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  1. What is your earliest memory? How old were you at the time? I was just reading the Pope Francis thread and I realized that I can remember the visit of John Paul II to my hometown in 2003. I was 2 years and 9 months old at the time, the Popemobile was driving through the street towards the cathedral, barricades were along the road and I remember my dad was holding me on his shoulders, everyone including me had small Vatican yellow white flags that they were waving. Everything before and after is very foggy though. It isn't a complete memory only small glimpses of a few moments but still crazy to think memory can go back that far. How about you?
  2. Distantconstellation

    What do you think happens when you die?

    Imo Nothing. Same thing that went on when u weren't alive. U don't remember any of that or felt sad, happy, etc, you simply didn't exist. I always wonder why nothing else happening when dead scares people? You just cease to exist like everything else. It's not a big deal, we got one shot at life and that's it.
  3. Just wondering since we have a lot of people here on atrl that try to be edgy
  4. While i do use streaming there are some songs that i have on my apple devices that i listen to as well I want to say since like the pandemic maybe like in 2021, the songs that i have downloaded sometimes are unable to play I get error messages like "Can't decode" or "this song isn't available to play in your region" which makes no sense because I personally downloaded it resynching or unchecking/rechecking helps but then like hours later some more songs are still unable to be played idk anyone else suffer this? i think this might be an issue with the cloud but i don't know if i have any music in there or not
  5. Hey. After the incredible success of the Gen 9 Rate, and requests for a mini-rate, I present to you the Types Rate! It's simple, it's cute + I'm bored and unemployed so let's go. RULES: Please rate the following types provided in the list below. Feel free to add comments. Please rank them on a scale of 1 - 10 with 1 being trash and 10 being smash. You can give one type a zero, and one type an 11. Decimals is okay. Send it to me in a PM please. If there are ties, I will break them based on which ever type has the highest amount of 11s, 10s, 9s, etc. BONUS: Please tell me what is your favorite type combination. Let's see if we can get a majority decision on this. THE LIST: Fighting - Psychic - Poison - Dragon - Ghost - Dark - Ground - Fire - Fairy - Water - Flying - Normal - Rock - Electric - Bug - Grass - Ice - Steel - Since there is only 18 items on the list, let's set the deadline to a week from today, End of July 28th. Can extend if you want / require more time. Have fun!
  6. When you take a shower/bath do you like using a bar soap or liquid body wash?
  7. Which serie is more iconic ?
  8. I once got a zero in a mini-test. I faked my mother's signature, but she found out after my teacher called her concerned over how badly the trimester was going for me. 8th grade was hell.
  9. have you? or have you ordered food online and get it shipped?
  10. Albums, singers, singles, streaming, movies, people, looks, tours, impact, legacy, careers, relevance.... Like 50-60% of ATRL content is ranking things
  11. It could be one of the biggest pop culture twitter accounts considering how succesful this site is. It can’t even get 10 likes per tweet.
  12. I just watched the trailer and they literally overlayed the CGI on top of the original footage and it's still possible to see bits of the original plate um Who thought that using real footage from the biggest non-nuclear explosion in human history was a good idea And in a movie that has absolutely nothing to do with it?
  13. Vote. I kinda want to make it to 100 just to see the next century
  14. Do you think Coca-Cola is underrated, overrated, or fairly rated?
  15. I just went to the supermarket and spent like 10 minutes smelling all the seasoning mixes they had... and I didn't gaf. I picked up this sweet Jamaican chicken seasoning and there were a few others that caught my nose like this one composed of garlic, red chilis and nutritional yeast (it smelled like a bowl of ramen). There's also this spicy Korean one for Korean fried chicken which I love sm Which are your favourite ones to cook with?
  16. blackoutbaby

    Do you like to drink squirt?

    There’s nothing like a good squirt. I feel like nobody ever talks about this soda compared to Coca-cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper etc. Are there any HUGE Squirt fans, though?
  17. Percentage of high school seniors, by gender, identifying as liberal and conservative over the last 50 years:
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