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  1. What are some site themes from classic ATRL you miss? I don't remember the specific name of the theme, but I remember using a hot pink theme and I'm pretty sure I was the only one that used it. It made the entire site different shades of pink. It was kind of obnoxious but that's why I loved it so much. I also occasionally used a sunset one that made the site different shades of orange and red.
  2. I was just always reserved and a bit of a goody two shoes. I entered my twenties with only a few life experiences really. I didn’t date in high school, I didn’t drink, I didn’t party. I also just wasn’t super invested in planning for a future, and don’t have a lot of memories from that period. Luckily I did have some good friends, but overall I feel like I wasted them to some extent. Overall it just seems like everyone else is hardwired for navigating the world in ways I’m just not. I’ve always struggled to connect with people, and never shared interests with people around me. Even growing up with mostly female friends I felt like I was on the outside a lot of the times. Does anyone relate?
  3. If given the chance would you accept to be in your faves music video as a background dancer or 'character'? or are you too shy, or ashamed you support who you support, or ...etc?
  4. each of her tours had one thing that was memorable and also gimmicky (in the best way possible) whether it be the cone bra, tye masturbation lav performance, the exploding disco ball, the holy water stripper buns etc.... what do we think the queen of provocation and spectacle will do this time around
  5. If y'all want to read the article [UPDATE]
  6. With News today that Daredevil Born Again will officially have at least 2 seasons. It’s now confirmed every MCU Disney+ tv show from now on will be multi-season series with a Team of Show runners and executives to monitor the quality output. granted this is what they should have been doing in the first place🤦‍♀️ Daredevil is now being re-written from scratch. The 18 episode series will still focus on Matt Murdock as a super-legal, but will have a brand new team of writers. Agatha is rumored to be the next series to be effected by this approach. Ironheart & Echo have been removed from the calendar and expected to be released as binge series next year. Starting with Daredevil next summer, all Marvel tv shows are being revamped to full length, multi-season tv shows with a full staff of writers, tv executives and one show runner per series to combat the negative/ lack of quality of Disney tv shows in recent years
  7. It’s a new teenage drama on Netflix about a 16-year-old girl (Mia) from London who rejoins school after a hospital stay due to anorexia nervosa. The main character of the show is sooo unlikable, she’s mean to everyone for no reason and selfish. Girl everyone is trying to help you and they care about you, she even has a very hot gf Her friend group is weird, they care about her but are also very toxic. The show is basically a bunch of sad and annoying events one after another. have you watched it?
  8. Is buccal fat pad removal one of the worst beauty/plastic surgery trends in the modern era? It ages almost everyone who gets it done at least 5 years if not more, and can cause problems for people later on due to the removal of important mouth structures.
  9. 1. 'Boiled? As in turned to gas?' (this was a 2015 news article about a man dying in Yellowstone springs iirc) 2. SHAKIRA TO BE KILLED IN SAUDIA ARABIA 3. 'Nicki Minaj sits in her vanity...' 4. Fergie's manager to hunt ATRL 5. 'Extremely stable which is a good sign.' (this was the cope for Stupid Love's first day streams nnnnn) And my all time favorite from 2016 "Giant vibrating egg destroys K-pop girl group performance"
  10. Apparently Catholics still celebrate All Saints Day but other Christians seem to be oblivious to the fact it's actually a Christian holiday to honor dead Saints, instead calling it satanic & evil in nature
  11. I’m tryna see something I love it but unfortunately it still gets so much random hate Do you like it?
  12. At 10:30 it's just too much for me.... how 2 grown men can act like that ? It's so sad. Money and fame destroy people.
  13. is Lady Gaga pregnant!?🤰 Call me crazy... but she is also moving like a pregnant woman... there's no way that's just a good meal... I'm so happy for her!!! Can't wait till she drops the official news. Is she the A-list celeb dropping baby news... from a couple of days ago?
  14. Danes

    Are You Hairy?

    I am sort of. Firstly, I have thick black eyebrows I have to trim routinely. My arms are very hairy and I get snarky remarks about it every now and then. I used to be a little ashamed but now I don't care. Hands too. All the other guys I know/see are perfectly smooth from that area. Not me. I don't have much hair in the torso so there's that. How about you?
  15. Disgusting pig ! Death penalty for people like this.
  16. Basically ever since I started working at this company, I've had issues with one guy who is quite important and influential in the company. He is known for his attitude and a lot of people had some issues with him. But overall he is not such a bad guy, he just turns into an ******* when it comes to some stuff. Anyways, he was never a fan of me There was just this short period where we were hanging out, but then suddenly he stopped inviting me for a coffee or for a drink after work. Sometimes I feel like he is bipolar. But then again I'm a BIG overthinker and I get easily attached to people, so there were a lot of situation with him that I have completely blown out of porpotion. Also, he is VERY hot, probably one of the hottest men I have ever seen in my life, so that also plays a factor in everything. So, to cut the long story short, there was this particular situation where he was assigned to the same project as me, but since he is a Team lead, he gave that assignment to one of his team members. That guy never bothered to do his part of the work, so basically I had to do everything. But then again, the project was on and off so there were times where there was no work. I tried to talk with both of them, tried to tell them how it's not fair that I'm doing everything, and situation improved for a bit but then again everything was the same. What really annoyed me was the fact that I overheard his team member bragging to another guy how he is no longer gonna be on the project with me, and at the same time my boss is telling me the project's gonna get bigger next month. And that same boss is kinda friends with the Team lead so he never really cared that him or his team member weren't taking a part in the project. In the end, I was frusturated and had a very bad day so I decided to go to the director of our department and told him everything. The director was disappointed at everyone involved so he had a meeting with them and basically forced them to work with me. Now it's a very awkward situation where both of them are not communicating with me. I don't care about the other guy, but the Team lead hangs out with so many of my friends, and I really like the guy (ignoring his issues and attitude) and I'm consumed over this idea that he won't talk to me again. Basically obsessed with him So I decided to have a talk with him, but I never really told him what exactly have I told the director and how I never talked **** about him. It was a nice chat regarding the project itself. But after that nothing has changed, he is still avoiding me, not communicating at all. So I have this idea of calling him for a coffee again, and telling him the entire story. Is it a good idea?? Also forgot to mention, there is another guy in the office that was blacklisted by him and that guy also took it hard and personal and is now thinking about quitting. Not gonna end up as that guy ofc, but as I've told you, this guy is very important in the office, gets to decide a lot of things and overall is very influential and respected. Gonna end this with Olivia's beautiful lyrics that perfectly fit this situation Lacy, oh Lacy, it's like you're out to get me You poison every little thing that I do Lacy, oh Lacy, I just loathe you lately And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you
  17. Apart from your native tongue and English, what's the story behind you choosing to learn your 3rd language? Is it business? Is it personal attraction to one country's culture? And by speaking a 3rd language I mean where you can hold conversations and not just know some words in it. I tried learning several languages, but I'm torn between French and Spanish.
  18. When you see a spider in your room and then look back and it disappears, it's so terrible. When this happen i'm terrified.
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