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Why do people need to believe that there is life after death?


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Why? When you are dead, thats it. You wont care, it will be like before u were born. You wont feel sad or anything u just wont exist, whats wrong with that?..

Nothing will matter at that point.

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To give life a meaning and have a purpose too.


Nihilism is depressing and can provoke society to collapse.


I personally believe in afterlife, we are conscious for a reason.

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Because humanity is still simple minded. We are talking about the same humans who believe there are mysterious forces that dictate their life, that a celestial object has an influence on their personality, and that there’s karma. 

Humans are still largely primitive. The same way we see ancient humans as less advanced and superstitious, future humans will look at us the same. 

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Coping mechanism for grief and death anxiety. As long as there is death, humans will always hold on to some sort of belief that life continues on in some form after death. 

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Being sure about the afterlife is just about as sure as knowing what is out there in the universe. Both sides have no ******* idea, so you can’t decide that for ppl tbh. 

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and why not tho?

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To give them a sense of "purpose" and to cope with the fact they will cease to exist one day because without it some then think life is meaningless but imo as someone who doesnt believe in an afterlife, it makes life have even more meaning to accept this and realize it was all one happy accident for us to exist which makes making the best of the chances we have to experience whatever we can while here and being the only beings to uniquely do so (as far as we know) makes it that much more special.


So, to me, it makes life so much more meaningful to take advantage of experiencing, exploring and learning what you can about the world while here because once your time is up, it's up :celestial3:

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I mean, I've never been religious but I think there is something powerful about having faith in something, I kind of envy those who believe in a God who fills them with love and will save their souls, give them eternal life, etc 


Believing that you're somehow superior for embracing nothingness is just as dumb as letting church dictate your choices, imo, because you're idealizing your ego the same way they idealize priests/saints/gods. And there is no power in that, just plain old useless arrogance

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33 minutes ago, Smarticle said:

Why are you gay?




Edited by AlanRickman1946
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So you don't feel sad knowing you will never see your loved one again.

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No one needs to believe in anything, they choose too

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Because the idea of nothingness for eternity can be scary to come to terms with. I know we all experienced it before being born but still… at least we eventually came into being. After death we will never come into being again

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Believe, Faith, and religion give people hope that there reality could be better. 

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30 minutes ago, Egon Schiele said:



Believing that you're somehow superior for embracing nothingness is just as dumb as letting church dictate your choices, imo, because you're idealizing your ego the same way they idealize priests/saints/gods. And there is no power in that, just plain old useless arrogance

I’m not religious or anything, but the nihilistic/atheist crowd has become way more annoying and arrogant than religious people over the last few years.


It’s ego on top of more ego, and makes the person insufferable sometimes.

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I mean it’s still a terrifying concept - to exist and then not exist - leaving behind loved ones. 

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Life will always go on but the pain and suffering will always be necessary, people like to think their life on earth will be rewarded as if life and death revolves around human emotions and perceptions, but those are just coping mechanisms to deal with grief. Whether life goes continues on or not is one thing (as in we’re all on an endless loop of experiencing conscious beings on a universal scale), but to think your soul transitions to a place full of nothing but beauty, peace and wonder is just an egotistical attachment to self and pleasure. 

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To cope with a matter so unknown as it is death. Us as human will always try to choose the most positive view on anything for our own mental health.


But honestly, if a religion changes a person into being their best self & to enjoy life to the fullest, that religion might be as real as anything in this universe. There's a lot of undiscovered territory in this universe and beyond.


To make a statement that there's nothing after death, or simply that we are alone, when humanity is still so primitive and thus our knowledge is so minimal, could be very ignorant. 


Everything is a theory still, we have no way of knowing what happens next! Simply ceasing to exist can be our most logical answer, but our logic comes from very few years of our race being on this planet, hell, we're barely even crossing the threshold of becoming a "semi-modern society".


Our generation will never know the answer, and probably neither the next one. So just live life! There are the same possibilities of there being nothing in death to a spiritual afterlife!


TL;DR: Don't break your head over death. What happens, happens. Live your life!

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3 hours ago, Distantconstellation said:

When you are dead, thats it. You wont care, it will be like before u were born. You wont feel sad or anything u just wont exist

Proof? :razzle:

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I don’t think it’s entirely “coping” like some think - after all, we don’t actually know that it’s complete nothingness or whatever. We don’t know that “that’s it.” I don’t think that we’ll ever know that part with complete certainty.


I think it comes from the fact that death, whatever comes with and after it, is impossible for us to completely understand, in the sense that life is the foundation of everything we experience. We have never personally perceived a moment or state of being that isn’t life - so how could we imagine something that is entirely unlike life?

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Why do people NEED to not believe that there is after life after death?

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