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Why do Americans have “white knight” syndrome?


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This idea that they have the right to speak for everyone, get offended on everyones behalf, and seem to think they know what’s best for everyone. You even see it on Atrl. 

And it’s not just one group, class or race. It’s all of them. 

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Why are Europeans obsessed with Americans?


3 minutes ago, Tropez said:

And it’s not just one group, class or race. It’s all of them. 


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Everyone does this, it’s not an American only thing…:confused:

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Because of the effects fast food and car fumes have on the brain

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I think that's twitter in a nutshell. Not just in america. 

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Because they believe they are the masters of the world

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I often find that it is Europeans getting offended over the most benign things and never taking the time to understand a non European cultural context.  

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you lost me at "And it’s not just one group, class or race. It’s all of them." when you just said "white knight" and still a huge chunk of Americans are conservatives :rip: but yeah, isn't this happening everywhere around the globe? just look at twitter and people that are easily offended :rip:

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You’ve just described everyone on Twitter/Reddit.  This is rooted in American/European exceptionalism and the idea that people from Europe or of European ancestry know better than the rest.  In the EU, you can see this especially within France, UK, and controversially, Germany.  In the US, you can see this most in the northeast corridor (DC to Boston), in Florida and and Texas, and in California.  In current times, China, Japan, both Koreas, Philippines, etc also exhibit their own forms of exceptionalism  and superiority.  

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This is not the conversation I was expecting. I don't think this is a problem, though the white savior complex is very real in other circumstances.


There's nothing wrong with advocating for other groups as long as you're listening first, thinking second, and acting third, preferably with some level of community involvement. Many don't do that or are disingenuous with their intentions, but that's not isolated to America.

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I kinda get where you’re coming from, but it’s not exclusively an American thing, and much less a problem with “all races” like :biblionny: ??? 


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3 hours ago, Tropez said:

This idea that they have the right to speak for everyone, get offended on everyones behalf, and seem to think they know what’s best for everyone. You even see it on Atrl. 

And it’s not just one group, class or race. It’s all of them

Not you complaining about a group speaking for everyone and then immediately speaking for everyone in said group :huh:

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They don't seem to get taught much about how other countries outside of the US navigate certain things. It's either the American way or no way.

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Americans are annoying af

I immediately know which tourists are American

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overly comfortable life I suppose:gaycat2:

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