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Do you have a sleeping problem / insomnia?


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Last 3 days, I was sleeping less than 5 hours (and not in full but I would sleep for like an hour then wake up for 2 hours and then somehow fall asleep again for 3 hours and that's it)


With 4 days ago being the worst night yet where I only slept for 1 hour


Anyone else having similiar problems and if you had before, how did you manage to fix things?


I have too much anxiety and stress going around in my life


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I hate going to sleep but I love sleeping ?. And yes it's difficult normally cause I never want to. I also have anxiety and it makes me think to much at night. Onnce the TV goes off and the lights go off im left alone with my many thoughts. Weed and Advil PMS help me :gaycat2:

Edited by MadonnasBoyfriend
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I can sometimes really struggle getting to sleep, my brain just doesn't turn off


I often finding writing out your thoughts in a diary or something can really help

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Yeah, since 2019 however from 2020 to 2021 I thought I recovered since I slept like a baby those years but 2022 has been hell

I don't take anything I try to fight it naturally 

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I had terrible sleeping issues for a good month around February time! Like I wouldn’t be able to sleep until like 4 in the morning and would have to be up at 7. Even when I forced myself to sleep early, my mind would wake up like 3 hours later and I wouldn’t be able to go to sleep. I brought some sleeping pills + always went to bed at 9 - 12 (even if I couldn’t fall asleep I would just force myself to lay there and try for hours) and after around a week and a half my sleeping schedule was fixed! Now I go to bed around 12 and wake up 7-8. 

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yes have my whole life, just started taking meds to help me out a little

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Nope but sometimes it happened that I couldn't fall asleep because of stress or overthinking

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Yes, since like 12. I sleep usually around 30hrs a week without pills/booze

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i just have poor sleeping habits i love sleeping at like 2 am :rip: even when i have early morning work shifts

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When I'm very stressed or worried about something, yes. Last week my final exams happened right around the day my step mother passed away so I haven't slept much this week. 


Edibles definitely help! I ate a gummy last night and finally slept the entire night. 

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yeah lol i’ve had insomnia since fourth grade

it used to be cause i had song concept ideas that just wouldn’t turn off, but thank god for voice memos cause that doesn’t happen anymore! nowadays it’s because i’m a complete night owl and i thrive creatively and mentally when it’s dark out. i have an easier time sleeping during the day at this point :rip:

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What makes it worse is when you have stress and anxiety and your mind keeps running at night. Once you’re aware you’re not sleeping through the thoughts will only make it works. Meditating before bed works for some. 

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I always stay up late because I love being alone with my thoughts at night, but now I struggle to fall asleep before 4 am. Even on nights where I'm tired early it's like the minute my head touches the pillow my mind suddenly is wide awake

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no if anything I have the opposite


I sleep too much sometimes

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I've been sleep deprived for more than a month now. :ducky:

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Yes and it sucks. It probably is in relation to ADHD or something (not diagnosed but the signs are there), I struggle to fall asleep and when I eventually do fall asleep I find it very hard to stay asleep. I can't remember the last time I didn't experience broken sleep. 


I started taking melatonin about a year ago and it's improved my sleep a lot, but the underlying issues are very much still there. I hate to import the melatonin because it isn't sold in the UK and I'm not about to mess around trying to get a prescription for it. I also took CBD oil for a while but it didn't seem to make a noticeable difference.


10 hours ago, Shendelzare said:

RLS fucks up my sleep. 

This too :deadbanana4: its so annoying.

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I've always had insomnia. My usual sleeping routine is not going to bed earlier than 3/4 am, even when I have to wake up at 7 am. If I don't have to work in the morning, I usually sleep until 12am, if I sleep more than 7 hours I wake up feeling like ****. It seems like a 5 hour sleep is what works best for me, at least now. But in general, I can go through my regular day even with just 2-3 hours of sleep.


I've never thought about taking some meds to help me sleeping mainly because I don't feel the effect of my insomnia so far. I'm sure it's unhealthy tho, and I'll probably start taking them in a few years.

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I'm a bad sleeper so I have to do a lot to maintain a regular sleep schedule.


Good sleep hygiene (only in my bed to sleep, don't play on my phone. get right up after my alarm goes off)

avoid caffeine after noon

take melatonin occasionally if I anticipate a more difficult time falling asleep

try to be in bed at a consistent time every night (even weekends)


If I deviate from any of this my sleep is terrible

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Yes. Sleep 4 hours a night. Sometimes less. I would be tired by the 20th hour but I would be nearing the time i would have to go to work and just stay up, sometimes by the time I get home I'm not even tired to go to sleep.

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