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1 hour ago, dabunique said:


coming to slay the india box office :clap3: 

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finished watching bump up business 





but the show sucked :rip:e-motion studio is really incapable of making good shows :bam:


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I Feel You Linger In The Ai ep 11 My God, this felt like I was watching the Titanic movie...:cries:


This episode was again spectacular, it was calmer than the last 3 but it was more emotional, the performances of the protagonists were A+, and the cast behaved up to the mark as always,

However, I still have FAITH that they will take pity on us and give us a second season



I would like to see him travel to the past to see Commander Yai in the year 1800, and at the end of a second season Jom would return to the present and everyone would be happy.


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Dangerous BROMANCE ep 11 
the scenes of MarcPawin  
They surpass the scenes of the 2 protagonists:deadvision:


At this point the main couple is so null, dull, mediocre, so Xs in life that they should be killed in this episode. but unfortunately it didn't happen:biblio:


The only notable part of that series is Marc Pawin's chemistry.:hug:

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Not Book yawning at Mond's pole dance...


Then again, Book sees hot guys every day and he's not fazed by anything now.

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The way Dangerous Romance went from having a stellar first 2 episodes to having lame dialogue and things like a mafia boss playing with a paper airplane (i.e. basically Never Let Me Go 2.0). 


Very disappointing.


I feel that PerthChimon are cute 2gether in DR, like BrightWin. But of course, a majority of people are pouring scorn on them and it's riling me up. 


I am quite disappointed that the directors/writers of NLMG and DR have basically let down PerthChimon twice. Perth had to act his heart out twice to save the dignity of these two shows.

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8 hours ago, Genius1111 said:



CDN media



The way Dangerous Romance went from having a stellar first 2 episodes to having lame dialogue and things like a mafia boss playing with a paper airplane (i.e. basically Never Let Me Go 2.0). 


Very disappointing.


I feel that PerthChimon are cute 2gether in DR, like BrightWin. But of course, a majority of people are pouring scorn on them and it's riling me up. 


I am quite disappointed that the directors/writers of NLMG and DR have basically let down PerthChimon twice. Perth had to act his heart out twice to save the dignity of these two shows.

lol I don't watch this but everyone I know who does can't stand da show

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It’s over but yes Gawd at this




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Only Friends, best BL of the year!


Sure, there were times where I felt somewhat disappointed by the script / how the characters behaved.


In school, Cheum gave a half-ass apology to Boston for wrongly accusing him. Mew and Ray pretended they did not do the same thing and just kept silent. And then Boston had to beg Mew for forgiveness for his "transgression", when in fact, Top and Mee weren't even dating at the time when Boston was riding Top's d!ck in his car. Justice for Boston!



But yes, Only Friends is the best series of 2023 and that is how I will vote at the Blammys.

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55 minutes ago, dabunique said:

It’s over but yes Gawd at this




I kept waiting for the hostel guests to appear (and get involved in the messiness) but the lone guest appeared in the final 5 seconds. Imagine all the shenanigans we could have gotten.


I am 60% sure there will be an OF2. Crossing my fingers!

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I wonder Mix's character has anything to do with the fire in TopMew's residence. There must be some meaning to that scene. (Or maybe it's Boeing??)

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CDN media


We would all like to see it.


Nick literally did something criminal, but Boston forgave him anyway, and then Nick nevertheless decided to decline the good d!ck.






Basic b!tches will say that the only villains are Boston, Top and Atom. Some may refuse to acknowledge that Ray is a villain despite being sentenced in court and ordered to do community service. The main seven characters, Atom, Gap and Boeing are all scumbags / red flags to some degree but not everyone wants to acknowledge that. 


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Finished my BL King list. As for the HOF list, there really aren’t 20 people I think are deserving of it right now, and anyone who is, has been inducted already.

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idk, my heart really hurts for Boston, who is the ******* only person in the whole group who managed to take at least a little accountability, and still not even one of his ex-friends thought that they should apologize to him in return (for taking part in a ******* sex crimes against him? and for accusing him of being predator?)


Spot on! Everyone still treating him as the devil was infuriating. If they were all flawless, then ok, I'd get it. But nope, most of them were way shittier than Boston through the story, yet they all play self-righteous now. And it sucks because Jojo is usually great at writing friendships, but this was not it.




The whole boston's part of the narrative ended up feeling so ****-shamey... which is not something I expected from jojo, who made so many stories about sex workers and sexually empowered people with so much love and compassion for them. I have no idea how they want us to interpret his story that essentially boils down to him sleeping around a bit too much and then being victim of bazillion sex crimes and invasions of privacy (Gap recording him without consent, Gap likely displaying their video on his website or whatever, Nick recording him without consent, Nick/Sand/Ray/Mew passing around sex tape (when two people who were recorded were both not aware of its existence?), Mew threatening to out Ton with illegally obtained sex tape, Atom lying about their consensual encounter, everyone accusing Ton of being rapist) and then being left alone without any support system. I don't know, that left such a bad taste in my mouth.



Cheum at least half-assedly apologized for this (her not even scolding Atom was weird af though), but Mew and Ray didn't even bother saying sorry. They did their best to look as smug as possible. 


I feel you. Yeah I kind of knew Boston will never get the (The Warp Effect) Army treatment, but his punishment felt excessive considering that none of the other character is an angel, yet they got fairytale-ish endings (more or less).


I agree with their general sentiments, but I think the directors/writers intentionally are doing so in order to show the hypocrisy of the holier-than-thou characters. I am sure in LGBT circles in some places, supposedly monogamous couples may look down on those who just want to have fun. 

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"The only thing that can take me down is an elevator... and the only time I'd ever bow my head is when eating noodles" - Nanon Korapat (2023)




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Additional details from the Only Friends novel, taken from comments made by FirFirMew on MDL



In the book, we learn that Ray is not only an unwanted child, who blames himself for his mother's death, but above all that he is a neglected child, beaten by his father, hated by his mother who accused him of ruining her life and career, who never received the slightest form of affection throughout his life.


Ray is a broken man who has lost hope. Mew was the only glimmer in his miserable life, a glimmer that Top came to take away.


When you know all this, you understand much better why Ray is so obsessed with Mew, why he hates himself so much, why he is so extreme and desperate, why he bullies Sand so much, who is the only one who can give him what he needs.


The drama fails to tell all of this, which is a shame. Viewers shouldn't have to look to other media (books or twitter) to understand all this. The drama should stand on its own.

In the book we also learn that Sand and Boeing were together for THREE YEARS. He wasn't just his first love, but a long-term relationship.


This explains why Sand has such a hard time pushing him away as the audience would like. Combined with Sand's overly good nature with difficulties drawing distinct boundaries, you have a Sand who doesn't know how to say no to the man he loved for 3 long years in his early adulthood.






Other MDL comments



I told yall boston and nick wouldnt end up together and why's thar? Because they are not an established gmm ship. I saw this ending since the beginning. I'm not surprised


But what I do want to discuss is how ray is motherfucking full of ****. Honestly. I'm over it. How cute that he's mad about boeing yet he was the one that invited him to his house. To do nothing but test sand's loyalty? After everything he did for you. Boy.

Play stupid games Win stupid prices. If I was sand I swear I would have slept with him. Teach ray a lesson. You dont do people like this. Ooh i'm so angry I could slap a *****


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3 hours ago, pearlmercury said:


:duca: can’t wait. I still need to finish ULS though.

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Only Friends Finale It was a good ending, it improved a lot compared to ep 11 which was a bit average, but this ep 12 was good and it is obvious that there will be season 2, since the fire was arson, and the character of Mix who entered the scene to stir all


* Top and Mew I think that moving in together is still very fast, they are just dating again but well who am I to play, I still think that of all of them they have the most mature, communicative and healthy relationship


*Sand and Ray They are the couple that acted the best and had the best chemistry, however I HOPE THEY ARE NO LONGER TOGETHER IN ANOTHER SERIES I need to see First with someone better like gawin or whoever... I love Khao... but they look like brothers


*Nick, I'm glad he finally loved himself a little and left Boston trash (I still can't believe him left Pang's daddy for that promiscuous trash Ton.)


*  Boston I think he received what he deserves, trust is difficult to regain, however he tried to do things better and he will start his life again somewhere else in pure Onlyfans in America


* Boing in two episodes he stole the entire show, his sex appeal is too much:WAP:

* lesbians deserved more time on screen


season 2 is comming 


I just hope that gmmtv stops recycling the same couples, I know it works but plix, no more Firstkhao, OffGun, Earthmix, Phuwin naravit and if they continue to appear in more series the  Forcebook , I love them but they get boring after seeing them in so many series... we want meats cool random couples like they do with gawin


but this is a business so if these couples work for them they are not going to change them


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1 hour ago, Nebur said:

I just hope that gmmtv stops recycling the same couples, I know it works but plix, no more Firstkhao, OffGun, Earthmix, Phuwin naravit and if they continue to appear in more series the  Forcebook , I love them but they get boring after seeing them in so many series... we want meats cool random couples like they do with gawin


but this is a business so if these couples work for them they are not going to change them


PeriodT. :giraffe: GMMTV actors in general should only be allowed one series per year BL or not.

Thank God, Gemini and Fourth’s new series has 2 new actors. :celestial:

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Only friends is not da best series. Watch IFYLITA and u have seen Khun Chai so please move away from GMMTV 

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Turn off the camera is so dumb. :bibliahh:


im imagining a live adaptation teehee :fan:

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So is Jom getting a paycheck or…. :thing:


wedding invitations :jonnycat:

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