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Never Have I Ever • June 8 Final Season


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Just signed up for a ticket request for the premiere in a couple of weeks. I missed the last one. With the writer's strike happening, I am surprised Netflix is doing a premiere for this. Jenny Han's show XO, Kitty did a premiere last week and Jenny didn't go to her own premiere because of the strike and I don't see Mindy attending this one either. Super sad it's ending, but I feel it ran it's course and I hope they get more roles post-NHIE.



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@SchmoodRing @kishi @Julián


So I went to the LA premiere (it was insanely hard to get a ticket) and saw some of the cast in the carpet and we were able to watch the first two episodes of S4. They looked amazing. They didn’t make us sign an NDA or anything so I’ll put it in spoilers. 


The first two episodes really center Ben, Devi and Margot. It’s literally a love triangle trope. The storyline is giving Anessa from S2 somewhat but the context behind it is because of Ben. So much character development from Pati though. 


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I saw Maitreyi at a spa in Toronto. It was one of those spas where you walk around the common area in a bathrobe and you go to different saunas with different temperatures. I was too shy to approach her or say hi. She was very pretty. 

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9 hours ago, ALittleGauche said:

I saw Maitreyi at a spa in Toronto. It was one of those spas where you walk around the common area in a bathrobe and you go to different saunas with different temperatures. I was too shy to approach her or say hi. She was very pretty. 

I said hi to her at the premiere, she is very sweet and kind. Her dress was amazing.

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This season was excellent and the writing as per usual was top notch :clap3: Loved the ending,  especially with the last scene hinting at a spin-off?! It may not be the final season after all?


All the characters got great closure which I was so happy to see. Devi's character growth was wonderful to see as well. 

Edited by Hector
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Just finished Season 4 and I honestly feel lowkey sad about this show ending but I am glad it is ending on its terms rather than just it being canceled all of a sudden. Everyone got closure and character development which I really like to see rather than just dragging on the storyline for so long. I really love the parallels of the final episode such as essential scenes that were in S1 relating to Mohan/Nalini and the shrine praying. Really love the growth in the characters. 



We knew Benvi was gonna be a thing. I wasn't surprised Mindy is sneaking in a BJ Novak/Mindy insert like we wouldn't notice. I knew Daxton was not gonna be a thing because I feel they don't match together while Benvi really does. Mindy will do the same on TSLOCG so take that as you will.


53 minutes ago, Hector said:

This season was excellent and the writing as per usual was top notch :clap3: Loved the ending,  especially with the last scene hinting at a spin-off?! It may not be the final season after all?


All the characters got great closure which I was so happy to see. Devi's character growth was wonderful to see as well. 

To be honest, I am curious to know how a spin-off is gonna work and who it will center because "for now" pretty much means that Mindy might just make Ben and Devi or anyone of the characters do a cameo on TSLOCG unless it bypasses Netflix's IP.

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predictable HEA for her, but it's what the audience wants so


plus mindy has to choose the whitest option 


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Season 4 already came out? :chick1:

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1 hour ago, Sergi91 said:

Season 4 already came out? :chick1:

Yes, it's out!

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this is truly the best of mindy and lang:jonny6:


i love the entire cast but i have to shout out devi + maitreyi, they have my hearts  :heart2:

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Only watched the first ep. so far.


Great. Poor communication, pretty on brand for the dummy duo.  I did not recognize dwight howard(what even is basketball anyway?) And I'm glad the foolishness continues for a bit.


Paxton being square in college is funny, he can't swim so I guess his glory days are behind him. He needs to not be a wuss though, I wish some blockheaded andrew tate fan would wanna put a cooler on my bed. The other dude was hot though, no name though, sht.


The Hot Pockets?! I ca- please b-...STAND UP! STAND TF UP! Also none of them were cute, much less hot. Teenage taste I guess. Victor was definitely the standout but that says nothing.

I agree with Dr. Keyes, these thotterattis are truly the ill of society. Women, amirite? Thank god for boys, so well behaved and leading by good example. Eyeroll.


See, I don't buy this though, Devi has had that school looking bad back to back for years, no way this lady hasn't heard of her. She'd know she's a menace.


Yeah, yeah, Ben's wrong, Devi's wrong. whatever. BUT exxxxxcuse me? What's with this weirdo build-a-bear ass biffa? I can't stand a "not my man" ass woman.


Uh, UUUUUHHHH, now she's being even more gross and engaging with Devi like she owns the meathead. It's giving male identified handmaiden.


I screamed at Dr. Keyes fainting, cheap but it worked. Now she wants to fight over a man too?! The writers really want this nice girl from last season to be disliked for this one. Yikes.


A skank?! I ju-. Am I Dr. Keyes unironically? Yikes. Victor, stfu, old passerby dropping a comment when no one asked faced ass.


Poor fab, must suck being notliketheothergurls. This is something that could be interesting if done right though. Women in tech.



Margot may suck but what makes you think Ben deserves better? Most people are exactly where they belong; with trash.


Devi, sweetie, men ain't sht. It's not just a saying, it's a function of society, we made the world in a way that men being trash is a forgone conclusion. We do ZERO work on their emotional competency, worse yet when they have no friends like Ben, of course he's a dummy.


TRUTH. Devi may be a certifiable case but she's a well-meaning beauty, she's britney's toxic given form. Isn't it illegal to cross food with privates in public? Lock them up. And I would set that whole room on fire if someone puked on my bed.


I felt nothing when Margot was acting indignant about devi's notes, lol.


Literal camp lazlo ass cover of elvis. Unironically funny. Trent is the craziest boy ever. Is this a catholic private school? Why would she marry you?!


Cackled at the fail live sound effect.


Trent, is there truly nothing you wanna do? What about that idiotic YouTube career he wanted to pursue?


Oh, god, I know that corn was warm...and funky. Goddamnit. 


Oooooh, that does make sense then, no wonder he was so awkward besides being himself. He made fun of the girls because they were virgins though, so I didn't think he was one too. Trash, sksksk.

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Why am I crying so much after the final episode. I just love this show. 

What a great final season. I will miss them 

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I love this show so much :cries: Just perfect from beginning to end :clap3: 

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im on episode 4 and Eleanor's speech about dating a degenerate as a rebound is giving Taylor and Matty :bibliahh:

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NHIE 4x2 

Devi is making the same leap to conclusions she always does. Classic.

Holy sht, margot's dad is hot. Maybe she's not so bad afterall?

Dead at the antichrist. Devi is in rare form.

Poor ben, the guy you never wanna see when you hear two girls fighting about them. At least he's rich.


Woah, woah, WOAH. Dudes in tech are misogynist and off-putting? But the nerdy guys are the good guys™ that society says girls overlook for the bad boys™. Are you saying that misogyny isn't something only 1 type of man practices?! I need to sit down.


Friendly reminder that auto-repair is a scam. Old people have no shame, don't they know sex is for the young adult population? 


Ffs, forgot Victor is in this too. They keep trying to make him hot and it's not landing. Like pat in The Other Two.

Devi, no one is dumping ass for grass. Hos be4 bros all day.

Devi, no one who isn't triggered is caring this much about a irrelevant like margot. You're once again obsessing.


Gma, white men are not a Scandal™, interracial pairings with them are the most common. If anything, you being with a white man is expected in america. 

Oh, her man is corny, corny. When I heard Ferrari I thought he was rich but nah. 


I know it's pretty common to think a friend or family member "could never" do x but if anyone's gonna hurt you, it's usually someone close. Most crimes are proximity based anyway.

HOWEVER this is devi, who's run amock for years. Suffice to say, more than 3 people would have reason to hurt her ass, lol.


A latino committing crimes? The famed radical left isn't gonna like this, can't believe the writers DARED to do this in this cancel culture world we live in where minorities rule(no, not the rich! The...others.)

Devi being wrong should be expected but the principal was out of line.


Um...that wasn't bad, lol. Anything else that we can use to show the boys being unconscionable? Condescension isn't damning enough considering how common it is for every new person anywhere.


Anyway, devi needs to let this go. Ben. Margot. They're both so non-essential, who cares how either feels or what they're doing? Boring.


Yeeeeeeeeah, PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-RIOD, that's our crazy devi! Big D!


I'm sorry but do nerds really smell? Why isn't this a thing schools target parents about? Smelly kids got dragged in my school. If you're walking around not bathing, that's not okay.


Ethan is just Paxton with a twist and I won't stand for asian erasure! I'm also giggling at him being into loud, combattive women.



Devi abeg, not this shitto again. I'm tired. I gotta put me first, I gotta put me first/cookie. Now who saw that scene play out and went, "Yep, he's the one." I was dryer than caitlyn's lips and I was laughing, not at the absurdity but how unhot he was.

It's also not a Betrayal. Devi said he was hot right along with her, now obviously if devi were to pursue a relationship with him without telling her, yeah but otherwise no. Also he came onto her, I hate when people forget the guy's agency.


Yup, yup, yup. Nalini, please, tap that. For the culture. Also a handyman is sure to meet all physical requirements. Praise vishnu.


Devi, please, it's not against girl code or whatever to like the same guy. Or hit him in the zick.


Yikes, that's sad. I wouldn't be caught dead working at my high-school, matter of fact, I'd probably be found dead if I went back. Elitist? Dude if you only spent two weeks anywhere you weren't being tortured, you gave up too soon. It's actually kind of idiotic to say otherwise. College is more than orientation.


Okay, NOW devi's entering bad friend zone, dude waved at her and she only gestured to him. She knows they have something there and isn't letting her gurl know.

I forget how cute Eleanor can be sometimes and not them making eyes at eachother in front of her. The devil is real.


Gave him a hard time?! Was Paxton always such a baby? Lmao. Wtf. If anything, why aren't you giving yourself a harder time considering how hard you worked to get into one in the first place! Dummy. Screaming, Trent is such a "round the way" dude. If he weren't so uninspired, he'd be worth it.


Um, ew. Paxton's hardbacked ass is going to a kid's party? To stunt on kids?! I ju-



Rip Dr Keyes. Can't believe devi hasn't been charged with elderslaughter yet. Also sub teach is cute.


Almost ruining their life? Ben, she's an art major, she's ruined her life already. Yeah, I said it.


Period, Nalini. Leave it to some know it all man, who's qualified to assess a situation, to try to tell a single mother how to live and what stairs to keep. Men I tell you. Wow, I love Trent. That interaction with Eleanor was textbook "I'm not over you."


Uh-uh, not him putting his arm around devi. People have no class these days chile.


Paxton is this not embarrassing? Are you not embarrassed?/gif. Old ass boy. Creepy ass boy. "Hello, fellow kids"-ass boy.


Uh-uh! Ikyfl, devi, STAND UP! STAND UP!


Asdfghjkl, okay, so Eleanor can be mad(yeah, she's allowed, I'm so generous) but it's no big. Like, she was getting nowhere, he wants a dommy mommy, not a quirky Tami.

Wow, played by a loser?! When has that EVER happened before. Devi, do you know?


Devi stfu, don't slander that foine ass man, keep to his daughter and stay in a child's place.


Not them CACKLING in Lindsay's college educated face. Real asf.

To be fair, Lindsay, I've been on his top since he brought his aarp ass back through those doors. Giving matt walsh.

Owns the school? Has this weirdo met devi? She runs that ho.


Once again, abeg, Devi, STAND UP!


Wooooow, Ben is so female-coded. Poor devi, poor...I forgot her name but poor girlfriend.


I'm sorry but despite the musical stylings of one Avril Lavigne, I have NEVER gotten the appeal of board riders. Like, ever.

Ignoring this pitiful display of female toxicity, oh wow, Trent knows how to put it down? Nice. As I said, all he needs is to find his footing(and some better style) and he could be a catch.

Why did I jump at that person crashing into Devi?! And Trent, noooooo. Poor baby.


Scambusters?! The divorced personality read?! I'm in the icu. Now this is good, suburban drama writing.

Wooooow(pettiness is a plus for me ngl) men really ain't sht. 5 days is crazy enough but he was gonna push in to a week. Lock his ass up, I'll take him where he needs to go.

Wow, I stan his wife, you made the right choice sis, an art kid and a petty man ain't worth the work. Hope her business is going well.


Eleanor keeps proving she's superior to devi, Trent, as listless as he is, is an okay guy. While Victor sucks. Also she's just like him fr, just with pep. I don't believe in fixing up a man but I won't knock her for doing that.


Not a mega-cuck, sksk.

Yes, Paxton, it's pathetic but so's being a high-schooler. But above all else, being an adult and caring about what high-schoolers think about your employment, is the most pathetic thing ever. They're literally children.

Tough? Oh my god and he's not even joking, this kid SUCKS omg. Devi, please stand up, the anthem in playing! 

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One of the best comedy shows on netfix period!

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I wish I watched something like this during high school it would help me so much. Devi is such a mess and a half im living :bibliahh:

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I got emotional at the last ep :weeps: 

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I thought this was on par (if not better) than Season 2. The only season I thought really missed the landing was Season 3. 


Although, I have to be honest, no season tops the first for me. The writing, the pacing, and the storytelling were all excellent, and the first season is truly one of my favorite YA TV series/shows. It was one of the rare seasons to actually make me cry-- the ending of Season 1 would've been the perfect send-off. 

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The season was an easy watch. This was a cute show but never anything groundbreaking, glad it got to wrap up nicely. :clap3: 

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I’ve watched the first 3 episodes and:


How on earth Paxton dropped out of college just to go back and work at his HS and what’s worst went to a high school party :deadbanana4:  maybe I’m overreacting because I’m older and he’s supposed to be a fresh HS grad so it makes sense he went to a high school party but still now that he works at the school it makes it weird :rip:


Eleanor is hilarious to me :bibliahh:

Ethan “Luv Victor” is such a try hard bad boy :bibliahh:



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NHIE 4x4

"A stone cold 10" the thelies! Thelies!/Kandi.gif Ugh!

They're playing my chirren, Tender. Taste in that room!

Ew, uh-uh, not to my song! Stop it!

He's so wack, omg.

True but also inappropriate. Who students waste their time with romantically is their business, provided their life isn't in danger of course.

Glad I wasn't the only one surprised, her mom hasn't been onscreen since '08.

I agree with mama, never, EVER gamble your future on relationships. Take every opportunity as they come.

Oh, ffs, seriously? They're gonna make devi be a bird for the final season too?! After she herself acknowledged that he was no good? C'mon. Unironically misogynistic. 

Uh, Paxton should feel like sht, he had an opportunity to make something more of himself and chose not to. People are gonna look down on you when you make bad decisions.

Racist devi, s1's queen.

Great, so she shot herself in the leg. Luckily, Fabiola is the one going to princeton in the first place. Pack it up, 2nd rate kamala harris. 

Oh, wow, now ben's being antisemitic to himself. Ben Shapiro realness.

Why not just pay like all the other rich kids?

He loves the b word huh? Also isn't devi one of them fake feminist chicks? Funny how she's with this virulent misogynist.  She's almost like a real life feminist. 

Their kisses are so weird; devi and victor's. Like two salami slapping together.

Yikes! This boy isn't bad, he's just pathetic. Wallet stealing? Is he 6? Paxton, you're 56. Worship from children is what a priest wants, do we have to report you to the relevant authorities bud?

Um, what is this? He's threatening a student and I'm supposed to clap?

Not saying something is wrong but judas? No.



Uh, Andres sure is getting comfortable. Who the hell asked for his take?

...I'm floored, he did not just "flo from progressive" her?! I don't even hear about Juilliard anymore. Sounds like they fell off.

Oh god, they're libs. Idk why ben's uncomfortable, these losers are his people. You know, biden voters.

Um, is this college or senior citizens? Blair's clubgoers have canes. Maybe Blair is devi's future. She's a flop, seems on brand for devi. Why does Andres need to come in to get his phone? Mmhmm.

At any rate, I like this Blair, learned her lesson and isn't up her own ass anymore; a good person.

Oh, no. The writers are doing bad writing again; Paxton was not a good student in the first place. He barely became a competent one by the end of last season and now I'm supposed to believe he burnt out?! Stop. Devi and Blair make sense because of their rigid work ethic. He tried to party and be "cool." I don't believe you, writers. 

El, please. Most of Hollywood is full of hacks who're there off of nepotism and sex work. Not the people who actually do the work, the directors are a boys club hell and the big actors are all frauds. I'd rather be a flo than a regular on epstein's jet.

Ah, finally, I forgot. Yeah, men who don't take no for an answer are ALWAYS college-educated.

Rip, Ben. You died how you lived; caught off guard.

Oh, ben's alive, hurray. Also no they don't, they just complain about how the world sucks but will be voting for the world to continue sucking. It's what that demographic excels at. 

Ben sucks tbh. She's just codependent(he is too tbh.)

Wow, snitch ass bihes.

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I like the ending

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