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Pro-Wrestling: The “Triple H Era” is Official


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13 hours ago, XAMJ said:

Nnnn this episode of raw has Vince McMahon written all over it , and the online idiots are praising HHH

Correct, Dave Meltzer said on this morning's WOR that this episode was written on Thursday by Vince. This Friday's smackdown will be the first episode not written by Vince. PERCHED for the end of 30-minutes-before-showtime-script-tear-ups :alexz:

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2 hours ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Will HHH turn Bianca heel and Becky face? I got slight vibes they might do this

Not sure about Bianca, but I think Becky’s whole “downward spiral” is the plan to turn her face. That way when Ronda turns heel they can have their match at Mania together next year.

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RAW Hour 1 featuring Theory was the highest rated 2.019M and .52 in the demo

RAW Hour 2 featuring The Mysterio's dropped to 1.9m and .52 in the demo

RAW Hour 3 featuring The BORINGline sunk to 1.7m and .45 in the demo



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Theory’s Peaches bringing in the views :clap3:

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Quote with 3 things you would like to see  during the new Stephanie/Nick/Hunter era

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1. Pushing new stars between BOTH the men and the women (Theory and Madcap are rising for the Men but I would like to see Carmelo and/or Bron get called up, and Montez going solo.

—— For the Women, new stars are NEEDED. I need the Liv push to stay actually, so if she loses on Saturday she needs to get the title back somehow. I thought they were going to push Aliyah for a moment in January but that has stalled. Shotzi as a face needs to come back as well, she’s so marketable with that tank. The women also need a mid card title if they wont do anything with the tag team belts.


2. Bring Sasha and Naomi back at the Royal Rumble. That is all, and I know Hunter can do it.


3. Keeping NXT 2.0 with just a little more emphasis on the matches. I like the rebrand and it actually feels like developmental without taking itself so serious. Vince made points with the overhaul, but the roster could use some more depth.

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13 minutes ago, Jonathan said:

Quote with 3 things you would like to see  during the new Stephanie/Nick/Hunter era

1. Women’s matches being well-agented, and given time. There was no reason why on last night’s three-hour Raw there was only one ~5 minute women’s match. Also, I am very tired of seeing the same spots in tag matches. (Looking at you, Tower of Doom) Let the girls pull out a Doomsday Device or something.


2. Book less DQ/countout finishes. It’s a bad crutch to work around matches that probably shouldn’t have been booked at all. *also going to slide in less rematches*


3. Build new stars. I don’t even mean necessarily young, just new. There’s no reason why the top prospects to take the title off Roman are Drew and an injured Cody. The women, namely the Smackdown roster, desperately need KLR (and Io if she re-signs).

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1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

Quote with 3 things you would like to see  during the new Stephanie/Nick/Hunter era

I'll cosign yours and add these:


1. Actually do the Women's Tag Title Tournament, then have GODsha and SLAYomi come out and either wreck the finals or attack the winners.  This leads to a match to determine the REAL champs.  Honestly, just do ANYTHING to make those titles interesting ffs.


2. Give SD its own B-show.  Right now, the SD undercard suffers the most due to the long-ass promos/segments for the main storylines (which I guess I kinda get) and people jumping from brand to brand willy-nilly.  At least Dana Brooks and Ta Mi Na can rely on quick lil Main Event matches if their 7/11 segments don't make it to Raw.  SD jobbers and midcarders, meanwhile, might as well be injured like Mia Yim.

----If they don't want to make yet another show (understandable), then make Main Event a dual-branded show and get rid most of its recap segments.  I can't speak for the purpose it serves internationally, but in the US, there's NO POINT to Hulu-exclusive Main Event having recap segments of Raw/SD when you can also watch Raw/SD on Hulu :grump: 


3. Actually commit to building up the men's tag division.  It looked like they were heading in that direction with featuring Alpha Academy, Los Lotharios, the Viking Experience, RooDolph, the Mysterios, etc., on TV each week.  So why the PPV Tag Title matches each month have been some combination of the Usos, Street Profits, RK-Bro, and New Day is beyond me...

Edited by andresg770
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1 hour ago, orange22 said:

Now who is this???

I thought it was Peligrosa at first 

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8 minutes ago, Bussea said:

I thought it was Peligrosa at first 

It was giving me an AI depiction of Dolph Ziggler, Summer Rae, and Becky as one person

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3 hours ago, Jonathan said:

Quote with 3 things you would like to see  during the new Stephanie/Nick/Hunter era

1. Sasha and Naomi return

2. Bray Wyatt returns
3. Consistency


Simple! :cm: 

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not Alundra being on nxt bringing up the trash can 

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4 hours ago, Jonathan said:

Quote with 3 things you would like to see  during the new Stephanie/Nick/Hunter era

1. Less in-ring promos, more brawls

2. Women’s mid card title (not the 24/7)

3. Push more talent & have more variety in the booking ESPECIALLY for the titles 


I want Rollins, Madcap Moss, Ziggler, Roode, Montez, & T-Bar pushes ASAP. 

For the women they need to call up Alba and the girls to shake up the roster a bit. They also need feuds that aren’t always based around the championship. Bring the legends back. I want to see Lita & Liv Morgan, Melina scrapping with Mella & Zelina, Michelle jumping Titt. 

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5 hours ago, orange22 said:


As she should, jade is **** , Bianca is gold

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Wait, is Lashley a face now? I'm so confused because I feel like I've asked this question before. :rip:

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9 minutes ago, slik said:

SummerSlam might have some rain...




I was tryna post about this an hour ago but gave up . These servers still on strike with sash and nao :noparty:

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That humidity though

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3 hours ago, highwind44029 said:

Wait, is Lashley a face now? I'm so confused because I feel like I've asked this question before. :rip:

Yes'm.  He turned face when he came back from injury to feud with Omos back in March (I think? It was definitely before their Mania match).

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