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Walgreens clerk REFUSES to sell condoms to married couple because of his 'faith'

Horizon Flame

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Second time this week…

Walgreens clerk REFUSES to sell condoms to married couple because of his 'faith' - just days after 'religious' worker at another store said she would not refill woman's birth control prescription 

Edited by Horizon Flame
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So like if I worked at Walgreens could I refuse to sell grown men axe body spray cause that’s against everything I find holy. 

Ot: they should be fired, thinking about a customer’s sex life, it’s gross. Can you imagine having a stranger judging you like that. 

Edited by Danny789
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1 minute ago, Danny789 said:

So like if I worked at Walgreens could I refuse to sell grown men axe body spray cause that’s against everything I find holy. 

I hate this post :skull:

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2 minutes ago, Trash said:

I hate this post :skull:

I wrote more being serious!!!

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Christians are so ******* weird and creepy with their obsession over other peoples sex life and genitals. 



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This is why CVS has self checkout 

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Imagine the outrage if this was a muslim with s hijab who refused to sell a condom :rip:

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disgusting. jesus (a brown man btw) loved sex and would have supported this couple.

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2 hours ago, Daddy said:

Christians are so ******* weird and creepy with their obsession over other peoples sex life and genitals. 



These Christian "ISIS" people need to be stopped by an international coalition of countries. Let's invade the US @NATO and stop the oppression of freedom.


Christian terrorism is still the #1 cause for deaths and destruction all around the world. Almost 2000 years of unhinged terrorism and they are still going strong. Time for the world to wipe that fake belief off the face of this planet.

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11 minutes ago, Revolution said:

disgusting. jesus (a brown man btw) loved sex and would have supported this couple.

These US christians and fundamentalists act directly against the teachings of Jesus Christ. It's so ironic and stoooooooooopid. 

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mental illness

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2 hours ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Imagine the outrage if this was a muslim with s hijab who refused to sell a condom :rip:

The way y'all always have to make it about rhetorical situations with Muslims when the Christians are the ones doing it :rip:

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When I don’t do my job I get fired :michael:

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These religious terrorist are will not be happy until everyone is under their oppression.  

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1 hour ago, Headlock said:

The way y'all always have to make it about rhetorical situations with Muslims when the Christians are the ones doing it :rip:

I believe the point was that these are the very same people (Christians/evangelicals) who will tell you that all they want to do is “practice their faith,” yet when another ideology is present they do whatever they can to shove their beliefs down everyone’s throats and demonize anything that doesn’t line up with what they subscribe to. That comment is absolutely right; god forbid a Muslim or anyone else refused to serve someone who was Christian, they’d be all over social media in an outrage. It’s completely hypocritical 

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8 hours ago, Revolution said:

disgusting. jesus (a brown man btw) loved sex and would have supported this couple.

I'm curious to hear more about this, I tried googling this but little came up. Have any good literature you can recommend on the topic?

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12 hours ago, Danny789 said:

So like if I worked at Walgreens could I refuse to sell grown men axe body spray cause that’s against everything I find holy. 

Ot: they should be fired, thinking about a customer’s sex life, it’s gross. Can you imagine having a stranger judging you like that. 

They should absolutely be fired, yes. Walgreens would probably be mad that that clerk refused to make a $ale

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8 hours ago, Headlock said:

The way y'all always have to make it about rhetorical situations with Muslims when the Christians are the ones doing it :rip:




I was pointing out the hypocrisy that these right wingers would have if muslims were doing this, because right-wingers are either applauding this or remain shut.


Stop being a weirdo with false premises because you have personal vandetta against me :rip:


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