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Harry defends queerbaiting


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25 minutes ago, jakeisphat said:

let this wretched hooker live his life 

This isn’t about jlo tho

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4 hours ago, inmymendes said:

ATRL is so problematic when it comes to Harry Styles and Shawn Mendes.


Harry: “I don’t need a label, I’m unlabeled, it’s my own personal life”



Shawn: “I’m not gay, I **** women”


No no ATRL thinks Shawn is a top u got it wrong 




This discussion is getting ridiculous. Who cares what he labels or doesn't label himself as? Don't yall have better things to do?

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This is pretty simple. Either he's attracted to men, or he isn't. This "I don't want to label myself" BS is extremely problematic. He should just be honest and straight up say whether he has experienced same sex attraction. If he hasn't, then he's straight. PERIOD.


Second, some of you are being purposely dense. Of course "queer aesthetics" exist. There's even a whole Wikipedia article dedicated to the various queer subcultures. The definition is pretty straigth forward: "Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures are subcultures and communities composed of people who have shared experiences, backgrounds, or interests due to common sexual or gender identities." It is BEYOND ridiculous to claim there isn't a "queer aesthetic" or multiple "queer aesthetics" to be more precise.

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I think he’s just straight but whatever he’s doing is working for him and well… it won’t change 

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Whenever someone goes on about "no labels blah blah" they are definitely not straight


straight guys care about labels






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I been always supportive towards the whole situation, but It's kinda tired at this point :rip: 

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50 minutes ago, Bacardo Royale said:

Whenever someone goes on about "no labels blah blah" they are definitely not straight


straight guys care about labels






Isn't that the whole point of queer bating? 

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I mean, until he straight up says he isn't straight, he is straight. Period. The fact that he's using queer imagery as a costume to differentiate himself from the other millions of white STRAIGHT guys that went on to be recording artists while also not actually going through his life as a queer person and hiding behind the cop out "no labels!! hippie lifestyle!!1 destroy gender norms!1!! is shameful and disgusting! A pathetic excuse for an ''artist''.


The mental gymnastics in here and meltdowns from that stan, though. :lmao:

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1 hour ago, Bacardo Royale said:

Whenever someone goes on about "no labels blah blah" they are definitely not straight


straight guys care about labels







Not when you've been taking money from people who think you've been in a secret relationship with another man for ten years now :rip:


OT: Love Harry and I do really believe he means no harm and he truly supports the LGBT community. But some of his fans (the majority if we're being honest) do believe that he's a queer man and all of that and he keeps saying things like this to fuel this idea they have of him but he's only been in relationships with women ever since he came into the spotlight. 


We live in an era where queer artists have been speaking up and getting rough consequences because of it. Sam Smith started flopping once he came out. Lil Nas X has been getting harassed and had collaborations denied because he's gay. Some others don't even get the chance to break through just because of who they are. When queer artists get through so much **** it's kinda annoying to have this grown man saying "I don't wanna label myself" but at the same time prancing with LGBT flags on stage and selling merch with LGBT themes. It's like he wants to be part of this "queer world" (or whataver sorry for the lack of words) but don't want to go through what queer people usually have to go through.



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7 hours ago, Protocol said:

No one is saying that someone is more oppressed than anyone else. That’s your problem if you understood that from my post. Of course there are similar issues. But there are also very different issues, and from your post it’s clear you don’t understand that at all. This is an issue that pertains to gay and bisexual men because we are viewed in a very particular way by society and treated in a very particular way, and the pressure is Harry is facing as a big star to be able to publicly say that he is attracted to other men is very different from what women entertainers face.


Of course there are other issues when it comes to women that men do not face, but I am not going into a thread about whether or not Kristen Stewart should’ve come out sooner and trying to give my two cents and trying to talk over lesbian and bisexual women the way you are doing in this thread to gay and bisexual men.

There’s a reason we have a grand total of one single openly same sex attracted male big star in the last decade. And yes I will quote you as much as I want, because this is a public forum, and I am educated and intelligent when it comes to this topic. Just because you cannot stand being told that you are wrong doesn’t mean that I’m going to shut up.


:clap3: Well put

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7 minutes ago, Venice B said:


Not when you've been taking money from people who think you've been in a secret relationship with another man for ten years now :rip:




That's their problem for being delusional, I don't think there's anything wrong with being ambiguous. He could still be figuring it out.



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Some people in here trying to deny the concept of queer aesthetics is... gross? Just because you don't personally identify with it (valid! Gender and sexuality can be expressed in many ways) doesn't mean you can erase the subversive community-building that queer people have done for decades

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he's shaping up to be a legend, imo.  Unique image, great, timeless music.  He's got it all.  I think he's gonna be one of the biggest artists of the decade.

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Also to respond to the actual thread, I think he's probably somewhat queer and also a queerbaiter and these aren't an inherent contradiction x

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He’s so boring. I don’t understand the appeal. 

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10 hours ago, Both Sides Now said:

It’s straight privilege to say “no labels” 



Right? It's easy when you're straight to just not care and clarify your "boxes" you dont have to come out,  and experience the  worries and repercussions that come with it...

Edited by Lithium.
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Curious if anyone ever thought artists like David Bowie or Prince or Iggy Pop were queerbaiting. 
prince was flagrant with his love of p.ussy tho so I guess everyone knew he was straight

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Gurl I don’t need an explanation but why Is he only in straight relationships publicly. Why not be out and about normally in his queer relationships? 

Sorru but I don’t think a straight man can play the I don’t want to label myself card and only be straight…ya know?

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Larry was real so he is at least bi what is the big commotion

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Never mind who he publicly dates. Does this dude have ONE MV with a male love interest :rip:? I guess doing so might quiet down the queer-baiting accusations. If not, then he has it coming & that's that tbh.

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