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Desperado rises in the charts after going viral on TikTok


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#80 United States (+105)

#109 Canada (+203)

#318 Australia (NE)


Apple Music:

#105 Canada (+44)

#184 United States (+77)

#254 South Africa (+135)

#261 Ireland (+186)

#318 Austria (+130)

#332 New Zealand (+77)

#372 United Kingdom (+154)

#392 Norway (NE)

#477 Australia (NE)


Oh wow



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65. Rihanna - Desperado (+15)



23 minutes ago, Rev8 said:

it's a great song :michael:



anyways anyone can post the tiktok vid?


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28 minutes ago, Starkboy said:

65. Rihanna - Desperado (+15)




This app I truly don't get it :rip: This videos are a major yikes.

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1 hour ago, Starkboy said:

65. Rihanna - Desperado (+15)




One of the lamest trends I've ever seen :toofunny3: but hey Desperado is getting attention, so :cm:

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