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What's up with all the new members?


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I see so many new users lately, with just 100-200 or even less posts. And they never have avatars (why is that?). Where are all these people coming from?

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503 Error opened the portal to more weirdos. :jonnycat:

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Bots. That's what Atrl Mods are spending the ad money on because 503 keeps being as annoying as ever. 


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Registration was closed for ages

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22 minutes ago, TheFameCurse said:

503 Error opened the portal to more weirdos. :jonnycat:

The fact that I got 4 after opening this thread :skull:

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10 minutes ago, AbeHicks said:

The fact that I got 4 after opening this thread :skull:

Guuuuurl it's getting worst every single day. Like... 3 days hiatus for nothing :deadbanana:

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56 minutes ago, AbeHicks said:

And they never have avatars

Do you seriously think the site can handle more avatars?  I got 2 503 errors just trying to reply to this thread.  

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idk but they should stream the album in my signature :-*

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the fact that old ATRL was purged AND we have ads now yet we still can't handle some new members :rip: ban them all

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I have less than 200 posts but i've actually been here since 2015 :spin:

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2 hours ago, venuss said:

Bots. That's what Atrl Mods are spending the ad money on because 503 keeps being as annoying as ever. 


Atrl can afford bots? Where’s elon musk when you need one?

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They don't know the difference between Base and celeberia.

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There are members that been here forever with no avatars. :gaycat6:


But yeah think sign ups were open why im not game to change my username temporary atm. Incase any bmth stans join 

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