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  1. Welcome to 15Rock countdown, formerly the Dozen Rock Videos Countdown. History: 07.24.2007-12.16.2007: Dozen Rock Videos Countdown. 12.17.2007-present: 15Rock. The videos/songs contained here are from the rock, alternative, metal, and indie categories. There is a daily flashback video, which usually comes from the rock/alternative genre and often from the same artist/band that gets their world premiere. This countdown was established on July 24th, 2007, with MuteMath's Typical being the inaugural #1 of the countdown. The White Stripes' Conquest was the last #1 of the DRVC era. Korn's Hold On was the first #1 of the 15Rock era. The Used's The Bird and The Worm was the first video to get honorary retirement honors. Korn's Evolution was the first retired video to go more than 45+ days on DRVC. Linkin Park's Shadow Of The Day and Paramore's Crushcrushcrush were the last retirements of the DRVC era. Korn's Hold On was the first retirement of the 15Rock era. Archives: Classic ATRL | 15Rock WordPress | #1 Songs | Retired Songs (2000s and 2010s) | Retired Songs (2020s) |
  2. MTV 40 Imprescindibles: Divas de los 2000 #40. Vanessa Hudgens - "Come Back To Me" #39. Ashley Tisdale - "He Said, She Said" #38. Kelly Clarkson - "Because Of You" #37. Hilary Duff - "Come Clean" #36. t.A.T.u. - "All The Things She Said" » Ashlee Simpson - "Pieces Of Me" [ EXTRA HIT ] #35. Shakira - "Underneath Your Clothes" #34. Christina Aguilera - "Candyman" #33. Britney Spears - "Toxic" #32. Lindsay Lohan - "Rumors" #31. Pink - "Get The Party Started" #30. Jennifer Lopez - "Play" #29. Miley Cyrus - "Party In The U.S.A." #28. Dido - "Thank You" #27. Nelly Furtado - "Maneater" #26. Britney Spears - "Stronger" » Kylie Minogue - "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" [ EXTRA HIT ] #25. Beyoncé featuring Jay-Z - "Crazy In Love" #24. Madonna - "Music" #23. Lady Gaga - "Poker Face" #22. Katy Perry - "Hot N Cold" #21. Avril Lavigne - "Complicated" #20. Lily Allen - "Smile" #19. Fergie featuring will.i.am - "Fergalicious" #18. Gwen Stefani featuring Eve - "Rich Girl" #17. Ciara featuring Missy Elliott - "1, 2 Step" #16. Rihanna featuring Jay-Z - "Umbrella" » Mariah Carey - "Touch My Body" [ EXTRA HIT ] #15. Alicia Keys - "If I Ain't Got You" #14. Kelly Clarkson - "Since U Been Gone" #13. Evanescence - "My Immortal" #12. Paramore - "That's What You Get" #11. Britney Spears - "Womanizer" #10. Christina Aguilera - "Beautiful" #9. Avril Lavigne - "Girlfriend" #8. Miley Cyrus - "7 Things" #7. Hilary Duff - "With Love" #6. The Veronicas - "Untouched" » Amy Winehouse - "Back To Black" [ EXTRA HIT ] #5. The Pussycat Dolls featuring Busta Rhymes - "Don't Cha" #4. Destiny's Child - "Survivor" #3. Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance" #2. Madonna - "Don't Tell Me" #1. Britney Spears - "Oops!... I Did It Again"
  3. Hey Guys, i'm new here. I was a guest on this forum for months and i'm so excited that i can finally post here. I started to post my personal charts years ago on Last.Fm, Facebook and another german forum called "IOFF". I think it was 2012. First, i just posted my top 10 songs and albums every week and for some time i even did video countdowns and posted them on YouTube. Now, i only post my charts every month and i even have a spotify playlist for them. I also posted a video countdown of my Top 100 Songs of 2016 on YouTube. You can watch it here. #1 SONGS #1 ALBUMS JANUARY 2017
  4. [[ ORIGINAL OLDTRL THREAD ]] Week 001 (08/30/13) - Week 002 (09/06/13) - Week 003 (09/13/13) - Week 004 (09/21/13) - Week 005 (09/28/13) - Week 006 (10/04/13) - Week 007 (10/20/13) Week 008 (10/26/13) - Week 009 (11/02/13) - Week 010 (11/09/13) - Week 011 (11/15/13) - Week 012 (11/23/13) - Week 013 (11/29/13) - Week 014 (12/07/13) Week 015 (12/14/13) - Week 016 (01/25/14) - Week 017 (01/31/14) - Week 018 (02/08/14) - Week 019 (02/14/14) - Week 020 (02/23/14) - Week 021 (03/01/14) Week 022 (03/08/14) - Week 023 (03/15/14) - Week 024 (03/22/14) - Week 025 (03/29/14) - Week 026 (04/05/14) - Week 027 (04/13/14) - Week 028 (04/20/14) Week 029 (04/27/14) - Week 030 (05/04/14) - Week 031 (05/12/14) - Week 032 (05/18/14) - Week 033 (05/24/14) - Week 034 (06/01/14) - Week 035 (06/09/14) Week 036 (06/15/14) - Week 037 (06/20/14) - Week 038 (06/28/14) - Week 039 (07/05/14) - Week 040 (07/12/14) - Week 041 (07/18/14) - Week 042 (07/28/14) Week 043 (08/22/14) - Week 044 (08/29/14) - Week 045 (09/05/14) - Week 046 (09/12/14) - Week 047 (09/19/14) - Week 048 (09/27/14) - Week 049 (10/04/14) Week 050 (10/10/14) - Week 051 (10/19/14) - Week 052 (10/27/14) - Week 053 (11/02/14) - Week 054 (11/08/14) - Week 055 (11/15/14) - Week 056 (11/22/14) Week 057 (11/28/14) - Week 058 (12/08/14) - Week 059 (12/14/14) - Week 060 (12/20/14) - Week 061 (12/26/14) - Week 062 (01/05/15) - Week 063 (01/14/15) Week 064 (01/17/15) - Week 065 (01/26/15) - Week 066 (02/05/15) - Week 067 (03/06/15) - Week 068 (03/15/15) - Week 069 (03/21/15) - Week 070 (03/29/15) Week 071 (04/05/15) - Week 072 (04/10/15) - Week 073 (04/17/15) - Week 074 (04/24/15) - Week 075 (05/01/15) - Week 076 (05/11/15) - Week 077 (05/15/15) Week 078 (05/24/15) - Week 079 (05/29/15) - Week 080 (06/06/15) - Week 081 (06/14/15) - Week 082 (06/20/15) - Week 083 (06/28/15) - Week 084 (07/06/15) Week 085 (07/10/15) - Week 086 (07/18/15) - Week 087 (07/25/15) - Week 088 (07/31/15) - Week 089 (08/08/15) - Week 090 (08/14/15) - Week 091 (08/21/15) Week 092 (08/28/15) - Week 093 (09/04/15) - Week 094 (09/12/15) - Week 095 (09/20/15) - Week 096 (09/25/15) - Week 097 (10/02/15) - Week 098 (10/09/15) Week 099 (10/18/15) - Week 100 (10/23/15) - Week 101 (11/03/15) - Week 102 (11/07/15) - Week 103 (11/13/15) - Week 104 (11/20/15) - Week 105 (11/27/15) Week 106 (12/04/15) - Week 107 (12/11/15) - Week 108 (12/22/15) - Week 109 (12/25/15) WEEKLY (2016-2023): Week 110 (01/08/16) - Week 111 (01/15/16) - Week 112 (01/24/16) - Week 113 (01/31/16) - Week 114 (02/05/16) - Week 115 (02/13/16) - Week 116 (02/19/16) Week 117 (02/26/16) - Week 118 (03/05/16) - Week 119 (03/11/16) - Week 120 (03/19/16) - Week 121 (03/26/16) - Week 122 (04/02/16) - Week 123 (04/09/16) Week 124 (04/15/16) - Week 125 (04/22/16) - Week 126 (04/29/16) - Week 127 (05/08/16) - Week 128 (05/20/16) - Week 129 (05/28/16) - Week 130 (06/04/16) Week 131 (06/14/16) - Week 132 (06/18/16) - Week 133 (07/16/16) - Week 134 (07/22/16) - Week 135 (07/29/16) - Week 136 (08/06/16) - Week 137 (08/12/16) Week 138 (08/19/16) - Week 139 (08/26/16) - Week 140 (09/02/16) - Week 141 (09/10/16) - Week 142 (09/16/16) - Week 143 (09/23/16) - Week 144 (09/30/16) Week 145 (10/14/16) - Week 146 (10/21/16) - Week 147 (10/29/16) - Week 148 (11/04/16) - Week 149 (11/11/16) - Week 150 (11/18/16) - Week 151 (11/25/16) Week 152 (12/03/16) - Week 153 (12/09/16) - Week 154 (12/21/16) - Week 155 (01/29/17) - Week 156 (02/03/17) - Week 157 (02/17/17) - Week 158 (02/25/17) Week 159 (03/03/17) - Week 160 (03/10/17) - Week 161 (03/17/17) - Week 162 (03/24/17) - Week 163 (04/01/17) - Week 164 (04/07/17) - Week 165 (04/14/17) Week 166 (04/21/17) - Week 167 (04/28/17) - Week 168 (05/05/17) - Week 169 (05/13/17) - Week 170 (05/20/17) - Week 171 (05/26/17) - Week 172 (06/02/17) Week 173 (06/09/17) - Week 174 (06/16/17) - Week 175 (06/23/17) - Week 176 (07/01/17) - Week 177 (07/07/17) - Week 178 (07/14/17) - Week 180 (07/28/17) Week 181 (08/04/17) - Week 182 (08/11/17) - Week 183 (08/18/17) - Week 184 (08/25/17) - Week 185 (09/01/17) - Week 186 (09/08/17) - Week 187 (09/15/17) Week 188 (09/29/17) - Week 189 (10/06/17) - Week 190 (10/13/17) - Week 191 (10/20/17) - Week 192 (10/27/17) - Week 193 (11/03/17) - Week 194 (11/10/17) Week 195 (11/17/17) - Week 196 (11/24/17) - Week 197 (12/01/17) - Week 198 (12/08/17) - Week 199 (12/15/17) - Week 200 (12/22/17) - Week 201 (01/19/18) Week 202 (01/26/18) - Week 203 (02/02/18) - Week 204 (02/09/18) - Week 205 (02/16/18) - Week 206 (02/23/18) - Week 207 (03/02/18) - Week 208 (03/09/18) Week 209 (03/16/18) - Week 210 (03/23/18) - Week 211 (03/30/18) - Week 212 (04/06/18) - Week 213 (04/13/18) - Week 214 (04/20/18) - Week 215 (05/03/18) Week 217 (05/11/18) - Week 218 (05/18/18) - Week 219 (05/25/18) - Week 220 (06/01/18) - Week 221 (06/08/18) - Week 222 (06/15/18) - Week 223 (06/22/18) Week 224 (06/29/18) - Week 226 (07/13/18) - Week 227 (07/20/18) - Week 228 (07/27/18) - Week 229 (08/03/18) - Week 230 (08/10/18) - Week 232 (08/24/18) Week 233 (08/30/18) - Week 235 (09/14/18) - Week 237 (09/28/18) - Week 239 (10/11/18) - Week 242 (11/02/18) - Week 243 (11/09/18) - Week 244 (11/16/18) Week 245 (11/23/18) - Week 246 (11/30/18) - Week 247 (12/07/18) - Week 248 (12/14/18) - Week 249 (01/18/19) - Week 250 (01/25/19) - Week 251 (02/01/19) Week 252 (02/08/19) - Week 253 (02/15/19) - Week 254 (02/22/19) - Week 255 (03/01/19) - Week 256 (03/08/19) - Week 257 (03/15/19) - Week 258 (03/22/19) Week 259 (03/29/19) - Week 260 (04/05/19) - Week 261 (04/12/19) - Week 262 (04/19/19) - Week 263 (04/26/19) - Week 265 (05/10/19) - Week 266 (05/17/19) Week 267 (05/24/19) - Week 268 (05/31/19) - Week 269 (06/07/19) - Week 270 (06/14/19) - Week 271 (06/21/19) - Week 272 (06/28/19) - Week 274 (07/13/19) Week 275 (07/19/19) - Week 276 (07/26/19) - Week 277 (08/02/19) - Week 278 (08/09/19) - Week 279 (08/16/19) - Week 280 (08/23/19) - Week 281 (08/30/19) Week 282 (09/06/19) - Week 283 (09/13/19) - Week 284 (09/20/19) - Week 285 (09/27/19) - Week 286 (10/04/19) - Week 287 (10/11/19) - Week 288 (10/18/19) Week 289 (10/25/19) - Week 290 (11/01/19) - Week 291 (11/08/19) - Week 292 (11/15/19) - Week 293 (11/22/19) - Week 294 (11/29/19) - Week 295 (12/06/19) Week 296 (12/13/19) - Week 297 (12/20/19) - Week 298 (01/17/20) - Week 299 (01/24/20) - Week 300 (01/31/20) - Week 301 (02/07/20) - Week 302 (02/14/20) Week 303 (02/21/20) - Week 304 (02/28/20) - Week 305 (03/06/20) - Week 306 (03/13/20) - Week 307 (03/20/20) - Week 308 (03/27/20) - Week 309 (04/03/20) Week 310 (04/10/20) - Week 311 (04/17/20) - Week 312 (04/24/20) - Week 313 (05/01/20) - Week 314 (05/08/20) - Week 315 (05/15/20) - Week 316 (05/22/20) Week 317 (05/29/20) - Week 318 (06/05/20) - Week 319 (06/12/20) - Week 320 (06/19/20) - Week 321 (06/26/20) - Week 322 (07/03/20) - Week 323 (07/10/20) Week 324 (07/17/20) - Week 325 (07/24/20) - Week 326 (07/31/20) - Week 327 (08/07/20) - Week 328 (08/14/20) - Week 329 (08/21/20) - Week 330 (08/28/20) Week 331 (09/04/20) - Week 332 (09/11/20) - Week 333 (09/18/20) - Week 334 (09/25/20) - Week 335 (10/02/20) - Week 336 (10/09/20) - Week 337 (10/16/20) Week 338 (10/23/20) - Week 339 (10/30/20) - Week 340 (11/06/20) - Week 341 (11/13/20) - Week 342 (11/20/20) - Week 343 (11/27/20) - Week 344 (12/04/20) Week 345 (12/11/20) - Week 346 (12/18/20) - Week 347 (12/25/20) - Week 348 (01/15/21) - Week 349 (01/22/21) - Week 350 (01/29/21) - Week 351 (02/05/21) Week 352 (02/12/21) - Week 353 (02/19/21) - Week 354 (02/26/21) - Week 355 (03/05/21) - Week 356 (03/13/21) - Week 357 (03/19/21) - Week 358 (03/26/21) Week 359 (04/02/21) - Week 360 (04/09/21) - Week 361 (04/16/21) - Week 362 (04/23/21) - Week 363 (04/30/21) - Week 364 (05/07/21) - Week 365 (05/14/21) Week 366 (05/21/21) - Week 367 (05/28/21) - Week 368 (06/04/21) - Week 369 (06/11/21) - Week 370 (06/18/21) - Week 371 (06/25/21) - Week 372 (07/02/21) Week 373 (07/09/21) - Week 374 (07/16/21) - Week 375 (07/23/21) - Week 376 (07/30/21) - Week 377 (08/06/21) - Week 378 (08/13/21) - Week 379 (08/20/21) Week 380 (08/27/21) - Week 381 (09/03/21) - Week 382 (09/10/21) - Week 383 (09/17/21) - Week 384 (09/24/21) - Week 386 (10/08/21) - Week 387 (10/15/21) Week 388 (10/22/21) - Week 389 (10/29/21) - Week 390 (11/05/21) - Week 391 (11/12/21) - Week 392 (11/19/21) - Week 393 (11/26/21) - Week 394 (12/03/21) Week 395 (12/10/21) - Week 396 (12/18/21) - Week 397 (01/21/22) - Week 398 (01/28/22) - Week 399 (02/04/22) - Week 400 (02/11/22) - Week 401 (2/18/22) Week 402 (2/25/22) - Week 403 (03/04/22) - Week 404 (03/11/22) - Week 405 (03/18/22) - Week 406 (03/25/22) - Week 407 (04/01/22) - Week 408 (04/08/22) Week 409 (04/15/22) - Week 410 (04/22/22) - Week 411 (04/29/22) - Week 412 (05/06/22) - Week 413 (05/13/22) - Week 414 (05/20/22) - Week 415 (05/27/22) Week 416 (06/03/22) - Week 417 (06/10/22) - Week 418 (06/18/22) - Week 419 (06/24/22) - Week 420 (07/01/22) - Week 421 (07/08/22) - Week 422 (07/15/22) Week 423 (07/22/22) - Week 424 (07/29/22) - Week 425 (08/05/22) - Week 426 (08/12/22) - Week 427 (08/19/22) - Week 428 (08/26/22) - Week 429 (09/02/22) Week 430 (09/09/22) - Week 431 (09/20/22) - Week 432 (10/07/22) - Week 433 (10/15/22) - Week 434 (10/21/22) - Week 435 (10/28/22) - Week 436 (11/04/22) Week 437 (11/11/22) - Week 438 (11/18/22) - Week 439 (11/25/22) - Week 440 (12/02/22) - Week 441 (12/09/22) - Week 442 (12/16/22) - Week 443 (01/27/23) Week 444 (02/03/23) - Week 445 (02/10/23) - Week 446 (02/17/23) - Week 447 (02/24/23) - Week 448 (03/03/23) - Week 449 (03/11/23) - Week 450 (03/17/23) Week 451 (03/24/23) - Week 452 (03/31/23) - Week 453 (04/07/23) - Week 454 (04/14/23) - Week 455 (04/21/23) - Week 456 (04/28/23) - Week 457 (05/05/23) Week 458 (05/12/23) - Week 459 (05/19/23) - Week 460 (05/26/23) - Week 461 (06/02/23) - Week 462 (06/09/23) - Week 463 (06/16/23) - Week 464 (06/23/23) Week 465 (06/30/23) - Week 466 (07/07/23) - Week 467 (07/14/23) - Week 468 (07/21/23) - Week 469 (07/28/23) - Week 470 (08/04/23) - Week 471 (08/11/23) Week 472 (08/18/23) - Week 473 (08/25/23) - Week 474 (09/06/23) - Week 475 (09/15/23) - Week 476 (09/23/23) - Week 477 (09/29/23) - Week 478 (10/06/23) Week 479 (10/13/23) - Week 480 (10/20/23) - Week 481 (10/27/23) - Week 482 (11/03/23) - Week 483 (11/10/23) - Week 484 (11/17/23) - Week 485 (11/24/23) Week 486 (12/01/23) MONTHLY (2024-PRESENT): January 2024 (#1) - January 2024 (#2) - February 2024 (#1) - February 2024 (#2) - March 2024 (#1) - March 2024 (#2) - April 2024 (#1) - EXTRA STATS Longest Running #1's [Last update: 11/10/23] Most Album of the Weeks (Artists + Albums) [Last update: 11/17/23] Most Played (Songs + Artists) [Last update: 12/01/23] Most Played #1s (Artists + Songs, etc.) [Last update: 12/01/23] RANDOM LISTS Top 20 Spooky Songs All 49 #1 Debuts - Ranked Best of the '80s - Top 25 All 33 #2 Debuts - Ranked Artist Spotlight: Lorde Top 20 Christmas Songs Artist Spotlight: Lady Gaga Artist Spotlight: Taylor Swift Artist Spotlight: Kesha Longevity Kweens (Most Weeks At...) 23 Year Special (B-Day Post) Faded Flops (1 and 2 Week Charters) Artist Spotlight: Demi Lovato Artist Spotlight: Katy Perry Artist Spotlight: Panic! at the Disco Top5 4ever (Longest Top 5 Runs) Best Album Closers Artist Spotlight: Gwen Stefani Retirement Rejections All 28 #3 Debuts - Ranked Artist Spotlight: Ariana Grande Artist Spotlight: Maroon 5 Artist Spotlight: Bruno Mars Movie Spotlight: Marvel's MCU Artist Spotlight: One Direction (10 Years) Franchise Spotlight: High School Musical (15 Years) Artist Spotlight: Lady Gaga (2021 Update) Artist Spotlight: Bleachers Artist Spotlight: Billie Eilish RANKED: 2020s #1s... So Far! (Per Year) [2020-early 2024] ADDITIONAL UPDATES Halfway/Midyear Celebration (2017) - Part 1 Halfway/Midyear Celebration (2017) - Part 2 Quarter 3 Celebration (2017) - Part 1 Quarter 3 Celebration (2017) - Part 2 Best of 2017 Preview Best of 2017 Mini Recap DESTINATION: WEEKEND (2018) - So Far... Midyear Celebration (2018) - Part 1 Midyear Celebration (2018) - Part 2 Midyear Celebration (2018) - Part 3 5 Year(ish) Anniversary Celebration Quarter 3 Celebration (2018) - Part 1 Quarter 3 Celebration (2018) - Part 2 Best of 2018 Mini Recap Midyear Celebration (2019) - Part 1 Midyear Celebration (2019) - Part 2 Midyear Celebration (2019) - Part 3 Quarter 3 Celebration (2019) Midyear Celebration (2020) Midyear Celebration (2021) Quarter 3 Celebration (2021) Midyear Celebration (2022) Quarter 3 Celebration (2022) Midyear Celebration (2023) Quarter 3 Celebration (2023) STATS SECTION Weeks 1 - 102 | Weeks 103 - 153 2017 #1s 2018 #1s 2019 #1s 2020 #1s 2021 #1s 2022 #1s 2023 #1s 2024 #1s (so far) THE #1'S ALBUM OF THE WEEKS 16 WEEK CREW RETIREMENT HOME OVERALL RECORDS Weekly: Most Album of the Weeks (Artist): Taylor Swift [24] Most Album of the Weeks (Album): Taylor Swift '1989' (OG) [9] Most Consecutive AOTWs: Lady Gaga 'Joanne' [5] Highest Jump: Ellie Goulding "Like a Saviour" [+25, Week 454] Biggest Drop: Aly & AJ "Baby Lay Your Head Down" [-19, Week 454] Highest Return: Imagine Dragons "Thunder" [#3] Most Consistent Chart Run: The Aces "Daydream"[18 weeks @ #11-15] Longest Top 5 Run: Foxes "Sister Ray" / Miley C- "Midnight Sky" / Ryn W "OctaHate" [20/20 weeks!] Longest #1 Run: Aly & AJ "Church" [9 weeks] Longest Journey to Top 10: The Aces "Daydream" [20 weeks] Longest Journey to #1: Aly & AJ "Listen!!!" [18 weeks] Biggest Slay: Olivia Rodrigo [#1 + #3 + #5; Week 476] Biggest Debut Week: 11 Debuts [Week 43] Biggest Retirement Week: 3 Retired Songs [Week 99 + 398] Biggest Comeback Week: 3 Returnees [Weeks 189, 230] Biggest Success Week: 13 Rising Songs [Weeks 371, 399, 400, 416] Biggest Frozen Week: 14 Same Positions [Week 108] Biggest Flop Week: 20/25 Falling Songs [Week 288] + 23/30 Falling Songs [Weeks 417 & 458] Biggest "Most Played" Single: Chainsmokers/ROZES "Roses" (71) [Week 112] Biggest "Most Played" Non-Single: Taylor Swift "I Did Something Bad" (57) [Week 195] Biggest "Most Played" Artist: Taylor Swift (341) [Week 281] Most "Most Played Artists" #1s: Taylor Swift [31] Most "Most Played Songs" #1s (Song): Aly & AJ "Star Maps" [7] Most "Most Played Songs" #1s (Artist): Taylor Swift [36] Most #1 Songs: Lady Gaga / Taylor Swift[11 each] Most #1 Weeks in a Row: The Chainsmokers/ROZES "Roses" [8] Most Consecutive #1 Changes: 8 [Weeks 152-160] Most Consecutive #1 Debuts: 3 [Weeks 90-92, 154-156, 158-160, 192-194] Longest #1 (Time): Harry Styles "Sign of the Times" [5m41s, Week 165] Shortest #1 (Time): ELIO "CHARGER" [2m29s, Week 350] Shortest Entry (Overall): Poppy "Church Outfit" [1m54s, Week 454] Most #1 Debuts: Lady Gaga / Taylor Swift [7] Most Rises in a Row: Lastlings "Out of Touch" [6] Most Falls in a Row: Lana Del Rey "Love" [9] Most Stable Weeks: Harry S "Sign of the.." / Taylor S "Shake It Off" [10 each] Most Returns (Artist): Foster the People [3] Most Artists w/ Multiple Charting Songs - 8 [Weeks 426, 427] Most Returns (Song): WALK THE MOON "Kamikaze" [3] Longest Time to Return: Im. Drgns "Thunder" [18 wks] (Off Week 171, back Week 189) Most Retired Songs: Taylor Swift [6] Most Records Broken: Taylor Swift [13] *doesn't include this one lol Monthly: tbd
  5. TOP 20 MTVLA (CENTER) 2001 Friday, March 30th 20. Crazy Town - "Butterfly" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #20 / Run: 20] 19. Daft Punk - "One more time" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #19 / Run: 19] 18. Linkin Park - "One step closer" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #18 / Run: 18] 17. Jarabe de Palo - "De vuelta y vuelta" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #17 / Run: 17] 16. Creed - "With arms wide open" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #16 / Run: 16] 15. U2 - "Stuck in a moment" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #15 / Run: 15] 14. Dido - "Here with me" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #14 / Run: 14] 13. Attaque 77 - "Beattle" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #13 / Run: 13] 12. Backstreet Boys - "The call" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #12 / Run: 12] 11. Robbie Williams - "Better man" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #11 / Run: 11] 10. Westlife - "My love" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #10 / Run: 10] 09. The Offspring - "Want you bad" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #09 / Run: 9] 08. Britney Spears - "Don't let me be the last to know" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #08 / Run: 8] 07. Limp Bizkit - "Rollin" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #07 / Run: 7] 06. Alejandro Sanz - "El alma al aire" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #06 / Run: 6] 05. Eminen & Dido - "Stan" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #05 / Run: 5] 04. Aerosmith - "Jaded" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #04 / Run: 4] 03. Christina Aguilera - "Pero me acuerdo de tí" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #03 / Run: 3] 02. Stereo 3 - "Atrévete a aceptarlo" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #02 / Run: 2] 01. Ricky Martin & Christina Aguilera - "Nobody wants to be lonely" [1 Week / DEBUT / Peak: #01 / Run: 1] Extra Clips (Clásicos) > Los Prisioneros - "Tren al Sur" > La Ley - "Angie" > Lucybell - "Mataz" > Los Tres - "Déjate Caer" (Gracias a @andresg770por los datos sobre los extra clips, eres grande xd)
  6. Welcome!!! New year, new thread, but the same countdown This is the last countdown of the last year: DRAKE'S PERSONAL FLASHBACK TOP 20 (2002) Countdown #124 Saturday, June 22th, 2002 20. Jamiroquai - "Love foolosophy" [8 weeks / -5 / Peak: #12 / Run: 20-18-16-15-12-13-15-20] 19. System of a Down - "Toxicity" [14 weeks / -2 / Peak: #01(x2) / Run: 14-10-8-4-1-1-2-4-7-7-9-12-17-19] 18. Eminem - "Without me" [1 week / DEBUT / Peak: #18 / Run: 18] 17. P!nk - "Don't let me get me" [1 week / DEBUT / Peak: #17 / Run: 17] 16. Kylie Minogue - "In your eyes" [2 weeks / +4 / Peak: #16 / Run: 16] 15. Westlife - "World of our own" [14 weeks / -1 / Peak: #01(x1) / Run: 18-16-13-9-6-4-3-2-1-3-6-11-14-15] 14. Michelle Branch - "Everywhere" [3 weeks / +2 / Peak: #14 / Run: 19 - 16 - 14] 13. La Ley y Ely Guerra "El duelo (Mtv unplugged)" [12 weeks / -4 / Peak: #01(x1) / Run: 18-15-11-9-5-3-3-1-3-6-9-13] 12. Linkin Park - "Papercut" [13 weeks / -2 / Peak: #01(x2) / Run: 17-15-12-7-3-1-1-2-5-7-10-10-12] 11. O-Town - "All or nothing" [11 weeks / -3 / Peak: #01(x1) / Run: 19-15-10-7-5-4-2-1-4-8-11] 10. Lenny Kravitz - "Believe in me" [5 weeks / +3 / Peak: #10 / Run: 19-17-14-13-10] 09. Paulina Rubio - "Don't say good bye" [3 weeks / +3 / Peak: #09 / Run: 16-12-9] 08. John Mayer - "No such thing" [4 weeks / +3 /Peak: #08 / Run: 20-17-11-8] 07. Alanis Morissette - "Hands clean" [10 weeks / -3 Peak: #02 / Run: 18-15-13-9-6-4-2-3-4-7] 06. P.O.D. - "Youth of the nation" [6 weeks / +1 / Peak: #06 / Run: 19-14-11-9-7-6] 05. Incubus - "Nice to know you" [9 weeks / -3 / Peak: #02 / Run: 17-15-13-9-6-5-2-2-5] 04. Vanessa Carlton - "A thousand miles" [8 weeks / +2 / Peak: #04 / Run: 18-16-13-11-10-7-6-4] 03. Nickelback - "How you remind me" [5 weeks / +2 / Peak: #03 / Run: 18-13-8-5-3] 02. Britney Spears - "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman" [6 weeks / -1 / Peak: #01(x2) / Run: 14-10-4-1-1-2] 01. Nelly Furtado "On the radio (remember the days)" [8 weeks / Stats: +2 / Peak: #01(x1) / Run: 16-14-11-9-8-5-3-1] Fall Offs: 18. M2M "Everything" [13 weeks / Peak: #05 / Run: 20-18-17-14-12-11-9-7-5-8-14-15-18] 19. Jessica Simpson - "A little bit" [12 weeks / Peak: #08 / Run: 20-19-17-16-13-11-10-8-12-16-18-19] # 1's of the 2002 > Linkin Park - "In the end" [#01(x3) / 17 Weeks] *Retired > System of a Down - "Chop suey!" [#01(x2) / 14 Weeks] *Retired > Backstreet Boys - "Drowning" [#01(x2) / 16 Weeks] *Retired > Kylie Minogue - "Can't get you out of my head" [#01(x1) / 14 Weeks] *Retired > Incubus - "Wish you were here" [#01(x2) / 14 Weeks] *Retired > Britney Spears - "Overprotected" [#01(x2) / 12 Weeks] *Retired > No Doubt - "Hey baby" [#01(x2) / 14 Weeks] > P!nk - "Get the party started" [#01(x2) / 10 Weeks] > System of a Down - "Chop suey!" [#01(x2) / 8 Weeks] > Linkin Park - "Papercut" [#01(x2) / 7 Weeks]
  7. I was invited here by @Devin to showcase my weekly taste. My favorite Genres are mainly - R&B/Soul - Funk Rock - Pop - Rap/Hip Hop My Last Fm tracking is only in 2017 & December 2022 to present
  8. FAVORITE GENRES: R&B Hip-Hop Jazz/Blues Classic Rock Disco/Funk Latin FAVORITE ARTISTS: J. Cole • Kendrick Lamar • Drake Beyoncé • Rihanna • Mariah Carey The Weeknd • Lil Wayne • Daft Punk Nicki Minaj • Doja Cat • Foxy Brown 21 Savage • Brent Faiyaz • Rauw Alejandro Janet Jackson • Kehlani • Lady Gaga Prince • Led Zeppelin • Marvin Gaye SZA • Summer Walker • Sade Michael Jackson + more… *October 30, 2023: my last one got deleted by mistake so we back with a new era!
  9. M A R N S T A R P R O D U C T I O N S Y E A R S | I N D E X 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 BEST OF | I N D E X 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 PLAYLISTS | SPOTIFY Summers Top 5 Falls Top 5 Winter Tops 5 Spring Tops 5 The Weekly Marnstar Playlist (Every Song That's Ever Charted) HALL OF FAME: (Note Denis Stoff Has The Most #1s In History) - 70 Weeks TOP 20 MOST #1 SONGS Decode - Paramore (12 Weeks) Here I Am - Asking Alexandria (11 Weeks) Camila Cabello - Shameless (11 Weeks) For One Day - Evermore (11 Weeks) Blind Date 101 - Make Me Famous (11 Weeks) Sorry - Madonna (10 Weeks) These Kids - Joel Turner, The Modern Day Poets (10 Weeks) Jealous - Nick Jonas (10 Weeks) The Black - Asking Alexandria (9 Weeks) Bullets In My Teeth (9 Weeks) (8 Weeks) I'm Sorry - Drag Me Out Bullet's In My Teeth - Drag Me Out I won't Give In - Asking Alexandria Move It - Down & Dirty The Final Episode (Lets Change The Channel) - Asking Alexandria Day & Night - Billie Piper Don't stop the music - Jamie Cullum In The End - Linkin Park Its too late - Evermore Say it right - Nelly Furtado The Final Episode (Lets Change The Channel) - Asking Alexandria Coffin - Black Veil Brides Not Giving Up = The Saturdays ARTISTS WITH MOST #1s DENIS STOFF (70 Weeks) Asking Alexandria (52 Weeks) Bring Me The Horizon (39 Weeks) Evermore (36 Weeks)
  10. January 14, 2017 On Deck: Twenty One Pilots - Heavydirtysoul K.I.D - Errors Bastille - Blame Cass McCombs - Bum Bum Bum Portugal. The Man - Noise Pollution 20. Two Door Cinema Club - Ordinary [DEBUT] 19. Car Seat Headrest - Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales [DEBUT] 18. Angel Olsen - Shut Up Kiss Me [DEBUT] 17. The Orwells - They Put a Body in the Bayou [+1 | Weeks: 2 | Peak: 17] 16. Grouplove - Good Morning [-1 | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 13] 15. The Chain Gang of 1974 - Slow [+2 | Weeks: 2 | Peak: 15] 14. Empire of the Sun - Friends [= | Weeks: 5 | Peak: 14] 13. Nick Murphy - Stop Me (Stop You) [= | Weeks: 9 | Peak: 10] 12. San Cisco - Slomo [= | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 12] 11. Liv - Wings of Love [-1 | Weeks: 10 | Peak: 3] 10. Milky Chance - Cocoon [-3 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 3] 9. Cloud Nothings - Modern Act [-3 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 4] 8. Mondo Cozmo - Shine [+1 | Weeks: 6 | Peak: 8] 7. Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life [-2 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 5] 6. Hippo Campus - Boyish [+2 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 6] 5. Jamie T - Tescoland [-2 | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 3] 4. Temples - Certainty [+7 | Weeks: 5 | Peak: 4] 3. Strfkr - Open Your Eyes [+1 | Weeks: 9 | Peak: 2] 2. The xx - On Hold [= | Weeks: 9 | Peak: 1(6)] 1. Electric Guest - Dear to Me [= | Weeks: 6 | Peak: 1(2)] Adds: The xx - Say Something Loving The Shins - Name for You Get Inuit - Barbiturates Ten Fe - Twist Your Arm The Menzingers - After the Party Declan McKenna - The Kids Don't Wanna Come Home Last Week: January 7, 2017 20. Yeasayer - Loan Shark Blues [DEBUT] 19. Day Wave - Wasting Time [DEBUT] 18. The Orwells - They Put a Body in the Bayou [DEBUT] 17. The Chain Gang of 1974 - Slow [DEBUT] 16. Green Day - Still Breathing [-5 | Weeks: 13 | Peak: 1(2)] 15. Grouplove - Good Morning [-3 | Weeks: 6 | Peak: 13] 14. Empire of the Sun - Friends [+5 | Weeks: 4 | Peak: 14] 13. Nick Murphy - Stop Me (Stop You) [-3 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 10] 12. San Cisco - Slomo [+1 | Weeks: 6 | Peak: 12] 11. Temples - Certainty [+9 | Weeks: 4 | Peak: 11] 10. Liv - Wings of Love [-1 | Weeks: 9 | Peak: 3] 9. Mondo Cozmo - Shine [+5 | Weeks: 5 | Peak: 9] 8. Hippo Campus - Boyish [= | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 8] 7. Milky Chance - Cocoon [-4 | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 3] 6. Cloud Nothings - Modern Act [-2 | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 4] 5. Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life [+2 | Weeks: 7 | Peak: 5] 4. Strfkr - Open Your Eyes [-2 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 2] 3. Jamie T - Tescoland [+3 | Weeks: 6 | Peak: 3] 2. The xx - On Hold [-1 | Weeks: 8 | Peak: 1(6)] 1. Electric Guest - Dear to Me [+4 | Weeks: 5 | Peak: 1(1)]
  11. heres my new thread for this year.nice to be back on the forum But before the countdown returns this week.Here is a recap of last years Top 10.
  12. Week of Jan 16th, 2017 Due to the update of the forum, this is last week's countdown and this week's separately. I'm also going to try a new way of doing this countdown. So for now, it's gonna look like this. 25 24 10 Emeli Sandé- Hurts 15th week 24 22 17 Regina Spector- Bleeding Heart 8th week 23 23 1[x3] Banks- Gemini Feed 22nd week 22 21 13 Cashmere Cat (feat. Selena Gomez & Tory Lanez)- Trust Nobody 8th week 21 14 2 Lady Gaga- Perfect Illusion 17th week 20 18 1[x4] Sia- The Greatest 19th week 19 16 4 Regina Spektor- Small Bill$ 14th week 18 NE 18 Flume (feat. Tove Lo)- Say It 1st week 17 20 17 Nelly Furtado- Pipe Dreams 4th week 16 19 16 The xx- On Hold 7th week 15 11 8 Britney Spears (feat. Tinashe)- Slumber Party 9th week 14 17 14 Tinashe- Company 2nd week 13 15 13 Lady Gaga- Million Reasons 5th week 12 13 12 Metronomy & Robyn- Hang Me Out To Dry 4th week 11 12 11 Tove Lo- True Disaster 6th week 10 7 1[x4] Rachael Yamagata- Let Me Be Your Girl 16th week 9 10 9 Alessia Cara- Seventeen 5th week 8 8 8 Tegan & Sara- Dying To Know 6th week 7 5 3 Solange- Cranes In The Sky 13th week 6 9 6 Yelle- Ici & Maintenant 4th week 5 4 1[x2] Solange- Don't Touch My Hair 16th week 4 6 4 Beyonce- All Night 7th week 3 3 3 MØ- Drum 9th week 2 1 1[x3] The Veronicas- On Your Side 9th week 1 2 1[x1] Emeli Sandé- (feat. Jay Electronica, Áine Zion)- Garden 8th week Jan 24th, 2017 25 21 2 Lady Gaga- Perfect Illusion 18th week 24 23 1[x3] Banks- Gemini Feed 23rd week 23 22 13 Cashmere Cat (feat. Selena Gomez & Tory Lanez)- Trust Nobody 9th week 22 20 1[x4] Sia- The Greatest 20th week 21 NE 21 2NE1- Goodbye 1st week 20 19 14 Regina Spektor- Small Bill$ 15th week 19 17 17 Nelly Furtado- Pipe Dreams 5th week 18 15 8 Britney Spears (feat. Tinashe)- Slumber Party 10th week 17 13 13 Lady Gaga- Million Reasons 6th week 16 18 16 Flume (feat. Tove Lo)- Say It 2nd week 15 16 15 The xx- On Hold 8th week 14 NE 14 Banks- Trainwreck 1st week 13 10 1[x4] Rachael Yamagata- Let Me Be Your Girl 17th week 12 14 12 Tinashe- Company 3rd week 11 8 8 Tegan & Sara- Dying To Know 6th week 10 12 10 Metronomy & Robyn- Hang Me Out To Dry 5th week 9 11 9 Tove Lo- True Disaster 7th week 8 7 3 Solange- Cranes In The Sky 14th week 7 9 7 Alessia Cara- Seventeen 6th week 6 5 1[x2] Solange- Don't Touch My Hair 17th week 5 4 4 Beyonce- All Night 8th week 4 6 4 Yelle- Ici & Maintenant 5th week 3 2 1[x3] The Veronicas- On Your Side 10th week 2 3 2 MØ- Drum 10th week 1 1 1[x2] Emeli Sandé- (feat. Jay Electronica, Áine Zion)- Garden 9th week
  13. JL's WEEKLY TOP 20 08/01/2017 http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/20.png~c100 Bebe Rexha "I Got You" [ 1 Week | DEBUT | Peak: #20 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/19.png~c100 Bruno Mars "24k Magic" [ 12 Weeks | -3 | Peak: #8 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/18.png~c100 Beyoncé "Formation" [ 19 Weeks | -9 | Peak: #1 [x1] ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/17.png~c100 Tove Lo "True Disaster" [ 2 Weeks | +2 | Peak: #17 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/16.png~c100 Sean Paul feat. Dua Lipa "No Lie" [ 1 Week | DEBUT | Peak: #16 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/15.png~c100 A Tribe Called Quest "We The People...." [ 2 Weeks | +2 | Peak: #15 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/14.png~c100 The Lumineers "Cleopatra" [ 3 Weeks | = | Peak: #14 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/13.png~c100 Beyoncé "All Night" [ 6 Weeks | -3 | Peak: #3 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/12.png~c100 Emeli Sandé "Breathing Underwater" [ 3 Weeks | +1 | Peak: #12 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/11.png~c100 ZAYN & Taylor Swift "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" [ 3 Weeks | +4 | Peak: #11 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/10.png~c100 The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk "Starboy" [ 16 Weeks | -2 | Peak: #1 [x5] ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/9.png~c100 Maren Morris "80's Mercedes" [ 4 Weeks | +3 | Peak: #9 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/8.png~c100 Kings Of Leon "WALLS" [ 7 Weeks | +3 | Peak: #8 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/7.png~c100 Britney Spears feat. Tinashe "Slumber Party" [ 8 Weeks | -3 | Peak: #4 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/6.png~c100 Lady Gaga "Million Reasons" [ 8 Weeks | = | Peak: #5 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/5.png~c100 Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello "Bad Things" [ 6 Weeks | = | Peak: #4 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/4.png~c100 Adele "Water Under The Bridge" [ 8 Weeks | -1 | Peak: #1 [x3] ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/3.png~c100 Rihanna "Love On The Brain" [ 7 Weeks | +4 | Peak: #2 ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/2.png~c100 Shakira feat. Maluma "Chantaje" [ 7 Weeks | = | Peak: #1 [x1] ] http://rs264.pbsrc.com/albums/ii170/greenrocks1/top of 2011/1.png~c100 http://hot94.fm/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/weeknd-mania730-350x231.gif The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk "I Feel It Coming" [ 5 Weeks | = | Peak: #1 [x2] ] OUT: Rae Sremmurd feat. Gucci Mane "Black Beatles" [ 9 Weeks | Peak: #8 ] Alicia Keys feat. A$AP Rocky "Blended Family (What You Do For Love)" [ 10 Weeks | Peak: #7 ] Thanks For Your Comments!
  14. MSSA stands for Most Streamed Songs and Albums chart. I use my weekly LastFM playcount to determine my chart. The first edition of the MSSA was on the 13th of October 2006. It's my weekly chart. Running from Fridays to Thursdays. 2024 #1's weeks #1 to #11 Songs: #01 / 2024 - Keep your Head Up - Take That - 23 streams #02 / 2024 - Happy - Joy Denalane - 20 streams #03 / 2024 - Keep your Head Up - Take That - 10 streams #04 / 2024 - Good People - Mumford & Sons - 29 streams #05 / 2024 - Selfish - Justin Timberlake - 72 streams #06 / 2024 - Evolution - Sheryl Crow - 14 streams #07 / 2024 - Tuta Gold - Mahmood - 39 streams #08 / 2024 - Yes, And? Remix - Ariana Grande & Mariah Carey - 205 streams #09 / 2024 - Yes, And? Remix - Ariana Grande & Mariah Carey - 100 streams #10 / 2024 - Yes, And? Remix - Ariana Grande & Mariah Carey - 55 streams #11 / 2024 - We Can't Be Friends (Wait for your Love) - Ariana Grande - 62 streams Albums: #01 / 2024 - This Life - Take That - 240 streams #02 / 2024 - Prink Friday 2 - Nicki Minaj - 173 streams #03 / 2024 - This Life - Take That - 85 streams #04 / 2024 - This Life - Take That - 66 streams #05 / 2024 - This Life - Take That - 43 streams #06 / 2024 - Butterfly 25 - Mariah Carey - 37 streams #07 / 2024 - Coming Home - Usher - 187 streams #08 / 2024 - Coming Home - Usher - 133 streams #09 / 2024 - Coming Home - Usher - 142 streams #10 / 2024 - Das Ende der Welt - KLAN - 225 streams #11 / 2024 - Eternal Sunshine - Ariana Grande - 424 streams
  15. Welcome to my new decade ending countdown. Where I will counting down my favorite songs for the 1980's. I will be posting links to the videos/songs. So that you know which song I am talking about.There will be some suprises in store for this chart.So gotta watch out for that. Before the first set is revealed, here is a look back at the Top 10 of 1990's. Top 10 Recap: 10.The Cure - High (1992) 09.Matchbox 20 - Push (1997) 08.Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Into The Great Wide Open (1991) 07.Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger (MTV Unplugged) (1996) 06.Black Crowes - Sometimes Salvation (1993) 05.Duran Duran - Ordinary World (Album Version) (1993) 04.Nirvana - Lithium (MTV Live & Loud Version) (1992) 03.Scorpions - Wind Of Change (Acoustic) (1991) 02.Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine (1991) 01.Soundgarden - Fell On Black Days (1995)
  16. http://i.imgur.com/yQx4cQF.png Hello guys, Here we go again! Past Countdown [2010-2016]
  17. Loco's Weekly Faves January 22, 2017 #1. Ed Sheeran - Shape of you 1 Week | Peak 1(1) | NEW #2. Sia - Move your Body 2 Weeks | Peak 1(1) | -1 #3. Lady Gaga - Million Reasons 6 Weeks | Peak 1(4) | -1 #4. Clean Bandit ft. Anne Marie & Sean Paul - Rockabye 8 Weeks | Peak 2 | +3 #5. Tove Lo - True Disaster 2 Weeks | Peak 3 | -2 #6. David Guetta & Cedric Gervais - Would I Lie to you? 1 Week | Peak 6 | NEW #7. ZAYN & Taylor Swift | I Don't Wanna Live Forever 3 Weeks | Peak 6 | +1 #8. Fergie - Life Goes on 6 Weeks | Peak 2 | +2 #9. Britney Spears - Slumber Party 9 Weeks | Peak 2 | = #10. Maroon 5 - Don't Wanna Know 7 Weeks | Peak 1(1) | -4 #11. Calvin Harris - My Way 9 Weeks | Peak 1(1) | -6 Out: Panic! at the Disco - LA Devotee (*Retirement) Martin Garrix ft. Bebe Rexha - In the Name of Love Anticipating Movies: #1. La La Land #2. Split #3. Moonlight #4. Nocturnal Animals #5. Hidden Figures
  18. This thread is for my hypothetical playlist, the Mediabase Alt Top 30, and any special playlist shows. Archive: ATRL Classic
  19. WEEK 17 "we can't be friends (wait for your love)" and "I LUV IT" keep their peak position at #1 (for the 5th consecutive week) and at #2 respectively. "Illusion" by Dua Lipa conquers the Top 3 in its second week by reaching position #3. "Fortnight" by Taylor Swift and Post Malone, the lead single off of the #1 album THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT, debuts at #4 missing the Top spot for just a few points. Going up from #11 to #9, "Espresso" enters the Top 10earning another hit to Sabrina Carpenter. "My Oh My" by Ava Max goes up and reaches a new peak at #12, same for "Forget About Us" by Perrie, up at #14 and "Stealin' Love" by Leigh-Anne up at #18. "From The Jump" by James Arthur and Kelly Clarkson debuts at #30, while "FTCU (SLEEZEMIX)" by Nicki MInaj, Travis Scott, Chris Brown and Sexxy Red enters at #36. To discover more check the full chart below: 2024 #1 Singles Albums Chart WEEK 17 2024 #1 Albums 2017 #1 Singles 2017's #1 Albums 2018 #1 Singles 2018's #1 Albums 2019 #1s Singles 2019 #1s Albums 2020 #1 Singles 2020 #1 Albums 2021 #1 Singles 2021 #1 Albums 2022 #1 Singles
  20. posting random 10 albums of the week i both recommend and not recommend at the same time. 26/04/2024 week schedules booked and insurance on board, probably mid of may in next update and overthinking about cheat days. beyond exciting for IVE new music our girls will PAK the worldwide once more. LustSickPuppy - Carousel From Hell - Digital Hardcore latest workout playlist in town Pigbaby - I Don't Care If Anyone Listens to This **** Once You Do - Avant-Folk the mask is a lie Naemi - Dust Devil - Ambient Pop sure lot of things going on Carlos Giffoni - Dream Walker - Electronic memories remembrance Abul Mogard & Rafael Anton Irisarri - Impossibly Distant, Impossibly Close - Drone bubble bath and meditation Lanark Artefax - Metallur - UK Bass middle set during festival that give the best experience and worth the money Nick Dunston - Colla Voce - Avant-Garde Jazz rebel against tiktok music Ensemble Gageego! / Rei Munakata - Infiltrations - Modern Classical whatever that is, it makes you happy for a whole day Anycia - Princess Pop That - Trap if you dont get her, im so so sorry Dawn Chorus and the Infallible Sea - Reveries - Ambient ambient for non-ambient listeners
  21. Stats (partially updated 10 September 2023) - - - 2011 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Grenade - Bruno Mars (1 wk @1) Wk 2 - Firework - Katy Perry (1 wk @1) Wk 3 - Firework - Katy Perry (2 wks @1) Wk 4 - The Time (Dirty Bit) - Black Eyed Peas (1 wk @1) Wk 5 - What's My Name - Rihanna ft. Drake (1 wk @1) Wk 6 - What's My Name - Rihanna ft. Drake (2 wks @1) Wk 7 - F***kin' Perfect - P!nk (1 wk @1) Wk 8 - Rocketeer - Far*East Movement ft. Ryan Tedder (1 wk @1) Wk 9 - Firework - Katy Perry (3 wks @1) Wk 10 - Rocketeer - Far*East Movement ft. Ryan Tedder (2 wks @1) Wk 11 - Born This Way - Lady Gaga (1 wk @1) Wk 12 - Just Can't Get Enough - Black Eyed Peas (1 wk @1) Wk 13 - Just Can't Get Enough - Black Eyed Peas (2 wks @1) Wk 14 - Just Can't Get Enough - Black Eyed Peas (3 wks @1) Wk 15 - E.T - Katy Perry ft. Kanye West (1 wk @1) Wk 16 - E.T - Katy Perry ft. Kanye West (2 wks @1) Wk 17 - Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock (1 wk @1) Wk 18 - E.T - Katy Perry ft. Kanye West (3 wks @1) Wk 19 - Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock (2 wks @1) Wk 20 - Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock (3 wks @1) Wk 21 - Give Me Everything - Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer (1 wk @1) Wk 22 - Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock (4 wks @1) Wk 23 - Rolling in The Deep - Adele (1 wk @1) Wk 24 - Rolling in The Deep - Adele (2 wks @1) Wk 25 - Smile - Avril Lavigne (1 wk @1) Wk 26 - Smile - Avril Lavigne (2 wks @1) Wk 27 - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry (1 wk @1) Wk 28 - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry (2 wks @1) Wk 29 - I Wanna Go - Britney Spears (1 wk @1) Wk 30 - I Wanna Go - Britney Spears (2 wks @1) Wk 31 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera (1 wk @1) Wk 32 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera (2 wks @1) Wk 33 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera (3 wks @1) Wk 34 - Super Bass - Nicki Minaj (1 wk @1) Wk 35 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera (4 wks @1) Wk 36 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera (5 wks @1) Wk 37 - Fly - Nicki Minaj ft. Rihanna (1 wk @1) Wk 38 - Fly - Nicki Minaj ft. Rihanna (2 wks @1) Wk 39 - Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne (1 wk @1) Wk 40 - Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne (2 wks @1) Wk 41 - Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People (1 wk @1) Wk 42 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (1 wk @1) Wk 43 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (2 wks @1) Wk 44 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (3 wks @1) Wk 45 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (4 wks @1) Wk 46 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (5 wks @1) Wk 47 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (6 wks @1) Wk 48 - Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO (1 wk @1) Wk 49 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (7 wks @1) Wk 50 - The One That Got Away - Katy Perry (1 wk @1) Wk 51 - We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (8 wks @1) Wk 52 - Levels - Avicii (1 wk @1) - - - 2012 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Levels - Avicii (2 wks @1) Wk 2 - Levels - Avicii (3 wks @1) Wk 3 - Domino - Jessie J (1 wk @1) Wk 4 - Domino - Jessie J (2 wks @1) Wk 5 - Domino - Jessie J (3 wks @1) Wk 6 - Turn Me On - David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj (1 wk @1) Wk 7 - Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra (1 wk @1) Wk 8 - Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra (2 wks @1) Wk 9 - Lights - Ellie Goulding (1 wk @1) Wk 10 - Lights - Ellie Goulding (2 wks @1) Wk 11 - Lights - Ellie Goulding (3 wks @1) Wk 12 - Glad You Came - The Wanted (1 wk @1) Wk 13 - Glad You Came - The Wanted (2 wks @1) Wk 14 - Glad You Came - The Wanted (3 wks @1) Wk 15 - Brokenhearted - Karmin (1 wk @1) Wk 16 - Brokenhearted - Karmin (2 wks @1) Wk 17 - Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra (3 wks @1) Wk 18 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (1 wk @1) Wk 19 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (2 wks @1) Wk 20 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (3 wks @1) Wk 21 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (4 wks @1) Wk 22 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (5 wks @1) Wk 23 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (6 wks @1) Wk 24 - Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen (1 wk @1) Wk 25 - Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa (7 wks @1) Wk 26 - Call My Name - Cheryl Cole (1 wk @1) Wk 27 - Some Nights - fun. (1 wk @1) Wk 28 - Some Nights - fun. (2 wks @1) Wk 29 - Some Nights - fun. (3 wks @1) Wk 30 - Some Nights - fun. (4 wks @1) Wk 31 - Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen (1 wk @#1) Wk 32 - Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen (2 wks @#1) Wk 33 - Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen (3 wks @#1) Wk 34 - We'll Be Coming Back - Calvin Harris ft. Example (1 wk @#1) Wk 35 - We'll Be Coming Back - Calvin Harris ft. Example (2 wks @#1) Wk 36 - We'll Be Coming Back - Calvin Harris ft. Example (3 wks @#1) Wk 37 - Gangnam Style - PSY (1 wk @#1) Wk 38 - Gangnam Style - PSY (2 wks @#1) Wk 39 - Gangnam Style - PSY (3 wks @#1) Wk 40 - Gangnam Style - PSY (4 wks @#1) Wk 41 - Gangnam Style - PSY (5 wks @#1) Wk 42 - Gangnam Style - PSY (6 wks @#1) Wk 43 - Gangnam Style - PSY (7 wks @#1) Wk 44 - Catch My Breath - Kelly Clarkson (1 wk @#1) Wk 45 - Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias ft. Sammy Adams (1 wk @#1) Wk 46 - Finally Found You - Enrique Iglesias ft. Sammy Adams (2 wks @#1) Wk 47 - Catch My Breath - Kelly Clarkson (2 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Die Young - Ke$ha (1 wk @#1) Wk 49 - Die Young - Ke$ha (2 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Die Young - Ke$ha (3 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin (1 wk @#1) Wk 52 - Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin (2 wks @#1) - - - 2013 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin (3 wks @#1) Wk 2 - Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin (4 wks @#1) Wk 3 - Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin (5 wks @#1) Wk 4 - Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz (1 wk @#1) Wk 5 - Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz (2 wks @#1) Wk 6 - Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz (3 wks @#1) Wk 7 - Scream And Shout - will.i.am ft. Britney Spears (1 wk @#1) Wk 8 - Scream And Shout - will.i.am ft. Britney Spears (2 wks @#1) Wk 9 - Same Love - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Mary Lambert (1 wk @#1) Wk 10 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (1 wk @#1) Wk 11 - Harlem Shake - Baauer (1 wk @#1) Wk 12 - Harlem Shake - Baauer (2 wks @#1) Wk 13 - Harlem Shake - Baauer (3 wks @#1) Wk 14 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (2 wks @#1) Wk 15 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (3 wks @#1) Wk 16 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (4 wks @#1) Wk 17 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (5 wks @#1) Wk 18 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (6 wks @#1) Wk 19 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess (7 wks @#1) Wk 20 - Can't Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ray Dalton (1 wk @#1) Wk 21 - Can't Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ray Dalton (2 wks @#1) Wk 22 - Can't Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ray Dalton (3 wks @#1) Wk 23 - Can't Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ray Dalton (4 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Mirrors - Justin Timberlake (1 wk @#1) Wk 25 - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell Williams & T.I (1 wk @#1) Wk 26 - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell Williams & T.I (2 wks @#1) Wk 27 - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell Williams & T.I (3 wks @#1) Wk 28 - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell Williams & T.I (4 wks @#1) Wk 29 - Get Lucky - Daft Punk ft. Pharrell Williams (1 wk @#1) Wk 30 - Get Lucky - Daft Punk ft. Pharrell Williams (2 wks @#1) Wk 31 - Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (1 wk @#1) Wk 32 - Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (2 wks @#1) Wk 33 - Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (3 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Wake Me Up! - Avicii ft. Aloe Blacc (1 wk @#1) Wk 35 - Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (4 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Roar - Katy Perry (1 wk @#1) Wk 37 - Roar - Katy Perry (2 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Roar - Katy Perry (3 wks @#1) Wk 39 - Roar - Katy Perry (4 wks @#1) Wk 40 - Roar - Katy Perry (5 wks @#1) Wk 41 - Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams (1 wk @#1) Wk 42 - Royals - Lorde (1 wk @#1) Wk 43 - Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams (2 wks @#1) Wk 44 - Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams (3 wks @#1) Wk 45 - Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams (4 wks @#1) Wk 46 - Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams (5 wks @#1) Wk 47 - Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams (6 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Do What U Want - Lady Gaga ft. R. Kelly (1 wk @#1) Wk 49 - Do What U Want - Lady Gaga ft. R. Kelly (2 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Demons - Imagine Dragons (1 wk @#1) Wk 51 - Demons - Imagine Dragons (2 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Demons - Imagine Dragons (3 wks @#1) - - - 2014 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Timber - Ke$ha ft. Pitbull (1 wk @#1) Wk 2 - Counting Stars - OneRepublic (1 wk @#1) Wk 3 - Counting Stars - OneRepublic (2 wks @#1) Wk 4 - Counting Stars - OneRepublic (3 wks @#1) Wk 5 - Dark Horse - Katy Perry ft. Juicy J (1 wk @#1) Wk 6 - Say Something - A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera (1 wk @#1) Wk 7 - Say Something - A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera (2 wks @#1) Wk 8 - Dark Horse - Katy Perry ft. Juicy J (2 wks @#1) Wk 9 - Dark Horse - Katy Perry ft. Juicy J (3 wks @#1) Wk 10 - Dark Horse - Katy Perry ft. Juicy J (4 wks @#1) Wk 11 - Settle Down - The 1975 (1 wk @#1) Wk 12 - Settle Down - The 1975 (2 wks @#1) Wk 13 - I Want It All - Karmin (1 wk @#1) Wk 14 - I Want It All - Karmin (2 wks @#1) Wk 15 - Happy - Pharrell Williams (1 wk @#1) Wk 16 - I Want It All - Karmin (3 wks @#1) Wk 17 - Rather Be - Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne (1 wk @#1) Wk 18 - Rather Be - Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne (2 wks @#1) Wk 19 - Sing - Ed Sheeran (1 wk @#1) Wk 20 - Sing - Ed Sheeran (2 wks @#1) Wk 21 - Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea (1 wk @#1) Wk 22 - Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea (2 wks @#1) Wk 23 - Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea (3 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea (4 wks @#1) Wk 25 - Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea (5 wks @#1) Wk 26 - A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay (1 wk @#1) Wk 27 - A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay (2 wks @#1) Wk 28 - A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay (3 wks @#1) Wk 29 - A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay (4 wks @#1) Wk 30 - A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay (5 wks @#1) Wk 31 - A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay (6 wks @#1) Wk 32 - Latch - Disclosure ft. Sam Smith (1 wk @#1) Wk 33 - Latch - Disclosure ft. Sam Smith (2 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Boom Clap - Charli XCX (1 wk @#1) Wk 35 - Boom Clap - Charli XCX (2 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Shake It Off - Taylor Swift (1 wk @#1) Wk 37 - Shake It Off - Taylor Swift (2 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Shake It Off - Taylor Swift (3 wks @#1) Wk 39 - Cool Kids - Echosmith (1 wk @#1) Wk 40 - Cool Kids - Echosmith (2 wks @#1) Wk 41 - Cool Kids - Echosmith (3 wks @#1) Wk 42 - All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor (1 wk @#1) Wk 43 - All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor (2 wks @#1) Wk 44 - All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor (3 wks @#1) Wk 45 - All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor (4 wks @#1) Wk 46 - Habits (Stay High) - Tove Lo ft. Hippie Sabotage (1 wk @#1) Wk 47 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (1 wk @#1) Wk 48 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (2 wks @#1) Wk 49 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (3 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (4 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (5 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (6 wks @#1) - - - 2015 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (7 wks @#1) Wk 2 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift (8 wks @#1) Wk 3 - Take Me To Church - Hozier (1 wk @#1) Wk 4 - Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (1 wk @#1) Wk 5 - Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (2 wks @#1) Wk 6 - Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran (1 wk @#1) Wk 7 - Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran (2 wks @#1) Wk 8 - Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (3 wks @#1) Wk 9 - Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran (3 wks @#1) Wk 10 - Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding (1 wk @#1) Wk 11 - Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding (2 wks @#1) Wk 12 - Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding (3 wks @#1) Wk 13 - Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding (4 wks @#1) Wk 14 - FourFiveSeconds - Rihanna, Paul McCartney & Kanye West (1 wk @#1) Wk 15 - Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON (1 wk @#1) Wk 16 - Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON (2 wks @#1) Wk 17 - See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth (1 wk @#1) Wk 18 - See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth (2 wks @#1) Wk 19 - See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth (3 wks @#1) Wk 20 - See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth (4 wks @#1) Wk 21 - See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth (5 wks @#1) Wk 22 - Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar (1 wk @#1) Wk 23 - Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar (2 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (1 wk @#1) Wk 25 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (2 wks @#1) Wk 26 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (3 wks @#1) Wk 27 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (4 wks @#1) Wk 28 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (5 wks @#1) Wk 29 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (6 wks @#1) Wk 30 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (7 wks @#1) Wk 31 - Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ (8 wks @#1) Wk 32 - Marvin Gaye - Charlie Puth ft. Meghan Trainor (1 wk @#1) Wk 33 - Marvin Gaye - Charlie Puth ft. Meghan Trainor (2 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Marvin Gaye - Charlie Puth ft. Meghan Trainor (3 wks @#1) Wk 35 - Marvin Gaye - Charlie Puth ft. Meghan Trainor (4 wks @#1) Wk 36 - How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris & Disciples (1 wk @#1) Wk 37 - How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris & Disciples (2 wks @#1) Wk 38 - What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber (1 wk @#1) Wk 39 - What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber (2 wks @#1) Wk 40 - What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber (3 wks @#1) Wk 41 - The Hills - The Weeknd (1 wk @#1) Wk 42 - The Hills - The Weeknd (2 wks @#1) Wk 43 - The Hills - The Weeknd (3 wks @#1) Wk 44 - The Hills - The Weeknd (4 wks @#1) Wk 45 - The Hills - The Weeknd (5 wks @#1) Wk 46 - Hotline Bling - Drake (1 wk @#1) Wk 47 - Hotline Bling - Drake (2 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Dessert - Dawin (1 wk @#1) Wk 49 - Sorry - Justin Bieber (1 wk @#1) Wk 50 - Sorry - Justin Bieber (2 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Hello - Adele (1 wk @#1) Wk 52 - Hello - Adele (2 wks @#1) Wk 53 - Hello - Adele (3 wks @#1) - - - 2016 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes (1 wk @#1) Wk 2 - Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes (2 wks @#1) Wk 3 - Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes (3 wks @#1) Wk 4 - Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes (4 wks @#1) Wk 5 - Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes (5 wks @#1) Wk 6 - Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes (6 wks @#1) Wk 7 - Stressed Out - twenty one pilots (1 wk @#1) Wk 8 - Stressed Out - twenty one pilots (2 wks @#1) Wk 9 - Stressed Out - twenty one pilots (3 wks @#1) Wk 10 - Stressed Out - twenty one pilots (4 wks @#1) Wk 11 - Stressed Out - twenty one pilots (5 wks @#1) Wk 12 - YOUTH - Troye Sivan (1 wk @#1) Wk 13 - Work - Rihanna ft. Drake (1 wk @#1) Wk 14 - 7 Years - Lukas Graham (1 wk @#1) Wk 15 - 7 Years - Lukas Graham (2 wks @#1) Wk 16 - 7 Years - Lukas Graham (3 wks @#1) Wk 17 - 7 Years - Lukas Graham (4 wks @#1) Wk 18 - Faded - Alan Walker (1 wk @#1) Wk 19 - Faded - Alan Walker (2 wks @#1) Wk 20 - Faded - Alan Walker (3 wks @#1) Wk 21 - I Took A Pill In Ibiza - Mike Posner (1 wk @#1) Wk 22 - I Took A Pill In Ibiza - Mike Posner (2 wks @#1) Wk 23 - I Took A Pill In Ibiza - Mike Posner (3 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers ft. Daya (1 wk @#1) Wk 25 - Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers ft. Daya (2 wks @#1) Wk 26 - This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna (1 wk @#1) Wk 27 - This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna (2 wks @#1) Wk 28 - This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna (3 wks @#1) Wk 29 - This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna (4 wks @#1) Wk 30 - We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez (1 wk @#1) Wk 31 - We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez (2 wks @#1) Wk 32 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (1 wk @#1) Wk 33 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (2 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (3 wks @#1) Wk 35 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (4 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (5 wks @#1) Wk 37 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (6 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (7 wks @#1) Wk 39 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (8 wks @#1) Wk 40 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (9 wks @#1) Wk 41 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (10 wks @#1) Wk 42 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (11 wks @#1) Wk 43 - Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (12 wks @#1) Wk 44 - Let Me Love You - DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber (1 wk @#1) Wk 45 - 24K Magic - Bruno Mars (1 wk @#1) Wk 46 - 24K Magic - Bruno Mars (2 wks @#1) Wk 47 - 24K Magic - Bruno Mars (3 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (1 wk @#1) Wk 49 - Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (2 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (3 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (4 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Starboy - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk (1 wk @#1) - - - 2017 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Starboy - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk (2 wks @#1) Wk 2 - Starboy - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk (3 wks @#1) Wk 3 - Starboy - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk (4 wks @#1) Wk 4 - Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (5 wks @#1) Wk 5 - Bad Things - Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello (1 wk @#1) Wk 6 - I Feel It Coming - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk (1 wk @#1) Wk 7 - I Feel It Coming - The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk (2 wks @#1) Wk 8 - Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran (1 wk @#1) Wk 9 - Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran (2 wks @#1) Wk 10 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (1 wk @#1) Wk 11 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (2 wks @#1) Wk 12 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (3 wks @#1) Wk 13 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (4 wks @#1) Wk 14 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (5 wks @#1) Wk 15 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (6 wks @#1) Wk 16 - Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (7 wks @#1) Wk 17 - Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara (1 wk @#1) Wk 18 - Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara (2 wks @#1) Wk 19 - Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara (3 wks @#1) Wk 20 - Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara (4 wks @#1) Wk 21 - Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara (5 wks @#1) Wk 22 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (1 wk @#1) Wk 23 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (2 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (3 wks @#1) Wk 25 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (4 wks @#1) Wk 26 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (5 wks @#1) Wk 27 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (6 wks @#1) Wk 28 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (7 wks @#1) Wk 29 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (8 wks @#1) Wk 30 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (9 wks @#1) Wk 31 - Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber (10 wks @#1) Wk 32 - Wild Thoughts - DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna & Bryson Tiller (1 wk @#1) Wk 33 - Wild Thoughts - DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna & Bryson Tiller (2 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Believer - Imagine Dragons (1 wk @#1) Wk 35 - Believer - Imagine Dragons (2 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift (1 wk @#1) Wk 37 - Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift (2 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift (3 wks @#1) Wk 39 - 1-800-273-8255 - Logic ft. Alessia Cara & Khalid (1 wk @#1) Wk 40 - 1-800-273-8255 - Logic ft. Alessia Cara & Khalid (2 wks @#1) Wk 41 - 1-800-273-8255 - Logic ft. Alessia Cara & Khalid (3 wks @#1) Wk 42 - Thunder - Imagine Dragons (1 wk @#1) Wk 43 - Thunder - Imagine Dragons (2 wks @#1) Wk 44 - Thunder - Imagine Dragons (3 wks @#1) Wk 45 - New Rules - Dua Lipa (1 wk @#1) Wk 46 - Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man (1 wk @#1) Wk 47 - Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man (2 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man (3 wks @#1) Wk 49 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (1 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (2 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (3 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (4 wks @#1) - - - 2018 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (5 wks @#1) Wk 2 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (6 wks @#1) Wk 3 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (7 wks @#1) Wk 4 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (8 wks @#1) Wk 5 - Havana - Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug (1 wk @#1) Wk 6 - Perfect - Ed Sheeran (9 wks @#1) Wk 7 - Havana - Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug (2 wks @#1) Wk 8 - Wolves - Selena Gomez & Marshmello (1 wk @#1) Wk 9 - Meant To Be - Bebe Rexha ft. Florida Georgia Line (1 wk @#1) Wk 10 - The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey (1 wk @#1) Wk 11 - The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey (2 wks @#1) Wk 12 - Psycho - Post Malone ft. Ty Dolla $ign (1 wk @#1) Wk 13 - Psycho - Post Malone ft. Ty Dolla $ign (2 wks @#1) Wk 14 - Mine - Bazzi (1 wk @#1) Wk 15 - Mine - Bazzi (2 wks @#1) Wk 16 - Mine - Bazzi (3 wks @#1) Wk 17 - Mine - Bazzi (4 wks @#1) Wk 18 - Mine - Bazzi (5 wks @#1) Wk 19 - God's Plan - Drake (1 wk @#1) Wk 20 - No Tears Left To Cry - Ariana Grande (1 wk @#1) Wk 21 - No Tears Left To Cry - Ariana Grande (2 wks @#1) Wk 22 - No Tears Left To Cry - Ariana Grande (3 wks @#1) Wk 23 - Freaky Friday - Lil Dicky ft. Chris Brown (1 wk @#1) Wk 24 - Freaky Friday - Lil Dicky ft. Chris Brown (2 wks @#1) Wk 25 - Freaky Friday - Lil Dicky ft. Chris Brown (3 wks @#1) Wk 26 - SAD! - XXXTentacion (1 wk @#1) Wk 27 - SAD! - XXXTentacion (2 wks @#1) Wk 28 - Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B (1 wk @#1) Wk 29 - Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B (2 wks @#1) Wk 30 - Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B (3 wks @#1) Wk 31 - Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B (4 wks @#1) Wk 32 - In My Feelings - Drake (1 wk @#1) Wk 33 - In My Feelings - Drake (2 wks @#1) Wk 34 - In My Feelings - Drake (3 wks @#1) Wk 35 - In My Feelings - Drake (4 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Youngblood - 5 Seconds Of Summer (1 wk @#1) Wk 37 - Youngblood - 5 Seconds Of Summer (2 wks @#1) Wk 38 - No Brainer - DJ Khaled ft. Justin Bieber, Chance the Rapper & Quavo (1 wk @#1) Wk 39 - No Brainer - DJ Khaled ft. Justin Bieber, Chance the Rapper & Quavo (2 wks @#1) Wk 40 - No Brainer - DJ Khaled ft. Justin Bieber, Chance the Rapper & Quavo (3 wks @#1) Wk 41 - Lucky You - Eminem ft. Joyner Lucas (1 wk @#1) Wk 42 - Natural - Imagine Dragons (1 wk @#1) Wk 43 - Natural - Imagine Dragons (2 wks @#1) Wk 44 - Natural - Imagine Dragons (3 wks @#1) Wk 45 - Natural - Imagine Dragons (4 wks @#1) Wk 46 - Happier - Marshmello & Bastille (1 wk @#1) Wk 47 - Happier - Marshmello & Bastille (2 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Happier - Marshmello & Bastille (3 wks @#1) Wk 49 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (1 wk @#1) Wk 50 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (2 wks @#1) Wk 51 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (3 wks @#1) Wk 52 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (4 wks @#1) - - - 2019 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (5 wks @#1) Wk 2 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (6 wks @#1) Wk 3 - thank u, next - Ariana Grande (7 wks @#1) Wk 4 - High Hopes - Panic! At The Disco (1 wk @#1) Wk 5 - Sicko Mode - Travis Scott ft. Drake (1 wk @#1) Wk 6 - Sunflower - Post Malone & Swae Lee (1 wk @#1) Wk 7 - Sunflower - Post Malone & Swae Lee (2 wks @#1) Wk 8 - Without Me - Halsey (1 wk @#1) Wk 9 - Without Me - Halsey (2 wks @#1) Wk 10 - Sunflower - Post Malone & Swae Lee (3 wks @#1) Wk 11 - 7 Rings - Ariana Grande (1 wk @#1) Wk 12 - 7 Rings - Ariana Grande (2 wks @#1) Wk 13 - 7 Rings - Ariana Grande (3 wks @#1) Wk 14 - 7 Rings - Ariana Grande (4 wks @#1) Wk 15 - 7 Rings - Ariana Grande (5 wks @#1) Wk 16 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (1 wk @#1, First #1 debut!) Wk 17 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (2 wks @#1) Wk 18 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (3 wks @#1) Wk 19 - ME! - Taylor Swift ft. Brendon Urie (1 wk @#1) Wk 20 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (4 wks @#1) Wk 21 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (5 wks @#1) Wk 22 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (6 wks @#1) Wk 23 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (7 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (8 wks @#1) Wk 25 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (9 wks @#1) Wk 26 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (10 wks @#1) Wk 27 - bad guy - Billie Eilish (1 wk @#1) Wk 28 - bad guy - Billie Eilish (2 wks @#1) Wk 29 - bad guy - Billie Eilish (3 wks @#1) Wk 30 - bad guy - Billie Eilish (4 wks @#1) Wk 31 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (1 wk @#1) Wk 32 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (2 wks @#1) Wk 33 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (3 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (4 wks @#1) Wk 35 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (5 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (6 wks @#1) Wk 37 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (7 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (8 wks @#1) Wk 39 - Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi (1 wk @#1) Wk 40 - Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi (2 wks @#1) Wk 41 - Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi (3 wks @#1) Wk 42 - Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi (4 wks @#1) Wk 43 - Lover - Taylor Swift (1 wk @#1) Wk 44 - Lover - Taylor Swift (2 wks @#1) Wk 45 - Truth Hurts - Lizzo (1 wk @#1) Wk 46 - Goodbyes - Post Malone ft. Young Thug (1 wk @#1) Wk 47 - 10,000 Hours - Dan + Shay & Justin Bieber (1 wk @#1) Wk 48 - Dance Monkey - Tones and I (1 wks @#1) Wk 49 - Dance Monkey - Tones and I (2 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Dance Monkey - Tones and I (3 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Dance Monkey - Tones and I (4 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Dance Monkey - Tones and I (5 wks @#1) - - - 2020 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - ROXANNE - Arizona Zervas (1 wk @#1) Wk 2 - ROXANNE - Arizona Zervas (2 wks @#1) Wk 3 - Memories - Maroon 5 (1 wk @#1) Wk 4 - Memories - Maroon 5 (2 wks @#1) Wk 5 - Ride It - Regard (1 wk @#1) Wk 6 - Ride It - Regard (2 wks @#1) Wk 7 - Memories - Maroon 5 (3 wks @#1) Wk 8 - Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish (1 wk @#1) Wk 9 - Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish (2 wks @#1) Wk 10 - The Box - Roddy Ricch (1 wk @#1) Wk 11 - The Box - Roddy Ricch (2 wks @#1) Wk 12 - What A Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers (1 wk @#1) Wk 13 - What A Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers (2 wks @#1) Wk 14 - Say So - Doja Cat (1 wk @#1) Wk 15 - Say So - Doja Cat (2 wks @#1) Wk 16 - Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (1 wk @#1) Wk 17 - Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (2 wks @#1) Wk 18 - Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (3 wks @#1) Wk 19 - Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (4 wks @#1) Wk 20 - Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (5 wks @#1) Wk 21 - Say So - Doja Cat (3 wks @#1) Wk 22 - Roses (Imanbek Remix) - SAINt JHN (1 wk @#1) Wk 23 - Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (1 wk @#1) Wk 24 - Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (2 wks @#1) Wk 25 - Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (3 wks @#1) Wk 26 - Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (4 wks @#1) Wk 27 - Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (5 wks @#1) Wk 28 - Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (6 wks @#1) Wk 29 - Be Kind - Marshmello & Halsey (1 wk @#1) Wk 30 - Savage Love - Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo (1 wk @#1) Wk 31 - Savage Love - Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo (2 wks @#1) Wk 32 - Savage Love - Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo (3 wks @#1) Wk 33 - Savage Love - Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo (4 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Break My Heart - Dua Lipa (1 wk @#1) Wk 35 - Breaking Me - Topic & A7S (1 wk @#1) Wk 36 - Breaking Me - Topic & A7S (2 wks @#1) Wk 37 - Breaking Me - Topic & A7S (3 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Head & Heart - Joel Corry ft. MNEK (1 wk @#1) Wk 39 - Head & Heart - Joel Corry ft. MNEK (2 wks @#1) Wk 40 - WAP - Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion (1 wk @#1) Wk 41 - Dynamite - BTS (1 wk @#1) Wk 42 - Dynamite - BTS (2 wks @#1) Wk 43 - Mood - 24k Goldn ft. Iann Dior (1 wk @#1) Wk 44 - Mood - 24k Goldn ft. Iann Dior (2 wks @#1) Wk 45 - Mood - 24k Goldn ft. Iann Dior (3 wks @#1) Wk 46 - Mood - 24k Goldn ft. Iann Dior (4 wks @#1) Wk 47 - Head & Heart - Joel Corry ft. MNEK (3 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Mood - 24k Goldn ft. Iann Dior (5 wks @#1) Wk 49 - Mood - 24k Goldn ft. Iann Dior (6 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Levitating - Dua Lipa (1 wk @#1) Wk 51 - Levitating - Dua Lipa (2 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Levitating - Dua Lipa (3 wks @#1) Wk 53 - Levitating - Dua Lipa (4 wks @#1) - - - 2021 Number One Songs - - - Wk 1 - Levitating - Dua Lipa (5 wks @#1) Wk 2 - Levitating - Dua Lipa (6 wks @#1) Wk 3 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (1 wk @#1) Wk 4 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (2 wks @#1) Wk 5 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (3 wks @#1) Wk 6 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (4 wks @#1) Wk 7 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (5 wks @#1) Wk 8 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (6 wks @#1) Wk 9 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (7 wks @#1) Wk 10 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (8 wks @#1) Wk 11 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (9 wks @#1) Wk 12 - drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo (10 wks @#1) Wk 13 - Heartbreak Anniversary - Giveon (1 wk @#1) Wk 14 - Leave The Door Open - Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic (1 wk @#1) Wk 15 - Leave The Door Open - Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic (2 wks @#1) Wk 16 - Leave The Door Open - Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic (3 wks @#1) Wk 17 - Leave The Door Open - Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic (4 wks @#1) Wk 18 - Heat Waves - Glass Animals (1 wk @#1) Wk 19 - Heat Waves - Glass Animals (2 wks @#1) Wk 20 - Astronaut In The Ocean - Masked Wolf (1 wk @#1) Wk 21 - Peaches - Justin Bieber ft. Daniel Caesar & Giveon (1 wk @#1) Wk 22 - Butter - BTS (1 wk @#1) Wk 23 - Butter - BTS (2 wks @#1) Wk 24 - Butter - BTS (3 wks @#1) Wk 25 - Butter - BTS (4 wks @#1) Wk 26 - Butter - BTS (5 wks @#1) Wk 27 - good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo (1 wk @#1) Wk 28 - good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo (2 wks @#1) Wk 29 - good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo (3 wks @#1) Wk 30 - good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo (4 wks @#1) Wk 31 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (1 wk @#1) Wk 32 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (2 wks @#1) Wk 33 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (3 wks @#1) Wk 34 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (4 wks @#1) Wk 35 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (5 wks @#1) Wk 36 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (6 wks @#1) Wk 37 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (7 wks @#1) Wk 38 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (8 wks @#1) Wk 39 - Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) - Elton John & Dua Lipa (1 wk @#1) Wk 40 - My Universe - Coldplay & BTS (1 wk @#1) Wk 41 - Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber (9 wks @#1) Wk 42 - Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) - Elton John & Dua Lipa (2 wks @#1) Wk 43 - My Universe - Coldplay & BTS (2 wks @#1) Wk 44 - My Universe - Coldplay & BTS (3 wks @#1) Wk 45 - My Universe - Coldplay & BTS (4 wks @#1) Wk 46 - Easy On Me - Adele (1 wk @#1) Wk 47 - Easy On Me - Adele (2 wks @#1) Wk 48 - Easy On Me - Adele (3 wks @#1) Wk 49 - Easy On Me - Adele (4 wks @#1) Wk 50 - Easy On Me - Adele (5 wks @#1) Wk 51 - Easy On Me - Adele (6 wks @#1) Wk 52 - Easy On Me - Adele (7 wks @#1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Weeks at #1: 12 weeks Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey | 2016 11 weeks Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift | 2022-23 10 weeks Last Night - Morgan Wallen | 2023 drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo | 2021 Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus | 2019 Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber | 2017 9 weeks Stay - The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber | 2021 Perfect - Ed Sheeran | 2017-2018 8 weeks As It Was - Harry Styles | 2022 Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello | 2019 Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake ft. MØ | 2015 Blank Space - Taylor Swift | 2014-2015 We Found Love - Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris | 2011 7 weeks Easy On Me - Adele | 2021 thank u, next - Ariana Grande | 2018-2019 Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay | 2017 Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft. Nate Ruess | 2013 Gangnam Style - PSY | 2012 Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa | 2012 6 weeks Levitating - Dua Lipa | 2020-2021 Mood - 24kGoldn ft. Iann Dior | 2020 Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande | 2020 Roses - The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes | 2016 A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay | 2014 Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams | 2013 5 weeks Butter - BTS | 2021 Blinding Lights - The Weeknd | 2020 Dance Monkey - Tones and I | 2019 7 Rings - Ariana Grande | 2019 Mine - Bazzi | 2018 Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara | 2017 Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane | 2016-2017 Stressed Out - twenty one pilots | 2016 The Hills - The Weeknd | 2015 See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth | 2015 Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea | 2014 Roar - Katy Perry | 2013 Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin | 2012-2013 Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera | 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biggest Jumps (any position) in History: Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (50-1, up 49 spots) What Do You Mean - Justin Bieber (50-2, up 48 spots) Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift (47-1, up 46 spots) ME! - Taylor Swift ft. Brendon Urie (47-1, up 46 spots) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biggest Jumps (to #1) in History: Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande (50-1, 49 spots) Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift (47-1, 46 spots) Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (29-1, 28 spots) Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay (24-1, 23 spots) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number One Debuts: Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo Butter - BTS My Universe - Coldplay & BTS Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Longest Climbs to Number One: 1. Imagine Dragons - Believer (29 weeks) 2. One Republic - Counting Stars (28 weeks) 3 (tie) Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (25 weeks) Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez - We Don't Talk Anymore (25 weeks) Imagine Dragons - Thunder (25 weeks) 4. Tove Lo ft. Hippie Sabotage - Habits (Stay High) (24 weeks) 5. Ed Sheeran - Perfect (23 weeks) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most Total Weeks on Chart (40 weeks or more) *** = still charting 59 weeks | Levitating - Dua Lipa ft. DaBaby 56 weeks | Stay - The Kid Laroi & Justin Bieber 55 weeks | Blinding Lights - The Weeknd 51 weeks | Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez & Em Beihold Perfect - Ed Sheeran 50 weeks | Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey Bad Guy - Billie Eilish Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi 49 weeks | ***Calm Down - Rema & Selena Gomez*** Believer - Imagine Dragons 48 weeks | Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON Thunder - Imagine Dragons 47 weeks | Imagine Dragons - Radioactive We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez Meant To Be - Bebe Rexha ft. Florida Georgia Line Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi 46 weeks | ***Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift*** Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus 45 weeks | Cold Heart (Pnau Remix) - Elton John & Dua Lipa 44 weeks | New Rules - Dua Lipa 43 weeks | As It Was - Harry Styles Enemy - Imagine Dragons Easy On Me - Adele Sunflower - Post Malone & Swae Lee Eastside - Benny Blanco, Halsey & Khalid Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B Youngblood - 5 Seconds Of Summer The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey Desapcito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber Versace on the Floor - Bruno Mars 42 weeks | I Like You (A Happier Song) - Post Malone ft. Doja Cat Sunroof - Nicky Youre & Dazy Dance Monkey - Tones and I Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello High Hopes - Panic! At The Disco Happier - Marshmello & Bastille Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay 41 weeks | drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo Head & Heart - Joel Corry & MNEK Say So - Doja Cat Dancing With A Stranger - Sam Smith & Normani Better - Khalid 1-800-273-8255 - Logic ft. Alessia Cara & Khalid Ride - twenty one pilots Counting Stars - One Republic 40 weeks | abcdefu - GAYLE Shivers - Ed Sheeran Industry Baby - Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo Ride It - Regard 7 Rings - Ariana Grande Attention - Charlie Puth Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra
  22. TOPS FLOCON 2020 (01/01/2020 - 31/03/2020) TOP 50 SINGLES 01 Doja Cat - Say So (118 pts) * 02 K.Michelle - Just Like Jay (46 pts) * 03 Meghan Trainor - Nice To Meet Ya (feat. Nicki Minaj) (43 pts) * 04 Dua Lipa - Don't Start Now (42 pts) * 05 Karol G - Tusa (feat. Nicki Minaj) (40 pts) * 06 M.O - Ex At The Party (38 pts) * 07 Doja Cat - Rules (37 pts) 08 Lauv - Tatoos Together (37 pts) * 09 Meghan Trainor - Wave (feat. Mike Sabath) (37 pts) * 10 Selena Gomez - Rare (37 pts) * 11 Summer Walker - Come Thru (feat. Usher) (37 pts) * 12 Tinashe - Save Room For Us (36 pts) * 13 BENEE - Glitter (35 pts) * 14 Doja Cat - Boss ***** (35 pts) * 15 Doja Cat - Juicy (35 pts) 16 Isabela Merced - PAPI (35 pts) * 17 Sam Sparro - Everything (35 pts) * 18 Vaimalama - Colore (35 pts) 19 Kash Doll - No Lames (feat. Summer Walker) (34 pts) * 20 Khalid - Up All Night (34 pts) 21 Victoria Monét - Ass Like That (34 pts) 22 Billie Eilish - everything i wanted (33 pts) * 23 Koffee - W (feat. Gunna) (32 pts) * 24 Megan Thee Stallion - B.I.T.C.H. (32 pts) * 25 Kyan Palmer - Ms. Last Night (31 pts) * 26 Lauv - ****, i'm lonely (feat. Anne-Marie) (30 pts) 27 Cat Burns - Fool In Love (28 pts) * 28 The Pussycat Dolls - React (28 pts) * 29 Jacky Clark-Chisholm - Feel Good - Rap Version (feat. Mary J. Blige) (27 pts) 30 Jhené Aiko - P*$$Y Fairy (OTW) (27 pts) 31 June's Diary - I Ain't With It (25 pts) 32 Phony Ppl - Fkn Around (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) (25 pts) * 33 IAMDDB - Bubble Tea (24 pts) 34 Marc E. Bassy - Just My Luck (feat. blackbear) (23 pts) 35 FINNEAS - Let's Fall In Love For The Night (22 pts) * 36 Leyla Blue - Peppa Pig (Prod. by Y2K) (22 pts) 37 Taylor Swift - The Man (22 pts) 38 Kim Petras - Reminds Me (21 pts) 39 Common Kings - Fish In The Sea (feat. Marc E. Bassy) (20 pts) 40 Meek Mill - Believe (feat. Justin Timberlake) (20 pts) 41 Alan Walker - Alone, Part II (feat. Ava Max) (19 pts) 42 K. Michelle - The Rain (19 pts) * 43 Lauv - Modern Loneliness (19 pts) * 44 Sam Hunt - Hard To Forget (19 pts) * 45 Tauren Wells - Millionaire (Good Like That) (feat. Kirk Franklin) (19 pts) 46 Doja Cat - Bottom ***** (17 pts) 47 Alec Benjamin - Demons (16 pts) 48 Big Freedia - Chasing Rainbows (feat. Kesha) (16 pts) * 49 Raja Kumari - Bindis And Bangles (16 pts) 50 Sônge - Mon Démon (16 pts) * : still playlisted TOP 30 ARTISTS 01 Doja Cat (331 pts) 02 Meghan Trainor (181 pts) 03 Lauv (142 pts) 04 K. Michelle (75 pts) 05 Tinashe (74 pts) 06 M.O (71 pts) 07 BENEE (67 pts) 08 Dua Lipa (67 pts) 09 The Pussycat Dolls (64 pts) 10 The Bonfyre (52 pts) 11 Selena Gomez (50 pts) 12 Sam Sparro (46 pts) 13 Kash Doll (41 pts) 14 Kyan Palmer (41 pts) 15 Karol G (40 pts) 16 Khalid (40 pts) 17 Koffee (40 pts) 18 Rosalia (39 pts) 19 Usher (38 pts) 20 Summer Walker (37 pts) 21 Vaimalama (37 pts) 22 Isabela Merced (35 pts) 23 Megan Thee Stallion (35 pts) 24 Justin Timberlake (34 pts) 25 Victoria Monét (34 pts) 26 Billie Eilish (33 pts) 27 FINNEAS (33 pts) 28 Cat Burns (32 pts) 29 Sam Hunt (32 pts) 30 Marc E. Bassy (31 pts) TOP 10 ALBUMS 01 Doja Cat - Hot Pink (238 pts) 02 Lauv - how i'm feeling (140 pts) 03 Meghan Trainor - TREAT MYSELF (117 pts) 04 K. Michelle - All Monsters Are Human (69 pts) 05 Doja Cat - Amala (Deluxe Version) (55 pts) 06 Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia (55 pts) 07 Tinashe - Songs For You (50 pts) 08 Selena Gomez - Rare (49 pts) 09 BENEE - Fire On Marzz (41 pts) 10 Kash Doll - Stacked (41 pts)
  23. Hello everyone! This is my first time doing something like this, so yeah... Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I listen to everything, and when I say everything it means LITERALLY everything, from pop songs to music from video games, music from the 50s to the present day. So yeah... welcome #1 Mariah Carey #1's: 13 SPS: 31,6k #2 Eartheater #1's: 6 SPS: 8,2k #3 Sevdaliza #1's: 2 SPS: 9k #4 Akira Yamaoka #1's: 4 SPS: 6,9k Certifications Certifications Certifications Certifications Albums Songs Albums Songs Albums Songs Albums Songs G: 6 16 G: 2 - G: - 1 G: 2 - P: 8 2 P: - - P: 1 1 P: - 2 D: - - D: - - D: - - D: - - #5 Paul Leonard-Morgan #1's: 4 SPS: 4,6k #6 NK #1's: 5 SPS: 6,7k #7 Cher #1's: 1 SPS: 5,9k #8 Doja Cat #1's: 3 SPS: 5,7k Certifications Certifications Certifications Certifications Albums Songs Albums Songs Albums Songs Albums Songs G: - - G: - - G: - - G: - - P: 1 1 P: - - P: - - P: - - D: - - D: - - D: - - D: - - #9 Maruv #1's: - SPS: 4,3k #10 Refused #1's: - SPS: 4,2k #11 Lady Gaga #1's: - SPS: 4,9k #12 Capcom #1's: 1 SPS: 5,1k Certifications Certifications Certifications Certifications Albums Songs Albums Songs Albums Songs Albums Songs G: 1 - G: - - G: - - G: - 1 P: - - P: - - P: - - P: - - D: - - D: - - D: - - D: - - Artists with the most #1 hits Largest number of weeks on Top 1 .
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