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ATRL's Deal or No Deal • & The Winner Is...


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The way I accepted the counter offer because I knew that it would cost Herny so much money




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Alrighty @Miguel - we'll get started in a moment! Here are the rules of the game / how it works & this round's explanations with powers. Let me know if you've got any questions, otherwise, we'll get started!




All games will be broadcasted LIVE here in the thread! At the beginning when each round is announced, sign-ups will open for timeslots / “episodes” if you will of when you can play. Since I anticipate each game taking a bit of time, especially in the earlier rounds when more players are in the game, the amount of games played / shown each day will be a bit limited, but still enough to give our viewers some entertainment. My favorite thing about the game’s format for the players is that because of these sign-ups and how one round will take several days to complete, you’ll only need to invest about an hour over a three-day / two-day period to play the game, which is real convenient since everyone’s gotten busier with coursework and careers since the summertime. 



I’ve attached an example real-life episode of the game for those of you who may be unfamiliar with it. The objective of the game is simple: to select the case with the $1million amount out of 26cases presented. Since the chances of that occurring are quite low, there will be rounds where you will select a fixed number of cases (6cases to start in the first round, then 5cases for the second round & so on…) to eliminate from the game; here, the objective is to select cases with LOWER amounts of money in them. At the end of each round, the banker (also done by me) will present an offer to buy you out of the game — you can either say “DEAL” to accept or “NO DEAL” to continue playing in hopes that you can eliminate more cheaper-valued cases / have a higher amount of money in your case. 


As introduced in the reboot of the show, you are allowed to make ONE comeback offer to the banker per game you play (ex: the banker offers you $160,000 to end the game, you counter with $175,000). ALL formulas as to how I calculate offers and ALL cases’ values each game will be sent to a non-player beforehand to ensure fairness. Attached is a list with all 26amounts of money that will randomly be placed into each game’s 26cases.



Sign-ups for the game and for Round1 timeslots are now open! Once all 15slots for Round1 “episodes” are filled, sign-ups for the entire tournament will close entirely. I wanted to start the game off simple, but with power to impact the game in the future, hence the title of the round. Each of you will play a classic game of Deal or No Deal BUT along with an amount of money from the Case Values table being in each case, 4cases will contain RANDOM powers that can be activated / used in a later round, if you are still in the game at that point.


There are two ways you can win a power: a) play your game all the way to the end, sticking with your case as the final amount you win in the game & having magically picked a case with a power in it from the start, or b) if you choose to lock “DEAL” in at a point in the game where there are at LEAST four cases left to choose from (excluding your case), you will be allowed to select one case from the remaining cases left in an attempt to win a power. The only powers that will be revealed are the ones that are eliminated DURING the game; powers that are won by players will be sent to them through private message, but will be revealed at that later round where they may be activated.


The 3players with the LOWEST “scores” (amounts of money you finish with this round) will be eliminated.


Jay-Zicario & Rence are tied for last place with $1; Touya finished with $75. Sanguine, Marvin, rl231, Not Like The Movies & now Henry have all claimed spots in Round2. If you can beat $75 this game, you will be confirmed to advance to the next round. However, with powers up for grabs for future use... do you take the easy way out this round, or try to help your game long-term?


& it's been established that cases will be picked in bulk in order to save time.


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8 minutes ago, PinkBox said:

The way I accepted the counter offer because I knew that it would cost Herny so much money




Plsssss :bibliahh:


Henry making a HORRIBLE deal!!!! :bibliahh:

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Please select 1case to be your case throughout the game. Remember, you're looking to select the case you believe has the $1million. You will not be able to change this case unless you play all the way 'til the end. Good luck!



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Please select 6cases to open. Remember, you're trying to open / eliminate the cases you believe have the smaller amounts of money in them.




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$500,000 + "$10K BOOST" POWER!

The "$10k Boost" power would've allowed you to add $10,000 to your final score/takeaway in the upcoming power-activated round.










Your board now looks like this:




Please standby as the banker calculates your offer.


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After opening 6cases, the banker offers you...





You cannot counter the banker since this is just the first round. Should you say "NO DEAL", you will open 5cases next round.

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$50,000 + "CASE SWAP" POWER!

The "Case Swap" power would've allowed you to swap your case at ANY point in your game in the upcoming power-activated round.

TWO powers are left.


















Your board now looks like this:




Please standby as the banker calculates your offer.


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After opening 5cases, the banker offers you...





You are now allowed to counter offer. You may only do this ONCE, so please counter with a wise figure if you choose to do so. Should you say "NO DEAL", you will open 4cases next round.

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The entire right column almost being WIPED out the way I can’t stop LAUGHING :bibliahh: 

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15 minutes ago, Henry said:


You really underestimated your luck



After all those Bingo at this point you should know that your level of luck is Big 


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The "Deal Breaker" power would've allowed you to go back & accept a deal you've just declined if you've opened a case up that you believe would lower your next offer in the upcoming power-activated round. However, this could ONLY be used in rounds where you select 1case.

ONE power remains in your game.










Your board now looks like this:




Please standby as the banker calculates your offer.


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