robert
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3 minutes ago, Jotham said:

I remember my friends and I being so happy at first because we thought the online classes wouldn't stay for too long so we saw it as some sort of extended spring break, little did we know it would last all the way until our graduation :rip:

I was so happy at first since there was a bit of novelty to online classes and the professors didn't assign that much work in the first few weeks (as they were still adjusting the curriculum plans). I spent most of my time binge-watching Netflix or on Zoom calls with my friends :gaycat:


Then the work load doubled since the professors had to prove they were assigning work. That semester was HELL :rip:

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No one wants to wake up to the news I woke up to this morning. No one. I was preparing my coffee, turning on wi-fi and the first thing I read is: “COVID hits America”. I blinked my eyes countless times and I went on Facebook just to see more and more posts about it. I couldn’t believe it. My non-COVID dream was over and there I was at 8AM sitting in my kitchen looking at the screen of my iPhone.

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48 minutes ago, Rev8 said:

At just firing myself from work

my dad was in China tho :skull:


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I was planning on spending my spring break in NY, but I spent my actual spring break packing up everything in my dorm room and moving back home.


Also my college was the first to announce that campus was closing because of COVID, so I was genuinely confused when I got the email.

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Actually I stacked masks, food and sanitizers in February cause I was conspiracy theorist phase, so basically I was counting the days till the announcement. 

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At school and then they sent an email saying we should return home for at least 4 weeks, turned out to be two years and I had to have my White Coat ceremony onliine smh 

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I was in Orlando, Florida. Nobody took it seriously and then the lockdown came and the streets and amusement parks were like a ghost town. That's when it really hit me that this shite was serious. 

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