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25% of Republicans Oppose Interracial Marriage

Horizon Flame

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3 hours ago, VOSS said:

Should definitely be left to the states, interracial marriage is not deeply rooted in the nations history and hence is not covered by the constitution.

When will you guys stop circle jerking over a document made when light bulbs didn’t even exist :rip:  The founders were racist, sexist, homophobic - the list goes on. 

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17 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

That has been Biden’s reaction to Roe getting overturned, yes. He can’t take any action, he needs more democrats (which he’s not going to get), and personally opposes each of the options that have been offered to him that he could take via executive order.


Also, “presidents aren’t kings” which is your favorite go-to whenever people point out the reality that “more democrats” simply isn’t a viable demand when he is guaranteed to lose at least 30 seats in the House due to midterms being a constant pendulum pull away from the president’s party, even in times where they aren’t bogged down with unprecedented unpopularity like they are right now.

He literally signed an executive order after the ruling... No Dem has said "we must respect our insitituons" after the ruling. All of the reaction has been outrage and disappointment.


We can't do anything like expand the court without broad congressional approval, and we have to be careful which precedents we create. What's going to stop the next GOP congress and POTUS from following the Dems footsteps and adding even more seats if Dems did?


A reasonable action would be to create term limits for justices — which Dems just introduced. And if you look to a state by state basis, Dem governors and officials aren't just sitting around. They're doing everything possible to ensure abortion remains legal in their presiding state.


Interracial marriage isn't even comparable to abortion anyways, due to the fact the former would likely have FAR more approval... For most people it's a no brainer.

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3 hours ago, suneclipse121 said:

I hope this is sarcasm…


1 hour ago, Power love said:

Are you ok? 


2 hours ago, Headlock said:

Jesus fcuking Christ :deadbanana4:

This is the same exact logic the Supreme Court used to overturn abortion. Pretty sure it was a tongue and cheek comment because by that logic interracial marriage should be overturned too. But since it affects the radical conservative justices personally - it won't ever happen.

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Why are muricans unbothered about this? If this happened in my country, there would be outrage all over from the new generation but Americans are silent

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3 hours ago, Swirl900 said:



This is the same exact logic the Supreme Court used to overturn abortion. Pretty sure it was a tongue and cheek comment because by that logic interracial marriage should be overturned too. But since it affects the radical conservative justices personally - it won't ever happen.


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5 hours ago, Gaia said:

It's not just the US. Most ethnicities have the older generations being against interracial marriage. My family (black) always frown upon not dating other black people. Most of my Asian friends in college expressed their parents would have a heart attack if they married a non-asian (although even then preferably the same nationality e.g. Japanese parents want their child to marry another Japanese person).


It's bad, but this isn't some US white people phenomenon. It's backwards logic that's seen everywhere. 

Yep although I will say Latino families are fine with interracial dating….as long as the person is white :rip: 

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9 hours ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Interracial relationship is an attack of traditional values in Alabama

That's funny because Alabama was the last state to legalize interracial marriage... in 2000.



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The percentage seems kinda... low?


If it were something about banning rights of women or LGBT then over 90% of republicans would have voted for it.


Interesting that republicans seem to be more homophobic and woman-hating than they are racist :dies:

Edited by katara
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19% of Republicans refusing to answer :rip:

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13 hours ago, katara said:

The percentage seems kinda... low?


If it were something about banning rights of women or LGBT then over 90% of republicans would have voted for it.


Interesting that republicans seem to be more homophobic and woman-hating than they are racist :dies:

It's not?


1 in 4 Republicans publically oppose interracial marriage. Only half of them support it.


And supporting it doesnt mean you cant be racist. This is like a 1950s center left benchmark:skull:


Actually Far Left. I didn't know public support was 4% in 1958:skull:


Edited by Armani?
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