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  1. Hello I am going to try to get more active on ATRL to run some more games. I currently have my Track 1 game happening, that I am going to keep track of and intend on doing this one and one more (in the upcoming week or so.) This series will go from A to Z by the titles of the films. I love running musical chairs games. Sequels are allowed, so are remakes but when it's a remake (or a movie that has remakes please include the year) Let's have fun and good luck!
  2. Hello there ATRL! Welcome to the return of A TO Z! This is the 4th Season of this Musical Chairs and the 1st Season in the NEW ATRL era I'm Yvess and it will always be a huge honor for me to re-introduce this wonderful Musical Chairs that @Roman hosted on its 1st season, continued by holyground (idk ha new username) for its 2nd season and was continued for a 3rd season hosted by yours truly on OLD ATRL era. Now, in its 4th season that I will be hosting, hopefully I can pass it on to another talented atrler This game is fun and is ALWAYS OPEN for everyone MECHANICS: The game will have songs that represents the alphabet (A to Z) Each SET will have its own theme You can sign up songs from Popular to Flop artists/songs as long as they fit the theme and you love it Feel free to suggest next sets' theme SIGNUP RULES: Sign Up With 1 Song (we might open additional signups when we get 75% of the alphabets filled) The/A/An is Not Counted as T/A/A ☆ Sign up and Have FUN! ☆ LINK FOR THE PREVIOUS SEASON ON OLDTRL: https://classic.atrl.net/forums/showthread.php?t=754367
  3. WINNERS SECTION Month Artist Song Link March 2001 Dido Here With Me [1] October 2001 Linkin Park In the End [2] November 2001 Britney Spears I’m A Slave 4 U [3] December 2001 Shakira Suerte [4] January 2002 Britney Spears Overprotected [5] February 2002 Kylie Minogue Can’t Get You Out of My Head [6] March 2002 Nelly Furtado Turn Off the Light [7] April 2002 No Doubt Hey Baby (feat. Bounty Killer) [8] May 2002 System of a Down Toxicity [9] June 2002 Eminem Without Me [10] July 2002 Shakira Underneath Your Clothes [11] August 2002 Avril Lavigne Complicated [12] September 2002 The Calling Wherever You Will Go [13] October 2002 P!nk Just Like a Pill [14] November 2002 Coming Up DESCRIPTION Los 10+ Pedidos was a daily count transmitted by MTV Latin America from Monday to Friday, with a very similar format to the TRL of MTV USA. It was one of the most watched programs of MTVLA and marked the childhood of many, including me. It existed throughout the first decade of this century, and that is why I decided to make this game to honor the impact of the program. Basically the game starts at a new stage when the winner of the month is finally chosen. The participants are all the songs that were part of the Top 10 countdown during the month in question. Enjoy!
  4. Week 001 (08/30/13) - Week 002 (09/06/13) - Week 003 (09/13/13) - Week 004 (09/21/13) - Week 005 (09/28/13) - Week 006 (10/04/13) - Week 007 (10/20/13) Week 008 (10/26/13) - Week 009 (11/02/13) - Week 010 (11/09/13) - Week 011 (11/15/13) - Week 012 (11/23/13) - Week 013 (11/29/13) - Week 014 (12/07/13) Week 015 (12/14/13) - Week 016 (01/25/14) - Week 017 (01/31/14) - Week 018 (02/08/14) - Week 019 (02/14/14) - Week 020 (02/23/14) - Week 021 (03/01/14) Week 022 (03/08/14) - Week 023 (03/15/14) - Week 024 (03/22/14) - Week 025 (03/29/14) - Week 026 (04/05/14) - Week 027 (04/13/14) - Week 028 (04/20/14) Week 029 (04/27/14) - Week 030 (05/04/14) - Week 031 (05/12/14) - Week 032 (05/18/14) - Week 033 (05/24/14) - Week 034 (06/01/14) - Week 035 (06/09/14) Week 036 (06/15/14) - Week 037 (06/20/14) - Week 038 (06/28/14) - Week 039 (07/05/14) - Week 040 (07/12/14) - Week 041 (07/18/14) -Week 042 (07/28/14) Week 043 (08/22/14) - Week 044 (08/29/14) - Week 045 (09/05/14) - Week 046 (09/12/14) - Week 047 (09/19/14) - Week 048 (09/27/14) - Week 049 (10/04/14) Week 050 (10/10/14) - Week 051 (10/19/14) - Week 052 (10/27/14) - Week 053 (11/02/14) - Week 054 (11/08/14) - Week 055 (11/15/14) - Week 056 (11/22/14) Week 057 (11/28/14) - Week 058 (12/08/14) - Week 059 (12/14/14) - Week 060 (12/20/14) - Week 061 (12/26/14) - Week 062 (01/05/15) - Week 063 (01/14/15) Week 064 (01/17/15) - Week 065 (01/26/15) - Week 066 (02/05/15) - Week 067 (03/06/15) - Week 068 (03/15/15) - Week 069 (03/21/15) - Week 070 (03/29/15) Week 071 (04/05/15) - Week 072 (04/10/15) - Week 073 (04/17/15) - Week 074 (04/24/15) - Week 075 (05/01/15) - Week 076 (05/11/15) - Week 077 (05/15/15) Week 078 (05/24/15) - Week 079 (05/29/15) - Week 080 (06/06/15) - Week 081 (06/14/15) - Week 082 (06/20/15) - Week 083 (06/28/15) - Week 084 (07/06/15) Week 085 (07/10/15) - Week 086 (07/18/15) - Week 087 (07/25/15) - Week 088 (07/31/15) - Week 089 (08/08/15) - Week 090 (08/14/15) - Week 091 (08/21/15) Week 092 (08/28/15) - Week 093 (09/04/15) - Week 094 (09/12/15) - Week 095 (09/20/15) - Week 096 (09/25/15) - Week 097 (10/02/15) - Week 098 (10/09/15) Week 099 (10/18/15) - Week 100 (10/23/15) - Week 101 (11/03/15) - Week 102 (11/07/15) - Week 103 (11/13/15) - Week 104 (11/20/15) - Week 105 (11/27/15) Week 106 (12/04/15) - Week 107 (12/11/15) - Week 108 (12/22/15) - Week 109 (12/25/15) WINNER SETS
  5. Welcome to my pop radio MC! Since this game launched in December 2015, I've had a lot of fun hosting it. You can find all of our past results here, and the old thread here. Basic Protocol: - This musical chairs game will involve the top 15 qualified songs on the U.S. all stations + recurrents pop radio chart, excluding those songs which have won a set or been disqualified from the game. - A song is disqualified from the game if it is eliminated in either Round 1 or Round 2 for three consecutive sets. - Every 16th set is a winners' set, where the songs competing will be the last 15 winners. We will pick up in Round 12 of Set 65.
  6. Well hello there again! So since I felt like these type of MC games were already lacking in this section, I've decided to create another one. All you need to do is to sign-up songs based on the year of the Chinese Zodiac Animals. you can check the years in here: https://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/social_customs/zodiac/ Rules (Do Not Erase) - Sign-up with 4 songs in different zodiac animals - The songs should be under the animal based on their year released - Songs should be singles - strictly 6 slots per animal only - put your usename: artist - name of song (year) Rat (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ox (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) 1 XL: Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (1997) 2 3 4 5 6 Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) 1 XL: Katy Perry - Teenage Dream (2010) 2 3 4 5 6 Rabbit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sheep (1919, 1931, 1943, 1954, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) 1 XL: Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out (2015) 2 3 4 5 6 Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) 1 XL: The Beatles - Hey Jude (1968) 2 3 4 5 6 Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE POWER SLOTS
  7. Hi! Welcome to the musical chairs for Spotify U.S. Top 20. In case you don't know, anyone can join, at anytime. General Rules: 1. Unless specified otherwise, you're allowed to vote multiple times in every round, but you have to keep at least two votes from others between your votes. 2. If more than 10 songs remained in the real-time Top 20 by the time the previous set has finished, the last 10 songs that were eliminated from the previous set can be included in the next set; the rest will be eliminated. In other words, a maximum of 10 "used" songs are allowed to continue. The vacant spots will be filled in accordance with the Spotify rankings. (e.g. if 3 spots are available, songs that ranked no.21/22/23 will join) So in theory, songs that survive Round 3 will be guaranteed a place in the next set if they don't drop significantly in the real-time Spotify chart. 3. To add a bit of spice to the game, songs can skip one round per set if they are placed at the "immune" spot. Me myself will not be allowed to use immunity in order to ensure fairness. 4. Different kinds of sets may be up for participation every now and then: Regular Set: Songs as chosen from the real-time Spotify U.S. Top 20. All Stars Set: Songs that achieved high placements in previous regular sets. Black Set: Songs that are permanently eliminated getting a chance to be resurrected. All Star sets and Black sets may take place without prior warning. 5. To keep the game fresh and entertaining, minor rules may change unexpectedly in each set e.g. the number of rounds, number of eliminations in each round, etc. General rules as listed above will not change. 6. Intros, outros and interludes are not eligible. Have fun! Feel free to offer any suggestions to improve the game via Private Message. List of Winners: List of eliminated songs:
  8. Hello. welcome to another MC! How it works: - rules of a typical MC is applied - the first three posters can have the power to choose one artist each from the list - the three chosen artist will battle with their singles List of artists (These artists are some of my faves or liked most of their songs) Lorde (SET 1) Mumford & Sons Cobra Starships Foster The People Fun. Macklemore (& Ryan Lewis) Kesha (SET 3) Dev Dua Lipa (SET 7) Chris Brown James Bay Jesse McCartney Hunter Hayes Michael Buble Paramore James Arthur The 1975 Avril Lavigne (SET 3) Selena Gomez (SET 7) Gym Class Heroes The Vamps Of Monsters And Men Vance Joy Secondhand Serenade 5 Seconds Of Summer Blur Muse Bastille Chris Brown The Black Eyed Peas Florence + The Machine Lily Allen (SET 2) Hedley Phillip Phillips Sam Smith Adam Lambert (SET 2) The Killers The Beatles Green Day (SET 6) Queen Hozier Charli XCX (SET 8) Gorillaz (SET 6) My Chemical Romance (SET 6) The Fray The Lumineers All Time Low Jon Bellion Eminem The All-American Rejects Adele (SET 5) Taylor Swift (SET 1) Lady Gaga Fall Out Boy Years & Years Marina & The Diamonds Imagine Dragons (SET 4) The Script Neon Trees Keane Rihanna Owl City Lenka P!nk (SET 5) Justin Bieber (SET 3) Walk The Moon Coldplay Bruno Mars (SET 1) Panic! at the Disco Twenty One Pilots OneRepublic (SET 4) Maroon 5 (SET 4) Katy Perry Calum Scott Christina Perri (SET 2) DNCE Kelly Clarkson (SET 5) Sia (SET 7) Justin Timberlake Camila Cabello (SET 8) The Chainsmokers Halsey (SET 8) George Ezra if you think I'm missing some artist that you think I like, you can feel free to add it on the list (I'll just erase it if otherwise ) GOING TO THE FINALE .
  9. Here we are everyone! Back to where things left off before the update. Hope everyone is doing well. Set 29 Round 7 Rules (don't erase 1. Save 1 song. 2. Don't save the same song consecutively. Jon Bellion (feat. Travis Mendes) - All Time Low 2: Bastille - Lethargy 3: Daya - Words 4: Jon Bellion - Hand of God 5: Bastille - Send Them Off! 6: Fitz and the Tantrums - Hand Clap: 7: Little Mix - Touch 8 Zara Larsson - Ain't My Fault 9: DJ Snake (feat. Justin Bieber) - Let Me Love You 10: Alessia Cara - Scars To Your Beautiful 11: FRENSHIP (feat. Emily Warren) - Capsize 12: Hey Violet - Guys My Age 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11. OUT: ELIMINATED: 13. Little Mix - Down & Dirty Also realized I never copied things right but we'll just start here because I'm lazy.
  10. Hey guys I wanted to do a quick Musical Chairs game cause I haven't done one in awhile so I decided I am going to do my top 50 most played songs (from a year ago today til now) according to my last.fm. It will get me back into the jive of things and perhaps I will continue with a more professional Musical Chairs that will allow people to sign up, etc. - *Rules* (Do Not Erase) - Vote two songs at a time. - Vote Again when stated. - When "Bottom" Stated the song will be entered next round in a final chance to save its life. - 1. FEFE (feat. Nicki Minaj) - 6ix9ine 2. Hi Bich - Bhad Bhabie 3. Kream (feat. Tyga) - Iggy Azalea 4. i dont even speak spanish lol - XXXTENTACTION 5. Chun-Li - Nicki Minaj 6. Gucci Flip Flops (feat. Lil Yachty) - Bhad Bhabie 7. I Got It (feat. Brooke Candy, Cupcakke, Pabllo Vittar) - Charli XCX 8. Duck Duck Goose - Cupcakke 9. Phucked Ur Dad - LIL PHAG 10. Drip (feat. Migos) - Cardi B 11. shedontknowbutsheknows - Tove Lo 12. Stuck With Me (feat. Little Dragon) - Tinashe 13. Accelerate (feat. Ty Dolla $ign & 2Chainz) - Christina Aguilera 14. the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Ariana Grande 15. Trust Me (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) - Bhad Bhabie 16. Baby Daddy (feat. Offset, Lil Pump) - Lil Yachty 17. Immaterial - SOPHIE 18. Savior (feat. Quavo) - Iggy Azalea 19. Bartier Cardi (feat. 21 Savage) - Cardi B 20. No Drama (feat. Offset) - Tinashe 21. Rockstar (feat. 21 Savage) - Post Malone 22. Both Of Em - Bhad Bhabie 23. Unlock It (feat. Kim Petras, Jay Park) - Charli XCX 24. Whachu Know - Bhad Bhabie 25. Barbie Tingz - Nicki Minaj 26. Spotlight (feat. Lil Peep) - Marshmello 27. Tokyo Snow Trip - Iggy Azalea 28. Gucci Gang - Lil Pump 29. Slow It Down - Kim Petras 30. Money Bag - Cardi B 31. Road Runner - Asian Doll 32. Get Up 10 - Cardi B 33. Focus - Charli XCX 34. Like I Do (feat. Goldlink) - Christina Aguilera 35. My! My! My! - Troye Sivan 36. XANARCHY - Lil Xan 37. I Got It - Bhad Bhabie 38. Bickenhead - Cardi B 39. Blame It On U - Charli XCX 40. I Don't Want It At All - Kim Petras 41. Nightslayer (feat. Lil Peep) - Bexey 42. Tension - BORNS 43. The Middle (feat. Maren Morris) - Zedd 44. Far - Lil Xan 45. OMG (feat. Wiz Khalifa) - Iggy Azalea 46. Good Form - Nicki Minaj 47. Bon Appetit (feat. Migos) - Katy Perry 48. ***** Money Weed - Tommy Cash 49. Rick & Morty (feat. Rico Nasty, Dr. Woke) - LIL PHAG 50. Roulette - Katy Perry - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (BOTTOM 4): 8. 9. 10. (VOTE AGAIN): 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (BOTTOM 4): 17. 18. 19. (VOTE AGAIN): 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. (BOTTOM 4): 27. 28. 29. (VOTE AGAIN): 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. (BOTTOM 4): 37. 38. 39. (VOTE AGAIN): 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. OUT X5:
  11. List Of Winners: 1st - 31st of July 2013: P!nk - So What 1st - 15th of August 2013: Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry 16th - 31st of August 2013: Lady Gaga - Applause 1st - 15th of September 2013: Zedd - Stay The Night (feat. Hayley Williams) 16th - 29th of September 2013: Katy Perry - Dark Horse 30th of September - 12th of October 2013: Lana Del Rey - Young & Beautiful 13th - 26th of October 2013: Katy Perry - Legendary Lovers 27th of October - 9th of November 2013: Avril Lavigne - Give You What You Like 10th - 23rd of November 2013: Christina Aguilera - We Remain 24th of November - 7th of December 2013: Katy Perry - Double Rainbow 8th - 21st of December 2013: Beyoncé - XO 22nd of December 2013 - 4th of January 2014: Bastille - Of The Night 5th - 18th of January 2014: Taylor Swift - 22 19th of January - 1st of February 2014: Foxes - Let Go For Tonight 2nd - 15th of February 2014: Paramore - Ain't It Fun 16th of February - 1st of March 2014: Katy B - Crying For No Reason 2nd - 29th of March 2014: Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven 30th of March - 19th of April 2014: Paramore - The Only Exception 20th of April - 3rd of May 2014: A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera - Say Something 4th - 17th of May 2014: Bastille - Pompeii 18th - 31st of May 2014: Beyoncé - Drunk In Love (feat. Jay Z) 1st - 14th of June 2014: Foxes - Night Owls Early Birds 15th - 29th of June 2014: Foxes - Holding Onto Heaven 30th of June - 13th of July 2014: Lana Del Rey - Shades Of Cool 14th - 27th of July 2014: Rita Ora - I Will Never Let You Down 28th of July - 10th of August 2014: Sia - Chandelier 11th - 24th of August 2014: The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather 25th of August - 7th of September 2014: Taylor Swift - Shake It Off 8th - 21st of September 2014: Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars 22nd of September - 5th of October 2014: Hilary Duff - All About You 6th - 19th of October 2014: Tove Lo - Habits (Stay High) 20th of October - 2nd of November 2014: Ella Henderson - Ghost 3rd - 16th of November 2014: Taylor Swift - Style 17th - 30th of November 2014: Taylor Swift - Blank Space 1st - 14th of December 2014: Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud 15th - 28th of December 2014: Ariana Grande - Love Me Harder (feat. The Weeknd) 29th of December 2014 - 11th of January 2015: Ariana Grande - One Last Time 12th - 25th of January 2015: Charli XCX - Doing It (feat. Rita Ora) 26th of January - 8th of February 2015: Calvin Harris - Outside (feat. Ellie Goulding) 9th - 22nd of February 2015: Alesso - Heroes (feat. Tove Lo) 23rd of February - 8th of March 2015: Taylor Swift - New Romantics 9th - 22nd of March 2015: Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do 23rd of March - 5th of April 2015: Florence + The Machine - What Kind Of Man 6th - 19th of April 2015: Charli XCX - Break The Rules 20th of April - 3rd of May 2015: Avril Lavigne - Smile 4th - 17th of May 2015: Tori Kelly - Nobody Love 18th - 31st of May 2015: Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On (feat. MØ) 1st - 14th of June 2015: Britney Spears - Piece Of Me 15th - 28th of June 2015: Britney Spears - Gimme More 29th of June - 12th of July 2015: Britney Spears - Break The Ice 13th - 26th of July 2015: Florence + the Machine - Queen Of Peace 27th of July - 9th of August 2015: Years & Years - King 10th - 23rd of August 2015: Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer 24th of August - 5th of September 2015: Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams 6th - 19th of September 2015: Melanie Martinez - Soap 20th of September - 3rd of October 2015: Halsey - Colors 4th - 17th of October 2015: Drake - Hotline Bling 18th - 30th of October 2015: Ellie Goulding - Something In the Way You Move 31st of October - 12th of November 2015: Ellie Goulding - Lost And Found 13th - 26th of November 2015: Ellie Goulding - Codes 27th of November - 10th of December 2015: The Weeknd - The Hills 11th - 24th of December 2015: Grimes - Flesh Without Blood 25th of December 2015 - 7th of January 2016: Halsey - Drive 8th - 21st of January 2016: Taylor Swift - Out Of The Woods 22nd of January - 4th of February 2016: Foxes - Amazing 5th - 18th of February 2016: Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend 19th of February - 3rd of March 2016: Gwen Stefani - Make Me Like You 4th - 17th of March 2016: Britney Spears - Overprotected 18th - 31st of March 2016: Gwen Stefani - Send Me A Picture 1st - 14th of April 2016: Drake - One Dance (feat. Wizkid & Kyla) 15th - 28th of April 2016: Dua Lipa - Be The One 29th of April - 12th of May 2016: Ariana Grande - Into You 13th - 26th of May 2016: Adele - Send My Love (To Your New Lover) 27th of May - 9th of June 2016: Dua Lipa - Hotter Than Hell 10th - 23rd of June: Ariana Grande - Greedy 24th of June - 7th of July: Fifth Harmony - All In My Head (Flex) 8th - 21st of July: Fifth Harmony - That's My Girl 22nd of July - 4th of August: Britney Spears - Make Me... (feat. G-Eazy) 5th - 18th of August: Tove Lo - Cool Girl 19th of August - 1st of September: Ellie Goulding - Don't Panic 2nd - 15th of September: BANKS - Gemini Feed 16th - 29th of September: Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (feat. Zedd) 30th of September - 13th of October: twenty one pilots - Stressed Out 14th - 26th of October: twenty one pilots - Heathens 27th of October - 9th of November: Tove Lo - True Disaster 20th of October - 23rd of November: Flume - Say It (feat. Tove Lo) 3rd of November - 7th of December: Little Mix - Touch 17th of November - 21st of December: Tove Lo - Vibes (feat. Joe Janiak) 1st of December - 4th of January: The Chainsmokers - Roses (feat. ROZES) 15th of December - 18th of January: Lady Gaga - Million Reasons 29th of December - 1st of February: Ariana Grande - Everyday (feat. Future) 12th of January - 15th of February: Dua Lipa - Blow Your Mind (Mwah) 26th of January - 1st of March: twenty one pilots - Heavydirtysoul 9th of February - 15th of March: Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa - Scared To Be Lonely 23rd of February - 29th of March: Lana Del Rey - Love 9th of March - 12th of April: Taylor Swift - All You Had To Do Was Stay 23rd of March - 26th of April: Lorde - Green Light 6th of April - 10th of May: Paramore - Hard Times 20th of April - 24th of May: Paramore - Told You So 4th of May - 7th of June: Camila Cabello - Crying In The Club 18th of May - 21st of June: Lady Gaga - Poker Face 1st of June - 5th of July: Little Mix - Power 15th of June - 19th of July: Kesha - Praying 29th of June - 2nd of August: Lorde - Homemade Dynamite 13th of July - 16th of August: Halsey - Now Or Never 27th of July - 30th of August: Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do ______________ Runner Ups [1]: Katy Perry - Roar Winners [1]: Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry Runner Ups [2]: Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do Winners [2]: Ariana Grande - One Last Time Runner Ups: Artists with multiple wins: Taylor Swift - 8 Ellie Goulding - 6 Tove Lo - 6 Britney Spears - 5 Ariana Grande - 5 Foxes - 4 Paramore - 4 Dua Lipa - 3 twenty one pilots - 3 Katy Perry - 3 Lana Del Rey - 3 Lady Gaga - 3 Halsey - 3 Banned songs:
  12. There's lot of MCs for iTunes charts of various countries around the world, but none for one of the fastest growing sources of music consumption - Spotify. So welcome to the very first Spotify MC! I'll be using the Global chart so that streaming hits from all over the world will be represented. Each time a new set begins, it will use the current Global Top 20 on the day that the set starts. When a song wins a set, it will be added to the "Winners" section of the OP and will not be included in the next set if that song is still in the Top 20 (#21 will be used instead). Hope you enjoy! PREVIOUS WINNERS: DISQUALIFIED / AT RISK OF DISQUALIFICATION:
  13. Welcome to Oxygen's Periodic Table
  14. Hey peeps! I'm back with the brand new game here in the Games section of ATRL! Enjoy! Winners | Sets 1-10: Runners-Up | Sets 1-10:
  15. Game Rules: 1. This list is comprised of the top 20 songs on the weekly Billboard Hot Dance/EDM Charts. 2. After every 13 sets, there will be a "winner's round". 3. Once a song wins a set, it will be eliminated from future lists until the next "winner's round". 4. If a song is eliminated in Rounds 1 or 2 twice in a row in consecutive sets, it will be eliminated from future lists. 5. The game will start with the chart dated April 8th, 2017 since this would line up with the 14th week of the year. Set 1, Round 1: April 8, 2017 Rules: Save One Song / Save An additional song when noted. --- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (Vote Again) 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. OUT OUT --- 1. The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This 2. The Chainsmokers - Paris 3. Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Annie-Marie - Rockabye 4. The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey - Closer 5. Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me 6. Zedd & Alessia Cara - Stay 7. DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You 8. Calvin Harris ft. Frank Ocean & Migos - Slide 9. Starley - Call On Me 10. Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna - This Is What You Came For 11. Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa - Scared To Be Lonely 12. Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson - Symphony 13. Major Lazer ft. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj - Run Up 14. Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson - Just Hold On 15. Bad Raiders - Shooting Stars 16. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance 17. Lady Gaga - Poker Face 18. Martin Jensen - Solo Dance 19. Jax Jones ft. RAYE - You Don't Know Me 20. Lady Gaga ft. Colby O'Donis - Just Dance
  16. Billboard MC's | Currently: #11 Hot 100 Hits Rules: - You can save a maximum of two songs. - Your second vote must occur at or after the "VOTE AGAIN" marker. - Your second vote must differ from your first vote. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (VOTE AGAIN) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. (OUT) 25. (OUT) -- 1. Amine - Caroline 2. J. Cole - Immortal 3. Katy Perry - Rise 4. Beyonce - Sorry 5. Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You 6. Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer 7. Usher - I Don't Mind 8. Big Sean - I Don't F*ck With You 9. Florida Georgia Line - Dirt 10. American Authors - Best Day of My Life 11. One Direction - Diana 12. Mike-Will Made It - 23 13. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Same Love 14. Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire 15. Pitbull - Back in Time 16. B.O.B. - So Good 17. Dev - In the Dark 18. Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home 19. Avril Lavigne - What the Hell 20. Willow - Whip My Hair 21. Taylor Swift - Mean 22. Ludacris - My Chick Bad 23. Timbaland - Carry Out 24. Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova 25. Shakira - She Wolf
  17. Fa1x intelectual

    Fa1x Number One Hits: ROUND 5

    I'm back! Let's rank these! Rules (Don't Erase)- Save one song- Save a different song after VOTE AGAIN sign - If you are voting for the first time, listen to all songs ( 30 seconds snippets will do) before voting______________________________________________12345678 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.VOTE AGAIN (for a different song) 16171819 20 OUTOUTOUT OUT ______________________________________________Intelectual Top Hits 1. Meghan Trainor - Dear Future Husband 2. The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name 3. Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out 4. Gwen Stefani - Make Me Like You 5. OMI - Drop In The Ocean 6. gnash (featuring Olivia O'Brien) - i hate u, i love u 7. Eva Simons (featuring Konshens) - Policeman 8. Loni Lovato - Secret 9. Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy 10. Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever 11. Avril Lavigne - Complicated 12. Charli XCX (featuring Lil Yachty) - After The Afterparty 13. Zara Larsson - Ain't My Fault 14. Ellie Goulding - On My Mind 15. Ke$ha - Take It Off 16 Krewella - Team 17. Joan Osborne - One Of Us 18. 48th Street Collective - 99 Red Baloons 19. The Cooltrane Quartet - Firework 20. Geri Halliwell - Lift Me Up 21. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix) 22. Astrud Gilberto - How Insensitive 23. Alvaro Soler - Sofia 24. Alma - Requiem
  18. Hey everyone. Starting where we left off in this game. This OP will feature all the previous winners and banned songs + artists. The second post will be the new round. Coming soon Banned Songs The A Team - Ed Sheeran All In My Head (Flex) - Fifth Harmony f. Fetty Wap All Is Full of Love - Bjork All the Right Moves - OneRepublic (1979 winner) Alligator Skies - Owl City Animal - Ke$ha Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day California King Bed - Rihanna Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen Can't Feel My Face - The Weeknd Can't Remember To Forget You - Shakira f. Rihanna Centuries - Fall Out Boy Come & Get It - Selena Gomez Cool For the Summer - Demi Lovato Dancing On My Own - Robyn Daughters - John Mayer Do It Well - Jennifer Lopez Domino - Jessie J Emotion - Carly Rae Jepsen Empty Handed - Lea Michele Everybody's Changing - Keane Faded - Alan Walker Feeling Myself - Nicki Minaj f. Beyonce First Time - Carly Rae Jepsen Genie In a Bottle - Christina Aguilera (1980 winner) Ghost Town - Adam Lambert Girls & Boys - Good Charlotte Hit Em Up Style (Oops) - Blu Cantrell Hurt - Christina Aguilera Hymn For the Weekend - Coldplay I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris f. Ellie Goulding I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco (1981 winner) I'm a Slave 4 U - Britney Spears Iris - Goo Goo Dolls (1983 winner) Jenny On the Block - Jennifer Lopez Judas - Kelly Clarkson Nobody's Home - Avril Lavigne (1984 winner) Numb - Linkin Park (1982 winner) Poker Face - Lady GaGa (1986 winner) Radioactive - Imagine Dragons Still Into You - Paramore Torn - Natalie Imbruglia (1987 winner) Who Knew - P!nk (1985 winner)
  19. This is inspired by a thread on the Steve Hoffmann Forums. Basically somebody posts a collage of some sort and everybody else has to try to list all the albums featured. Anybody with a basic photo-editing program can post a collage. I'm working on an iPod skin, and came up with this. I poorly blotted out the titles. Normally the designs are a bit more artistic than this one. So. How many do you recognize?
  20. We'll start to the year 2000 up to present yearThe 10 surviving songs from the Bottom 50 will join the Top 50 for another rounds of MC.
  21. Fa1x intelectual

    MC: Fa1x Most Played: WINNER REVEALED

    Let's see how this goes RULES: - Save ONE song - You may vote again after the "Vote Again" Sign - Listen to every song before voting. Search it on Youtube. - Don't erase this header. _________________________ 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09 10. VOTE AGAIN 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 OUT OUT _________________________________________________________ Fa1x Intelectual TOP 20 1. Geri Halliwell - Lift Me Up 2. Avril Lavigne - Complicated 3. Astrud Gilberto - Take Me To (Aruanda) 4. Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy 5. Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever 6. The Chainsmokers (feat. Halsey) - Closer 7. Zara Larsson - Ain't My Fault 8. Fifth Harmony (feat. Ty Dolla Sign) - Work From Home 9. Anne-Marie - Alarm 10. MØ - Final Song 11. Eva Simons (feat. Konshens) — Policeman 12. Rihanna (feat. Drake) — Work 13. The Chainsmokers (feat. Daya) — Don't Let Me Down 14. Maty Noyes — In My Mind 15. Loni Lovato — Secret 16. Ke$ha — Take It Off 17. Starley — Call On Me - Ryan Riback Remix 18. Anna Kendrick — Cups 19. Ellie Goulding — On My Mind 20. Lily Allen — **** You
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