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Honest vocal coach's Daughter dies


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She was in her 20s. So sad


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She was so young. May she Rest In Peace 

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RIP to her daughter. Losing a child is never easy and condolences for Georgina and Ellie's dad.

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Oh noo

Epilepsy stroke?


So young… 

Wish her family all the strenght

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That is really sad, I remember her doing reaction videos with her mom... Rest in peace.

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so many sad news today... 


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sending my prayers to Georgina and the rest of her family 

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How awful. Probably a stroke from the epilepsy attacks. 


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very sad. i know what epilepsy looks like and its very dangerous. you could choke in your sleep during a seizure if CPR isnt performed on time or if people arent around on time. RIP to her and strength to the mom

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This is so sad and shocking! She seemed like such a sweet girl from their vlogs together. I can’t even begin to imagine what Georgina is going through right now. 

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so sad and scary. i wish her condolences. :heart2:

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RIP, so sorry to Georgina ?

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Just heartbreaking, R.I.P. :frown:

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Wow. I have never followed her but reading this makes me so sad. No one should die that young, it’s so unfair.


Sending my prayers to the family.


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I feel so sad… I like her a lot… 

Anybody knows how many children she has? She always had so much joy in her spirit I hope she has people who’ll be there for her.

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This must be a nightmare for Georgina, I wish her strength and send my condolences

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Sounds like SUDEP. It's really quite atrocious. The last case I saw (before i left the industry) was 17 years old and sleeping at a friends house, it's just so sudden and traumatising for those around at the time.  i can only begin to imagine what G is going through and hope people on the internet are kind to her.  

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That's awful. Another sweet woman I follow on TikTok's son was just murdered (Ophelia if you know her), I was sad about that because she is the kindest person on the internet.

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