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Are you close with your siblings?


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I see a lot of siblings that’s are close on TikTok, and I find it so weird that they all plan dates together, shopping, run errands together, party together, call each other “best friends”, hugs each other, texting etc. 


My siblings and I are NOT close. We use to fight when we were younger, all the way up to 18 and we just stopped talking to each other (we’re both 30s). We realized that no matter we are “siblings”, our personality do not mesh together. 

to the people who have close siblings:

were you guys always close? How close would you guys say you are?


to the ones that are not:

do you guys talk? Do you guys text / hug each other? Do you fight? Etc? 

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I've become closer to my sister since she had kids

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Yeah my family is like wicked tight which I thought was totally normal (we're not like inseparable by any means but very close) and it wan't until high school/college that I realized how many people really aren't that close with their siblings

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My sister and I were born 6 years, 3 months apart. I used to be ungodly close with my sister, but we grew apart as she got older and decided to hang out with boys and such and became really stupid because of influence from our toxic mother. It's so sad. We were both born on a 24th, both were Thursdays, and had liked all the same video games. If I couldn't beat it, she did it and vice versa. I miss it. :cries:

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Yes my family is very close and loving 

im so thankful for that 

we just had a dinner yesterday to celebrate Mother’s Day and we had a good time 

and every weekend we reunite since most of us live in different cities :heart:

And since coming out it actually made us even closer :chick1:

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yes, me and my sister went out to watch a movie a few days ago

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1 hour ago, Feather said:

I see a lot of siblings that’s are close on TikTok, and I find it so weird that they all plan dates together, shopping, run errands together, party together, call each other “best friends”, hugs each other, texting etc. 


My siblings and I are NOT close. We use to fight when we were younger, all the way up to 18 and we just stopped talking to each other (we’re both 30s). We realized that no matter we are “siblings”, our personality do not mesh together. 

to the people who have close siblings:

were you guys always close? How close would you guys say you are?


to the ones that are not:

do you guys talk? Do you guys text / hug each other? Do you fight? Etc? 

I haven’t talked with my 2 older siblings in 5 years. Every time we talk it always ends up in a fight. 

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only child!

I maybe have like 1 half brother but we strangers :rip: legit havent seen or talked to him since our dads passing and that was 09 :chick3:

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all my siblings are half related. i don’t talk to my dads kids and my moms kids are toddlers but i hope to have a good relationship with them when they’re older :chick3:

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not really we are lowkey kinda secretive to each other :skull: kinda weird thinking about it

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Hell no and thankfully so. 

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We've had phases. My brother is 6 years older.

So we were BFFs as kids , then it became a chore to have me around when he was a teen , then he went to college and nothing much changed ,

then I took him for granted because he was always nice but I was in MY "let me do it myself live my life" phase, and now we always try to make trips to visit eachother + my mom. I appreciate them both so much.

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One is my best friend and the other and I are basically on an acquaintance level. 

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Yes, I have two siblings and while we all have very different personalities and we do fight sometimes, we are still the best of friends. I couldn't imagine life without them.

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I’m close with my brother.

My sister on the other hand is a constant disappointment and a horrible mother. I have a rule with my family to not update me on her life because it’s just depressing. 

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46 minutes ago, hindsight said:

yeah, we're really close like the Eilish family




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so i have four older siblings right 

two older sisters (aged 35 and 33) and two older brothers who are also both queer (aged 31 and 27)

at the moment i am closest with the 27 year old brother and the 33 year old sister. when i was younger i was closest with my oldest sister, but we’ve drifted a bit :emofish: and my 31 year old brother has always been a bit… of a bully. i describe him to those who don’t know him as very similar to me personality wise, but just not as nice. he works in the entertainment industry and we have the same taste in a lot of music and stuff but he’s just a very rude and entitled person most of the time, and he has anger management issues which have plagued the rest of my family ? i love all my siblings, and we like to do biweekly family zooms with my parents, but it’s clear that i’m currently closest with the funnier, more personable, and quirkier two (33 year old hilarious sciencey sister, and gay 27 year old bro)

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god bless my mom for giving birth to 5 kids and raising all 5 of us… and we all have VERY strong personalities if that wasn’t made obvious in my above post lol

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Yeah, I love my sister 


As for my brother everything ended as I realized I was queer and he was straight 

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My siblings I share a mom with, we are very close!


We say our mom got the variety pack; I'm gay, my brother is straight, my sister is trans and my other sister is bi so we're all different and even look pretty different (different dads) but yet we get a long so well and have the same exact humour, I love it. 


We only had each other growing up and they're pretty much the only people I care about in life tbh. We always quote this line from Grey's about each other :dies:



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Yes am very close with all my closest familiy members. We are like the Lipa family going to vacations, clubs, restaurants etc together :gaycat4:

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i was super close with my older brother growing up but we drifted apart in our teenage years and basically don't communicate at all now


i have two younger sisters and in the past couple of years i've become somewhat close with the older one, we message regularly but we are not best friends by any means. the younger sister is still in primary school, i have a good relationship with her but obviously idk how she's gonna be when she grows up so we'll see but i'd like to be close with her too. 


i should also mention that i live in a different country now so i miss a lot of important events in my sisters' lives, which makes it harder to maintain a close relationship, but that's fine, i'm fine with where i stand with all of my siblings

Edited by John Slayne
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I have 3 siblings and we are all super close. I also hang out with my cousins a lot

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